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Hello. This is InitialA. or some may also know me as ffxivinitiala (twitter/ffxivInitiala) and InitialA from pixiv (user/82713435). I'm a beginner NSFW animator. I mainly animate Final Fantasy girls and some random girls I like from the games I play.You don't need my permission to share or dub/voice any of my animations. feel free to do so.
Greetings~ it's finally my turn to animate Vanille. Fang is also here as a cameo. PIXIV MEGA
I wanted to include more Fang in the action, but I ran out of time. so I only able to reworked 2 of the poses. 2 of those are the ones without any clothed version. If I didn't make any mistake, I'd probably be able to render the clothed variations or perhaps produce 1 more animation of them both. alas, my skill is still lacking and I wasted time fixing the usual problems. plus, the bad luck I had last week lol.
Regina is our Queen for this week. and unlike certain Queen from Balamb, She is not charging us 30,000 Gil pay to win card game money. Or maybe she does? I'm not that far ingame yet.
That said, despite the save scumming and the annoying rules. I think Triple triad is still the best imo. Queen's Blade is close second though.
I haven't even met her ingame yet. yes, I'm slow. (still free roaming outside of Junon).
Well, I guess Amina is next...apparently she is a Tifa fan. I don't blame her. Tifa is perfect....if not too perfect... it's almost scary. I know YoshiP saved the franchise from 1.0 doomsday scenario, and Tifa? She saved Final Fantasy just by appearing in a public meeting once... I'm not even surprised if younger generation got introduced to Final Fantasy just because of that stunt and the memes that came after it.
..Old ancient joke aside, I wouldn't mind animating Amina and Tifa in 1 scene one day. or would that be out of place? I remember an unusual request of having TeenTifa and AdultTifa together in 1 scene. would people rather have that? We are going multiverse plot anyway with 7 Rebirth. .....Oyakodon of Aerith and Ifalna is also interesting...gah! I need to focus on debuting girls.
it's Alma! another petite drill it seems. idk about rendering the Alma Beoulve variation of her. I'm afraid I'd have to reduce the amount of animation if I do that. so maybe I'll just do her 14 version. Alma Lexentale for now.
April got an extra week on the calendar, so maybe I'll fill it with another character debut from outside 7,14,15 and 16. or, I could use the extra week for a break and play 7 Rebirth!. but...too many girls on queue, so I'd probably just fill it with a debut.
That's it for this week~ time to get back on the girls~.
I thank you for your support and donations as always m(_ _)m Thank you!
Please stay safe and always do take care! godspeed and see you next week!
Hello again! "if evil, why hot?" such is the question in my head when I animate her. It's Anabella time. PIXIV MEGA
Now that I think about it... my favorite girls usually from the enemy side. ..but I digress. Anyway, I wanted to do Ana a little bit rougher, but I lost the motivation midway because something bad happened irl. but I pushed through anyway. Hopefully it's not reflected too much in the videos. There are 2 options for her. top, or bottom. I opted to go with the latter.
If I wanted Ana to be on top, I think I'd let her do it with Y-Jill. it just fits the lore just like Gentiana & Y-Luna. god knows what kind of thing she makes Young Jill do behind Clive's back. .....maybe in revisits.
After I'm done with FF16 debuts, I'll switch the time slot for FF7 Rebirth girls. I believe we still have 3 left to debut from FF16. Vivian, Bene, and an unnamed mother.
I think I'll skip Kihel after all. I still don't know what makes my Kihel model look different from the ingame look.
I was actually looking for MAI in the files, but I can't find her anywhere. I assume she only exist as pre-rendered videos ingame.
Chloe here is way more shorter than I thought. perhaps even shorter than Yluna. can't believe the little tiny blob from the OG have a face now. I remember I had a hard time trying to see her due to the model blending with the pre-rendered background back then in the OG. and my TV was really small too.
...welp she is another petite category then. so, the usual drill when the time comes. there are still more from Costa to rig. either Amina or Regina. we'll see.
I guess it's Vanille time. And I said I'll include Fang as a cameo. maybe I can mix her in the action as well just like Sadu. but I need to redo the poses if that's the case. Well that's about it. a lot been going on behind the scene. and I need some sleep.
Thanks for all your kind support and donations as always~
Do take care and stay safe~ I wish you the very best luck on whatever you do. see you next week~
Some didn't end up like how I pictured it in my head sadly. and I said I'd finish the ideas I have for them this time, but actually, I still have some ideas left for them...but then I ran out of time. however, I plan to have bride theme set in June. maybe then if I don't forget.
idk who is next for next month's 15 yet. but I saw some Tennis highlights on news recently and it gave me some ideas. by ideas I mean I just want to see someone in tennis mini skirt. And so far I can only think of Luna in one. could still add more though. ngl been wanting to do another Aranea in Gym attire too. but I still have some ideas for winter Aranea as well...hmmm decisions decisions... ===========================================================================
Well the last but not least of the Costa Trio. It's Yorda this time. that's all three. unless you count Jenny,Regina and Amina as well...uh..they definitely count as Costa girls too huh? ...I guess it's not over yet.
As expected from Square's Lucky number 7. There are so many characters. not to mention the possibility of Sephiroth's mother appearance in part 3. I'm not talking about Jenova btw. well we still have couple years of waiting for that.
Also, more people suggesting me their favorite lesser known girls from other games for me to animate. well....once I ran out of FF girls outside FF14 to rig, why not. or whenever I'm in the mood.
Believe me I love Monster hunter or Dragon's Dogma too, I just don't really have the time to play too many games nowadays to know anything about the characters. best I can do is watch their lore on Youtube. I haven't even finished 7 Rebirth. and that's the only game I play currently. (enjoying it so far though, perhaps more than I enjoy 16).
Anabella is next to debut. Vanille is next after her along with Fang as cameo. that's really all the plan for this month.
Next month, according to the order it should be Alma for 14's it really another petite? and it's Vivian for 16's debut in April.
Well...I better get back to Blendering now. Thanks for your kind support and donations as always m(_ _)m Do always take care and stay safe! I wish you good fortune in everything you do in life! see you next week~
Greetings The mighty Khagan of Azim steppe. Cirina is here today ready to please. I believe such is the privilege of being the Khagan. PIXIV MEGA
Cirina here was a bit tricky to animate. had to fix lot of problems. the more I fix, the more problem occurs. And my sense got a bit numb too in the process. but I did say I was going to go easy on her, so I chose poses that are not too difficult for me to animate. I included a cameo character as well~ more 3some incoming once our cameo guest debut. at least that's the ideal plan in my head. still have to fix a lot in the rig first.
And it's Naomi for today's new model or.. Neomi.... I'll just call her Naomi. That's the second beach girl done. I believe only 1 left. though, feels like I'm forgetting someone in Costa. idk who.
Well you know who's next on the list to complete the set. And Maybe Chloe next after I rigged all 3 of them. or, I could decide again based on what comment and DMs I got~ but gotta finish those 3 girls first. going to do 4some at least one in each girl's debut. that's the plan.
Seeing the responses from last week, it seems I'll be playing Stellar Blade after all. The girls are hot and pretty, so why not. and looking at the trend going forward, I might start playing more Chinese and Korean games from now on... as long as it's not a gacha game.
I'll try to animate the girls too.. especially with how beautiful their characters look. like usual, probably would still focus on the less popular characters just to fill the empty space. hopefully it's not a headache to mod. but for now, there are still plenty of beautiful characters to rig and debut from FF. so I better get back to it.
The usual petite character drill next month for Fanbox readers since Yluna is "involved" in majority of the scenes. after her, it's Anabella's debut. and based on the order, it's Vanille debut after Anabella. so I'm preparing for her too. Fang might also make a cameo in 1 or 2 videos with Vanille. since these 2 are inseparable. Lightning as wellllll? no promises though.
Better not get too ambitious or I'll regret it later when I notice some problems that need fixing in post production. 4some animation is still a challenge for me. mostly about the time wasted fixing stuff. but practice is important anyway..I need it to improve. so why not...we'll see.
That's it for this week~! thanks for your kind support and donations as always m(_ _)m
wishing you all the best in all you do in life. please take care and stay safe! see you next week~
Hello! I hope you are doing well~ today's girl is the sweet and caring Jote. PIXIV MEGA
...Her face and demeanor irresistibly cute, makes me want to go a bit rough on her... just a liiitle bit. but she is apparently a badass knight. too bad we can't see how well she fights in the game.
Seems like I still need more practice on animating carrying poses... might do more of these kind of poses in near future just to practice more. Basically any poses that have anything to do with fighting gravity (like the nelson). at this point, real life video references helps only a little. some real life poses look good with my rig and some can look worse. perhaps it's time I get right back to bouncing ball basic. maybe there is something I missed or forget.
There is also slight clipping in the clothed version. tried using masks, but for some reason it's always crash on render whenever I use it with my other modifier like subdivision and corrective smooth. so I left it like that. it's not that major anyway. optimization issue on my model maybe? I have to recheck. was pretty sure it's not that heavy.
Still from 7R, Dolphin whisperer Priscillia is the new model for this week.
no CPR minigame? fine...I'll do it myself in Blender.
..or not.. CPR is not really that exciting.
She is actually not that short. pretty sure she is as tall as Yuffie at least. or it could be just the camera tricks. but I'd still treat her like Chloe when the time comes. just in case.
Fran or Naomi or Yorda next maybe? there is also new Cissnei and Myrna as well.... but I don't think I have her body type... Myrna is juicy thicc, and all my nude body templates are of slim types. hmm I could try and use Venat's body on her...just need to sculpt the body a little. however,..I'll probably still rig the next one based on the comments again.
KH3 Aqua debut is next. maybe a cameo too in one of them? but I'll still prioritize solo animation for her. idk who to pair with her anyway. maybe Kairi?
And I plan to do Cirina for next month's FF14 debut. the ideal plan would be to have Sadu as a cameo in one of the videos as well. no promises though. Gentiana+Yluna is also in the works. currently still in posing,lighting and camera I can just get straight to animating them later. Welp that's about it! back to Blendering in Blender~
Thanks for your support and donations as always m(_ _)m
pls do always take care, and wish you good luck in all you do in life. see you next week~
Hello! how are you? back again with the monthly XV. though this one, is Aranea only just like old times. PIXIV MEGA
What a recharge... There is no nude version in this one. I used the time I usually have to render nude variants to do more animations. She looked really bad nude in some of the animations anyway. especially the boobjob. it works nicely because she is wearing the winter jacket. I still have some Ideas with her in this attire, but I wasted a lot of time fixing stuff as usual. maybe more later.
For March's XV, last Christmas I said some Gentiana + Yluna projects were scrapped because they didn't make it in time due to time crunch. So I intend to finish them next month before I forget about the ideas I have for them. but, without the Christmas attire. since it's already too late for that.
And since Yluna is going to be a big part in most of this, I don't think I'll be able to post "the article" on PIXIV. so, the usual petite character drill next month. but probably still going to stick with MEGA for the file host. Idk if Aranea is going to be in any of this too....we'll see...
But knowing me, I'd probably need to take my Aranea pill anyway. even if it's just one.
It's finally time to get Elena in the mix. I know some already made her using Tifa as a base even before Rebirth release, but I decided I would wait until Rebirth is on PC to get her for real.
I know people say she is basically just Tifa like the case with Nayo. even though if you compare them closely side by side, Tifa and her are vastly different in face structure. From "up close" that is.
but...yeah... I mean..they were created by the same person lol. Even nowadays people still calling Crono from Chrono Trigger "Gohan". it is what it is. anyway, there are still more 7 girls incoming~ probably a petite one next. Though, I might choose based on the comments I got about spesific character like usual.
It's Jote's time to debut. I forgot how tall she is. She seems shorter in cutscenes. And my plan for next month's 16 is going to be Anabella.
But I could still change my mind depending on the mood, so no promises. but by the rigging order, it should be her next. ( I'm probably going to go rough route with Ana. )
After Jote, it's time for Aqua from KH3 to debut's time to get back to Blender animating.
As always, I thank you for your kind support and donations! thank you!! m(_ _)m
Please do take care and stay safe, godspeed to you in everything you do in life. see you next week~
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