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HiveSoul profile
A shared page to support Violet and Soulcentinel in creative works.
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Subscription Tiers

Followers Tier

Access to certain content that was pre-paid for. Mostly commissions and completed projects.

938 subscribers
per month
Soul Spark

View main content, and early access to some finished stuff.

242 subscribers
per month

Invite and access to a special discord channel. You get to vote on various ideas and projects and take part in our creative process. The discord has a WIP channel, streaming, and direct contact with Soul himself.

157 subscribers
per month

Same as the 5 dollar tier for the most part, but you get double voting power on Substar-specific votes.

22 subscribers
per month
Royal watcher

Mostly the same rewards as the 10 tier but with higher voting power once again, for when you want to make a difference. This is simply to support Soul more than ever.

5 subscribers


  • Support Soul so he can continue to make art!
  • Anyone on the 5 tier and up gets access to the discord, to hang out and vote on various things as well as suggest ideas to be drawn.
  • Early access to Souls work before it is posted else where.

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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