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Cursed Atelier
Cursed Atelier
Cursed Atelier is creating VoidBound.
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Progress Report #48: December, 2022

Hi everyone o/

We bring you VoidBound's final report for the year 2022, and unsurprisingly enough, it's a bit on the thin side. With the majority of the team away spending holidays with their loved ones, we really don't have much to show. 

But, what we do have are few crew members who burn both ends of the candle, so why not have a quick look on what they covered this past week?

Doppel took upon himself to go off the grid and do some traditional new year cleaning around his place, but not before we managed to convince him to do something special in line with VoidBound's end of year traditions as well. Caly in her X-Mas attire, was just one side of the seasonal coin. There is more yet to come.. :)

Sometime ago, we had the idea of concepting a quest based on patron suggestion. It never really went anywhere, up until now that is. Unsure if it's the effect of intoxicating spirits or simply the after effect of a jolly mood, but we were made aware last minute that the writers have started laying down foundation for a unique scenario with gameplay elements baked into its core. The details however, seem too thin to make any sense off, so we might have to leave you hanging :(

Finally, our coder has no life. Apologies, let us rephrase: VoidBound is our coder's life. So it wasn't surprising when Candiru sent in his fair list of work ranging from fixing a few anomalies in the combat system all the way to re-balancing multiple boss fights. Everyone celebrates differently- as long as they're happy doing what they love, we're on board as well!

And that is our final progress report for you. We've yet to receive any word on game plans for January of 2023, so our guess is as good as yours. On that hazy of a note, we bid you a very Happy New Year and will see you soon with a short new year greeting in the next few hours.

Enjoy and Kind Regards,

Cursed-Atelier Team

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Cursed Atelier

Patron Reward Archives: Art Pack, December 2022

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Cursed Atelier

VoidBound 0. 5. 3a: Patron Release

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Cursed Atelier
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Galaxical Seasons Greetings 2022

Dear fans,

It’s that time of year again when everyone is enjoying the holidays in their own special way. Some religiously, some commercially and then some like us who are celebrating by working a tad extra hard with what we love best- VoidBound. 

Though we wouldn't go as far as to claim so for the entire team, and there have been struggles along the way, but without a doubt, building this game has brought us the greatest of joys and you're all to thank for it. Your support has not only encouraged us but given us plenty of reasons to keep doing better. 

Please consider the art attached alongside as just not a festive piece but also a way for us to commemorate these annual joyous occasions, in our own special way.

Enjoy and we'll see you in the upcoming Patron release.

Kind Regards,

C-A Team 

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Cursed Atelier
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Progress Report #47: November, 2022

Greetings o/

With the holiday season just around the corner, the team couldn't wait to jump into their festive mode and hauled ass to square away all the heavy workload beforehand. After-all, they know they'll barely see anything straight for the next few days :P

A new NPC was conceived a few weeks back who was set to play a key role in a major brothel event. Not only hers, but a few other H events were also released earlier this month, and we're glad to report that based on initial feedback, we've already started work on improving and expanding further upon them. Add to that, a few festive pieces that have been lined up as well and its turning out to be a pretty productive artistic week. Look forward to them!

The direction of Jem's new adventure has been finalized as well! Product of a few weeks worth of brainstorming, we've been told that it has been turned into a proper character development arc, rather than a forgettable one bang experience. Not only that, Vas getting her way with Caly in the new patch, attracted enough appeal amongst our fans that writers are now exploring more avenues to create a new tryst between the two. Girls spending more quality time in each other's company? Yes, please.

Finally, Action Log has been given a deep tweak. With Quest Log soon becoming the focal point of development, the coder wants to rid the combat interface of various reported oddities and make it more streamlined for the end player to latch on to. For more in-depth details refer to the image attached alongside!

And that is all we have for you this week. As mentioned, we've something special to share with you all, so we might just ping you far earlier than the next progress report!

Until then however, stay safe and enjoy your days off in the most fun ways possible!

Kind Regards,

Cursed-Atelier Team

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Progress Report #46: November, 2022

Guns... I need a lot of guns.

Greetings o/

Welcome to our second round of VoidBound Progress for the month of December. With Patch 0.5.3 now out in the wild for our Patron Supporters to evaluate, efforts are now anew to prepare patch 0.5.2 for a wider public release in the next few days. Before that however, lets take a closer look on what the past week was all about.

We've been absorbing feedback data for some time now and what we observed all across the board, was a simmering desire by our player-base for more manual control of Caly. Game-play it seems, has left quite a bit of your wanting for more. Well, want know more, for we're glad to report that not only new playable content is in the works, but plans are underway to find more story interlinks that can be used to add RPG oriented scenarios that'll give you more time with our Engineer. Refer to the report attached for more details!

With the new patch out of the way and December holidays just around the corner, the writers have started taking things low and slow. Majority of the efforts are now being exerted in revising and polishing old themes while at the same time adding continuations to the existing content, building additional scenarios over it. In-fact patch 0.5.3 was the cornerstone for it, carrying multiple new events centered around the existing basis of Love Machine and similarly more are planned down the line!

Finally, tests were run in full swing gauging how far the engine could be pushed with AI randomization. As some of you might already be aware, RPG Maker is a bit of fussy engine, with any attempts to make it more fluidly dynamic almost always ending up in a can of virtual worms. However, we've been swiping out a lot of its default coding with our very own custom one, resulting in minimal and, easily rectifiable, errors. In short, we found and fixed quite a few things, prominent among those of a lighting issues that made Xaide a black hole to play in. Though the fix was applied in 0.5.3, we'll be extending the solution to the public release of 0.5.2 as well!

And that was our Week 2 of December. Next week, info about a new character is expected to rollout, followed by updates on the Jem's quest-lines and the new Quest Log system.

Till then however, stay warm and we'll see you in the next one!

Kind Regards,

Cursed-Atelier Team

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47 subscribers
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Our amazing team is tight-knit, and we only have one full-time writer at this time. Reaching this goal would give our team a little financial breathing room while having a positive impact on the game.
With this amount, our team would be able to focus on adding more content to the game, expanding on side areas, optional quests, and cosmetic features.
We will hire Japanese and English voice actors to really bring our characters to life!
to reach
the Goal
Animation is expensive, but it adds so much that we cannot overlook the impact it would have once implemented. With this goal, we would be able to hire a professional animator to reach our highest standards.
to reach
the Goal
Our incredible staff deserves a pay bump, and with this amount, we could give them just that. All thanks to your amazing generosity! This would mean that they could set aside things like day jobs or other money-making means, and make Voidbound and Cursed Atelier their full-time employment.

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