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Chaste Degenerate
Chaste Degenerate
I create fun and exciting adult oriented visual novels
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Chaste Degenerate
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Bimonthly Update, June 24, 2023

Hello My Friends
Yes, a week late, sorry. This will be a short one.
Things are crazy, have a hard time finding free time. Had a visit to the emergency room. Being pulled from all sides right now. But still got a few images done. 
I am skipping the next update as I get things back on track, and pushing my update to the middle of the month.

Next Update
July 15
As always, enjoy life. 

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Chaste Degenerate
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Bi-Monthly Update, October 15, 2022

Hello My Friends
This is a combination of good and bad. In the two weeks since my last update, my first week was pretty good. I made progress, less than I would like, but still progress. The second week was the week I was dreading when the financial shit hit the fan. I was prepared, and already decided everything I would do. 
I hope this is the last time I “blog” about my life, but essentially, I made an agreement that finally deals with this issue, but in a way that I really didn’t want to.
The second week I was not in the right mind, and spent too much time distracting myself with another visual novel.

Done Blogging About My Life
This has unfortunately been months of disaster. From burning out and moving, to a surgery and mega bills from hell.  
Hell week is over, so my focus should hopefully return.

Final Thoughts
I am over the hump. 
Last week, while not near what I am used to doing, was still more than I have done in a while. Next week I expect things to improve. 
While not making promises, I have a goal of having the next update out in November.

Game update: ???? (Delayed… Goal November.)
Next post: November 5

As always, enjoy life.

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Chaste Degenerate
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Bi-Monthly Update, October 1st, 2022

Hello My Friends 
Things are starting to settle down, and I am finally able to get back to my Visual Novel, though not perfectly. More time next week. Things are far from perfect, but improving… somewhat.

Ren’Py 8.0.3
With the release of Ren’Py 3, I felt it could be good to update my visual novel to the most recent version from 2.7. My fear was that it would break something, so I tested it out as much as I could, and haven’t run into a problem yet. So from now on I will release it with the new version. 
I believe this will open up a lot of enhancements in Ren’Py in the future. Things that couldn’t be done, or done well with the previous version.
Slowly Working on the Visual Novel
I haven’t had a free, full day to work on the Visual Novel in a couple months at least. But that looks like it will change next week. 
I am in the middle of building what is for me a slightly more complex scene, and I am doing a little research to figure out how to do everything. And by halfway, it is half done… the easy parts that is. 
As I said in the past, this will be a small update. 

Personal Crap (Skip if you don’t want the off-topic BS)
Again, I hate “blogging” about my life, especially when I this should be focused on the Visual Novel, but I believe people need an explanation why things are not progressing like they should. The sad part is this is the biggest section here.
We had a convergence of crappy events all happening at once. 
I was starting to burn out, while our finances were going to hell, and we were scheduling a surgery. Our rent was increased dramatically so we decided to move. If it was going to go up, we might as well have more room.
The work I started was enough to cover things, but we also knew we had 2 massive debts coming up, and attempted to get a loan to cover them. Well, the loan fell through, which was no surprise, but I worked on a plan B, which unfortunately means adding another day at work, and I added some freelance work that takes up part of 2 more days. The good news is it pays very well and only takes about 8 hours a week, including the commute, if that. The bad news is it is split between 2 days, so I now only have one day off a week.
I have been playing nursemaid for the past 6 weeks since the surgery, (wasn’t mine,) but there have been 2 upgrades in her condition, and recovery is better than expected. I am no longer responsible for all the household chores, and help out less often. She should start driving soon, so I won’t have to take her to her doctor appointments. (Damn she has a lot of those.) This made it possible for me to work more. 
We got one debt split into two, and we will be able to make payments on the other, but unfortunately those payments will be massive, and even with the extra work we won’t be able to make those, so we decided to dip into my partner’s retirement account. This unfortunately results in a tax penalty next year. But by splitting up the debt into payments, we can take out less, and split that penalty into the following year.
I’ve done the math, and it looks like we will barely squeak by this year, and things should hopefully reverse about the middle of December.
I intend on keeping up the extra work next year, and use the extra income to pay off some debt. 

Getting my focus back
Now that things are settling down, while getting used to even more work, I notice that I am having to work to get focus. 
I have been so distracted dealing with all the events, and trying to figure out how to fix our financial situation that my brain is kind of stuck there. Knowing we have a plan in place does relax things, and stress levels are lower, but it’s still there.
One thing I do not want to do is to force myself into creativity. If it feels like a job, rather than a creative outlet, I could fall out of love with the work, and I do not want that to happen.
Instead, I have started trying to guide my mind into the visual novel. More of a gentle nudge, especially if I am again pondering our finances, or what is coming up. 
And I notice it working. I am again planning out everything. I am organizing the scenes and events that I have planned out. 

Final Thoughts

Things are getting better, and I am back to working on my VN. It is far from perfect, my time is limited, and I am working on my focus. But I am back to working on it. Even if just side projects for the future, or learning new skills.
I’m coming back.

Game update: ???? (Delayed)

Next post: October 15

As always, enjoy life.

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Chaste Degenerate
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Bi-Monthly Update, September 17, 2022

Hello My Friends
Sorry this is late, but I just got off of work before posting this. Things ran really late.
Another 2 weeks, another bunch of disasters, but the good news is that I am working on the project again, but with limited time.

Working ahead
While regaining focus, I started working on a new outfit for Ginger. Unfortunately, this will not be in the next small release. But one of the reasons for this was to help me get my focus back, and it helped.
I keep trying to build outfits that the characters would have worn on the show, or even base the outfit on actual clothing the characters have worn. Well one outfit that Ginger wore on the show was a style of tie died bikini top and matching skirt or wrap. But the way the tie die was on the outfit really seemed unique. 
This took me forever to figure out, but I found a texture that fit, but still had to heavily modify it with Photoshop.

New Tool
Okay I bought myself a toy. I now have a drawing tablet that I am hoping will assist me with working in Photoshop. Unfortunately, this will be a little bit of a learning curve, and so far, I keep switching back to the mouse to do things. 

Final Thoughts
I still have a couple of hurdles to overcome with this update. Something I have seen other creators do, but I haven’t done it yet, and it is part of the update. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you exactly what it is. Without spoiling things.

Game update: ???? (Delayed)
Next post: October 1st

As always, enjoy life. 

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Chaste Degenerate
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Bi-Monthly Update, September 3, 2022

Hello My Friends
Yes, a little late, yet again, since this is being posted on Sunday the 4th.
Regaining Focus
I am getting back to work on The Secret of the Island, but things are still very slow. Life is still happening, and I am dealing with it the best I can. But I did get at least a little time to work on things. 
But once again I am working on a scene that I want to talk about, but can’t if I don’t want to spoil anything. I will say it has three parts, and each one required me to build new backgrounds. 
Final Thoughts
I am keeping it short, mostly because there is still not much to talk about. Just that I am finally getting some work done. But unfortunately, still at a snail’s pace.

Game update: ???? (Delayed)

Next post: September 17, 2022

As always, enjoy life. 

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Chaste Degenerate
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Bi-Monthly Update, August 20, 2022

Hello My Friends
I am finally getting back to working on my visual novel. (VN) But things are still moving slow right now.
I upgraded my monitors to 4K, and the first thing I did was to go through the images and make sure they looked good in 4K. There was a complaint about it not looking good in 4K, but the issue was a mistake I had made that looked bad in HD. I already cleared that up for the next release. 

Still getting my bearings
As I said, thing will run slowly at first. We had a lot of things to deal with. We had a massive amount of change and upheaval in a short period of time. If you are interested, I will discuss my life events yet again, but if you aren’t really interested in that, skip the next section.

 More whining
I admit that a big part of the events in my life were my fault. I knew I should have dealt with our financial situation earlier, but instead I kept working on the Visual Novel. I ignored everything else and pushed it through. The problem is it left us in a very bad situation, and the job I expected to get took longer to get than I expected. Strangely the manager said I was approved in a way he had never seen before. It was obvious my history with the company gave me a big pass to be rehired.
One of the events was our decision to move after getting the job. I have another way of making money, and part of the reason for the move was to make this easier. It takes a little time, and more space. This side income probably saved us during our financial meltdown.
But another reason for the move was that there was an upcoming surgery, (not mine) and we wanted to get moved before it happened, and she was laid up for a month. We got moved in half a month before the surgery. (And are still not unpacked.)
Unfortunately, the move pushed our debt up even further. 
I am still leaving a lot out about what was going on, and I not give too much information in case anyone I know reads this. Anyway back to what you really care about.

I am now working with 4K monitors. I kept a watch on a couple, and they went on sale and I couldn’t pass it up. 
Sorry but the Visual Novel (VN) won’t be in 4K. 
I render everything at 4K, then after some cleanup I downsize to HD, so I have all the images as both HD and 4K. After I set up my monitors I checked the HD to the 4K images, and really the quality isn’t enough to justify the increase in the size of the game file.

Final Thoughts
Things might be going slow, but I am back to working on the Visual Novel. I again apologize for the long delay. My biggest regret is that I didn’t have time to improve my skills. My work has been a constant goal of improving at what I do. Both in quality, and in speed. I want my renders to be even better, and in half the time.  

Game update: ???? (Delayed)
Next post: September 3, 2022

As always, enjoy life. 

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