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Copper After Dark
Copper After Dark
Kinky art for kinky people! Bondage! Latex! Gags! Furries! Weird stuff! It's here!
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Copper After Dark
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Copper After Dark
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Kixx was pretty pleased with himself. 

His first proper season, and he was a stand out amongst his peers. Customer approval was up, and he was well liked by the higher ups as well.

The rat had nothing big to worry about.

He had no idea that such a positive performance would grant him insight into something more.
"I'm surprised you still wanna hang around me, Umber. Thought I was beyond the point of babysitting?" The rat asked, smiling at the mule amd filing his nails down. They were between clients right now, and this assignment required him and his mentor to work together once again.

"Hmph. Mind yourself. You might be the latest star employee. But you've got ages to go before you can be fit to completely send me to pasture." Umber said, shaking his head. "This'll be an easy job for ya. Just get this guy in a drone suit and with the rebreathers on."

"If it's so easy, why did management need you to be here? Don't tell me you're pushing your work off on me again?" Kixx teased.

"Nah. This is a 2 person job." He grunted. "C'mon."

Kuroryuu was a talented artist, capable of carving and molding and tinkering in all manner of ways. The dragon mage was well connected here and abroad, knowing many a powerful beast in their industries. But genius needed breaks too. And such, he liked to come here, to this hotel, where his troubles and concerns could be washed away…

The dragon was laid out on his bed, reading a tome he had picked up from a nearby secondhand store, and growing sleepier by the minute. If nothing else, the surrounding area was a goldmine for the vintage and antique obsessed. The sellers were good folk, always willing to barter or haggle for a decent price. And he hadn't had a chance to just come back here and grab himself a little something nice. Such as this weathered tome. Or the specialized rune carving chisels he had picked up from an older toolsmith at the end of the road.

Regardless, he was clean and freshened up, yawning and relaxed in his cozy bed. The hotel rooms never seemed to feel like them. They always felt so comfortable. So familiar and calming no matter who you were…

Regardless, he stretched and snuggled into the comforters, putting a bookmark in his tome and settling into a nice relaxed slumber. He had gotten up early today to go antique hunting, and so now he was far more tired than he ought to be…

However, Kuroryuu's nap would be interrupted by a slight, but persistent jostling.

"... nngh… wh…" he mumbled, opening his eyes. The sunlight had waned, casting the room into gloomy shadow. And at his side was a lean figure, dumping some sort of strange concoction onto his chest.

"Wh-hey…!" He sleepily tried to sit up, only to be pushed down by surprisingly firm clawed hands.

"Shhhh. Just relax, fella." The leaner stranger laughed, as the concoction started to spread over his frame. "Or. Y'know. Struggle. I do love to see captives try and put up a fight."

"Unhand me, damn you-!" Kuro struggled and protested loudly, glaring and managing to get Kixx off of himself… but too little, too late. The latex had spread enough that all Kixx and Umber had to do was step back and watch. "No!" Kuro could feel the stuff seeping over his skin, dragging his hands forward so they were crossed in front of him… the latex molded itself together, making an inescapable mass of the goo to keep Kuro's arms from breaking free.

The dragon tugged and snarled, trying to pull his arms apart. But the more he pulled at his bindings, the more his latex prison heated up and spread over his body. Kixx just whistled as he grabbed a glob of the stuff and smeared it onto his snout. Only then could he attach the rebreathing tubes, as the order requested.

Meanwhile, while this was going on, Umber was getting to work. Thick metal bands would be wrapped around Kuro, with the latex adhering to it and giving it more structure. The mule would also grab at his crotch, teasing and groping at his length to whip him up into a frenzy…  he teased and tormented him, seeming so serious about it as Kuro let out nice little moans into his breathing tubes…

And when he was close to cumming, Umber just had Kixx activate the locks on the newly formed suit. A null lock would be applied between his legs, preventing that goo from being moved or manipulated… they both ignored Kuro's cries of desperation, backing off to grab something from Kixx's pack…

The rat would hold up two eye shaped lenses, and carefully place them over the still exposed eyes of the squirming dragon. "There we go." He chuckled. "A little gift from one of our engineers. She seemed really adamant that we use these on ya, so…"

Umber rolled his eyes. "Quit tormenting him, brat. We still have other jobs to do."

"Oh pfffth. You're no fun." Kixx rolled his eyes as the light filtering into the room from the window activated the lenses.

The colors within the specially synthesized glass would swirl and sparkle, dazzling the dragon. He couldn't even look away, nore close his eyes entirely… 

The lights were…relaxing. Soothing. His struggles lessened, his growls and cries for help lessening into moans of pleasure.

He'd been put here for a reason. To be a good latex decoration. To defer to others… to be a good drone. Perhaps when he was ready, he'd be released from this room and be allowed to follow the words of a leader here…

And to pleasure them in whatever way they so desired.

Kuro groaned, bucking up in his bindings to try and get some sort of stimuli, anything more than this awful edging! He wanted to serve, to be used and to use in turn! 

He writhed and panted through the rebreathers, eyes rolled back as he struggled to try and open his mouth to pant… 

"Oh wow. These things are pretty strong." Kixx chuckled, watching the writing and groaning captive dragon. "Wonder if the management would mind if I visited again while he was stuck like this?"

"Hmph. If his forms state that visitors are allowed, you might be allowed. Otherwise, don't push your luck." Umber grumbled, grabbing his shoulder. "C'mon. We have things to do."

The rat rolled his eyes and followed after the mule. Though he would discreetly leave the latch in the door, propping it open ever so slightly…

If HE couldn't go and get in there, maybe someone else might wanna fulfill Kuro's fantasies…

All the while, the captive dragon bucked and whined, staring into the lenses and bucking his hips up. 

He wanted more. To get off and help others get off. It's what the lenses told him to do…

And perhaps in time, he would be allowed to do so.

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Copper After Dark
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Another day, another incoming hotel employee.

While some of the ones that were coming in were working towards being bellhops, others were aiming to be cleaning crew. While they weren't seen as much as the bellhops, their jobs were just as, if not more important. Their job was to ensure that not only were the rooms serviced, they were meant to release guests when their time was up, as well as clean up any mess left behind.

As such, their hiring process was a bit more stringent.

Dezzy was a promising candidate for the job. Not only was she capable of handling herself in front of annoyed and emotionally charged guests, she proved to be a fastidious part of the cleaning crew. The silver dragon was also decently liked by a lot of the senior staff anyway, as she was able to handle things without constantly being reminded, and also was so amiable towards guests…

Yes, she would do nicely.
The dragon was so excited.

She'd actually gotten not only a callback, but the doe on the other end asking when she could start. So Dezzy had said that she could start as early as tomorrow. And now she was here. They had told her that she would be measured for her uniform, as well as sit through her orientation on the same day.

She approached the front desk, grinning. "Hi! I'm here for the Cleaning Crew job?" She said to the doe at the front.

"Oh! Dezzy, right? Don't worry, I know who you are. You're one of the only ones who made it in for this assignment. Please, come with me." The front desk doe said, leading her into a back hub.

Dezzy followed Dotty into the back, adjusting her bag strap as she was brought to a very clean and tidy looking sort of locker room. Standing lockers line a whole wall, with each one with a nameplate of employees.

"This is your locker." Dotty said, motioning to one of the lockers on the end. "We can get you the combination soon, but let's get you ready for the measuring process. Just step into this room and we can get started."

"Alright! Thank you again, by the way." Dezzy said, beaming and shaking Dotty's hands. "I was so shocked how fast you guys got back to me."

"Oh yes, no problem. We know what we want, and we won't waste your time if we don't have need of your services." Dotty smiled back, nodding.

Dezzy would head into the back room, setting her purse on a shelf made for such things. The room looked like a typical seamstress' room, which was… odd for a hotel. "Fancy." She commented.

"Indeed. Now you just sit tight." Dotty shut the door and the distinct click of the lock could be heard.

"Huh?" Dezzy looked back at the door, as one of the far walls slid open. Thick black wires like tendrils slid from their hiding place, grabbing the dragon's limbs. "What the-?! Let me GO! Someone let me out! This isn't funny!" She screeched, struggling and pulling at her bonds.

The tendrils ignored her, smaller ones sprouting from the main body to grasp and pull at her clothing. She was undressed slowly, with the thinner wires running down her body to tease her. The dragon protested, flushed and panting as the tendrils started to pull taut and seemed to be measuring her naked body.

["Calculating…"] A metallic voice said, while Dezzy kept struggling. ["No cataloged uniforms matching the measurements taken. Modifications authorized."]

"Wh-modifications?! Who the hell?! Let me out!" She struggled harder, as two long tendrils with puckered ends slid from the ceiling. They latched onto her breasts and did… something? It was hard to describe, it felt like they were plumping up her chest ever so slightly. It didn't hurt but whatever they were doing was making her more…sensitive.

Similar tendrils reached out, using strange and foreign implements to modify her. An inch off her tail, a couple of inches onto her ass… and one even seemed to attach some sort of device on her back. It attached to her skin, and started to ooze latex onto her wings. She tried to flap it off, but the stuff was too dense. Slowly it covered her wings, as the next phase of "onboarding" began.

One of the tendrils would slide in front of her face, projecting a pink holo-screen… it swirled and shimmered, and Dezzy found it incredibly hard to look away. Her eyes went wide as she stared, the metallic voice speaking to her once again.

["Welcome to the Hostage Hotel. You have been chosen as one of our most competent candidates, and will be set to work with us immediately."] The voice said, as Dezzy continued to stare. ["Cooperate and this will be all the easier. You are loyal to the hotel, and will do as your supervisors tell you, regardless of your own opinions. In fact, you may as well discard those, as you will be given new ones."]

"I…I'll… cooperate… um…" Dezzy had never felt so dizzy, so woozy… but it was kind of a good feeling. She couldn't help but smile, chuckling to herself as the tendrils finished modifying her just enough.

["You will be dressed and restrained. You are to remain in uniform at all times, unless ordered by a supervisor. Failure to comply will result in imprisonment on a basement level."] The voice continued, as she was slid into a maid's dress. It fit her perfectly, as her body had been adjusted for the outfit itself. It would always fit just right on her. ["Arms behind your back, slave."]

"Mmm…" she nodded, crossing her arms behind her back… she could feel the device that had attached itself to her oozing and covering her arms in latex… she would be helpless, unable to free herself this way… her eyes had slowly started to glow a hazy pink, and had slid into a dreamy, half lidded state.

["Good. Stand by for reward."] The metallic voice said. More tendrils coiled around her legs, securing her to the floor as a more phallic shaped tendril slid between her legs. Dezzy groaned as it rubbed against her slit, leaking some sort of slick goo that only made her more relaxed… she could feel it slowly sliding in, as she kept her eyes on the screen.

She did not know how long she had been fucked for.

She could feel it stuffing her, making her feel nothing but pleasure. Not once did she think to cry out for help, nor did she question when a nozzle slid down to spray her muzzle with a similar latex goo. It would slide over her face, and down her throat to form a tight seal to ensure she remained quiet. However, it seemed she had performed well enough that airholes were to be provided for her.

It didn't matter. She had stared at that screen for gods know how long, and she had fully accepted all the training she needed from the machine. Dezzy had kept her eyes forward as best as she could, tits bouncing in the maid outfit and pussy pouring cum and slick from what felt like hours of breeding.

The device on her back had tightened the latex's hold on her wings and arms, keeping her still as she was stuffed by the tentacles. Eventually, the screen would be retracted, and the new maid brought into a nearby locker for further conditioning.

The doors slammed shut as the tentacles continued to 'recondition' her. Her muffled moans of pleasure filled the locker, body trembling and shaking with each orgasm…

With any luck, she would be ready to start work by next week.
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Copper After Dark
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"Are you sure about this?"

"Yeah? It'll be fiiiine, we take care of dragons all the time. Be they able to talk, or not."

Blueleaf was new to this sort of thing. The young buck would follow his mentor Orchid out to the larger accommodations. These rooms were more meant for a larger, more feral clientele, with more stable rooms with basic amenities. They'd recently remodeled these rooms, freshened them up and adjusted this and that to provide only the BEST experience. Not that either of the two bucks were bothered much. Their issue was to wait for a certain blue dragon and ambush him.

The pair would linger around, observing other staff members wrangling larger beasts who had paid good money to be here… and others who had not.

"So uh. This dragon… they're not the violent type?" Blueleaf would flick his ears anxiously as Orchid merely leaned against a wall by the room door. "They won't uh… bite? Or try and lash out?"

"Ppfth. Nah. Damn near all of em are smart enough to not completely act out in a place like this. After all, someone, if not they themselves, paid good money to be here." Orchid reminded his junior, keeping his head down as the client fluttered down from an entrance in the building's roof.

Blueleaf looked on as the blue and gray dragon touched down on the cool stone floors, head held high as he folded his wings… the buck did his best not to stare as the dragon nosed his way past the pair and headed into his room… Only when his tail had vanished behind the solid wooden panel did he let out a breath he had been holding in. "...Phew. He's a lot bigger than most of the clients I'm used to. No way this is a one buck job."

"Mm. If he were notably more dangerous, this wouldn't be a two buck job either. But I think I can get you in and out of this safe, and with some know-how on how to handle things bigger than yourself." Orchid said, his drawl seeming more… excited? He was one of the older heads here, and had at least a decade or two of experience…

"Well… alright. Where do we start?"


Aerium had had the best flight today. The thermals above this place were always so plush and fantastic to just ride, circling higher and higher thanks to the heat from the spa below. He had barely had to flap a wing more than twice to keep himself aloft the entire time, and had glided all the way down to the patio from where the thermal petered out.

He had spent a good portion of the day flying, just enjoying the way the air here just felt… better. More bouncy. But of course, he was done with that, and was ready to settle in for a rest.

He'd met with a draconic translator, a silvery banner of a Lung dragon, and had arranged for meals to come at certain points of the day. Even if he wasn't in, he was to be left meals in his room. And there it was. A delightful, still steaming bucket sized bowl of stew, left on a low table in his 'living room' area. Aerium inhaled the savory aroma, swallowing as he gazed down at the chunks of beef floating in the broth.

It would not take long for him to plunge into it, eating up every last bit of beef, of carrot and potato… the bowl was licked clean by the time he was done.

And what better way to wind down?

He would head over to his bed. A lovely four poster bed arranged to accommodate someone of his size and body type… he yawned and settle in, laying flat on his belly before dozing off completely.


It would be almost an hour before he was roused from his slumber.

Aerium would open his eyes…or at least… try to.

He found that he had been hooded, the straps of a bridle biting tight into his muzzle and head…he had been positioned with his hips pushed up into the air, with unfamiliar hands securing a cold, metal collar around his neck. There was a small jolt as the lock clicked, making Aerium let out a muffled noise through the gag bulb that had been pushed into his mouth. Any attempts at swallowing were hindered by another bulb down his throat, this one inflated much more… the dragon started to try and get up, only to get another small zap that forced him back into position.

"There we go. See? He's as easy as pie to secure."

"Uh… I guess so… let me just…"

The more timid of the voices seemed to approach, sliding heavily padded mitts onto his front paws and locking them into the cuffs attached to the collar. These ones closed with a heavy snap, not allowing any proper movement… Aerium growled, trying to toss his head, and getting yet another jolt for his trouble.

"He sure is fiesty."

"Believe me, son, he's pretty tame right now. Now let's get those wings into these bags."

Rougher, more calloused hands would push the dragon's wings into latex sacks, using the metal bands attached to them to secure them closed… no amount of flexing or wriggling would let Aerium spread them.

The dragon would growl and hiss, muffled voice quiet and almost pathetic. He tossed his head, trying to rear up, only for the hands to yank a leash back down and tie it to something nearby.

"He's being awfully feisty. Blueleaf, show him who's boss."

"Me? Uh… alright!"

Trembling hands would grab at the line providing air for the dragon… and squeezing it shut. At first there was no reaction, but then Aerium would start to struggle. He pulled and bucked, trying to get away from his captor and letting out pleading and desperate noises… whoever was holding his lifeline was not letting go for love nor money.

Only when the older voice told the other to let go did Aerium finally get to breathe again. Clearly, any attempts at escape were not tolerated.

"How'd that feel?"

"...good. really… really good."

"There we go. See? Just takes a firm hand and a creative mind. Now. Let's put a belt on this beast."

The two sets of hands would slide what felt like a chastity belt onto the dragon, a cold metal plate bulging over his cockslit, preventing any sort of stimuli from reaching his most sensitive of places … Aerium let out another whine as the rest of the belt was set up, this portion adding a covering to his ass…

Finally, the two sets of hands would pull his legs back slightly, securing his legs with cuffs to the back two posts of his bed… "There. Now, let's make sure all the bindings are set correctly, then turn on the security measures."

Security measures?! Aerium didn't like the sound of that. But what else could he do but let out muffled moans and whines… the hands tugged and tested the grip of the dragon's bindings, pulling them tighter as need be…

"That should do it!" The older voice said, and suddenly, the metal collar lit up with a small shock, letting out a small beep before going silent again… "This dragon ain't goin' nowhere. Now. I'm gonna leave you to lock up, feel free to add any personal touches to this one."

The sound of footsteps faded away, and soon it was just Aerium alone with the second voice…

"...It's a shame you look so good like this, y'know?" The other voice said, running a hand down the dragon's muzzle. "I'd have let ya go. But then I'd get in trouble so… I guess you're stuck here."

The blue and gray dragon groaned, trying to push his gag out but only getting pushback from the hood and from his captor.

"Oh? Eager to get out, are we?" He chuckled, pulling on the air hose that let Aerium breathe. "Not on my watch."

Aerium felt a surge of panic rise in his throat as he felt the pipe being knotted off and his muzzle being patted.

"Well. I'd stick around and torment you more but. Well. I still got training to do. Maybe I'll come in after hours and let you have a nice breath of fresh air." He teased, and soon enough, the sound of footsteps and the slam of a door were all that were left for the captive dragon…

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