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Hello. This is InitialA. or some may also know me as ffxivinitiala (twitter/ffxivInitiala) and InitialA from pixiv (user/82713435). I'm a beginner NSFW animator. I mainly animate Final Fantasy girls and some random girls I like from the games I play.You don't need my permission to share or dub/voice any of my animations. feel free to do so.
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July XV Crowe + Blender 4.2 Report

Hello hello~ debuting Crowe this month. and the usual Aranea to fill my energy. nothing too fancy.


I had fun animating Aranea wearing this outfit.. I still plan to animate her with the same theme next month, long version is coming later too. for Crowe, I can't find more acceptable camera angle without it edge clipping the shadow in POV.  tried to change the clip start settings and all but no dice. This has happened in past animations of mine, but never this severe. I could disable the contact shadow, but it'll look too flat. 
Eevee's shadow is known to be really finicky sometimes. 


Blender 4.2 REPORT

Speaking of finicky shadows, Blender 4.2 LTS released today, and now Eevee have "Ray Tracing". (looking more like Pseudo-raytracing so far). I never touched 4.2 Alpha, so this is my first time in 4.2. I've tested it with some of my scenes, but of course the first thing new features do, is messing up how my models look lol.

At first glance, immediately there is noticeably worse shadow and shadow flickering. And everything is new, so I don't know what each new settings do. ...Why there is no bloom and contact shadow options in 4.2?
I didn't change the lighting setup for the comparison above. take a closer look at the hard shadows on her butt and hair. Pretty surprising difference huh? the shadow in 4.2 one have this weird jaggy edge. Then I found out there is this new settings under each individual area lighting now called "resolution limit" and "filter".

Disabling resolution limit get rid of the jaggy edge, and increasing filter make the shadow look softer somewhat. but I still have no clue on how to bring back contact shadows. perhaps it's gone forever.

However,I noticed that light size affect shadows immensely now compared to before. small light gives hard shadows and big one gives softer shadows. I think it's because of the new Global Illumination.  Seems the dev really want Eevee to behave like Cycles. I don't know if I should be sad or excited lol.

Yep. plenty of stuff to figure out and fix.  and I don't really want to get stuck with the old Blender version if I can. Because I know some friends who decided to stay with Blender 2.7 having trouble catching up to Blender 4.0 merely because they didn't like how 2.8 look.

So, future renders might have some shadow flickering issues and other anomalies. but of course I'll find some way to make it look better if I'm able. I'm still not finished reading the 4.2 threads, so I hope to find something useful for me to adapt to the new version.



Well, it's finally Cindy's turn to get rigged.

She is the most popular girl from XV, and I can see why. ...who wouldn't want a sexy mechanic taking care of your car and your needs.

Her original model cut the top part of her hair inside the cap. but no big deal, I found a solution just from minutes browsing.

....she has ton of animations made already out there, but I do want to try several ideas I have for her. like how I want to animate her without her cap for her debut. because pretty sure close to no one animated her that way.  or would you rather have her wearing the cap? 



Sarafa from Nier Reincarnation is next, followed by Lumina the week after.
I intend to make her wear the veil in all of her scenes, ...but idk yet. . but maybe I'll do one position without her veil after all.  For Lumina, I haven't got any Idea yet. Lumina is so cheeky and cute, so I might go a little rough on her. we'll see...

Yep. That is it for now. I'm so tired, so I'll sleep really early today.
Thanks for all your support and donations as always m(_ _)m
Do take care, and see you next week~~

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Lyna Animations + Update

Hi! how are you? time for another FF14 character debut. it's Lyna from Shadowbringers.


My very first Viera. I use the same rig and body as Venat for her. the difference being, she has long ear bones. i don't know about you, but I feel like I need to grab her bunny ears in every sex positions. can't think of anything else but grabbing her ears. it's irresistible. so uh..... I might over did it with the bunny ears grabbing.
but Isn't that how you hold a bunny?



Still waiting for 14 mod tools to get fully updated,so... I rigged Larxene from KH3 this week.

Her eyes in KH3 are golden colored because of certain lore... I could easily swap them to green though. doesn't make a difference to me.

Seems everyone really want to hatesmash her for some reason. Personally, her sassiness grows on me. Would be interesting to see her in IV not as Nobody. what was her name? Elrena?

Anyway, that leaves KH3 Yuffie and KH3 Aerith. I'd really love to have high poly KH Fujin and KH Selphie too. Now with the exclusivity thing gone, I hope KH4 releases on PC the same time as console and have plenty of FF characters included.  I know some fans really dislike KH4 graphics from the teaser, but I mean...they still have cute girls in it... that's all that matters to me. if they are beautiful, they are on my list.



I want to debut Crowe from XV for the monthly XV, it'll be focused on her. ...and of course at least 1 mandatory Aranea to charge my energy next week. I want to animate Aranea in an out of character outfit just for fun.

Who else debuting.....there is Nier.Rein Sarafa and Lumina from FF13 on the list after. and FF14's Zero is coming in August. that's the plan. 
Also, I'm closely following the FF14 community for NPC updates. yes, I'm aware of Queen Sphene, don't worry. she is on my list. no rush~  Extracting her model is easy and can be done right now, but I rather wait until I can get all her 1:1 data  instead of trying to match it using screenshot.
so, yeap...that is it for this week~ thanks for all the supports and donations as always. m(_ _)m  Always do take care, and See you next week~ 

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Paine Animations + 7.0 Report

Hey! still alive? Exciting week for 14 players. new expansion, new graphic, new waifus. but I'm here not to deliver FF14 girl this week, but a girl from FF10-2, Paine.


I love short haired girls. I don't need to worry much about hair clipping. Paine here is the easiest of the three X-2 main characters I think. If only we were able to dress up Lulu in the game too... but well I guess now I Blender. 

Wouldn't mind another dress up FF games like X-2 and Lightning Returns. probably most fans won't like it, I like it though. some of the costumes are really fanservicy. Imagine that but with FF7R / FF16 graphic..... hmm but I guess we do have Tifa and her mods on PC. ...oh FF14 Is also kind of a dress up FF game too since you can dress up your character and some custom delivery NPCs. totally forgot about that.



Adding more Nier Rein character to my arsenal. this time it's Gayle.

I know the game ended, but I'm still going to rig the characters. because...why not. gotta get em all.

the "Prosthetic Hunter". Pretty cool. but yeah, I don't know anything about Rein, I rigged them because some of them are really hot. Akeha especially. 

Quite some of you also messaged me about Stellar Blade characters.
...uh..I haven't played the game. and it's not on PC so....yeah... but we'll see. FF16 is the only one on my mind right now. hopefully ripping 16 models is not hard when it's finally playable on PC. 



Dawntrail expansion released, so I took a closer look at 7.0's assets and compare them to 6.0's in Blender.  For hair, UV mapping and poly count stays the same, the only difference is the textures.

They do seem a bit cleaner and less pixelated. just a little bit. (color mismatch is only because I didn't use 1:1 color data). The huge difference is with the head mesh :

( the shimmer is bit different because I didn't disable wet skin and lip gloss shader on 6.0 mesh... and also didn't add them on the 7.0's mesh)

They do seem to have reworked the mesh a bit. Tried to use 7.0 textures on 6.0's eye and head mesh, and it does not aligned correctly. so basically, new model and UV mapping. Ears looking less blocky from afar, but they look the same if you get close enough. I think eyeballs poly count is higher? instead of separating iris and sclera, they are now joined as one mesh. ears and eyes texture has been improved in 7.0 as well. But, I've only looked closely on Ryne though.

The quickest thing I can do right now for old FF14 rig, is replacing their hair and eye textures. which I already done to Ryne. swapping 6.0's eye texture with 7.0's instantly doesn't work because of the new mesh and UV mapping, so I modify the 6.0 iris texture and replace it with 7.0 one in photoshop instead of wrapping it inside blender.. Image above both still using 6.0's head mesh.

I do need to wait until all the modding tools I use gets updated and bug free,so that I can easily get all the correct NPC information again safely (things like skin color codes, nose type etc).  This one I extracted with the old tool's default settings and have been modified inside blender to roughly match her color features from what I can remember. 

Might as well uninstall and re-download every tools I have once they are up to date.
the tool magicians are still enjoying the expansion. so, no rush. 



I'll be animating Lyna next. Now, This is 6.0 Lyna. I don't have all the necesary tools to update her model with the correct information yet. And I don't think there is going to be much noticeable difference unless you look really really reaaaaally closely. 

in Blender, we already have all the tricks 7.0 use even before it's out. SSS, AO, eye reflections, lip gloss, wetness, all that good stuff always been there since forever. I do think I used hair HQ textures mod for her though when I extracted her, so the texture should be a bit better than default 6.0

That is it! I'm reaally jealous of FFXIV dawntrail players right now lol.
I don't think I can go back and play mmo again anytime soon though.

Take care and thank you for your kind support and donations m(_ _)m
see you next week~

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Nora Animations + Update

Heya! I'm back debuting characters again. This time it's the milf from 13, Nora Estheim


She is only in the game for maybe 5 minutes and then poof. pretty sure she is in some of the flashback, but my memory is hazy. not that the theme is going to change if there was any surplus lore though. I included Hope in some of them, but only as "witness". it's just my usual theme for milf characters. pretty chill and easy. 



I did Lulu from FFX this week.

There is 1 Lulu model on Smutbase and another 1 on SFMlab. but I decided to make my own version using ARP. I did grab her necklace off the smutbase's model though.

She is probably one character from FFX that has the most lewd animations made. but still, I want to try to do her. after I'm done with Paine and Rikku debut of course.

And about Leblanc and Yunalesca , I haven't inspected their models closely, but pretty sure their faces are just flat textures unlike the main characters...they don't even have eyeballs. so probably undoable... unless I make custom model of their head.
but then again, their outfits are just flat textures too. so no promises.



I'll be debuting Paine next, and then Lyna the week after for July's 14 character. hopefully Paine'll look good.  I did up the quality a bit to match her higher poly nude body. Feel like I need to use lighting and camera tricks to hide some of the mismatch. might end up be a better practice than I thought.

Aaand...that's it for this week. I'm feeling a bit under the weather, just a bit though. couple hours of extra sleep and a hot drink should fix it. I'll do that right now.
Thanks for all the kind support and donations! please do take care, and see you next week~ m(_ _)m 

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XV June Animations +Update

Salutations! How are you? getting way too hot over here where I live. but that's not the report I'm here for. it's time for another monthly XV. this time it's swimsuit themed.


Some characters didn't make it, but the main casts are here.
I got too greedy wanting to fix everyone's rig again in a day, I messed up Aranea rig so badly in the process. And I just realized it after I'm done with the animations. so I had to redo the animations with the old rig lol. well, that's what backups are for. constant reminder to myself that backup is super important.

This week's petite is Young Luna.

Young Luna

...Thus ending this month's character's theme and revisits. The next old/popular character revisit would be in October. December theme is pretty obvious, but for October, I'd have to think up costumes for girls to wear from other video games, anime or shows. so ideas for characters are always welcome. I have several ideas.... something like : Ryne wearing Sailormoon outfit. ....or is that badly matched?  

And maybe Aranea with Ada Wong's costume?
....But October is still far away... I can brainstorm later. back to debuting other characters for now.



Might as well add another XV cast. It's Crowe from Kingsglaive.

I heard she shares the same face model as Lady from DMC 5. but I didn't use Lady's face here. it's from unused XV ingame model apparently. probably for a flashback scene like 7 did for Ifalna.

There is part of me that wants Kingsglaive casts to be the main characters in the main game.
we'll be playing SOLDIER boy again lol. or SeeD, mercenary and all kind of fun stuff.

Anyway, That leaves Cindy. oh..there is also Aera...though, she is just a green eyed luna....and there is Shiva too. I'd love to get Kingsglaive's Luna despite everyone hating her, but her unused model is really bad and unfinished. so... skip... (unless I can make her better with iclone's CC4 or something).



I'll return to my usual pace, And I want to smash someone's mum, debuting her next week.
there is also Paine and Lyna for July. that's the plan anyway. and I think that's it for now. 

Thank you for all the kind support and donations! m(_ _)m 
Stay safe, and see you again next week~

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June Set-2 Animations + Update

Hello~ Still alive? I'm half dead. or maybe only 1/4 dead, but Here I am again. it's the second week of the set.


I think I've reached my limit on how much I can animate in a week. feel like I could still do more though if Blender not randomly crashing for some unknown reason.
I already animated some of the characters last week, but I ended up revising most of the animations, because it looked so bad when I look closely again. I don't know if the animations look better or worse after the revision. my sense numbed at a certain point.

Also added some new characters to the list. I wanted to just add Menphina from 14, but I'm reminded that I never animated more than 1 scene for some of the 12 goddesses too, so I added Nymeia and Azeyma as well. just blowjob scenes...since I haven't done any for them in the past. I could do more animations of them, but I chose to get some hours of sleep lol.

This week's petites are Kairi and TeenTifa.

<<all my VPN's won't work anymore to open Catbox. maybe they are finally banned>>


I'll use Pixeldrain for now despite instability during upload process compared to catbox.

I'm lucky it only failed the upload once. can't really choose a good one over here in my country. it is what it is. I bet the link'll get nuked sooner or later too, so...grab them while you still can.

The Teentifa rig is from an existing smutbase adult Tifa rig. I just swapped her hair, added her teen attire, adjusted the head and eyes to be bigger and overall body scale minimized.
pretty easy and fast. for the other characters that didn't make it, I'll try to include them in October or December when I do character revisit again with different themes. 
I don't know if I can keep the amount of animations on par to this month's release though.



I rigged M'naago this week. Dawntrail is getting closer, so I will start looking at some Au'ra and new FF14 characters to rig.

I remember her being custom deliveries npc or something. I used to GPOSE her a lot with Lyse back then.

I guess it's time to find some ideas for her threesome with Lyse.  maybe I 'll pair both of them on her debut when the time comes. or make her debut solo just like everyone else first.
I still haven't animated Lyna and Zero, so they will come first for July and August's FF14 release, in that order. that's the plan.



This month's XV will be the 3rd part of the swimsuit set. I already prioritized Aranea, Luna, Iris and Gentiana. there is also Young Luna in the mix.
Those characters are certain to appear, 2 solo animations for each. I'll try to do the others, but only if I'm able to make extra time slot, and not too tired.

After the XV release, I'll go back to my usual pace.

That is it! thanks for your kind support and donation as always m(_ _)m
I'm a bit worn out, and want to get some extra sleep lol. see you next week! 

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