The majority of the senior employees at the Hostage Hotel were deer from the same herd. They had come in a while ago, making a deal with the owners to ensure good employment while granting only the best service in return. A similar phenomenon happened with the security team, as the herd of stallions and mares who protected the hotel were recommended by the patriarch of the deer herd.

But that did not mean that you had to rely on nepotism to get into the hotel's employee roster.

Umber was currently in the back room of the hotel's storage area, watching over some newcomers who were practicing their ropework. He had trained this batch well, and had done his best to ensure they all knew the basics. But now it was time to let them do their trial runs, with mentors to monitor their progress. 

His own trainee was a rat, a wiry, lanky male named Kixx. At least that's what he had put on his forms as his preferred name. Whatever the case was, Kixx had shown the most promise, and Umber was determined to mold the rat into his replacement.

The mule would dismiss the trainees, motioning Kixx to the lobby to hang around and wait for baggage jobs. 

Of course, they would not need to wait long.
They were called in to assist with a guest's baggage, and Umber hung back, letting Kixx interact with the guest so he could watch and assess…

And of course, they got a particularly feisty client.

Umber couldn't help but blink as he saw that they had a bit of a tough customer, a gila monster by the name of Flynn Moore. They were known to be venomous, and normally, Umber would step in to handle this.

But Kixx schmoozed over, smiling that polite smile. "Morning, sir. The name is Kixx, and I'm here to help you get your things to your room."

"Hmph. We've barely met, and you're already looking for a tip, huh?" Flynn huffed. "You'll have to do better than that."

"Oh, no sir. The hotel pays me well enough that I don't need to go begging for extra coin." The sandy colored rat easily hefted up the bags onto the cart and nodded. "Please, do lead the way, won't you?"

Flynn narrowed his eyes at the rodent, and glanced over at Umber, who was stepping up to help push the cart. "Who's the old mule?"

"Oh, that's my mentor. I'm still in training, but I assure you, it won't be an issue in the slightest."

"How much training does a bellhop need, anyway? Seems like a waste of time, but if your hotel wants to waste money that way, whatever. Follow me."

Umber had to grit his teeth. He might be a mule, but this guy was a full on jackass. Not that Kixx seemed to notice. He was still as polite and sweet as pie, happily making way for the cart and their esteemed guest. The rat had better customer service skills than he had, that was for certain.
Flynn led them to room 217, where he was going to be staying. It was one of the recently refurbished rooms, so it was a lot fancier despite being a basic level room.

"Alrighty, sir. Shall we unload your things?" Kixx asked, tilting his head. 

"Nah. I don't need you two touching my stuff any more than you already have." Flynn snapped back, grabbing his bags. "You can go now, alright?"

Umber said nothing, letting Kixx handle it… but he did toss Kixx some rope when the rat motioned for it.

"Oh come now, I'm sure there's more we can do for you." Kixx said, creeping up on the gila monster.

"I said, I don't need any more of your guys'- Ghk!" Flynn gagged as Kixx used the rope to start to strangle him. Not enough to cause harm, just enough to subdue him.

"Awww, what was that? You'll have to speak up." Kixx would twist and dodge as Flynn tried to fight back, smiling the whole time. "C'mon, SURELY there must be something we can do for you?"

Flynn hissed and gagged, struggling as much as he could. But eventually he would tire, panting. And that's when Kixx would strike, pushing him onto the bed and swiftly hogtying him with the same rope. "Let me GO, dammit! When I get outta here…!" He threatened, though the strangling had left his voice hoarse, making his voice crack.

"Oh, but sir, you know where you are, don't you?" Kixx asked. "And besides, the power lies with us, not you." The rat booped his nose, causing Flynn to lash out and try to bite him. "Such a rude lizard. We will have to fix that."

The rat would unload the bags, tossing them into the closet and sliding the cart outside. Shutting and locking the door, he just smiled wider as he heard Flynn cussing him out and yelling for Umber to let him out. "Oh, I don't think you'll be going anywhere until that attitude gets adjusted, mister." Kixx went and grabbed a few towels from the bathroom, and loomed over the squirming gila monster.

"Look, you made your point, dammit! Let me go!" Flynn snarled, tail lashing out and baring his fangs. 

"No no. If I let you go, you'll probably try and bite.and we can't have that, can we?" Kixx asked, balling up the face towel, and pinching the gila monster's nose. "Now say 'ahhhh', sir."

Flynn shook his head, trying to keep his mouth shut. But eventually he would need to breathe, inhaling… and that was all that Kixx needed. 

He stuffed the wadded up towel into his maw, using another cloth to secure it in. He tied the cloth around the lizard's head, ensuring the knot was secure before stepping back. "There. Pretty as a picture. Perhaps if you had behaved, I'd have made this whole situation more comfortable for you. But alas. Now you can just lay there and think about your choices."

"MMPGH! MMMPH! HNNGH!" He screamed into the gag, snarling and struggling…he arched his back, glaring and trying to lunge again… but stumbled and fell back, falling onto his side. 

"Now. If there is anything else you need, sir, all you need to do is call down to the front desk." Kixx bowed, grinning wide. "You have a wonderful day!"

Kixx would loom over the captive Flynn, relishing in the rude bastard's helplessness… Flynn meanwhile was glaring at Kixx, eyes darting towards Umber, as if asking for help…

"Alright, Kixx. Enough. We have other people who need our services." The mule said, motioning for the rat to follow.

"Aww, I was just starting to have a lil connection with this one. Alright, though." They would leave, locking the door and hanging the Do Not Disturb sign on the handle.

Flynn would have a lot of time to think on his attitude…