[Intro] Radiant Imperium Arc One: King of the Dying Sun (currently ongoing)

Updates Tuesdays.

Azul Mamani is just another young mixed-race farmer and a great-grandson of the Megarchon, the tyrant ruling the entire world. Nobody cares, until he’s hastily summoned to the capital. For the first time since there’s been a Megarchon, no successor can wield the Imperium, the mysterious source of the Megarchon's power. Civil war looms in the horizon.  
But Azul has no power and no allies—except for a dangerous man known as Vanth Umbra, King of the Dying Sun. Born to protect the living from the creatures of the Underworld. It’s good that he wants Azul—sex is his one bargaining chip. Vanth shouldn’t be trusted, especially not when he appoints himself as Azul's protector. Caught between a murderous necromancer, an elite guard sworn to the Megarchon, and a dissenter faction with their own plans, however, binding himself to Vanth might be Azul’s only chance to survive. 

  • Magic!
  • Monsters!
  • Kinky gay sex!
  • Scheming and plotting and backstabbing!
  • Obsessive revenge plots!
  • And probably way too many descriptions of tasty food!

Some things you might want to know before reading: Trauma and abuse are central parts of the story. Especially (past) child abuse, including (non-explicit) sexual. There's also some violence, gore, and horror elements, ramping up on later arcs.



Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter II
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter II
Chapter 7

Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 10
Chapter III

Chapter 11
Chapter 12