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Hi All!I am a Daddy/CG in Las Vegas, NV. I specialize in diaper art and ABDL fiction/Erotica!Check out my library of stories and art.
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Deal - The Deal
     An Original Story about Peter, a dominant hitman who receives a contract to take out his childhood bully Zane, instead deciding to give him a permanent taste of his own medicine, pacifying the person who made his childhood hell, permanently. 

Karma - Crinkly Karma
    An original story about the world biggest jerk that just so happened to piss of the wrong witch, see what happens when she decides a little magic is needed to help him act his age. 

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Turning - Turning Point
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Star Struck Pt.2

 Blizz woke up the next morning as expected, with a pounding migraine, a hunger for food, and a hangover induced lack of energy. However, the unexpected was waking up in a strange place. Blizz took accounts of his surroundings, noting the strange cosmic like decor, almost feeling like the entire room was in flux, not quite in focus. He sat up in the bed only to hear a strange crinkle sound below the sheets, like he was laying on crumpled up plastic. 

In a dazed and confused panic, Blizz flung the sheets off of his body in one fell swoop, revealing a strange and unexpected sight. At first he wasn’t sure what it was that he was wearing, and he knew deep down no amount of effort would allow him to remember if he put it on himself or if someone else did. The last thing he remembered from the night before was Asol approaching him at the bar, everything after that was a blur. As much as he wanted to panic over how he could’ve possibly embarrassed himself in front of a celestial dragon, there was a more important matter at hand. As he stared down he kept trying to convince himself it was something else, but none of his other ideas seemed to stick, considering how obvious the item was. 

“A…a Diaper?!” Blizz said aloud in confusion, even though he was confident that's what it was. Convincing himself it was something else was a fool’s errand.

He half leaned up, reaching a paw down to physically investigate, poking and prodding the plastic. He looked intently with expanding curiosity, carefully taking in the design and print. It was thick, with 4 tapes and a cute paw print design. Upon further inspection he realized, to his own embarrassment, the diaper was used, clearly soggy from a drunk pup that couldn’t hold it, bringing recent memories of him waking up after a night out to soaked sheets. His face was now noticeably red from that realization, triggering the memory of himself wetting his shorts in front of Asol last night. 

Is that why I'm here in a diaper?!
He thought to himself, fearful of the consequences of doing something so horrible and humiliating in front of a celestial like that, he was confident he’d be shunned if people found out. 

Blizz sat all the way up, feeling the soggy padding squish on his butt, a sensation that wasn’t all that bad to Blizz’s surprise. He put his hand to the side of his head, regretting last night and the splintering headache he knew wouldn’t be going away anytime soon. He struggled to focus, but knew he needed to get up and try to find his way home, or maybe some clothes first.

To his surprise there was no sense of storage in the room, just walls and a bed. Don’t get me wrong the room was grand and beautiful, with molded ceilings and golden accents, there just wasn’t a sense of use like a normal person would need in a room. As Blizz was fumbling about, trying to adjust to walking with the added bulk between his legs, the door to the room elegantly dissolved into nothing. On the other side was Asol, who glided into the room. His presence was extremely intimidating, prompting Blizz’s tail to aggressively tuck between his legs. 

As Asol approached he waved one of his massive claws in the air, Blizz immediately felt an invisible presence around him, almost like a strong gust of wind continuously whirling around his body. His whole body raised into the air and floated to Asol, gently lowering him into the Dragon’s arms. Asol held him on his back staring down at his new pet, Blizz lost himself in the celestials' neverending eyes, which looked like a dark expanse that one could easily lose an eternity staring into.  

Blizz felt frozen, unable to move, talk, or object to being diapered and held against his will. This wasn’t a surprise though, the pup had never really been assertive or confident. The dead air was palpable as Blizz waited for Asol to do something, say something, anything. The dragon stood still and confident staring down into his eyes, almost like he was relishing the moment, or deciding what to do next. Suddenly Blizz noticed the galaxy in his eyes swirling slowly, white speckles, like stars, moving in circular motions. He was mesmerized, now unable to look away even if he had the courage to try. By the time it stopped and he felt himself come back to consciousness he was unsure how long he’d been laying there staring into Asol’s eyes, like he’d awoke from a deep sleep. He felt different, renewed, like he was in the right place and needed to be here. 

Asol carried the soggy pup out of the room, down the hall, and into an adjacent room. Like before, as Asol approached the door it simply dissolved into an empty doorway, materializing into solid matter again once he had fully entered the room. Asol laid Blizz down on a table in the room, then turned around, breaking eye contact. Once he couldn't see Asol’s face anymore it was like a spell had been broken, he had control over himself again. Blizz looked around the room for the first time to see his new surroundings. What he saw had him instantly gobsmacked, it was his childhood bedroom. Not like his room, it WAS his room, an exact copy from his earliest memories. He recognized his toy chest from when he was little, the posters on the wall from his favorite toddler show, and even the crib on the wall that his parents kept around for a little too long, not wanting to pay for a proper bed just yet. 

“I thought starting with something familiar to you would make the transition easier.” 

Asol’s smooth deep voice echoed in his direction, creating goosebumps beneath his fur. Blizz realized that the Dragon had literally pulled the memories of his childhood room from his mind into real life. It was amazing, and frightening at the same time, making Blizz wonder exactly what Asol planned to do with him and the bedroom he had as a toddler. 

Asol returned quickly, raising his huge claws open and holding them over the scared puppy. Like magic, Blizz’s diaper un-taped and folded open revealing an embarrassingly small member that seemed to shrink even more when he realized someone else could see it. Wipes appeared out of thin air, wiping his fur and causing a shiver from the sudden cold touch. He felt his legs rise into the air with seemingly no effort, the wipes invasively touching every inch of his most private parts, even getting tight between his cheeks. Blizz closed his eyes at this point, not being able to handle the humiliation, and considering Asol’s magic prevented him from moving if he tried. As he feared, another printed diaper was replaced when the old one dissolved away, complete with an obscene amount of baby powder. 

Although Blizz wasn’t happy about being in a diaper still, at least it was a dry one. Sitting in his own piss stained diaper was starting to make him feel gross and icky. After his first, extremely embarrassing, diaper change in decades, Asol had Blizz raised and let down on the floor of the room. It was at this moment that he realized the scale problem. Sure it was an exact copy of his childhood room, but the scale was all wrong; it was like everything was bigger than it was supposed to be. Making him actually the size of a toddler relative to the stuff in the room. This made Asol, a ginormous celestial dragon, seem like the size of a normal person in perspective. It was clever, but also gave Blizz a headache, looking down to see he was the same size he’d always been, but the crib and toys were huge to him.  

After he was put down Asol gave him a comforting rub on the back, then left the room. Blizz found out quickly that he was trapped, realizing there were no knobs on the door. He figured it would only open to Asol’s presence. What did the Dragon expect him to do? Play with toddler toys like a baby? But Blizz knew there was no easy way out of this, for some twisted reason Asol had chosen him for something, and he was just going to have to play along whether he liked it or not. 

As Blizz mentally accepted being stuck here for a while he felt a strange sensation, widening his legs and looking down in horror. To his utter surprise he witnessed his diaper growing in size, no wait not growing, swelling! He was pissing and he couldn’t even feel it, there was no urge to pee at all, it was just flowing against his will. The scared pup broke down, dropping to his knees as the adorable paw prints on the diaper faded, crying into his paws. This was the change he felt staring into Asol’s swirling eyes, somehow he’d done this using some kind of celestial magic or hypnosis or something. He knew one thing for certain, he couldn’t let himself look into Asol’s eyes again, or risk having his brain messed with more than it already was. 

Meanwhile, Asol was elsewhere in his palace, pondering his new pet. He was looking forward to experiencing what mortals did when they raised their young, hoping this would get him one step closer to truly understanding mortality. Deep down he began to feel an inkling of love for the adorable pup, who he thought looked extremely cute in thick diapers, finding his shyness captivating. He pushed that to the side, as a celestial he couldn’t let himself feel mortal emotions, it was considered a weakness, but he feared if he went further with Blizz it would become exponentially harder to not express those emotions. By now it was too late though, he’d taken away the pup’s bladder control, and there was no giving it back. He knew he was stuck with Blizz now, and if he wanted to end it he’d at least have to potty train him again, something he was confident was more trouble than it’s worth. 

A smile crept across the dragon's jaw, revealing razor sharp teeth. He couldn’t wait to delve deeper with Blizz, and he had so much planned for the childish pup, things he was confident would teach him valuable lessons he should’ve learned a long time ago. 

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Star Struck Pt.1

Blizz sat in the bar drinking away his woes, an act that had unfortunately now become a normal part of his weekly routine. Rain drizzled outside onto the glass windows of the neighborhood bar, slowly flowing down the panes, personifying Blizz’s own feelings towards himself. He flicked his tail back and forth as he looked around the room, hoping to see someone there he was interested in, his drunken stupor fueling his desire for companionship. Most of the guys in the bar were regulars like himself, who he knew weren’t interested in him. The orange fox at the billiards table had apologized and rejected him last week, the red and gray cat at the end of the bar told Blizz he was straight multiple times, and the brown bear playing darts wouldn’t even look at him. 
Blizz exhaled audible as he downed another drink, starting to believe in his head that he’d be alone forever. Why even try anymore? It’s hopeless anyways, at least that’s what he thought to himself. The alcohol made it easier to process his loneliness, but also often resulted in him making a fool of himself. Just last week Blizz had tripped over his own tail leaving the bar, face planting into a puddle just outside the door, not that he could remember it anyway. He always found himself waking up the next morning with a huge migraine, puke stained fur, and no memory of how he got home, if he made it home at all. He’d become so used to his routine he couldn’t see far enough to realize how bad it was. 
The night went on normally for the drunk pup drinking one after another, karaoke, slurring his words, and other nonsense. Suddenly a large figure entered the bar, he was massive with an aura about him demanding all eyes on him. Blizz turned to the door as he realized everyone else was looking in that direction, his jaw dropped to the floor to his back paws as he realized who it was. The large celestial dragon that walked in was none other that THE Aurelian Sol (Asol), a famous star forger and cosmic overlord. Bright blue shone from his dark blue skin as the light reflected off of his golden crown. His skin looked like deep space, glistening with the light of stars he created, all while his purple mane blew behind him. 
Several people left as he walked in, not feeling worthy of being in his presence. Blizz nervously scooted to the far end of the bar, maintaining a small amount of sense. Asol approached the bar, where a very nervous Wolf took his drink order, stuttering and fumbling his words. An hour went by where everyone in the bar tried to ignore the Celestial’s presence, it certainly felt odd having someone of his stature in a place like this. Unbeknownst to Blizz, Asol looked over at him many times, as if he was measuring him up. The drunk and nervous puppy didn’t dare look over in that direction, it was a well known fact that even so much as inconveniencing a celestial dragon would have dire consequences, partner that with the rumor that they were relatively easy to frustrate.
Blizz felt a shiver down his spine as he felt an unnerving presence behind him, rotating his barstool to see the glowing dragon standing inches away, he looked up to meet his eyes realizing just how tall Asol towered above him. Blizz could feel the celestial energy beaming from his dark blue skin, making him feel more inferior than ever. He couldn’t help but wonder why the dragon approached him of all people.  
“Hello pup, my name is Aurelius Sol” he said, his voice was deep and full. 
Blizz attempted to respond, his tail tucked and his legs shaking. “I.. I ummm… I”
He couldn’t form words or even the courage to run. Aurelius’s presence was intimidating in a way Blizz had never experienced. The enormous Dragon continued to stare at the clearly frightened pup waiting for a response, when suddenly a dark spot formed on Blizz’s shorts, expanding and running down his legs to form a puddle on the floor. The scared pup looked down in horror as the realization came that he just pissed himself in public.
He looked back up, tears forming in his eyes, only to see a smirk of amusement on Asol’s face. The magnificent dragon found the shy pup adorable. Being a celestial he had no experience with the growth or lifecycle of the various furry races, and he’d become curious enough to seek out his own ward if you will, wanting to experience what it was like to parent a mortal being. He’d spent ages routinely visiting normal venues looking for the perfect person in clear need or re-education and direction, and he just found the perfect specimen.
Blizz let out a high pitched “eep” as Asol scooped him up into his arms in one swift motion. He couldn’t quite believe how strong the dragon was and how easy it was for him to pick him up like that, if you looked closely enough you'd see a red hue under blizz’s fur on his cheeks. He wasn’t sure what Asol was up to, but he knew better than to anger a Celestial Dragon, even in his drunken state he wasn’t stupid enough to debate. 
Asol looked down into the eyes of the frightened and soaked pup, thinking to himself “Oh yes, you will do nicely indeed.”
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