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Grave profile
Legendary porn game creator, cast out from society for being too perverse, continues to spread his nasty ideas on SubscribeStar!
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Aspiring Nerd

You're this kid in the back of the classroom playing BA during the lesson. But seriously - your support is priceless and in return you'll get my everlasting gratitude. Additionally, you get the Fap Mode code and a special role on our Discord server (the server is like a mix between AA and Illuminati, so it's totally worth it).

‣ Fap Mode code

‣ Special Discord role (Aspiring Nerd)

764 subscribers Aspiring Nerd
per month
Renowned Bully

You're the kind of guy who's picking on the nerds and making them cry. But hey, girls like bad boys, right? Thanks for your support - I promise to spend it on drugs and hookers!

‣ Fap Mode code

‣ Special Discord role (Renowned Bully)

30 subscribers Renowned Bully
per month
Legendary Messiah

Oh lord, save us from the evils of flat tits, dry pussies, and erectile dysfunctions.

‣ Fap Mode code

‣ Special Discord role (Legendary Messiah)

11 subscribers Legendary Messiah
per month
Legendary Cult Leader

We're closing to the area where I don't even know what to say. It seems "thank you" barely covers it, but still, BIG FUCKING THANK YOU!!! In return you'll get everything from the lower tiers, and I'll give you access to the special Discord channel for team and friends, where you can hit me up about tips to score with that one special human (or any other species) that you were secretly thinking about for years.

‣ Fap Mode code

‣ Special Discord role (Legendary Cult Leader)

‣ Access to the special Discord channel #inner-circle

2 subscribers Legendary Cult Leader
per month
The Alpha

Ok, dude, now I seriously don't know what to say. With this kind of pledges I'll become a porn mogul for real. And as for you - clearly, you are the better alpha, the true top dog of the porn world - I tip my fedora to you, sir.

‣ Fap Mode code

‣ Special Discord role (The Alpha)

‣ Access to a special Discord channel for team and friends

‣ Immediate addition to the in-game "Top supporters" section

3 subscribers The Alpha
per month
Grave's Daddy

Daddy, is that you...? I've been a bad boy...! Seriously though, I owe you man. Obviously you get everything from the lower tiers, but what else I can get you to make things even? Here's an idea - how about I'll write a fucked up, perverted in-game event, with a porn star of your choice, that'll leave you scarred for life and longing for more...? Sounds like fun?

‣ Fap Mode code

‣ Special Discord role (Grave's Daddy)

‣ Access to a special Discord channel for team and friends

‣ Immediate addition to the in-game "Top supporters" section

‣ An in-game event with your favourite pornstar (DM me for details)

2 subscribers Grave's Daddy


  • Fap Mode
  • Early access
  • Polls and more

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v. 0.3.60 The Invitation hotfix

Hotfix for the people who started The Invitation quest without finishing "What goes around, cums around" first. Also: I'm not sure everybody knows that you can always hit "back" in the top of the left sidebar to go back in time.

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1. The VIP room button leading to nowhere fixed

The quest button starting "The Invitation" quest was leading to nowhere if player clicked it before finishing "What goes around, cums around" quest. This is now fixed - the quest button will appear after player finishes that quest.

2. Added a scene with security guy in the VIP room

Before the player player finishes "What goes around, cums around" quest, there will be a separate button "Try to get in" but it will lead to a small scene with security guy, who tells player to go away.

3. Some other stuff

Bla bla bla.

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v. 0.3.55 Dancing hotfix

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1. Fixed getting stuck in Hoes be sleazy quest

So because of my fuck up players weren't able to proceed the "Hoes be sleazy" quest, and were stuck in a loop on first stage. This should be fixed now. Just to be clear - the first dance will always be bad, but it should proceed the quest nevertheless, and it should work properly now. So sorry dudes, this is my fuck up.

2. Fixed a level up screen on mobile

Just some text overlapping the buttons - it's fixed now.

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v. 0.3.51 Quality of life update

Ok, so here's a new update. It's quite big, however not with content, but with changes in UI and mechanics. It also fixes (hopefully) the bug with game crashing in 0.3.50. I'm too tired to write a lot, but I wanna say that this update helped me reinvigorate my love for BA. I actually played it couple days ago first time in a year, and it was a blast. So - I want to continue it. And Operation Penetration will be made as an additional content for BA (maybe a DLC), which will end up as an once in a year event or a reoccurring dream. I'll figure it out. Thanks for messages and votes in the poll.

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1. Fixed game crashing and hanging

So in last version I fucked up one thing and the game was crashing and hanging during loading saves and entering supporter code. I think it's fixed. I tested it on 3 year old saves, and the game runs smoothly now. Let me know if that's true.

2. A lot of rewrites in the core systems

So basically I've made A LOT of small changes on my end, which I won't detail, because you don't even notice them. However - you might notice bugs. So please - if you found one, send it over with a save game on game's Discord.

3. A LOT of the Early Access content is now public

  • XXXmas quest
  • Halloween quest
  • Bad Karma quest
  • Gloryhole in the college
  • Amia's event in the college toilet
  • Amia's event in the classroom
  • Nina is bored event
  • College locker room
  • The Slaughterhouse club with all the activities and events
  • Two new random events at the Therapist
  • One new random events at the Doctor
  • Two additional girls up for confession
  • Asian hooker in the park

4. Changing names of characters during game

So from now players can change their names mid-game, or change names of other characters whenever they want (and not only after they first meet the other character). This took me a LOOOONG TIME to do, and some old players might remember my attempts at doing that feature, but it was harder than it sounds. I'm hopeful that current implementation will finally stick around.

5. Skippable exams

Basically the exams are skippable for supporters now. If you want to make your game harder - you can turn it off in the settings too. This should make it easy to keep the college rating up to easier keep the allowance high from dad.

6. The Fap Mode multipliers also work on sex experience

Basically, players will get more experience for using sex positions, and will unlock star bonuses quicker, so you don't have to grind that much (that 300% bonus makes it go up really fucking fast).

7. A lot of changes in the sex mechanic

Basically, as a preparation to Operation Penetration, I rewrote big parts of the sex mechanic. The updates are not that visible on your side, however couple things might be:
I changed the way kink works - before it was just adding +1 to orgasm for the sex partner for each position from kink category. So if the position was as default -1 orgasm, the kink made it 0. This seemed like it's not fun, like - you have a position in kink category, and it doesn't change character's orgasm - I didn't like that. I've changed it so now all the positions in kink category still get +1, but ALSO the result can't be smaller than 1 (so each position from kink category always gives at least 1 orgasm to the partner).
I lowered starting vigour of the player (was 10, now 6) but added bigger vigour bonuses (up to 8 if I remember correctly) from player levels. So it's worth levelling up even more. I also raised the starting orgasm of all characters that you fuck by 1 and added some additional modificators to the whole thing (for example hookers get huge bonus to orgasm, so it's easier to make them finish).
I also changed the way endings of sex work, when things go wrong (like you stop mid sex), before there was a very negative short scene. Now there's couple different small scenarios there depending on different things (eg. characters who like the player more will be understanding, also hookers will not make a problem if you stop the sex or don't make them cum - not all of them at least).
Last but not least, I've made slight UI adjustment to the sex buttons - if the vigour of the position is -1 (which is the default for most positions) it will be invisible for better visibility until you hover over the button!
All in all those changes are supposed to make the sex slightly more engaging in a fun way (hopefully).

8. UI updates on the quests screen

So also next to each quest you can see a small avatar of the lead character for this quest. I think it makes it way nicer to look around. Also, the quests to be discovered are now randomized, which works way better. And I adjusted everything to mobile.

9. Side dialogs during the activities

I've completely rewrote the system that adds small interactions with other characters when you do an activity while those characters are in the same location. Basically - if you clean a garden or mop the floor when Daphne or Alexa are there - they will comment. This is not new, however now I've rewrote the code that creates those side dialogs, and now they will happen in the entire game. So basically if you write a test when Amia or Karma is there - you will get this small interaction.

10. Unification of the random events in college classes

Before each class had it's own small tree of events, now they have the same, so the events only depend on whether the characters are there or not, and not on the class they're in. This makes it easier to launch quests etc..

11. Teleport

During Late Night, when player has to go to sleep, there will be a new button on the bottom of each location that will teleport him home easy.

12. UI changes in location headers

Basically, you can now see the "Week of the ..." information. Also made some slight visual and color adjustments.

13. UI changes on the characters and player screens

Basically some people didn't know where the trait is - I've changed the layout slightly to mark the trait on the screen better.

Other changes

14. Changes in the flirt system
I've rewrote big parts of the flirt system, it will be now slightly harder (one mistake - you're out). It was way too easy before imho.
15. Changes in the allowance system
I've raised a cap for the allowance to 600 bucks (daddy gotta pay for those hookers!), at least until the game doesn't have some better system to earn money. I also removed the first/second week allowance bonus, instead during first 2 weeks dad doesn't take away money for bad grades.
16. Changed the odds on accidental backdoor event during sex
Choosing the right hole is now easier - the event will happen less often;)
17. Changed "Religious Freak" trait to "God Freak"
Basically it's shorter and it fits better in the interface.
18. Some rewrites in the quests
  • Shopping with a smile
  • Make the pool upper class again!
  • College here I come
  • Phisio with Rose

19. Prestige gym will now be open until Evening
20. Fap mode settings moved to the top of Settings

Bug fixes

21. Fixes in using effects during se
22. Fixed a bug in strike system with doubling lines
23. Fixed notifications not appearing during events and quests
24. Fixed asian hooker missing orgasm clips
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v. 0.3.46 Rose hotfix

Grave comes to the rescue with a hotfix.

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1. Fixed getting stuck in the park during "Phisio with Rose" quest

Aargh, fuck... So in the last update there was supposed to be a bigger version of the "Phisio with Rose" quest, because the current one is very simple. But I pulled it from the release at the last minute, because I didn't test it properly and there was no time. Unfortunately, I fucked up, and some changes remained in the code, and because of it, players started getting stuck. Well, shit. Now it's fixed.

2. Fix for players getting stuck during Early Access quests

So there was a problem that if the player had Supporter Code, but it expired when he loaded the game, and at the moment of the expiry he was during an Early Access quest, he got stuck on this quest. This is fixed now, the Early Access quest will reset itself on the moment of expiry.

3. Fix for missing characters

Ok so as it turns out there was another problem with characters "disappearing". Basically, each character has its schedule in the game, but sometimes this schedule gets modified for a quest. In one of the last updates I've changed the script that generates the schedule, because it was interfering with some other stuff, but I fucked up, and the characters were getting stuck on this modified schedule even after the quest was over. This is hopefully fixed now, though I kind of rushed this update so let me know if there are any other problems with character's schedule that you notice.

4. Some other small fixes

Nothing major, but I updated some of the JS code.
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v. 0.3.43 PayPal fucked Christmas

I was hoping that this update will be different, and will contain new quest for Bridgette. Unfortunately before we managed to finish it, we were hit by bad news - PayPal removed our account and seized our assets. They say they will maybe return the money, but it will take 180 days, and there are no guarantees, so basically - fuck me. So I rushed this update to remove all mention of PayPal from the game. The content update should be out in couple days.

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1. Removal of PayPal

PayPal removed our account and blocked all our money on it without any notice. Turns out we were violating terms of service. So what I did was removed PayPal as a support option from the game. Here's some important info for you Guys:
  • first of all - if you supported us on PayPal, your code will still work!
  • if you planned to support us on PayPal - don't.
  • as for the future - we plan to replace PayPal with something else very soon.
I'm getting used to big corps fucking us over like that, but still - it wasn't nice to see our assets blocked. Anyway, the truth is PayPal wasn't working properly for months, and we had a lot of problems, people weren't getting their codes and so on, so maybe it's for the better. And don't worry...
...the perversion will prevail.

2. Autosave

So from now on, when you go to your room at Daphne's house, the game will save itself.

3. Fix for topbar

There was another problem with topbar, which made lvl up badges way too big on mobile devices. Now it's fixed.

4. Added Bridgette B in about us page

She should be there for months, I just forgot about it.

5. Text edits in Daphne's Secrets

I basically wanted to make it even more clear, that the sex with the fat guy is consensual from the perspective of Daphne, as she's simply into rough sex.

6. Fix for missing videos in Amia's gloryhole event

So when a player was caught by Amia while using gloryhole in the College toilet, the videos didn't load. This is fixed now.

7. Typos in the old changelogs

Basically I went through and fixed some typos in the old changelogs.

8. Some changes in the code for easier administration

Small changes all over the place, for example now save games will remember on which version of the game the gameplay was started, and stuff like that, which will help me easier find reasons for your bugs.
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v. 0.3.42 Super important hotfix

Another hotfix, this one is pretty important and fixes a lot of issues. Send me your save games if anything is wrong! Thanks!

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1. Complete rewrite of delayer system

Ok, so it's a bit complicated to explain, but this changes how the game loads parts of its content, and it mainly touches stuff like players getting new stuff during activities or quests. This (hopefully) will finally fix people not able to get out of Daphne's house...

2. Fix for players stuck at Early Access passage

When going around the club players might fall into an endless loop of passages informing about Early Access content. This should be fixed no.

3. Fix for topbar

There was some problems with the way top stats bar was displayed, and it might even disappear after some time in a game. This is now fixed.

4. Fix for missing Karma picture

When player visited the club when Karma was there - her picture was missing. It's there now.

5. Fix for popups

If player used an item while displaying a popup - the popup got fucked. It should work fine now.

6. Just one fix for LSD

Ok, so there was one more problem with LSD, it's now fixed;)

7. Fix for sidebar display

Some minor edits to the sidebar, to make it slightly more condensed.
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With this goal met I should be able to work on the game at least 2 evenings a week. The updates would still depend on the life situation and other projects, but I'm a quick and hard worker, so I think I'll offer a pretty decent progress.
With this goal met the game would be my second job. It's still not enough to sustain myself with this amount, because I'm fucking ears deep in debt, but it would certainly be enough to work on this game 4 evenings a week.
$1,810 of $2,500
per month
Well, let's not be afraid to dream big, right? With this amount I'm able to basically live off the game. And this would make me a happiest fucking man in this part of Milky Way.
$1,810 of $5,000
per month
So the amount in this goal is directly from a fantasy world, but what the hell. With this amount I'll fund an army of big-tiddy goth ninjas that will raid the parliament and make me an emperor. My first order of business would be to make all my supporters my official ministers, and together we'll vote to fund a space station in a shape of giant penis, so that next time someone says "That's no moon" he'd be talking about two giant balls hovering over Australia. And then we party.

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  • Ability to support your Creator by contributing – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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