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Gaweb Studio Adult
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Still working on v0.13

Hi guys,
I'm afraid I'm still working on the next version and won't be able to release it until a few more days. I've had much more web dev work than expected this month and couldn't focus enough on the remaining code for Glassix 2 v0.13.
What I've added so far is the actor node and the event steps overview panels. In my previous post, I had introduce the global variables and flags feature that events in Glassix 2 use to determine the conditions of an event. The third and last possible condition to trigger an event is the actor which itself has lots of variables of its own. Actors are simply citizens involved in the event currently edited.
When editing an actor, it'll lead to a sub panel similar to the previous one but all the conditions will be related to the selected actor.
From there, you can select several condition focused on a citizen, most of the time, it'll check the player itself, to confirm its current location, but when events involve other characters, we'll be able to create various conditions to choose the type of characters we want: their gender, the relation or obedience towards the player, their age and so on... This way, we could have 2 similar talk events with the same event code and event sub code, one dedicated to males, one dedicated to females, so that their speech feels clearly different. We can push it further by adding conditions on the affection of the character toward the player so that low affection characters would have a rude speech while a lover would have sexy lines. That was already the case in Glassix 1 and with this interface, it'll be much easier for me to add additional daily life events to flavor the game.
Once we have our event conditions set, we can move to the actual steps of the event where actors will usually interact with each others.
This one is a bit more messy since it lists all the dialogues in the current event and their number of sub nodes involved for each step. For example, the obedience or affection might change at a specific step or we could trigger doll mode or slave mode or play specific animation or moods or change the camera angle. Lots of stuff involved in each steps here. This page is a simple overview and when editing a particular step, we'll move once more into a sub panel listing all the nodes and allowing you to add/edit/delete them. That's where I'm at. Because those sub nodes have much more variety than the actor nodes, it's taking me more time than planned, I've tried to code something which can create the rows and the necessary inputs dynamically this time as opposed to static rows used in the previous panels. This way it'll be much easier for me to maintain the code and add new nodes but this requires more time to code this way.
I'm aware this UI kinda sucks for normal players, several huge tables full of data. It's possible to add an actual live edit mode where you play and edit each step one by one with the actual 3D characters and the actual location involved but it would require event more work and since I'd rather start filling the game with more content asap, this version will do for the moment. 
I'm still swamped with work at the moment and I'm not sure the additional days required to complete this can be planned in the following days :/ So you might want to cancel your pledge until I can actually deliver something concrete since that's the second month without actual content and of course, drop me a message for a refund if you'd like.
I apologize again for this new delay and I'll try to deliver this asap so that I can keep my word and give you a game worth playing and supporting.
Thank you for your time and patience!
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Gaweb Studio Adult
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Glassix 2 v0.13: Event Editor preview

Hi everybody,
I might have vastly underestimated the time required to implement the Event Editor and at the moment, I think I'm only barely ~30-40% done with it which would mean an end of the month release in the best case. In my last posts, I had estimated a few more days because I thought I'd just need to create some basic input rows for most of my XML nodes and that would be enough. However, in the end, many values required specific lists or range of values with specific interactions which slowed down my work. I'm trying to be as thorough as possible so this first version gets easy to use and understandable. I'll show you what I've got so far so you can give me some feedback too while at it.
In the game folder, mods are stored in "Glassix 2_Data/StreamingAssets/Mods". From there, you'll have one folder for each author, inside those, a folder for each authors' mod and inside those, various folders to store XML of various editors : Events, Furniture, Locations, Scenarios and so on... Since we are talking about the Event Editor, the files will be stored inside the Events folder. Then inside this Events folder, you'll have as many event file as you want to let author organize their events as they wish. 
Let's start with the editor preview : Selecting the author, mod, file and event:
You'll first have to select a mod author or create your own if you want to start creating or overwriting events. Spectre is a player who designed the low poly villa 3D model currently used in the Newbit map. (Thanks again!)
Then select the mod you want. Mods are kind of categories for authors to organize their mods however they want. You can add as many as you want. You could create a seasonal mod with events related to christmas, halloween, spring, winter, whatever... or create a folder which would be specific to a full scenario you want and so on... 
Then you select the actual XML file you want to edit, or add a new one. For my own core mod, I've organized files by actions and scenarios which you can see here. You might notice if you select Spectre > Starter, the list is empty which is normal since his mod has no events, only an infrastructure and we are currently working on the event editor. In the future, we'll have more editors, hopefully the city infrastructure editor which would allow players to add their own low poly 3D models to the game with their own textures, or modify existing ones, and in this future editor, Spectre's list would not be empty.
Now, under the hood, the XML file has been loaded by the game and shows all the events in this file. In my example, I opened the Newbit file which contains all the current events I created for the Newbit scenario. Each event has a custom label so the author can easily recognize them. The current UI is quite blunt at the moment, I guess in the future, I'll try to make it more visual, like a board like UI showing events related to each others (once I add choices) with arrows linking them, that'll come later if possible.
Then you either create or add an event and you'll end up in the interface shown above. I've split this in 3 tabs: General, Conditions and Steps. General is like the name says, some general information about the current event. The Conditions tab will list all the required conditions for this event to be triggered. The Steps tab will list all the steps of the current event, be it dialogues or hidden game flag changes.
It starts with the General tab. You'll first have to select a trigger for this event. There are currently 4.
  • On city load: When the city map is loaded, either when you start a new game, load a saved game, or transition from a location to the city map.
  • On location load: When you enter a location
  • On action button: When you click on an action button from the slot bar. Actions is another game entity which will be moddable and allow players to add their own actions, triggering their own events. For example, we could add a cheat button to max out obedience level on all the citizen of the game... I won't even need to hard code cheats in Glassix 2, everything can be handled with events.
  • Off: Used when you want to merge several events to the same event or for choices for example and thus don't need to be triggered automatically by any game interface.
From there, you select a code and a sub code for your event to make them unique. The code is kinda like a category or family, however you prefer to name it, and the sub code gives variations. For example, the doll mode spell events all have the code "dollmode", and the sub code allows to have different events depending on conditions: if the girl is not in doll mode yet, she will go under doll mode, that's the default sub code. But if she's already under doll mode, a second event with the same "dollmode" code would trigger to cancel the doll mode. This will allow me to add a Search feature in the game to find event codes or labels among multiple authors, mods and files if some events have been overwritten or expanded with new options in additional mods. 
For the action trigger, I've made it easier so that the code is actually changed to a select dropdown with the list of all possible actions in the game. And with the actions editor in the future, it'll be possible to add new actions like cheats and whatnot.
After that, we have the frequency of the event, meaning how often can we trigger it again. The names should be self explanatory:
  • Always
  • Once
  • Days (After X days): With this option, a new text field allows to select the number of days manually.
  • Minutes (After X minutes): With this option, a new text field allows to select the number of minutes manually.
  • Daily
  • Monthly
  • Yearly
Below that is the priority of the event. If several events can be triggered at the same time, the game will trigger the one with the highest priority. If several have the same priority, we trigger one randomly in the list of this priority. This way, daily life and unimportant event would have low priority while story events would have high priority.
Hovering over the labels will also give some information to help authors know what the row is for.
Then we can move on to the Conditions tab
Events will trigger based on conditions which come in 3 flavors:
  • Actor: This condition will check variables for a citizen involved in the event. Most of the time, it'll be the player obviously. When the player interacts with another citizen, this other citizen becomes a second actor. You can have as many actors as you want. For example, this condition is used for the talk action. Depending on the target's gender, we have different text. Then we can create whatever flavor of text we want with additional events: A young citizen might have a different talk topic compared to an old citizen. The target relationship or obedience level would also change the speech by using the priority feature and so on.
  • Global: This condition will check global variables, like the time, weather, current scenario and so on. For example, all events for the Newbit scenario would need a global condition checking that the player is currently playing in the Newbit scenario and not another one or Free mode.
  • Flag: If you're familiar with Visual Novels game, you should know this term. It's basically some event variable to keep track of what the player did.
For each of those 3 condition categories, I've added entities which can be added and edited easily and the game will display a dropdown with all the possible choices for this category.
For example, global conditions will list the various time checks. But let's say we want to add a new global condition. Let's call it "City Safety" which would be used to track if a city is safe to live in or not. With the Variables Editor (added in the future), it'll be possible to add it easily which would make it appear in this list and useable to have dangerous events trigger when the city safety is low. Those variables/conditions can have different types : String, Integer, List which allows the game to know what it needs to display and what values to expect and clamp in case of integers with a min/max value (For example, the hour variable needs to be between 0 and 23, Day of week would be a list with the 7 days of the week as values (Monday first btw)) All this process is automatically handled by the game and when you change the condition, the operator and value fields will change based on the type of the variable. integer would have additional comparison operators such as "Greater than X", "Lesser than X" while Lists would change the text input to a dropdown with all the possible values of the current variable. Such as this one below:
For the Newbit scenario, I created a flag to keep track of the Welcome party status. Before the dean announces the welcome party at the end of Day 1, the flag doesn't exist (save memories since in the future, we'll have many flags). Then at the end of Day 1, the dean talks about the party to the player, the Flag changes to "Dean announcement" (maybe I should have named it implying it's a past event, labels are editable anyway).
Then when the secretary gives the actual time to the player, it changes to Secretary reminder.
From there, we have two cases: Either the player misses the party or he completed it. This flag will allow players action to have consequences, same as choices. If you miss it, the dean, your colleagues and the secretary might have different talk interactions with you for the following days saying they missed you or blaming you, losing some relationship with them...
And if you've noticed, the operator dropdown in the picture above (the second one, with the "In" value) was another tricky part to code because it allows the author to select multiple values in the list which Unity doesn't handle by default and took me a while to expand their base dropdown to a multi select dropdown. But the process is seamless now, changing the operator from Equal to In will allow the players to select several options at once and vice versa without changes in the dropdown so the experience is as smooth as possible for the creator.
I'm afraid that's where I stopped so far realizing the "few days" estimation from my previous post had been largely underestimated... Which is why I'm writing this post to keep you updated on the current state, still working on the actor conditions, then comes the steps which is basically ~60-70% of the remaining work since they have so many more XML nodes and attributes than what I shoed so far. I hope to be done before the end of the month. I've already coded a lot of the most complicated stuff like operator and value switch depending on variables types. Since actors and steps uses similar features, that will save me some time but both those parts have much more complexity so I'll see when I get there.
Anyway, I think this post should give you a better insight of what you can expect with this editor. I already got some comments aiming at the classic "You expect your players to create content for you?" which was expected. I'd love players to create content with the tools I created but most of all, this editor forces me to codify my XML and organize it properly, something I didn't to in Glassix which makes it very hard to go back to Glassix's code because there are so many nodes with possible specific values which I don't remember anymore... Unity makes it much easier. And I'll also be using the Event Editor myself to add events which will much faster than manually writing XML code myself like I've been doing so far. So I'll be both the developer and the user of the editor.
This editor will give complete control over the game contents, even overwriting my mods with the priority system if you want to change how much gains you get from spells for example. I'll add a quick duplicate event button too so that this is easy to overwrite content. Anyway, I think this editor has a lot of potential and I hope that matches your expectations so far. Glassix 2 will be both a game and game content creator. I won't forget to improve the visuals too which need lots of work and optimization, this is not forgotten too. But gameplay is and will always be my priority.
Thanks a lot for your patience and support, I'll deliver this as soon as possible. If you have some feedback or ideas about the current interface, don't hesitate to drop me a message. Since this is currently in coding phase, that's actually the best moment to add or modify something to make it smoother, something I wish I could do with Glassix being quite outdated but unfortunately, too complex now that the code is done. 
Have a nice day!
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Gaweb Studio Adult
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Glassix 2 v0.13 delayed a bit

Hi everyone,
I'm afraid I'll have to delay the next version for a few more days once more.
This update will include the first version of the Event Editor allowing me and players to create new events easily in the game and the process is quite time consuming. I had already created several event files with lots of XML code inside and what I've been working on the last several days was to organize all this content into a basic UI as well as standardize all the possible tags and attributes.
What I learned from Glassix is that if such a step is not done properly and early, you end up with lots of different rules which you often end up not remembering. By having an actual game interface to create events, these rules are set in stone, coded and with Unity, are pretty neatly organized making it much easier to modify or add new ones in the future.
This first version will be quite limited at first with no possibility to have event choices or sex animations but that'll come later. The design will also be pretty much text/input oriented at first but in the long run, I'd like to make it so that while creating an event, everything is played as it is created, step by step, depending on the step you are currently creating, showing the characters in the selected positions and proper animation, updating this when you change the step. It's a bit tricky to prepare because for some events, actors are defined in advance, for example, obedience level where you'll have the MC and the related girl, and usually in a predefined location where you already know which furniture you can use. But some events involve random characters fulfilling special conditions in a location also fulfilling another set of specific conditions. Could be age related conditions for characters and furniture availability related conditions for the location, making it more complicated to code the event. All in all, it's quite tricky but should be doable. First versions might be clunky but will get improved with your feedback.
I'll also try to prepare a video to showcase this new editor since it's a bit complex but not that much if you're code-savvy or have a logical mind.
This editor will allow you to give life to characters you created with the Appearance and Biography Editors, giving them their own events, talk interactions, reactions and so on which made Glassix what it was liked for. Even if you didn't like all the girls in the game, some of them still piqued your interest and Glassix 2 will allow us to create lots of content much more easily than it was for Glassix. It'll also allow you to expand or modify existing content even the content I created. Then the online sharing interface through the game itself too will allow players to share their characters, events, scenarios and so on so that I might not even need to worry about writing content anymore but instead, focus on code to give you a smooth and powerful UI to use to make all this process easy.
On that aspect, I'm aware this goal is quite different from other H games online which focus exclusively on giving players actual story content but I think that should give players something fresh to use and play with. I received several requests to add custom girls in Glassix 1 which was not possible but with those tools, it'll be possible to do it in Glassix 2 and expand the content of the game much faster. That is not implying I plan to rely on player content exclusively and I'll of course be adding my own content and stories too.
With all that said, I apologize for this new delay. Unlike previously, I should be done with a few more days but since I missed the deadline for May, please contact me if you'd like a refund, my aim is not take your money for nothing which might be what appears to be in this case, sorry about that.
Thank you all for your patience and support !
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Gaweb Studio Adult
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Glassix 2 v0.12 delayed a bit & Dev Log #10: Breasts Physics & Some introspection

Hi guys!
Just a heads up I'll be a bit late to deliver Glassix 2 next version this time around. It's quite due to procrastinating and moving my ass at the last moment this month (as always :x) as well as being side tracked by ideas for the game I wanted to implement unexpectedly.
Regarding the procrastination problem, the lame excuse I have to use is being a bit blank headed when needing to write the actual text lines of the scenario. I know where I want the scenario to go, I know how to split it in smaller events but when it's time to write those events text, I have to confess my mind struggles a bit, being more of a dev guy. It was easier with Glassix 1 when I started back in 2016 being young and horny (plus later on, 90% or more of the content was written by CarpeNoctem allowing me to work on the code instead) but being older and wiser (Not sure about the last one though lol), it's harder for Glassix 2, and being in the early stage of development and 3D, receiving external help is not possible currently. There's also the fact my situation vastly changed during those 8 years, starting back in 2016 where I was single and living in a small apartment while being married now with two kids and a loan to pay back...
Anyway, I'll get there in any case, just more slowly. I'm also planning to add a new restaurant building for v0.12 and setting up all the models and textures are bit more time consuming than planned (I want to have a staff welcome party at the restaurant for v0.12) which is another reason for the delay :x
Meanwhile, due to my dev mind, I kinda got more interested in adding breasts physics to the game which is now working quite nicely in the game and I've prepared the video below for your to see. I'm planning to add some manual hand grabbing there too as well as some butt action if possible... We'll see.
I apologize for this delay once more. Campaign support has been falling (due to my own laziness and the change of style with Glassix 2, this is understandable) which also forced me to find more work elsewhere reducing my available time on Glassix 2 even more. This situation might keep occurring for the next few months until Glassix 2 is more fleshed out so the current next versions might lack in content. You might want to think about this and decide if it's still worth supporting or not until then. Support is always welcomed and needed but I am myself aware the current monthly state of the game might not really be worth that much money yet (Though you do get my other games in the deal but that would only require a one time donation for access).
I'm aware this post is kinda like shooting myself in the foot but I prefer to be honest with you all. Actually, campaign support dropping is a mix of dread and relief for me. On one side, I lose money which I need to live, obviously. The other aspect of this also feels like I have betrayed your trust by not delivering good enough content each month which I can only apologize for. However on the other relief aspect, I do feel less pressure to deliver large amount of content for the month (not that I plan to deliver garbage content just for the sake of the money but more about going at my own pace, which was one of the main reason I started a Patreon campaign, being free to work whenever I want, a feeling which somewhat disappeared, replaced by a more classic employment schedule with stuff to deliver on the clock). I'm also thinking about diversifying and work on some normal game project on the side (currently am actually) since working on porn game is nice and fun but hard to place in a family discussion lol. Having a normal game to be proud of would be a relief too. I actually do already have 2 normal 2D games out there but kinda low quality, I'd like something I can show off now that I am more familiar with 3D an Unity. I might advertise it here later here too and offer some free keys if it ever gets released on Steam to old time patrons as an extra thank you. Not sure if it's wise or nice to do it this way but hey, I'll do it my way anyway.
Ok, I'll stop the self introspection post here but at least, you know what's in my head at this time. I'm NOT planning to drop Glassix 2 at all, I still plan to make it the best adult 3D simulation game out there (not in term of graphics though, but gameplay, yes!). It'll take time but I'll get there, though monthly content might not have as much as before I'm afraid. I'll have to update my front page campaign to reflect that.
I thank you all for your patience and support and apologize again for these changes. I'm open to refund for any patrons feeling cheated as always, just drop me a message. My aim is and has never been to take free money from my patrons only adequate exchange.
I wish you all a nice day or night!
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Gaweb Studio Adult
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Late news

Hi everybody!
I'll have to apologize for the lack of news since last month, even skipping an update last month without explanation.
To be honest, last month was a case of... laziness with the holidays period being busy with family, and procrastination thinking about all the stuff I want to add in Glassix 2 and feeling a bit overwhelmed not sure how to go about it... This is something I'm really not proud of and I can only apologize for that. Please send me a message if you wish to be refunded for this mess :x
I wanted to post about it sooner but I then caught Covid early January then gave it to my whole family one by one and the last weeks have been a struggle between lying in bed with no strength and going to the hospital to get medicine with not much time, energy or willpower to do anything else. It finally got better but then I had to catch up my web dev work which had piled up too and I'm slowly getting back on track, and somewhat eager to get back to Glassix 2 this time.
Regarding the state of Glassix 2, I'm afraid it'll keep being mainly some feature expansions in the near future which might not interest lots of people. Coming at the end of the month, Glassix 2 v0.10 will introduce basic money feature with income from salary and ownership of building and expenses from rent. My intention with Glassix 2 is to make money more interesting than in Glassix 1 with more stuff to use it for such as buying buildings, to get rent from them, a new source of income, or furniture, which will allow you to modify existing rooms and create your own sex dungeon once I add more assets to the game and the adequate sex animations, or of course outfits, which this time will be fully customizable for any characters. We'll get back some nice money features from Glassix 1 too such as pimping your girls (or not if you don't want to share them :D or maybe just the ugly ones lol) or asking people for money too though this time, each citizen will have its own pool of money increasing or decreasing depending on their jobs and possessions. 
All this might take some time to implement and balance, I'll try to add a mix of sex content in it too since only features might get boring but overall, Glassix 2 will have much less new sex content each month compared to other H games around. My aim is and has always been to create an entertaining proper H simulation game where players can really feel in control of the game and change it based on their taste and such features can take time to implement. I wanted to be transparent about it so you guys don't feel let down with the next releases which will focus on that.
I'd also like to comment about the graphics in game where I've had some negative feedback about characters being ugly. On this part, I'd say this is a matter of personal taste. Characters can be quite ugly in Glassix 2 with the editor and the random generator but we can also get some hot ones, though it takes some work, or luck with random gen, to get them but I did see some nice ones randomly generated. I've worked on textures and shaders too to try to make them as pretty as I can but being a vast topic by itself, I'm afraid my result won't match a professional or a team with a dedicated designer so I won't be able to improve it much by myself. I've also implemented a template feature to semi randomize characters based on a template with predetermined ranges of variation and I'll need to add more templates to get more variety in citizens designs. But overall, what we have right now will be close to the final result I expect. Another aspect I wanted to be transparent about.
That's about it for this late news. I apologize again for my laziness last month and lack of earlier news, I'll do my best to make up for it.
Thanks for your understanding and happy new year a bit late too ;)
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Glassix 2 v0.8 still in debug

Hi everybody,
Just a heads up I'm still working on a fix for Glassix 2 new version which currently crashes randomly when loading the city or a room. (I made a mistake in previous post, next version will be v0.8, not v0.9...)
Took me some time to figure out but this is due to a compatibility problem with a plugin I use and Unity latest version. This plugin was supposed to make modding easy. Just drop your 3D models of rooms, buildings or furniture in a mod folder and it'll be available in the game. Easy peasy. Unfortunately, it appears the creator of the plugin went MIA and I won't be able to get an update for this module meaning I had to find an alternative which I found among Unity native functionalities but will make adding models much more complicated in the future. 
In the end, I'm in the process of adapting my code to this forced change which will still take a few days but will fix the issue. I'll also try to roll out the Free Mode update at the same time while I'm at it so that the v0.8 content is not only some lame bug fix and optimization stuff.
I've also tinkered with my hair shaders trying to figure out why it sucks indoor (dark hair appearing super bright and such) or feel so plain and figured I was missing some important occlusion and specular maps. I've also applied some dithering, a method to fake hair transparency and avoid transparency issues when using default transparent materials in the game. This should make hair look better though it'll take some time to upgrade male hair as well as skin, outfits, furniture and rooms. But this should upgrade Glassix 2 visual quality up a notch once completed. I'll focus on the bug fix and Free mode only for v0.8, this part will come in another update, only female hair will be updated as a preview in next version.
Sorry about the delay again. Hopefully sticking with native Unity features will prevent such set backs in the future. 
Thanks for your patience and support!
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