Kixx had been doing well.

Umber had been monitoring the rat's progress, and was willing to let him handle a guest on his own. It had only been a few weeks, but Kixx had adapted and practically outgrown the need for a chaperone. But still. Umber needed to keep an eye on him for another month or so before he could 'legally' let him off on his own.

So for now, he was just shadowing Kixx, who was currently taking a more complex room… "So. Kixx. You've been doing well here. Enjoying the position?"

"Mmm. You've been a great teacher, I really do appreciate your help." The rat said, smiling gently at his mentor. "I can't believe you vouched for me to have an early pass to be a full on Bellhop."

"Well, can you blame me? You're a natural. For now though, let's get through today's guests, yeah?"

"Yeah. Thanks boss."

"Don't thank me yet. Management hasn't gotten back to me on their choice. But know I think you have what it takes to function without my help."

Kixx would stride out when he was summoned, seeming relaxed as he greeted their latest client. A wolgon, who seemed to have a decent amount of luggage to carry…

"Hello sir. It's so nice to meet you." Kixx said with a smile, giving the wolgon a graceful bow. "The name's Kixx. I'll be helping you with your luggage today."

"Oh! Wow, uh. Thanks, man." He said, grinning and holding out a blue stained paw to shake. "The name's Cobra. Cool to meet ya!"

"The pleasure is all mine. I take it you've got a busy time ahead of you with all these costume bags?" The rat asked, tallying off the bags and making sure it was all accounted for.

"Yeah! I got a photoshoot tomorrow, doin some work for a studio. They said I could stay here on their dime if I came out here on my own ticket. So, yknow!" He said, chuckling.

"Of course, of course. Please, allow me." Kixx would push the cart over to the halls, leading Cobra to his room. Umber trailed along, leading Cobra to ask Kixx about him.

"Oh that's my mentor. I'm still technically in training."

"No shit. Could have fooled me." Cobra said with a whistle. "Here's my room, by the way!"

They would stop at his room, and Cobra would open the door for them both. Umber and Kixx would unload his things, making sure that everything was put in its proper place…

Umber headed towards the door, nodding at Kixx to do his thing. He'd be right back. The rat meanwhile smiled and approached Cobra from behind. 

"Y'know! Forgive me if I'm bein' forward. But I've never met a Wolgon before." Kixx said, tilting his head and spreading one of Cobra's wings. 

"Oh! Yeah, we can be hard to come by." Cobra admitted, letting Kixx examine his wings. 

"I wonder about how strong you are…" Kixx mused, smiling as he pulled away and got a bottle full of liquid latex out of his pack. Unscrewing it with a deft flick of the wrist, he would dump the contents onto the wolgon's head. "Let's test that, shall we?"

"What the-?! MGH?!" Cobra's eyes went wide under the goo, struggling and grasping at the sludge as he started to thrash and yank at his head. The goo merely clung to him harder, sliding down to his neck and squeezing. Cobra gagged and wheezed, clawing at his throat while Kixx went into a hidden compartment in the back of the room's closet. 

The rat would calmly extract some extra effects from the storage, chains and cuffs and such, as well as more bottles of the liquid latex. He stood back, just to watch the wolgon struggle before strolling up to him and dumping a couple more bottles onto him.

The more Cobra struggled, the more it spread. The warmth that his movements produced only served to allow the latex to spread further and quicker than normal. It would work its way down his body, creeping and encasing his wings. Cobra blindly lashed out, trying to get a grip on Kixx, trying to fight him or force him to let him go… but of course, the sludge would keep his face completely covered, allowing Kixx to sidestep all his clumsy movements and attempts to grab him.

Eventually, the latex was sufficiently warmed up, and slid over his body with ease. It pooled around his limbs especially, mitting and trapping his arms and wings.he would stumble as his legs were stuck together by the latex, leaving him unable to stand and only able to feel around with his heavily mitted paws.

"Awww, poor thing." Kixx cooed, merely grabbing him and tossing him onto the bed. The latex pooling onto Cobra's limbs made it so the sludge around his eyes was reduced to a thin layer, which broke apart and allowed him to see his captor.

"MMMGH! MMNPH!" He cried out, shaking his head as Kixx started to tie blindfold after blindfold over his eyes. Each one was supplemented with a thin layer of latex, before another would be layered on top. This would continue until Kixx was sure Cobra could not remove even a single layer without assistance…

"There. Pretty as a picture." He laughed, as the goo coalesced, and activated its special null suit properties. Bright lock symbols appeared on Cobra's suit, and that ensured that only someone with an Admin device could free him.

Kixx stretched and set up the chains he would be using to secure the captive, leaving him to squirm on the floor. The rat would start by collaring Cobra, and hooking the chains that would leave him hanging a few inches off the ground. Cobra squealed into his muzzle, struggling and swaying in helpless panic as he was hung up. All Kixx needed to do now was work on securing him with more chains…

He took his time, ensuring the chains were tight and taut, wrapping around his wings and torso especially. And as a final cruel touch, he would press a vibrating wand way up against the wolgon's prominent nulge… "This TECHNICALLY would cost you extra. But I'd be remiss to leave you bored when on vacation." Kixx said, flicking the wand on.

Cobra howled at the sudden stimuli, rocking and squirming in his chains as Kixx secured the wand with more chains. He was stuck, and good. There was no way he was getting down on his own. Kixx had made damn sure about that. And in the event he did get down, well… no one with an Admin device would be helping a random, faceless slave now would they?

Kixx just laughed, pressing the wand harder against his bulge. "Now. If you ever need anything, feel free to call me up specifically!" He sneered, turning on his heel and leaving the helpless wolgon to hang like an art piece. The Do Not Disturb sign had been hung up, and Kixx tossed the keycard in the garbage for good measure.

Maybe the janitors would find it. Maybe not. Either way, he was happy to torment such cute little victims like this…

The wand had been randomized in its settings, leaving Cobra needy and wanting, edged for the rest of his vacation. He could only wiggle and feel his cock twitch and jerk within his latex prison… no one was coming to get him, save for the photo crew.

And even then, they would only be there to take pictures of his imprisoned body, and leave him hanging yet again…