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Hi All!I am a Daddy/CG in Las Vegas, NV. I specialize in diaper art and ABDL fiction/Erotica!Check out my library of stories and art.
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Mondays - What Happened to Monday's? 
     An original story about Darren, an ordinary tall muscular dude working in an office with a secret, and Jason the short dominant intern that decides to exploit that secret for his own personal gain. See how Darren's Mondays go from totally ordinary to crinkly and stinky. 

Downgrades - Downgrades
     An original story about earth in the far future, where capitalism and advanced technology has turned the prison system into a commerce, surgically modifying convicted criminals and selling them to the wealthy as servants, slaves, sex toys, and for one lucky convict, a beautiful baby boy. 

Files - Crinkle Files
     An original story about Marcus, a licensed therapist testing the possibilities of prolonged regression therapy and hypnotism, his husband Brody, a loving man who's always wanted a baby boy to take care of, and Connor, a large and buff football player that walked into the wrong therapist's office, quickly finding himself back in diapers and struggling over control of his own brain. 

Myob - Mind Your Own Business
      An Original Story about Miguel, a normal guy that, after moving into a new place, discovers his roommate has a dark secret hiding in the spare room, clad in pink ruffles and crinkly diapers. 

Freewrite - Freewrites
     A collection of one-off short stories where I experiment with new themes, characters, and scenarios. 

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What Happened To Monday's?Parts 1 - 14

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What Happened to Monday's Pt.3

Darren viciously held onto the arm rests of his office chair to catch his breath as a second wave of cramps bombarded his sphincter. His hands were turning bright red as he squeezed them, to desperately maintain some kind of control over his current predicament.

 Oh, fuck fuck fuck, it hurts so bad. I’ve got to take a shit. 

Just as Darren began to lift himself from the chair to go to the restroom, his attention was taken by the familiar tone of a new notification on his phone. “Don’t even think about it boy. You’re wearing your toilet, unless you want to lose your job” 

This guy is fucking crazy, how did he know? Does he seriously think I’m going to shit my pants?!? 

Desperately weighing the odds of his next decision, Darren began to sweat and breathe heavily as he did everything that he could to hold back the growing, and urgent, need to evacuate his bowels. 

Fuck this guy, that scrawny wimp doesn’t have the balls to out me. Darren had made his decision, he pushed himself up off his chair in one smooth and quick motion. Halfway through standing up, in a half standing squat, Darren’s eyes suddenly went wide as the realization hit him that the battle was lost. 

Unintentionally, and rather suddenly, the seat of his diaper expanded in unison with a faint crinkling noise and a wet fart that, to Darren’s ears, echoed at a volume that would not escape any ears in the office. 

The incredibly embarrassed boy now stood paralyzed, struggling to accept the physical and emotional weight of what he just did. Did Jason plan this? Did anyone see? Can anyone smell me? His eyes quickly shifted to scan the immediate area. Luckily for him nobody seemed to notice the awkward way he was frozen standing at his desk. However, he had to make a decision quickly before anyone noticed his situation. 

I can’t sit down like this; do I go to the restroom or do I... 


Darren’s phone buzzed to life once again with a new message from Jason. “Bathroom now, I'll meet you there.” 

Soon Darren found himself cautiously walking toward the elevator. He could feel the mush between his legs with every step, even the thought of what he just did made him feel disgusting to his core. He walked into the restroom and closed the door behind him. Almost immediately Darren found himself doubled over on the floor as a new, more intense, wave of cramps hit him, seemingly out of nowhere. Darren lost all sense of his surroundings, his entire thought process was occupied by the pain in his belly, and the current mess in his diaper. He laid on the floor in pain for what seemed like hours while his bowels continuously emptied themselves in his already used diaper. For a moment, Darren wasn’t sure if it would ever stop, in the moment he did not even realize that tears had begun rolling down his cheeks. 

Finally, the onslaught was over. Lying on the bathroom floor, crying, with what smelled like a toxic waste dump between his legs. As he began to roll over, he could feel that somehow the mess had made its way to the front of his diaper as well, this did nothing to ease the purely pathetic feelings that flooded his brain. He somehow brought himself to his knees, then he lifted his head to see Jason leaning against the bathroom wall with a shit eating grin from ear to ear on his face, bringing Darren to the realization that Jason just witnessed the entire tear-soaked ordeal. By the look on his face, Jason had never been happier in his life. 

“Good boy, now take your clothes off, if you know what's good for ya.”
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What Happened to Monday's Pt.2

Knock knock 

Darren stood nervously at the door to the private bathroom. He couldn’t feel his legs and his mouth felt as dry as a desert. 


The door unlocked, signaling him to enter. He entered the restroom quickly and locked the door behind him, hoping nobody would walk by and get a peek inside. Now he was faced with Jason, however Darren’s eyes couldn’t even meet his, instead he found himself staring at the familiar item on the bathroom floor. A diaper, and not just any drug store adult diaper, somehow this asshole had found adult diapers with cartoons and baby prints on them!

 “Clothes off now, boy”. Jason said sternly. 

Although Jason was smaller than him in every way, Darren knew he had to obey. If he didn’t, Jason would keep his promise and show his boss the documentation proving that Darren had been stealing money from the company under everyone’s noses. He’d be ruined, he’d loose his job and any chance at getting another in this industry. 

“I said now!” He repeated as he put his hand on the buckle of his belt. 

Darren knew what that meant and did not wanna repeat what happened last time he took too long to follow a command. So there he was, stripping naked for a dude half his size to keep his job. How long is he gonna keep this up? He thought. Darren grabbed hold of his boxer briefs and reluctantly pulled them down. Jason looked at Darren’s crotch, resulting in a small physical recoil from the naked man. Darren’s dick wasn’t small by any means, but it certainly wasn’t large. He truly fit the “never had any complaints” stereotype, but he certainly hadn’t made any girls rave over it either. 

“Next time your privates will be clean shaven when I summon you” said Jason “What the fuck ma-” Darren’s sentence was cut short by Jason once again reaching for his belt. “Fine whatever” Said Darren. 

Jason smiled, elated that he was finally getting somewhere with him. “Lay down” Darren obeyed and sat down on the cold bathroom floor. Disgusting, who knows how many dudes have pissed on this floor. Jason got to work putting the babyish diaper on Darren, but something new happened this time. After he applied powder Jason reached into his bag and produced a small green and white container that Darren did not recognize. He tried to get his head up enough to see what Jason was doing. 

“Head down boy” Darren audibly groaned, but obeyed nonetheless. 

Jason fumbled with some things out of Darren’s sight for a minute then spoke. “I’m going to stick my finger up your hole boy, if you move or try to get up I will beat your ass till you’re crying, understood?” What the fuck, he’s gonna do what?! Internal panic set in for Darren, but the thought of being fired and homeless kept him from doing anything extreme. 

“Okay” he said abruptly, giving in to his worst nightmare. 

He braved himself as he felt something press up against his butt hole, it was a very foreign and strange feeling that he never thought he would experience. Then, despite his best efforts, he felt his hole give way to Jason’s finger. The feeling was excruciating, he let out an audible gasp and continued to clench as a gut reaction. 

“Relax, boy. Squeezing only makes it worse.” However, as Jason expected, his advice wasn’t taken. 

Darren continued to over-exaggerate his reaction as Jason pulled his finger out, then inserted it once more. Jason removed his finger a second time, then as Darren braced himself for a third entry, he glanced down to see the diaper between his legs was being taped up. 

“Fuck” exclaimed Darren, letting a loud sigh of relief, now confident that the unwanted penetration was over. If he ever does that again I’ll knock him out, Darren though as he got visibly angry thinking about what just happened to him. However, his anger was ignored as Jason packed up his stuff and stood up. 

“See you at 5, boy. Or maybe sooner this time?” he said as he walked out of the bathroom, leaving Darren lying on the floor in nothing but a diaper. 

Getting up from the disgusting bathroom floor, Darren looked at himself in the mirror for a moment, completely defeated. He looked down at the diaper between his legs, it was thick, as usual, making it difficult to close his legs. He took a moment to look closer at the blue and purple dinosaurs on the front of the diaper. They were scattered all over the surface with little dinosaur eggs in between them. 

Knock knock 

“Is anyone in there?” Darren’s emotional paralysis was shattered instantly as he desperately started putting his clothes back on. “Yeah I’m almost done, one second!”

 Darren slowly sat down at his desk, hoping the crinkle wasn’t as loud to anyone nearby as it was to him. Christina was back at her desk with her coffee, if Darren hadn’t been preoccupied with the padding between his legs he’d have noticed her staring at him, desperately searching for an opportunity to get his attention. Alright man just focus, get your work done, and this will be over soon. It’s just Monday, you can get through this. 


Suddenly Darren’s stomach painfully churned louder and harder than he’d ever felt. Fuck! What’s wrong with my fucking stomach?
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What Happened to Monday's Pt1

Monday is a tough day for many people. It’s the first day of the week, and it always feels like it’s an uphill battle from there. For most people, this means getting up early and getting their week started. For one, it means putting on a brave face and dealing with the mess that Monday now, regrettably, brings. 

Morning light peeled through the shades of Darren’s bedroom, abruptly waking him ten minutes before the alarm was set to go off. The first irritant of the day, he thought. He lazily rolled out of bed to make his way to the shower. Standing under the onslaught of burning water droplets, Darren desperately racked his brain for some, fuck, any excuse to stay home.

 I can’t afford to loose a day of pay, he thought. And what the fuck would he do if I didn’t show?! After 30 minutes of reflection in the shower, Darren knew he had to go to just suck it up and go to work. The steam irradiated off of his body as he stepped out of the shower. Wiping the steam from the mirror to brush his hair, he suddenly got a good look at himself. 28 years old, 6’ tall, and more muscle than the average male. Chiseled jawline, blue eyes, and golden blonde hair. Darren was, by anyones standards, attractive. He was always popular in school and never had trouble getting women in his bed. Just by looking at him you’d think he has it all. 

Fuck, I’m gonna be late. Working as a financial analyst was fantastic, he had a desk, great pay, normal hours, and allowed him to somewhat live in luxury. The large and reputable accounting firm in downtown Phoenix that he worked for was by far the fanciest work environment Darren had ever landed. He was proud of his job, being the youngest of his 3 siblings but significantly more successful somewhat gave him a leg up in family social settings. However it was his resounding personal success that made his current predicament even more stressful. His 30 minute commute gave him plenty of time to dread the upcoming work day, and the inevitable humiliation he would face.

 Darren quickly sat down at his desk and started up his computer. Whew right on time, that’s one less thing to worry about. He thought. “Good morning Darren! How was your weekend?” He looked up from his computer, it was Christina, his unbelievably hot coworker whose desk was teasingly right across from his own. “Hey Christina, it was um good, yours?” The conversation went the way it always did exchanging typical pleasantries, as much as Darren wanted in her pants his brain was somewhat preoccupied as he continuously glanced at the elevator. Maybe he’d get lucky this Monday and he wouldn’t show up. 

3 hours went by of nervous half working half habitually glancing at the elevator. Then, the inevitable happened. Ding. The elevator doors slid open and there he was. Jason, the sight of him made Darren’s blood boil and stomach plummet. Into the office walked a 5’6 man in a black suit and tie with a Swiss backpack. He wasn’t much to look at, short, not ugly but not terribly attractive, which average body build. Any bystander would look and see an average looking dude, certainly not on the same level physically as Darren. A few people said hi to him as he walked across the office to the executive boardroom, he didn’t even look in Darren’s direction.

 “Are you ok?” Darren snapped out of his momentary paralysis, realizing he had been frustratingly staring at Jason walk from the elevator to the boardroom. Darren looked up to see Christina at his desk. “Sorry, yeah just thinking about something.” Christina gave a momentary puzzled look before brushing it off “I’m gonna go get a coffee, you wanna come with?” As much as he wanted to go get coffee with the hottest girl in the office he just couldn’t risk it. “Umm no thanks I’ve stuff got a cup I’m working on.” Christina walked away from his desk, taking a momentary notice of the obviously empty coffee cup on Darren’s desk. 

What a strange guy, was he staring at the new assistant? She wondered. 

The clock ticked by, every minute that passed reminded Darren of what was coming when the board broke for lunch. After what felt like a lifetime, the boardroom empties and everyone went their separate ways. Last to leave after the COO was Jason, he once again walked to the elevator without acknowledging Darren’s existence. Darren could feel his stomach begin to churn and sweat forming on his forehead. Bzzzt Darren’s cell phone lit up with a new text notification on his Lock Screen. He apprehensively picked it up to read the text.

 3rd floor private bathroom. Now, Boy.
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