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Gaweb Studio Adult
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Glassix 2 Event Editor online documentation is... online... and some more Glassix 2 gossip!

Hi guys!
So! I've been back for the last 10 days from vacation and it was a nice break for once. I usually take my laptop when travelling but this often means I have to debug urgent stuff here and there so it doesn't really feel like vacation. This time, I left the laptop behind and just focused on family time and this does change the feeling. Just some thoughts I wanted to share.
Anyway, I'm back and have resumed work on Glassix 2. I've finally finished the script to convert the Unity code (which is easier to maintain and update) to XML code which is then sent on the online game website so it's easier to view all the possible nodes for the Event Editor as well as quite easy to update. The design is quite simple at the moment, I'll see when I have more time to make a more stylish theme but that's not urgent. But the idea is to see all the possible nodes at once which is easier than in game and make it easy to keep this list updated, it's now a single click. You can access the online documentation on the official website: The Meta menu will contain all the extra stuff helping the game such as documentations, translations (not up to date yet, don't bother with it yet), character cards sharing and changelogs. I'm also planning to release some tutorial videos to showcase the Event Editor and show how to expand the game. The first video would be about adding some simple daily life talk variations with NPCs depending on their gender, affection or obedience. More complicated stuff to come later.
Now that this is done, I'm able to go back to coding and v0.14. The Event Editor still requires a few special nodes which I'll add asap but the biggest focus for v0.14 will be the new event choices which is the basics of any visual novels. Coupled with the events flags, this will allow me to advance the "Welcome to Newbit" scenario and let the player either side with the dean for the pervy ending or the secretary for the lovy-dovy ending which will of course also involves the other members of the family. I'm also thinking about a way to make the scenario quest easier to follow since even I often forget what I was doing in a porn game when resuming it a few days later... I guess I'll go with the usual toggable quests mini UI panel and will have to add trackers and tips when completing scenario events, I'll see...
Also, thanks to the help of a Glassix 2 player, @EIuvfpoeed, I've also been able to figure out a recurrent problem with the generated NPCs skin color which were either red or black only for some players. I thought it might be a shader issue since my shader is not properly optimized yet but in the end, it's a simple matter of decimal separator when randomizing the skin color, which is a decimal number from 0 to 1. The game requires a period decimal separator but some windows languages will use the comma instead which cause the issue and the game will transform the decimal to either 1 or 0 which result in the black or red skin color. Dumb issue... Anyway, it'll be fixed for v0.14 too. Sorry it took so much time to figure out...
I also received several requests a few months back to make the travel system easier in Glassix 2, something closer to Glassix 1 and I totally agree. Currently, it's a pain in the ass to move to close by locations since we need to go back to the city map first. You already know the answer: Simply make the doors and other waypoints clickable! Easy-Peasy! Well, it's not complicated in itself but I do want to add this feature properly which would require to add hallways here and there to connect doors which will require their own location models of course and their own furniture. So it'll take time but it'll come for sure, I'll try to squeeze it with v0.15 once the Event Editor contains all its core feature and the scenario is more advanced.
That's about it for now. If you have any suggestions to make the game better, don't hesitate to drop me a message here or on Discord (I usually react faster on Discord).
Thank you again for your patience and support! Have a nice day!
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Gaweb Studio Adult

Glassix v0. 13 PUBLIC release

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Gaweb Studio Adult
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Glassix 2 v0.13 (finally) released

Hello everyone!

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  • Added Events Editor

Well, that must be the shortest changelog I ever wrote lol. But one huge mess to implement.
Anyway, the current Events Editor is a simple basic version which is quite rough but gives complete control over event contents in the game allowing player and myself to add new authors, mods, files and events to the game and even to overwrite events.
I've been rushing to push it out today actually, there are several important nodes which don't have proper dropdowns list and use plain text inputs which makes content unclear but that'll be fix in next version. It's also missing some critical features, such as the ability to add player choices during events but this is due to the fact I didn't use that myself yet in the current events and it will be added in next version.
The code behind all this is quite complex because some nodes values will depend on some other nodes values. Let's take the citizen list for example which will be quite important during scenario. When creating an event, the scenario condition is not mandatory, because the event could be a generic event accessible even in Free Mode, like some small talk and general work events. So the value of the citizens list needs to be changed each time the scenario condition changes, or even empty the list of selectable citizens of there are no scenario. Same things happens when we want to show the list of furniture inside a location. We have an optional location condition and in the event steps, we can interact with the furniture in the room (for this one, I want to easy way at the moment and show all the furniture in the game instead of loading only the ones from the current location if any, I'll fix it later too).
There's also the complexity of the getting entities properties. The game contains various entities, such as infrastructure, location, furniture, citizen which have various properties (a name, a size, an age, a gender and so on...) and I want to make most of those properties accessible in events so that the event can properly refer to the needed property. For example, when having a general talk event and we want the player to use the current character name, the game uses a unique variable structure like "[]", and to retrieve the full name of a citizen in an event, we'd then use "citizen.citizen1.fullname". This part is also not using proper dropdowns but will in the future so that everything is easily accessible in the Events Editor and we can really create unique events matching the involved citizens. It'll also be possible to extend this feature to get access to relationships, for example, Glassix 2 will allow you to get married and change spouses (I'd like to add possible spouse harem too depending on the setting of the city we're in and this city could be changed during gameplay by the mayor, a job which the player could also reach with the proper skills and relations). Since the spouse of the player could change, we'd need a special property to retrieve and we could go with "citizen.player.spouse.fullname"  or "citizen.player.spouse[0].fullname" if we use harem settings.
I guess I'm pushing it quite far here and it's really complex, but I wanted to share my ideas for the Events Editor now so you know where I'm going with this. I'll try to make everything easily accessible without requiring the player to know all those variables or entities because they will all be presented in a simple dropdown form with human readable labels. I've already started with several nodes but there were quite a lot and some required more dedicated UI to handle their complexity so it's taking quite a lot of time. To be transparent with you, I've been working on this editor for the past 3 months and stacking all my work time on it, it should be around 1 month of full time work on it. That's about 8-9 days of work on it per month, that's all I can afford at the moment since I'm quite busy with my web dev work. Next version should have most nodes completed + the new Choices tab, so still no new content in next version or maybe some basic events, though I'm not planning to release Glassix v0.14 in August (more details in another post).
Ok that's a lot of garble, let's try to give you some insights on the basic workflow of the Events Editor. I will release a proper documentation on the official game website asap too.
Here is a quick breakdown of how it works
The first step are to simply choose or create the author/mod/file where the events will be stored. You can add new authors, mods and files with the "+" button in the top right.
Next we can create or edit existing events.
Inside the event, we'll need to first configure some general data such as the trigger type or its frequency, a complete details of each field will be released on the official website asap.
Then we can configure the conditions of the events which comes in 3 types:
  • Character (or actor): A citizen involved in the event which can have specific gender or age requirement for example. A lot of variables are available and will be explained properly in the official documentation.
  • Global: A global condition such as the time of day or day index
  • Flag: A custom author flag. Author will be able to add their own flags to keep track of players actions and decisions. For example in Glassix 1, one series of event is related to Sarah's secret and whether you keep it, share it with Hikari or share it with the boys. A flag would then have 3 possible values here: not shared, shared with Hikari, shared with the boys. Follow up events would then depend on the value of the flag.
Once the conditions are set, we can move to the steps.
A step is usually a block of text shown to the player, each block of text is a step. So if you have 10 blocks of text, you'd have 10 steps. But when we show a block of text, a lot can happen at the same time, for example, a citizen will spawn, an actor will change its animation, some flags will change and so on...
Here is a quick peak at the current node to impact the current step. I've tried to add tooltips to explain what each node does and when you add one, you'll have more inputs to configure the node you just selected.
For example if we want to add a screen effect (currently a simple image shown but I'll add more effects in the future such as screen shaking or black/white screen), we'll need to select the image to show, its color and opacity. Here again, I've added tooltips when hovering the inputs with the mouse.
Some nodes are set in stone with a fixed amount of values, but some other requires more complex processing, such as changing the behavior of an actor like its animation, the furniture he is using and so on... In such case, a "+" button is available directly on the row to add more nodes to this block.
Once the steps are done, simply save the file and give it a shot in game (I'm afraid there's no quick preview yet but that's coming for sure asap)
This was a quick overview, the full documentation will be available online asap too.
Event files are located in the game folder and can easily be zipped and shared online so that authors can share their mods if they want and expand the game content. You can even edit my own files but beware they will be overwritten with each new version. There is also a priority feature in the event system meaning you can technically overwrite my basic events by your own if you wish so. Just make sure not to use too high a priority otherwise you might lock some core story events preventing advancement of the story.
Anyway, I think I've bored you enough (if you read this far lol). I'm expecting issues with the editor since I didn't have too much time to test it but I didn't want to delay this new version more. Error log can be found in "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\LocalLow\Gaweb Studio\Glassix 2\Player.log" so if you encounter any issue, please attach the file with your message so I can debug this more easily.
I still have a lot to say but I've already spent 3 hours on this and I need to eat so I'll keep the rest for another post.
Thanks for your patience and support!

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Gaweb Studio Adult
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Still working on v0.13

Hi guys,
I'm afraid I'm still working on the next version and won't be able to release it until a few more days. I've had much more web dev work than expected this month and couldn't focus enough on the remaining code for Glassix 2 v0.13.
What I've added so far is the actor node and the event steps overview panels. In my previous post, I had introduce the global variables and flags feature that events in Glassix 2 use to determine the conditions of an event. The third and last possible condition to trigger an event is the actor which itself has lots of variables of its own. Actors are simply citizens involved in the event currently edited.
When editing an actor, it'll lead to a sub panel similar to the previous one but all the conditions will be related to the selected actor.
From there, you can select several condition focused on a citizen, most of the time, it'll check the player itself, to confirm its current location, but when events involve other characters, we'll be able to create various conditions to choose the type of characters we want: their gender, the relation or obedience towards the player, their age and so on... This way, we could have 2 similar talk events with the same event code and event sub code, one dedicated to males, one dedicated to females, so that their speech feels clearly different. We can push it further by adding conditions on the affection of the character toward the player so that low affection characters would have a rude speech while a lover would have sexy lines. That was already the case in Glassix 1 and with this interface, it'll be much easier for me to add additional daily life events to flavor the game.
Once we have our event conditions set, we can move to the actual steps of the event where actors will usually interact with each others.
This one is a bit more messy since it lists all the dialogues in the current event and their number of sub nodes involved for each step. For example, the obedience or affection might change at a specific step or we could trigger doll mode or slave mode or play specific animation or moods or change the camera angle. Lots of stuff involved in each steps here. This page is a simple overview and when editing a particular step, we'll move once more into a sub panel listing all the nodes and allowing you to add/edit/delete them. That's where I'm at. Because those sub nodes have much more variety than the actor nodes, it's taking me more time than planned, I've tried to code something which can create the rows and the necessary inputs dynamically this time as opposed to static rows used in the previous panels. This way it'll be much easier for me to maintain the code and add new nodes but this requires more time to code this way.
I'm aware this UI kinda sucks for normal players, several huge tables full of data. It's possible to add an actual live edit mode where you play and edit each step one by one with the actual 3D characters and the actual location involved but it would require event more work and since I'd rather start filling the game with more content asap, this version will do for the moment. 
I'm still swamped with work at the moment and I'm not sure the additional days required to complete this can be planned in the following days :/ So you might want to cancel your pledge until I can actually deliver something concrete since that's the second month without actual content and of course, drop me a message for a refund if you'd like.
I apologize again for this new delay and I'll try to deliver this asap so that I can keep my word and give you a game worth playing and supporting.
Thank you for your time and patience!
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