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Hi All!I am a Daddy/CG in Las Vegas, NV. I specialize in diaper art and ABDL fiction/Erotica!Check out my library of stories and art.
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  • Weekly Original ABDL Literature
  • Revamped Vintage ABDL Erotica
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Free - Free content

Art - Original artwork

Mondays - What Happened to Monday's? 
     An original story about Darren, an ordinary tall muscular dude working in an office with a secret, and Jason the short dominant intern that decides to exploit that secret for his own personal gain. See how Darren's Mondays go from totally ordinary to crinkly and stinky. 

Downgrades - Downgrades
     An original story about earth in the far future, where capitalism and advanced technology has turned the prison system into a commerce, surgically modifying convicted criminals and selling them to the wealthy as servants, slaves, sex toys, and for one lucky convict, a beautiful baby boy. 

Files - Crinkle Files
     An original story about Marcus, a licensed therapist testing the possibilities of prolonged regression therapy and hypnotism, his husband Brody, a loving man who's always wanted a baby boy to take care of, and Connor, a large and buff football player that walked into the wrong therapist's office, quickly finding himself back in diapers and struggling over control of his own brain. 

Myob - Mind Your Own Business
      An Original Story about Miguel, a normal guy that, after moving into a new place, discovers his roommate has a dark secret hiding in the spare room, clad in pink ruffles and crinkly diapers. 

Freewrite - Freewrites
     A collection of one-off short stories where I experiment with new themes, characters, and scenarios. 

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Deal - The Deal
     An Original Story about Peter, a dominant hitman who receives a contract to take out his childhood bully Zane, instead deciding to give him a permanent taste of his own medicine, pacifying the person who made his childhood hell, permanently. 

Karma - Crinkly Karma
    An original story about the world biggest jerk that just so happened to piss of the wrong witch, see what happens when she decides a little magic is needed to help him act his age. 

Ph - Power House
     An original story about Nick, a selfish 18 year old who finds his body shot back through time after an intense fight with an argumentative carnival game. How will he reverse what happened and escape this new scenario where the kid he used to bully weasels his way into babysitting his, now much younger, former bully?

Turning - Turning Point
   An original story about Gio, a young man who unwittingly befriends an older dom that pushes him down a slippery slope. How bad will Gio regret his decisions and will he ever find his way out of Hank's grasp?

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The Beginning

I know what you’re thinking, how could someone grow up to adulthood still in diapers 24/7? I mean it’s crazy right? Well, my first exposure to diapers post potty training was at the age of 18, and it was at the hands of my Uncle Ronny. Now Ronny worked in an institution that cared for all kinds of children. Some handicapped, some disabled, some delinquent, and even some runaways. He was used to dealing with kids and coming out on top. Which is probably why I must’ve gotten under his skin so much. Now I have to be honest and preface this with the fact that I was not a good kid, I was mouthy, rude, and incredibly disrespectful. 

Uncle Ronny was a little on the large size, and because I was a shithead I never really let him forget it. He also was not the most educated guy in the world, meaning I never lost an opportunity to correct him anytime he misspoke or made an incorrect claim. He wouldn’t say anything when I did it but would glare at me, clearly wishing he had the authority to discipline me. Of course I’d just smile back as if I was somehow superior, god I was a little asshole. But what really got to him was when I called him Ronny, instead of Uncle Ron . I knew he hated it, hence why I did it so often. 

Thinking back now I know he must have planned it, but at the time it never even occurred to me that he would go through all that work just to get revenge on his own nephew. It all started with a shopping trip across town in his car, but before we left he made lunch for me, just a sandwich and chips with a soda. But now I know he must’ve put something in my food or drink because five minutes into the ride I had to go to the bathroom very badly. Unfortunately for me we were on a packed freeway, with no way to exit anytime soon. 

I was trapped in the backseat, my stomach growling and churning harder than ever before, twisting my face into a flushed expression covered in sweat. All of my efforts were focused on controlling myself until I could get to a toilet, pleading with Him to get me to a gas station right now, making it clear I couldn’t hold it much longer. He acted a little too cool about my predicament, not even pretending to be concerned, just calmly agreeing to get off as soon as he could. 

The pain was unbearable, I was on the verge of tears as he finally exited the highway because I knew it was all over, I couldn’t hold it in any longer and accepted that the next wave of cramps would be the end. Right after exiting the highway he hit a huge pothole in the road, shaking the entire car. I let out a whimper and completely filled the seat of my pants, gaining instant relief. It only took a few seconds for him to smell what I’d done. At that moment he decided stopping at a gas station was meaningless and we might as well just finish driving to the mall. To be honest, I was too humiliated and stunned to object to anything. 

When we got there Uncle Ronny led me inside and into the bathroom. Ronny took some kind of twisted pride in telling me to let him handle it because he “Had lots of experience dealing with kids who have accidents”. Like that was supposed to make me feel better. As we walked inside there was a kid no older than two having his diaper changed, I tried to ignore it as Ronny put me inside one of the stalls. He told me to remove my pants and underwear and hand them to him under the stall door, after that he handed me wet paper towels and told me to clean myself off as best I could and that he’d be right back. I stood there for what felt like forever in nothing but a T-shirt, listening to people coming and going. 

When he finally did come back I was surprisingly glad to see him, which was a first for me, a relief that was unfortunately short lived. He told me to come out of the stall so he could make sure I was cleaned up and help me get dressed, like I was a child. I told him I was clean enough and could dress myself and to just give me my pants. He said he had to get me new pants because the old pair were stained and smelly, so he threw them away. I tried to tell him to hand me the new pair under the stall, and when he did I knew I was in trouble. They were a pair of plastic baby pants, but in my size?! I threw them back out at him and yelled that I wanted my pants back. Very calmly he replied “But these are yours, you don’t know how hard I had to look to find some in your size.” Then he said “I could just go find a janitor to let me into the stall, I could tell him you locked yourself in and don’t understand how to get out on your own, that’d be sure to create a crowd. Knowing I’d been bested I sighed, saying “No, fine I’ll come out. 

I had never felt so humiliated and small in my entire life, I mean I was 18, a legal adult, and I was being treated this way! Uncle Ronny wiped me with a towel until I was spotless, thankfully there were no onlookers in the bathroom at the time. Next he sat me on the floor, my skin crawled as the stone cold tile made contact with my skin. When I expected him to put those embarrassing plastic pants on me then give me real pants, he instead produced a large disposable diaper and unfolded it. I started to move like I was going to run for it when he said “I mean you could run, If you want the entire mall to see you naked, or I could call for help and see how many people come in to see you like this, or you could just lay still and do as you’re told.”

I couldn’t believe it, he was talking to me like a child, but with a serious tone I’d never heard before from him, no matter what he had me in a corner. I laid still and he continued to unfold the diaper, sliding it under my butt. Then he sprinkled baby powder all over and brought the padding up between my legs. The bulk spread my legs far apart, and he fastened the tabs tight enough to make sure it wasn’t going anywhere. After that he slid the plastic pants up just past my knees, it was then when a dad walked in with his kid and a boy about my age. Ronny stood me up and finished pulling the plastic pants into place, out of the corner of my eye I could see the boy laughing at me. 

Once outside I got some funny looks, feeling like everyone was staring at me. I just kept telling myself we could make it to the car fast and it would all be over. As we approached the exit Ronny made a last minute sharp turn into a store, causing me to panic and pull away. 

“We came here to get some shopping done, and I won’t put those plans on hold just because you had an accident!” He said

I tried to resist and plead to let me go sit in the car but He was firm on telling me no. 

“Now you can either walk with me while I shop like a good boy, or I can go get one of those mall strollers for you to sit in, I’m sure that would get way more looks than your diapers.”

I agreed to be good and followed Ronny around while he was shopping, conscious of every single giggle and stare I was getting while I was exposed in public.Just when I thought it was all finally going to be over, we walked out of the store just as my best friend Lance was walking in with his Dad.

“Bro, what the fuck are you wearing?!”

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Punishment Pants Pt.1

It was an early Saturday morning, the sunrise peeking between the shades, but not all was quiet and content. Mark found himself, once again, pretty angry with his husband, after finding out he had insulted some of his friends when he thought Mark wasn’t looking. Reflecting on just how often he found himself exhausted from his partner’s childish behavior, he was at least content with the arrangement he’d created when these things inevitably happen again and again. 

Mark waltzed into their bedroom to find his husband Joshua walking out of the bathroom. Now becoming a routine, Mark took immediate control with a stern and determined attitude, pointing his finger to the bed.

“Lay down, c’mon march mister.”

“C’mon seriously? Not today Mark, this is complete bullshit.” Joshua spit back, rolling his eyes and letting out a deep breath. 

With precision, he grabbed his husband by the ear and marched him to the bed, giving him a hard smack on the butt before he pushed him down to the bed.

“Ouch! Mark that hurt!”

“Good, you’ll learn not to talk back to me OR use that kind of bad language in front of me.Oh wait, if I remember correctly you did use that kind of language about my friends last night! Oh you thought I didn’t hear?”

Joshua’s heart sank at the realization that he didn’t slip by on that one, knowing good and well what he had in store for him now. Mark grabbed the towel around Joshua’s waist, ripping it off and spinning him onto his stomach. He grabbed the hairbrush he’d tactically left on the bedside table, swatting his bare behind until it was 50 shades of pink. 

“Aaaah. Ooooh. That HURTS! Stop, PLEASE STOP!”

Despite Joshua’s childish yet adorable pleading, Mark wasn’t done. Instead he stood him up, taking a moment to gawk at his cute little guy in the front, secretly loving how small his husband’s manhood was. Joshua looked back at his partner, standing there in his slacks and button up shirt looking him up and down like a piece of meat. He loved his husband, but he couldn’t figure out how to end this harsh cycle he’d brought upon himself. 

He was growing restless, twitching and trying not to touch his throbbing butt as Mark paced back and forth thinking about what to do with him today. 

“I’ve got half a mind to call my friends over that you insulted to witness your punishment!”

Joshua thought there was no way he could be serious, sure he’d done some pretty humiliating things to him, but he’d never allowed anyone other than the two of them to be a part of it. The idea of other people, much less his husband’s friends watching as Mark completely embarrassed and degraded him like a child was debilitating to say the least. 

Joshua just whimpered softly, knowing that arguing back was the worst decision he could make at this point. He just stood there as Mark left the room, leaving him standing there butt naked to await his inevitable punishment. Minutes later, Joshua was told to come downstairs, led to a corner of the living room, told to stand still or else. Mark went about his business, drinking his morning coffee and watching the news. 

Out of nowhere Joshua was brought to attention by the sound of the doorbell ringing unexpectedly. To his surprise Mark was ready for it, standing up and going to answer it. Joshua started shaking, taking a step towards the stairs and his clothing. 

“Stop right there young man!” Mark said as he turned on a dime, knowing Joshua would try this. 

“Where do you think you’re going? I told you to stay right there, if you move again without permission I’ll drag you outside for the whole world to see, understood?”

Mark went back to his corner, nodding up and down that he understood as he sulked and looked down at the floor awaiting what was to come. 

Mark invited his guests in, bringing them into the living room where Joshua stood facing the corner. He didn’t dare turn to look and see how many people were staring at him, but he could hear whispering and some chuckling. 

“Guys, please excuse Joshua, he is being punished for how he behaved at the party yesterday, as you’ve all been told he had some very nasty things to say about all of you behind all of our backs.”

Joshua’s face now matched the red of his butt as he listened to his husband’s speech. 

“Dude, look at his ass! Man you really did a number on him!” Commented one of the guys, causing a round of laughter from everyone. 

Joshua just stood there restless, ashamed, and worried. The men sat around and enjoyed their coffee and conversation, occasionally commenting on Joshua in the corner. About half an hour later Mark stood up announcing it was time to get to work. 

Joshua was marched into the kitchen by the ear all the way up to the kitchen sink. Everyone gathered around as Joshua realized there were 5 men all there watching him and he couldn’t even bring himself to look any of them in the eyes. Mark put his hand on the back of Joshua’s head, leaning him over the sink where a bar of soap was shoved into his mouth. They repeatedly forced the bar in and out, making sure to thoroughly wash out his mouth. The group of guys made sure to comment on how he might not be using those vulgar words anymore. He gagged at the taste until Mark finally stopped and spun him around to wipe his face with a towel. 

This was the moment where the other men saw his smooth shaved crotch, all of them giggling and pointing at the sight of his miniscule manhood. 

“Now since you can't use bad words appropriately that should stop you from using them at all anymore!” Mark said to push the point home. 

Joshua stood there in the deepest humiliation he’d ever experienced, awaiting Mark’s next order. To his surprise Mark didn’t lead him anywhere next, instead walking away for a moment leaving him naked and afraid with his friends. Quickly Mark returned with something Joshua was all too familiar with, a fleet enema. 

Joshua pleaded and kicked to no avail as the guys gently laid him face down over the dining room table so Mark could insert the nozzle. Joshua whimpered as the liquid entered his tummy, and although it was over quickly he wanted to cry knowing what he was about to have to do in front of all these people. 

As Joshua expected he was quickly laid down on the carpet while Mark went to get his diapers, returning with a thick printed diaper and baby powder. Joshua was on the verge of tears, but to his surprise none of the guys seemed shocked or surprised when they saw the diaper. 

“Aww buddy you thought they didn’t know? These are my best friend’s, they’ve known about your punishment pants for a long time now.” 

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Turning Point Pt. 5

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The Deal Pt. 7

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Sibling Rivalry

It was a warm July day, the sun was out, and it was the perfect day to spend outside. It was Ken’s 18th birthday, and he was certainly enjoying it surrounded by family and friends at a backyard BBQ. His brother Dom, however, couldn’t get past his anger for his brother enough to have a good time. Last weekend Ken had played a dirty trick, setting up Dom for their dad to think he’d wet the bed. Although Dom was the older brother it seemed like Ken was constantly putting him in humiliating situations. All Dom could think of was revenge, but as per usual that wouldn’t go well for him, you see Ken always had plans of his own that tended to be miles ahead of whatever his brother was concocting. 

Noon had past and guests had arrived, Ken was making his way around greeting everyone and accepting many birthday pleasantries. Dom tried his best to mind his own business, unaware of what would happen next. Their father had asked Dom to go upstairs and bring down extra chairs for the party. Ken hearing this, went to the foot of the stairs just around the corner waiting for him to come back down. Once he showed up Ken stuck out his foot, tripping him on the last step. Dom came to the ground with a crash, quickly looking up to realize what his brother had done. Out of sheer anger and gut reaction, he grabbed Ken by his collar, simultaneously pulling his hand back into a fist. 

At this moment their father turned the corner to witness Dom about to hit the birthday boy. Their father grabbed him before he could throw the punch, dragging him into the kitchen before he could strike his brother. Ken pleasingly glared at Dom as he was taken away, knowing full well the punishment he’d orchestrated once again. 

“I’ve had enough of your childish behavior, when are you just gonna grow up and be more like your brother?!”

“Dad, please don’t. You don’t understand, he”

“I don’t want to hear excuses, you know what happens in this house when you can’t figure out how to behave like an adult.”

Dom swallowed hard, knowing exactly what was about to happen, dreading every moment. It seemed like everytime he thought he was doing well Ken would do something stupid to put him in this position. As per usual his dad barked at him to get his ass upstairs. Once he made it to the bathroom, his father stripped him down, an embarrassing ritual he was all too familiar with. Dom was ashamed  and humiliated beyond belief. At twenty years old, he was STILL allowing his father to belittle him this way. What he called “Baby Punishment” was a very effective tool for controlling his behavior, one his father used quite often. Ken, however, rather enjoyed seeing his older brother treated that way and constantly looked for ways to get him into trouble just so he’d get to see him regressed and embarrassed. 

He backed down and allowed his father to do what he was going to do, certainly not wanting to make things worse. Thankfully he was still shaven smooth from the last time this happened, so his dad didn’t feel the need to shave him. As if it was routine, he had his twenty year old son in a thick printed diaper, plastic pants, a Sesame Street T Shirt, and childish shortalls in record time. Dom looked in the mirror, the shortalls rode up high on his thighs leaving nothing to the imagination, and the combination of the diaper and plastic pants gave his butt and crotch enough added bulk to make it painfully obvious to anyone that looked that he was still in diapers.

At his father’s demand, he slowly made his way back downstairs to rejoin the party. Thankfully most of the guests saw him and either looked away or smiled, most of them already aware that this was a normal thing, many having already seen Dom this way in the past. As usual he kept quiet and as out of sight as possible, knowing full well the quickest way out of this was to keep to himself and not bring any attention to himself. Dom slowly crinkled about, keeping to himself, when Ken made his way over. Just seeing him heading his way made Dom angry, finding it already difficult to hold his tongue. 

“Aww, that’s a cute outfit BABY brother!” He said making sure to stress the baby part. 

“You’re such a bitch Ken, you..”

“What do you think you’re doing?” Dom’s attention was snatched away, realizing their father had rounded the corner just in time to see him insult his little brother on his birthday. Dom’s stomach dropped, knowing full well he was in deep shit now. 

His dad dragged him back upstairs by the ear, while multiple people giggled at the sight of it. Once they made it up there he quickly found his shortalls taken off, his diaper pulled down, and was being thrown over his father’s knee. Dom couldn’t remember the last time he was spanked, knowing he must’ve really pissed him off this time. It felt like an eternity passed of his dad whipping his ass with his palm, eventually swapping to a hairbrush. By now tears were rolling down his face like a waterfall just from the sheer pain of it all. By the time things finished, Dom was thankful it was over, until his dad walked back into the room with a bar of soap and proceeded to shove it in and out of his mouth, telling him next time he’d think twice before he called his little brother awful names. 

He’d had enough, none of this was his fault, Ken was the problem, not him! His anger rose resulting in an unfortunate outburst right when his dad was about to let him go back to the party. 

“It’s your brother’s birthday, what is wrong with you? Why can’t you just grow up and act like an adult? Ya know what since you just can’t seem to learn your lesson, I’m gonna have to take things up a notch.”

His dad left the room, returning shortly with a stand on wheels, with a red bag Dom didn’t recognize hanging from it. He quickly found himself bent back over his dad’s knees with his diaper pulled down. He couldn’t see what was happening back there as his dad grabbed the tubing and nozzle attached to the bag and spread his cheeks apart. Dom shifted, groaned, and grunted at the sudden assault of the nozzle being shoved into his ass. Unfortunately for him, his dad was strong, and more than capable of holding him down. The warm soapy water invaded his guts, causing confusion to wash over his face, never having felt a sensation like this one before. 

Before long his Dad removed the nozzle and pulled his diaper back up. Dom was feeling too violated to say anything, or meet his father’s gaze. But it wasn’t over yet, in a string of first’s for him he quickly found a pacifier with a leather strap locked into his mouth, and found himself locked into his room with all his electronics taken away. Before he walked out his dad made sure to scold him for his foul language and attitude, promising he’d be humbled soon enough. 

Before he had an opportunity to contemplate his situation, he felt a sudden pain, like he’d been punched in the stomach. The pain was awful and he quickly felt a sudden force like he needed to shit, but with an urgency unlike anything he’d ever felt before. He jumped up, attempting to open his door to get to the bathroom, of course it wouldn’t budge. He banged on the door, realizing there was no way it would penetrate the sound of the party happening downstairs. He attempted to yell for help, but the pacifier gag did its job keeping him silent. 

Dom took a step back, creating the slightest break in his constant clenching. Instantly, the soapy enema water flushed into the seat of his diaper, making bubbling noises and many grunts and groans from Dom. He instantly started crying, brought to his absolute lowest. Dad had never forced him to use the diapers for #2’s much less locked him into his room to stew in it. It stunk, and the smell gathered in his small bedroom providing no place safe from it. He waited for hours to be set free from this and allowed into, at the bare minimum, a clean diaper. The constant party noise continued endlessly as he accepted there was no reprieve coming for him. In utter defeat he finally laid down in bed, the feeling of the now cold mess spreading everywhere as he sat sent chills up his spine, but there was nothing he could do about it. With a tear streaked face, Dom eventually fell to sleep, looking forward to returning to normal life tomorrow. Oh how blissfully unaware he was of how much he’d crossed the line today, and just how much his Father had utterly given up on allowing him to continue pretending to be a big boy.

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