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Cumbread profile
Furry Artist NSFW ♥

Планы подписки

USD в месяц
🔮 The Call Has Come! 🔮

You have been chosen, and now you have access to exclusive content:

✨ What You Get:

🌟 Early access to public artworks before anyone else.

🖌️ 10 monthly renewable posts, including:

*WIPs (sketches and animations).

*Unreleased alternative versions.

*Extra exclusive content.

*Subscriber-only artworks.

*The monthly poll winner illustration.

🎭 Vote in the monthly waifu poll!

📂 Access to the "2020 Gallery" Discord group, where you’ll find:

*Exclusive sketches.

*Alternative versions.

*Commissions and more special content.

6 подписчиков
USD в месяц
🌍 The Search Begins! 🔍

You have embarked on a journey, unlocking exclusive content along the way:

✨ What You Get:

🌟 Early access to public artworks before anyone else.

📜 Access to 12 monthly renewable posts, including:

*WIPs (animations, sketches, commissions and more).

*Unreleased alternative versions.

*Exclusive extras.

*The monthly poll winners illustration.

🎭 Vote in TWO monthly waifu polls!

📂 Access to the "2020-2021 Gallery" Discord group, where you’ll find:

*Exclusive sketches.

*Alternative versions.

*Commissions and extra artworks.

Your search for exclusive art has just begun—welcome aboard! 🔥✨

18 подписчиков
USD в месяц
🏆 The Reward Awaits! 🎖️

It has been a hard journey—you barely made it alive. But now, you have earned The Reward, unlocking exclusive content before anyone else!

✨ What You Get:

🌟 Early access to public artworks before anyone else.

📜 Access to 16 monthly renewable posts, including:

*WIPs (animations, sketches, commissions and more).

*Unreleased alternative versions.

*Exclusive extras.

*Subscriber-only artworks.

*The winners of the monthly poll.

🎭 Vote in TWO monthly waifu polls!

📂 Access to the "2020-2022 Gallery" Discord group, where you’ll find:

*Exclusive sketches.

*Alternative versions.

*Commissions and extra artworks.

*Speedpaints for an inside look at the process!

You survived the journey—now enjoy the reward! 🔥✨

4 подписчика
USD в месяц
🌟 The Enlightenment Has Come! 🔮

You have uncovered the truth, unlocking exclusive access before anyone else!

✨ What You Get:

🌟 Early access to public artworks before anyone else.

📜 Access to 16 monthly renewable posts, including:

*WIPs (animations, sketches, commissions and more).

*Unreleased alternative versions.

*Exclusive extras. *Subscriber-only artworks.

*The winners of the monthly poll.

🗳️ Suggest characters for the monthly poll!

🎭 Vote in TWO monthly waifu polls!

📂 Access to the "2020-2024 Gallery" Discord group, where you’ll find:

*Exclusive sketches.

*Alternative versions.

*Commissions and extra artworks.

*Speedpaints for an inside look at the process!

🖼️ Access to ALL artworks without text and ALL alternative versions.

🎞️ Full access to ALL speedpaints.

You now hold the ultimate artistic enlightenment—welcome to the truth! 🔥✨

4 подписчика
USD в месяц
✨ The Ultimate Bread-Raffle Tier! 🎉

Your journey has reached its highest point—unlock exclusive access to content, raffles, and a world of creativity beyond measure.

✨ What You Get:

🎨 Participate in the Artwork Raffle!

(Every last day of the month, join the full-color artwork raffle featuring one character and a background of your choice.)

*Extra details will be sent via DM to personalize your winning piece.

🏆 Access to the Raffle Winner Artwork.

🌟 16 Monthly Renewable Posts, including:

*WIPs (animations, sketches, commisisons and more).

*Unreleased alternative versions.

*Exclusive extras.

*The winner of the monthly poll.

*If you missed any posts, you can find them in the Discord gallery.

🗳️ Suggest characters for the monthly poll!

🎭 Vote in TWO monthly waifu polls!

📂 Access to two exclusive Discord galleries:

*2020-2024 Gallery (sketches, alternative versions, commissions, and extra artworks).

*Actual Gallery 25' (updated monthly with the latest content).

🖼️ Access to ALL artworks textless and all alternative versions.

🎞️ Full access to all speedpaints.

This tier unlocks everything you need to fuel your artistic journey—step into a world of limitless creativity! 🔥✨

Лимитировано (1 из 5) подписчиков


  • Hi! Welcome to my suscribestar page uwu I'm really happy taht you're here considering to support me. Remember that you can get access to more content exclusive. The party no ends, I hope you love my content and I hope bring more artworks for you ♥
Displaying posts with tag Wip.Reset Filter

Wip: 20/02

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $6, $10, $17, $30, $69 .s
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27 подписчиков
89 постов


$359 of $1,200
per month
**Building a New PC** It's been a few years since I started working on this, and I usually use the earnings to live, which is why I sometimes forget to upgrade my setup qwq. Since I would like to get more into 2D animation and 3D modeling, I'd love to have a better rig to make that possible. I promise to post daily updates of my progress on various projects ♥

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