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Grave profile
Legendary porn game creator, cast out from society for being too perverse, continues to spread his nasty ideas on SubscribeStar!

Subscription Tiers

USD monthly
Aspiring Nerd

You're this kid in the back of the classroom playing BA during the lesson. But seriously - your support is priceless and in return you'll get my everlasting gratitude. Additionally, you get the Fap Mode code and a special role on our Discord server (the server is like a mix between AA and Illuminati, so it's totally worth it).

‣ Fap Mode code

‣ Special Discord role (Aspiring Nerd)

624 subscribers Aspiring Nerd
USD monthly
Renowned Bully

You're the kind of guy who's picking on the nerds and making them cry. But hey, girls like bad boys, right? Thanks for your support - I promise to spend it on drugs and hookers!

‣ Fap Mode code

‣ Special Discord role (Renowned Bully)

24 subscribers Renowned Bully
USD monthly
Legendary Messiah

Oh lord, save us from the evils of flat tits, dry pussies, and erectile dysfunctions.

‣ Fap Mode code

‣ Special Discord role (Legendary Messiah)

7 subscribers Legendary Messiah
USD monthly
Legendary Cult Leader

We're closing to the area where I don't even know what to say. It seems "thank you" barely covers it, but still, BIG FUCKING THANK YOU!!! In return you'll get everything from the lower tiers, and I'll give you access to the special Discord channel for team and friends, where you can hit me up about tips to score with that one special human (or any other species) that you were secretly thinking about for years.

‣ Fap Mode code

‣ Special Discord role (Legendary Cult Leader)

‣ Access to the special Discord channel #inner-circle

2 subscribers Legendary Cult Leader
USD monthly
The Alpha

Ok, dude, now I seriously don't know what to say. With this kind of pledges I'll become a porn mogul for real. And as for you - clearly, you are the better alpha, the true top dog of the porn world - I tip my fedora to you, sir.

‣ Fap Mode code

‣ Special Discord role (The Alpha)

‣ Access to a special Discord channel for team and friends

‣ Immediate addition to the in-game "Top supporters" section

3 subscribers The Alpha
USD monthly
Grave's Daddy

Daddy, is that you...? I've been a bad boy...! Seriously though, I owe you man. Obviously you get everything from the lower tiers, but what else I can get you to make things even? Here's an idea - how about I'll write a fucked up, perverted in-game event, with a porn star of your choice, that'll leave you scarred for life and longing for more...? Sounds like fun?

‣ Fap Mode code

‣ Special Discord role (Grave's Daddy)

‣ Access to a special Discord channel for team and friends

‣ Immediate addition to the in-game "Top supporters" section

‣ An in-game event with your favourite pornstar (DM me for details)

2 subscribers Grave's Daddy


  • Fap Mode
  • Early access
  • Polls and more

Public post

Dear pervs and other night creatures [IMPORTANT!]

Back in January, I wrote a long, whiny rant about battling depression, quitting weed, and other fun stuff. I also laid out my master plan — I was working on couple personal projects and was hoping to find investors so that I could fully focus on them. In the meantime I was planning to continue working on BA to keep the lights on. 
Fast forward 9 months later, and I’ve been doing exactly that: grinding on BA while at the same time pushing forward my other, more ambitious projects, and looking for investors. Quite honestly, I was already losing hope, when something funny happened. 
Two weeks ago, I went to a metal concert, got a bit too drunk, and bumped into some dude. We started talking about music, then drugs (obviously), and then — plot twist — it turned out he’s loaded and actively looking for stuff to invest in. 
So I spent last 2 weeks talking with him about my projects, and yesterday I finally got news - he wants to invest! It’s not a mountain of money, but it’s enough to keep me afloat for a year and a half without having to stress about side gigs. Honestly, this is the best news I’ve had in years

So what it means for BA?

Here’s where it gets a bit tricky. Truth be told, I probably won’t have much time for the game. I might drop an update here and there for fun, but it’s not as easy as it looks, and I don’t want to make any promises I can’t keep. Buuuut... 
1. I asked my close friend (who wrote couple quests for BA in the past), to take over the project. He's thinking about. In my opinion he's the best candidate for this shit - he’s got the skills, the twisted mind, and the experience to pull it off. But he asked for some time to consider it, so I don't know yet what he'll say.
2. If that falls through, maybe one of you lovely degenerates wants to give it a shot? If so than write a quest for BA and send it over on [email protected] . If your writing is good and fits the game style - I can bring you in, explain everything, and share the income.
3. I’m also thinking about "licensing" BA's engine for anyone wanting to make their own game. Basically, you get all the features and tools I’ve built, just without the writing. You can tweak it to your own needs and use it for your project, with me taking a small 10% cut of the profits. It’s streamlined, it works, and honestly, I think it’s pretty dope. 
If all that fails, I’ll keep the game’s server and domain running as long as I can.

Now, about the promises... 

Yeah, this part sucks. I know I promised you guys a lot - quests, features, DLC. Hell, I even posted roadmaps just two months ago, in freaking July.  Some of the stuff is already in progress (2 new Rose quests, the Corgis, and Operation Penetration DLC), but others are still way off, and unless someone else takes over BA, those promises won't be delivered. It feels shitty to say it, but it's the truth.
I can already hear the "I told you so" crowd on F95: “He was just in it for the money, blah blah blah.” Well, fuck 'em. I’ve been always honest about the fact that - yes, I was doing this game for the money. But at the same time - I genuinely wanted to deliver on the promises. I would love to give you guys one last update as a parting gift, but unfortunately, with my laptop getting flooded in July (RIP), and me spending last weeks on getting the investor, there's nothing I could even put in it.
All I can say is...

Sorry. And... thank you!

You, yeah you! Whoever you are, wherever you are, know this: you might have thought you are just jacking off to a porn game. But you're wrong. I started this thing five years ago, completely wrecked - depressed, addicted, fresh off a crushing personal apocalypse. Today, I actually think I might be happy again. And it’s because of you and your... Well, let’s just say it this way - your cum made it possible. Thanks, dude!


Got drunk, met a rich guy, got funded. BA goes on pause again (sorry), in the near future I might pass the torch to someone else. F95 trolls can suck it. Thanks for sticking with me, you’re the real MVPs! 

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Next update

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v. 0.3.63 Hotfixxx

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1. Fixed missing images during the search activity

If you were experiencing errors with missing pictures during search activity - this should be now fixed.

2. New effect: Stiff dick

I added new effect - Stiff Dick - that you will get when wearing Paul's Cockring. It will raise your sex stats - vigour by +2 and orgasm stat by +2.

3. Diamond's cutting dick effect changed

This effect will raise your sex stats - vigour by +3 and orgasm stat by +3.

4. Old dildo item changed

It will now raise your domination by 125%.

5. Fixed missing icons

Icons for consumables were missing if you updated the game by downloading update zip. This is now fixed and unified between versions.

6. Fixed the mobile version of the sidebar

There was an error in the sidebar if you were not a subscriber and played the game for longer time. This should be now fixed.

7. Fixed a problem with errors on the player screen

The errors that were appearing in the console when you opened a player screen should now be fixed.

8. Fixed a problem with errors on the sex screen

The errors that were appearing in the console when you opened a sex screen should now be fixed.

9. Fixed an error with putting on clothing during sex

There were errors when players changed clothing during sex. They should be now fixed.

10. Minor text edits here and there

11. Some other code changes here and there

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v. 0.3.62 Strippers, hoes, and clothing

Hi dudes and dudettes!
Big update time! All the details are in the changelog, and here’s some big picture info on the new stuff.
Last month, I mentioned this update would focus on Rose. I've started 2 new quests for her with lots of new clips. However, I had limited time recently and wasn’t in the best situation to write explicit content. So instead, I decided to add more functionality and introduce the clothing system—a feature I promised last year.

Why this feature? First of all - I wanted to give players more control over their love/dom multipliers. Second of - it's part of the bigger changes coming to the game, which I’ve mentioned before in my posts and Discord messages.
In essence, the game world will soon be invaded by dark, sex-obsessed creatures: hags, femboys, bimbos, and ubertrans. This has been in the works since the beginning (hence the "Beware of the hags" quest), but I got sidetracked with adding the College and its related content. While the College still needs MUCH more characters and content, I feel the game needs a stronger narrative focus, and these upcoming changes should provide that direction.
So! In the coming months, I’ll work on aligning the story to make the invasion make sense. You can expect:
  • 2 more quests for Rose
  • "Did it Really Happen?" quest
  • "Cooking (Meth) with Jason" quest
  • Corgis quest
  • New sex-battle system
  • And finally, the invasion
I’m not setting any deadlines because I’m notoriously bad at sticking to them, but hopefully, I’ll advance the story enough to make everything work. Keep your fingers crossed and stay subscribed! Thanks for your patience!

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1. New domain

Just in case someone didn't see my posts - the game has a new domain Let me know if everything works correctly.

2. New Fap Mode code

There's a new Fap Mode code. You can get it here: Get Fap Mode code

3. Clothing system

I added a clothing system to the game! The way it works is super simple - there's three categories: outfit, headwear, and accessory. In each category you can wear one item at a time. When you wear an item, you will get love/dom multipliers (some of them also has specific effects). That's basically it.
How to get clothing items? It's simple - by default you start with Cheap Clothing outfit, which is pretty bad. You can either buy new clothing items in the Market Center, or find them by searching different locations. The ones you can buy are common and much worse then the ones you can find, which are unique and give way better stats. Also, there are items accessible only if you're The Messiah, The Cult Leader, or The Alpha Male. The list of all the items is available on my Discord.
Remember that if you'll go outside without wearing an outfit, there's a big chance the police will appear and arrest you.
In the close future, when I'll finally add promised sex battles, there will be a chance that losing a battle will make you lose the items you're wearing, however for now the clothing items are indesctructable.
One last note - for the groin guard to protect you from kick in the balls, you gotta be wearing it. Otherwise it won't work.

4. New effects

Together with clothing items, I also added some new effects to the game, or changed the way old effects work. IMPORTANT NOTE - those effects won't do anything for now, but I added them because I will need them soon, when I finally manage to add the stuff I promised years ago, which are sex battles with hags and femboys (also bimbos and ubertrans). I don't want to go into many details, but basically - you won't be the only one hunting for sex in the game.
Here's a list of new effects and description what they will do:
  • Hag-Magnet - chance of encountering Hags is double.
  • Femboy-magnet - chance of encountering Femboys is double.
  • Ass filled - Femboys are always friendly and will not attack.
  • Holy Spirit - you automatically win sex battles with Femboys.
  • Swag - you automatically win sex battles with Hags.
  • Luck - you have a higher chance for random events.
  • Hag Repellant - Hags won't attack you (you can still hunt them).
  • Femboy Repellant - Femboys won't attack you (you can still hunt them).

5. Skipping events and others

So I decided to give player ability to skip random events, because it seems quite annoying when an event that you played many times before happens again.
Additionally, I made some cosmetic changes around skipping of the level ups buttons.

6. New hoes!!!

Added 2 new hoes for "Look for hoes" activity in The Slaughterhouse club and in the random event in the VIP room.

7. Strippers!!!

So in the VIP room in The Slaughterhouse club you can now watch some strippers dancing. There's shitload of them - mostly asians (for some reason asian strippers have the best content available online), but also some ebony, some trans, and some others. One of the strippers is also available for pick up if you're lucky (either through random event in the VIP room, or through "Look for hoes" activity).

8. Reroll for hookers, hoes and strippers

If you're using Fap Mode, then you will be able to reroll hookers, hoes and strippers. Reroll costs domination and love, but I think it helps to make the game more interesting by giving the player ability to skip the girl he already interacted with, and fine the one he didn't met before.

9. Beach events

I added some small random events on the beach with random clips with fucking and solo action, both straight and trans. It's very simple, but adds some variety before some bigger content is added to the beach location.

10. New location - clothing store

There's a new location in the Market Center where you can buy clothing.

11. Added search activity in more locations

Basically, you can now search locations like - Beach, Local Park, Prestige Gym, College Gym, College Mess Hall. Many of those new locations come with some unique clothing items to be found. I also added some unique items to the old search activities.

12. What goes around, cums around is now public

This quest is now public. Have fun!

Other changes

13. Divided confession into two activities
Before, the confession was one event, both when you wanted to confess, and to pretend to be a priest and listen to confession of some poor woman (and fuck them afterwards if you're lucky). Now, these are two different activities - if you're not wearing the Priest Robe you will be able to confess your sins, but if you are wearing the Priest Robe you will not be able to confess, but you will be able to go into confessional and pretend you're a priest instead.
14. Added relation buttons for Karma in the VIP room
Basically you can now chat, flirt or fuck (depending on your status with her) Karma in the VIP room when she's there.
15. College Gym random events
I copied random events from Prestige Gym to the College Gym.
16. Changes in the Wait for prospect nuns activity
Adapted this activity to the clothing system. You need to wear a priest robe to use this activity.
17. Changes in the The Invitation quest
Adapted this quest to the clothing system. You need to wear orgy mask to get in the VIP room.
18. Changes in the Higher powers quest
Adapted this quest to the clothing system. You need to wear priest robe, sunglasses and bible to progress the quest.
19. Some small edits in the intro
Nothing major, just some rewrites to make it quicker and more interesting.
20. Some further visual updates
New icons, again adjusted colors for some buttons etc..
21. Janitor in the College dialog change
If player finished The Invitation quest, the janitor in college will now ask about loads when he catches the player after the college is closed.
22. Some smaller rewrites here and there

Bug fixes

23. Bug with invisible buttons
I fixed a problem with some in game buttons not showing up even though the prerequisites for those buttons were met.
24. Bug with random events in the VIP room
Fixed a problem with events not showing during Sunset orgy in the VIP club.
25. Some other fixes here and there

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The game has new domain

Hey dudes, the game has new domain and the old one is not working. The domain is: 


By the way - I'm trying to speed up the game. Vote in the poll below to help me see if changing the domain improved the game performance or worsen it. I'm still looking for a new server, because you were saying the server is working slow (not loading some clips etc.)
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Domain problems

The official address went offline yesterday. Here's a story behind it:

In March GoDaddy, where I kept the domain, locked my account. I didn't get any information about why they did it, but after couple calls to their support they told me they suspect I'm not who I say I am, and that's why the account was locked. The worst part was - they made me unable to pay for this domain, and it was scheduled to go offline in April. 

Surprisingly, the April came, and the domain didn't go offline. They told me that they will keep it for me until the situation is cleared. So I wrote them another multiple emails, called them multiple times, sent them proofs of residency, my ID, and many others. But the Customer Support is SO FUCKING TERRIBLE in GoDaddy that for the next 2 months my account was still locked and no one could give me straight answer about anything.

Finally, out of a sudden, my account was unlocked on Thursday. I went in and tried to pay for the domain - the payment option was locked. I wrote them another email about it, asking how I can pay, but they ignored me yet again.... And finally - the domain went offline yesterday.

So what now?

I'm in the process of buying new domain. It should be online tomorrow or today. Sorry for the inconvenience and problems. 

As for GoDaddy...

I'm so fucking tired of big corpos fucking people over without even giving you a reason, and their fucking customer support located somewhere in Bangladesh, where no one know nothing and you spend fucking HOURS explaining yourself over and over again. 


If you want to buy a domain - don't use GoDaddy. They will fuck you over.
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With this goal met I should be able to work on the game at least 2 evenings a week. The updates would still depend on the life situation and other projects, but I'm a quick and hard worker, so I think I'll offer a pretty decent progress.
With this goal met the game would be my second job. It's still not enough to sustain myself with this amount, because I'm fucking ears deep in debt, but it would certainly be enough to work on this game 4 evenings a week.
$1,046 of $2,500
per month
Well, let's not be afraid to dream big, right? With this amount I'm able to basically live off the game. And this would make me a happiest fucking man in this part of Milky Way.
$1,046 of $5,000
per month
So the amount in this goal is directly from a fantasy world, but what the hell. With this amount I'll fund an army of big-tiddy goth ninjas that will raid the parliament and make me an emperor. My first order of business would be to make all my supporters my official ministers, and together we'll vote to fund a space station in a shape of giant penis, so that next time someone says "That's no moon" he'd be talking about two giant balls hovering over Australia. And then we party.

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  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.

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