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Icarus Illustrations profile
Icarus Illustrations
Icarus Illustrations
is creating Digital art and Erotica
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You can currently join and view my content on this tier for free. I'm trying to see if volountary support can be a sustainable alternative to a paywall, I will keep it going for as long as possible.

6076 subscribers Follower
per month

I'd buy that for a dollar

Just $1 to be part of this community, You can pay more if you feel like you can afford to - but I appreciate times are tight for everyone and I would like this place to be accessible to as many people as possible.

Most posts will be available immediately with the exception of monthly "tales of intrigue!" Which you can still vote on, and eventually, even the monthly Story content will become available for you a couple of months after being published.

205 subscribers SubscribeStar $1.00 tier
per month
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Showing lots of love and support for the cause!

This is all I'm asking for complete access to everything the minute it's ready. I'm hoping enough people are willing to spare this small amount per month to make a full time commitment possible.

You'll be making the time investment possible for a monthly expansion themed story every month of at least 30 panels. These "Tales Of Intrigue" (as they're known) are decided on by a vote every month, where you'll choose from a list which story you'd like to see.

452 subscribers SubscribeStar $5.00 tier


  • Another patreon refugee.
Icarus Illustrations

My Subscribestar is now Free

Lets find out if there's an alternative to paywalls to support a full time artist.
All future posts will be public and available on the follower tier for as long as possible.
If the experiment works, it can continue indefinitely. The support of this community literally puts food on my table and I am eternally grateful but I don't want anyone to miss out if they cant afford it, or their bank wont let them support subscribestar.

I'm doing this for many reasons, 
Firstly, Paypal and J.p. Morgan are using their financial leverage to cancel lewdness on the internet I get a lot of messages from people who cant register here using their banks, I've got no solution for that other than making it free for people who's banks literally wont let them in. Secondly because times are getting tougher for everyone i'd prefer knowing people arent having to make budget choices. And thirdly I want to atone for letting everyone down with the unplanned nervous breakdown and 6 month hiatus that happened when my dads cancer treatment started going downhill, my bad.

I'll give an update and review on this policy in December. If i'm still able to pay bills I'd be happy for it to continue. Regardless of what happens, the public archive will always be public.

Icarus Illustrations
Public post

TOI: Laura and Water IV - A swell day out (Finale)

  • DESIGN: Set/scenery, props, characters, lighting, clothes, textures. - FINISHED
  • RENDER: Choreography, morphs, expressions, rendering frames. - 7/??
  • EDITING: Narration, photo shop, cutting room, effects, re-shoots. - 
  • PREMIER: Compose post --

Workshop Gallery Buffer: 20/20 Frames.
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Icarus Illustrations
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Lorixia Ravori

I may have said this before - it's rare that I'll publish life model collabs for several reasons and in respect for privacy it's rarer still to reveal which ones they actually are. But Lorixia is a kindred spirit  and is delighted to share the modelling practice <3  I've been promising to get around to this with her for nearly a year, so her character design is long overdue in more ways than one.

Lori is a close friend and I'd like to ask everyone to respect her boundaries, I'm very strict on the stance it needs to be Lori approaching us with requests for her character, not the other way around, so it's entirely up to her if her likeness appears in any cameos :3 

Thanks for the practice hun, you look lovely.


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Icarus Illustrations
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"The Ambrosia Wasp is native to the Lameidian cluster, but due to illegal activity it can now be found across the outer rim. Arguably parasitic, this predatory Vespid seeks out DNA pair based mammalians from the galactic hominid seeding, (preferably female) and injects a mutagenic venom that causes rapid mammary tissue swelling and growth, altering them to produce a thick milky nectar highly palatable to the wasp colony (and most carbon based lifeforms) known as Ambrosia.

A secondary effect of the venom is to break down into Oxytocin causing feelings of euphoria and contentment, the victim can become docile and compliant for several days allowing these vespids to feed freely and even repeat the process. Breast tissue remains swollen and productive for several weeks before returning to near normal.

The first 'feeding' produced after a Vespid sting is known as Royal Ambrosia, and contains rejuvenative properties yet to be understood, it is prohibited by OLMP-U.S. as a Class 6 narcotic due to the impact it has on permanently dulling higher brain function and the harmful potential of illicit Ambrosia farms. Subsequent 'feedings' are harmless with mild restorative properties. Colonists from Sol have reported it tastes identical to honey with cinnamon."
Thanks all, for your support - Last bit of fun before tackling the story episode.
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Icarus Illustrations
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Exploring the Amazon(s)

Continuing on with the Amazon tribal stuff from yesterday, The poor guy strayed into the amazon hunting grounds and became the catch of the day. Clearly he hates it there, send help. There's a lot more I could have explored here, but i was too busy getting 4 characters at once to pose together without looking like a pretzel, porn film directors don't get enough credit for their camera angles. My Lore for this is the Amazon tribe are cursed to bear only girls, so this guy is going to be busy with making sure the tribe thrives for another generation.

I also decided less is more with the size play kink, since some people find it a turn off past a certain point - these tall ladies are a mere 7ft tall. Someone also mentioned an idea for some aphrodisiac type jungle fruit that makes men bigger/more productive and I realized i'd had that idea on the List for ages - I even had the props ready from way back, but I have to carefully consider how much time I spend on side projects, no matter how fun.
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Icarus Illustrations
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Bestiary: Slimegirls

I'm feeling better, thanks for your support. I've been asymptomatic for a few days, and after over a month of feeling awful the difference is night and day. Give a pause to savor and appreciate your good health if you have it. 

I've been focused on doing something every day in the studio, feels very useful plus I'm enjoying it again - and I have some worthy content for you - only issue is I managed to save them all as .png files which are about 40 petabytes each. Sorry, I'm still a bit fuzzy :) 

Will publish the rest of the amazon sequence tomorrow long with some doodles while I'm hopefully working on story stuff.
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Icarus Illustrations
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Hiatus. :(

I need a few more days. 
There's no easy fix to any of this, I'm clinically depressed and the doc cant even prescribe antidepressants because they mess with your heart rhythm. The past month I've lost interest in sex and social interaction which is less than ideal, either for my work or relationships and generally it sucks.

For people just joining us.
Firstly, I'm sorry. In the past 5 years I lost 4 family members to cancer not including my dog, nothing has ever defeated so utterly. Losing my dad was traumatic and involved experiences I haven't healed from, such as begging the doctor to re-evaluate dad's morphine dose after it spread to his bones, and consoling my mum after dad told us he'd 'had enough'. There is months of examples like this, I'm not writing it to upset or shock, I want younger people who haven't felt true pain to understand how it can break people. 
The stress, alcoholism and grief during and after brought on a condition where an extra nerve cluster in my heart is causing atrial fibrillation, and the operation to zap the nerve cluster might give me a fatal blood clot or stroke - so i'm holding off on that. It's improving on it's own slowly, I just 'need to relax' - they say stress is a killer but never really gave the phrase much thought til now. I was coping with it, but august turned completely black emotionally.

So, TLDR. I'm struggling and I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. Its personally very hard to sit down and write to face up to the disappointment this lack of progress is causing everyone, I really hate letting people down. I'm not sure how long it's going to last for but I'm working on the basics like sleeping, showering, getting up, buying groceries - you have to try or it'll never get better. I'll let you know when I get somewhere.
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Icarus Illustrations
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Workshop Gallery 30/07

You may have been able to tell from the output that my symptoms have been pretty bad this month - I can verify that Covid weakens your heart. Hopefully feel better soon but things are moving slower than I hoped.. I've got plenty of workshop stuff stashed for times like this and I am feeling better than I was, positive outlook. 

I'm keen on finishing the finale - but doing that while doped to the eyeballs on beta blockers isn't going to be my 'A' game. For now I'm taking it easy and taking advantage of good days, hoping to get it done soon!

Workshop commentary; - I was experimenting a lot with clothing physics, adding simulated weight and elasticity to clothes without them exploding as a big item on the docket, and I think I'm finally getting the hang of it. Also am playing with transparency/opacity for some scenes i want to do, like slimegirls and Latex curses.

Bestiary Vote

Now for a poll!  Whats the next Bestiary entry going to be about? All are pregnancy/expansion themes.
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