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Chaste Degenerate
Chaste Degenerate
I create fun and exciting adult oriented visual novels
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Chaste Degenerate
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Bimonthly Update, October 8, 2023

Hello My Friends 
Yes, 4 days late. 

Explaining current events
Our finances are currently royally screwed up. We started dealing with emergencies right about the time covid hit. 
Right now I finally seem to have a grasp on things. Unfortunately, that meant I have been working 7 days a week the past month, 3 jobs, and I am planning to keeping it up through October. 
This means my progress on The Secret of the Island is at a standstill.
In November I intend to free up half a day, and hopefully a full day eventually. 
I will again progress at a snail’s pace throughout the rest of the year. I doubt I will be able to get an update out, but I won’t give up. 

Plans going forward
I am thinking about how to structure my time. To see if I can free up time to work on Secret of the Island. But I must be honest, I make more in an hour than I made my best 3 months. 
To be clear Secret of the Island is not about making money, it is about creativity and expression. If I wanted to make money, I am sure I could have half assed it, got more mediocre content out more often and had a lot more supporters. 
Regardless I have no choice but to focus on getting our finances straightened out. I expect things to clear up beginning next year. I won’t be out of the woods, but I will have made at least a dent, and built back up our emergency fund.
Once again, I will be skipping the mid-month update in October, but I will be back to the bi-monthly updates in November. Hopefully on time.

Next Update

November 2, 2023

As always, enjoy life.

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Update is live, January 7, 2023

Hello My Friends
And the update is live for everyone.
This has taken way too long, and I apologize for that. I also apologize for how small this update is. But there were a few challenges, and part of the time was spent fixing mistakes, and correcting images from my last update, as well as tweaking characters. 
During this update, I had to adjust to 2 jobs, and had to get my head on straight, and that took a lot longer than expected, but I seem to finally be getting back on track, though a little slower.

Next Update
My plan is to update in 3 months, in the month of April.
I already have the story written, so it should be right to producing the images.

A rule I set for myself is to take a one week break from the project every time it is updated. So for a week I do not plan on touching this project, though I will keep an eye on how it is going. But the next week I will be back to work.

Game update: April (Planned)

Next post: January21, 2023

As always, enjoy life.

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Chaste Degenerate

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Chaste Degenerate
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Bimonthly Update, July 2nd, 2022

Hello My Friends
Sorry but I got practically nothing done on The Secret of the Island, and this was not intentional. 
I did plan on having a little time off, but a day here and there. But life has just gotten too busy for me.

Boring details about not making progress.
I didn’t plan on mentioning this, but we are in the process of moving. We don’t actually get the keys until the middle of July, but have been packing, cleaning, and repairing things. (I have no handyman skills, but I can use YouTube.) This isn’t all that’s going on, but it sure isn’t helping. 
Since we have to pay an extra half months rent, plus deposit, I have increased my hours at my new job. Plus, to help them out since they are short right now.
We planned on doing a major cleanup once the apartment was cleared out, but were informed about a move out inspection just a week after we turned in our notice. I understand it since they need some lead time if they have to replace any carpet or tile, and that makes it easier to schedule it. But we weren’t expecting that, and had to scramble to get the apartment into shape. Especially having everything torn apart and spread out as we went through everything, deciding what to keep, what to toss, (I hang on to too much crap,) and what to sell. 
We now have half a month before we start the move. I hope that I can get something done during my free time. After the middle of the month, I once again won’t have any time to do much of anything but move and work. 

Days Available
So, I counted the number of days I can work on the project. (After taking one full day off for R&R.. I hope.) That leaves me with 6 potential days. Not many, and I will have to see where my head is at. After the middle of the month, I doubt I will get much free time. 
If I actually had one scene/event finished, I would release an update. And this is something I don’t want to half-ass.
I will update on the 16th, and hopefully have some more progress.

Game update: ???? (Delayed)

Next post: July 16th.

As always, enjoy life.

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Chaste Degenerate
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Bimonthly Update, June 18, 2022

Hello My Friends
Bad news, I won’t make my planned June 25th release date. 
I feel really bad because this was the first time I made a solid release date, and I am failing at achieving it.
I was forced to make some changes in my life, and expected a few problems, but I never expected to get slammed by life the way I did.
If you are only interested in the progress on the game, and aren’t interested in my talking about my personal life, skip to Progress below. 

I know for a fact that this is a problem I have. I hate to not be productive, and tend to get focused on things so intensely that I have experienced burnout way too many times in my life. I even came into this project knowing this, and have experienced it a few times already. But this was the worst since starting this.
But this was also the hardest for me to accept. Other events were going on in my life, so I wasn’t on the project barely as much as I had been, so I had a little more of a problem connecting being burned out when I was working way less on the project. But it was everything happening all at once that was the problem.
When I did open the project, I wasn’t getting anything done. I would open it before work, and right about the time I started to get productive, that was when I had to stop and go to work. That left me frustrated with the project, and I came to work a little annoyed, negatively affecting work.
The point is that I let stress get to me. I should have slowed down earlier, but I didn’t.
It was suggested that I take a full day off every week. Good idea, but all the times I opened up the project before work was a big issue. So, I believe I need to quit working on The Secret of the Island on the days I have to go to work. (My job splits my day, rather than being a morning or evening job.)
I did take a full day off, and spent a week keeping things light. I even quit working out for the week, and just tried to chill. 
I found that I did absentmindedly open the project before work, and had to stop myself from trying to work on it. 
Life is still coming at me though, and I still have to squish all the things I was doing in my personal life into my free days, or mornings and evenings on the days I work. 

Stress Reduction
I am familiar with meditation, but I tend to not keep up with it. My problem is setting aside a block of time where I do nothing, and I really dislike not doing anything. (Which is why I am prone to burnout.) 
I recently became aware of a different method of meditating. I read how a person takes ever chance he can to meditate, but only for a short time. Most often 30 seconds to a couple minutes.  
I am currently trying to create triggers that start a habit of meditating. Say every time I sit down.
I also stopped trying to work while eating. I take a break and maybe watch a YouTube video, and just relax.

My progress is slow, but improving. I unfortunately had to redo some images, and that slowed me down. I mean I am making progress, but way slower than I had hoped. I still have a scene I need to create, and there are a few challenges I need to overcome with creating those scenes. 

Release Delayed
As I said above, I won’t make the planned June 25th update.
I have to apologize about that, and I will work to get it out ASAP, while attempting to keep my stress in check. I hope people understand. Once that update is out, I will take a full break of a week, possibly two. 

Final Thoughts
A lot of this is unfortunately not about the project, but a lot about me, and my current struggles. I am intentionally leaving a lot out, both for personal reasons, and to not bore everyone. I am trying not to put too much minutia into the update. 
I recognize people want to know what’s going on with the update, not read a blog about my personal life. Although that is why I break these things up, so people can read just what they want. 
As I said, I am slowly getting on track, and my progress is slowly coming back. The next update will be a small one, but the next one should be bigger. 

Game update: ???? (Delayed)

Next post: July 2nd.

As always, enjoy life.

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Chaste Degenerate
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Bimonthly Update, June 4, 2022

Hello My Friends
Another two weeks, and I am moving way slower than I want. I did get some stuff done, just not barely what I wanted. I believe I may be dealing with burnout. I didn’t even realize it at first, but recently a lot of changes, and a lot of events happened to converge all at once. 
Having dealt with burnout in the past, I thought I would notice it coming on, but completely missed it until recently.

Dealing with burnout
I wasn’t thinking that I was burned out. I was blaming the distractions and things taking me away from my project. But that doesn’t explain why I have been vegging out in front of the television streaming shows in the evening. That’s understandable on the days after I get home from work, but on the other days I eat the evening meal, and just stream.
What made me not realize it was that nothing I dealt with was extremely stressful. But I now realize that it wasn’t the level of stress, but the amount of it. I mean work took some adjustment, but its nothing new, and didn’t take long for me to fall back “into the groove”.
Our finances aren’t perfect, but I did hit my income goal with this job, and things should smooth out over the next couple months. 
Everything else has kind of piled on, but each one just was mildly annoying, but not extremely stressful. But it all seemed to happen at once. And then more and more things just kept happening. But I didn’t realize the effect it was having on me.
I should add that I recently added a diet and exercise routine. Lost weight and gained muscle, which is good, but adds to the stress. 

 The Fix
Obviously, the best way is to relax. The problem is that I still want to make my deadline, even if it’s just a small update. But being burned out an unproductive isn’t going to be as good as getting at least a little bit of this under control.
So, I will take one day off of everything. I will take a one-day vacation from life. I would hope that is enough to let me finish the next update.
I will also make sure that I reduce stress as much as possible. And after the update I will take another longer break of at least a week. (Other than my job.) 

Final Thoughts
I will get my head on straight. I have got some work done. I expect to pick up the pace over the next few weeks as I attempt to cut out some stress.

As always, enjoy life

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