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Face Rizzi profile
Face Rizzi
Face Rizzi
I'm a game developer with a mind control fetish, trying to make interesting adult games.

Subscription Tiers

USD monthly
General Tier

Subscribers in this tier get access to source code I generate and for their download convenience and to verify that my tutorials work. Any games I produce with source code and content worth keeping, they get early access to.

0 subscribers
USD monthly
Stupid Big Content Tier

Any game or tutorial I make that involves making content that's either stupid big or resolution independent. You get the stupid big or resolution independent version. If I am working on a paid 2d game or tabletop content, this tier gets it for free and gets the betas early.

Limited (0 out of 100) subscriptions
USD monthly
You can tell me what to do

Fuck it, for a hundred bucks a month. Just have patience with me, especially starting out. I'm bad at humaning.

Limited (0 out of 20) subscriptions


  • At 5.00$ you get access to source code and early access to
  • games I make. At 25.00$ you get access to stupid big stuff when I make it. And I'll make most of my stuff free.
  • At 100.00$, limit 20 people, I will consider you an angel sent from heaven. I have nothing I can give at this point to justify this tier, it is strictly for the charitable among the horny.
Face Rizzi
Public post
A zip file of the outcome of the first lets make a game tutorial, free for public viewing.
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Face Rizzi
Public post

Public feedback on the article "Let's make a game!" and it's opinion section.

If you read it and like it, come say what worked. If you don't feel free to point out what is wrong, especially if it is factually incorrect.

If you disagree with my opinion. I can be wrong.
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Face Rizzi
Public post

Finally, finally, finally got that website up

That took a lot of effort, and more than I'd like to admit.
It got me thinking that making games and distributing them over http, like a flash plugin would, really isn't the way to learn how to do that or make games for adult content.

The full opinion on that be read at

In the future. Hold on let me get my nerd voice on.

Ihnh theeh futore!

I believe I can put a code repository up showing all changes and program features. At present I'm not doing that both because I need to recover from the stress of editing server config files and thinking about bugs, bugs all over everything and hackers.

I had a ludicrous amount of fun writing this stuff. So I think that part of it is sustainable.

The first repo I'll put up is going to be as part of a public post. Basically, at this point I don't think it offers anything much you couldn't get beyond basic tutorials anyways and possibly the boilerplate of electron.

Further code repositories will be for the first tier if anyone sees anything they like.
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Face Rizzi
Public post

Well, it's been some time

What the hell happened to me in the intervening time:

Sometime after I made this web page I decided to get a real job.

That led to me getting a diagnosis of ADHD while doing 12 hour shifts for a few months in a row. While it is very fun to do life things, and I discovered that I love dead lifting, it's less fun discovering you have a part of your personality that causes well documented and serious problems.

I am working to make some actual content to see if I can't get an independent thing going making adult content. I like to think about mind control, I've lived a life where I've even gotten to dabble a bit and see things from an angle most people don't. 

I am attempting to get a website up and I hope people understand that life is hard to live when you have undiagnosed ADHD. I am fortunate, simply to be alive with all my fingers and toes.

The other things on this page

With ADHD comes a bit of having too much passion. Talking about the events of the Middle Ages, with plague, probably isn't a great place to go for porn. I saw an opportunity to tell a story about people that survived that event. This was right before COVID-19.

I can't in good conscience make something like that, covering that topic. The way I look at it is that some porn is an outlet, and fantasy is perhaps a way to see things from a lens that is more comfortable than reality.

My future plans

My hope is that I put together a website that contains erotic mind control related games, tutorials, and writing. A subscriber would get early access to review things, call it sexy, or throw rocks at me for making an attention related spelling or grammar error. They would also get access to polls which would allow them to determine what direction I should take with content I make.
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Creator Stats

6 posts


$0.00 of $2,000
per month
At around 2,000 dollars a month individually, I can pay us taxes, beg the government not to hurt me too bad as I try and pay off their loans, and live in a cheap apartment in suburban Colorado. I can pursue development full time, with risks inherent to living conditions.
$0.00 of $4,000
per month
At this level I can certainly pay off student debts. I can personally live without many risks. I can invest in other content creators or purchase royalt free assets from them for games on a consistent basis. I can look for a girlfriend who doesn't mind getting hypnotized repeatedly as a form of foreplay.
$0.00 of $5,000
per month
This is the entry level payscale for someone specializes in making the front end of websites according to glassdoor, in the year 2022. It is put here not as a goal, but to give people a sense of scale.
$0.00 of $2,093
per month
According to finatopedia and quick google search of what I can get for minimum wage in Colorado. This is what someone working minimum wage in my state makes per month, working 40 hours per week. It is given not as a goal but as an indication of scale.

Other Creators


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