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Icymasamune profile
Comics and Illustrations about Absurd Wobbly Bits.
At the moment I am setting this up as an alternative to my patreon: or possibly a replacement depending on how bad things get over there. Currently, because of how payouts and fees are set up on subscribestar according to my understanding, I am just doing the single 5USD tier (which is going to be identical to my patreon 5USD tier: as it will include all finished works, WIPs, and art dumps at the end of the month). I am slowly going to upload old content from patreon that I feel is still relevant (such as continuing a series or comic that started over there previously).

In the meantime, make yourself comfortable, mind the mess as I am still getting situated.


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  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
Public post
October is a Month (The Best Month)

Last month I was able to get everything done early enough that I got to have a full week of getting to mess around with warhammer stuff and paint some minis, so I'm coming into October way more rested and less stressed out than is normal for me. That's a good way to start! This month's comic is going to be the usual halloween seasonal stuff, same with illustrations. And I will get back to the other stories after that (possibly this month depending on how fast my Barria short comes together). 
Also sketch coms and whatnot.

Should I post my amateur warhammer paints here? I feel like this isn't really the place for it but it's not like its going to be taking the place of other posts. 

Anyways. Boobs for the Boob God.
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September Art Dump.
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Mummy MilkersOctober is a few days early! I'm absolutely going to refine this character for more ...

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I have a few more I need to do but I really need to take a break so they are going to have to wait for next weekend.
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The Village Secret: pages 1 through 4The first two pages were originally on patreon two years ago...

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