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Alexa Nichols
Alexa Nichols
I write romance, fantasy, sci-fi, dystopian, horror, and erotic novels.
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Alexa Nichols
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SuperSisi (Pronounced โ€œSuh-Suhโ€)

When I first saw a post from SuperSisi on my Twitter feed, I immediately stopped scrolling and cocked my head. I consider myself a fairly avid gamer, but this girl seemed consumed by it. So I jumped to her feed and perused her past posts, and my eyes widened even further.
This girl was all about gaming!
I followed her and became increasingly interested in her point of view about games in general. Not only that, but I found myself regularly laughing at her sense of humor, which closely mirrored my own. I'm primarily a writer, but gaming and anime are my second loves, so I reached out, and we started talking. And commenting/liking each other's posts. I even gave her a Bluesky invite. And we gradually became eFriends.
So when it came time to interview someone for my Patreon, SuperSisi immediately came to mind.
I reached out.
I asked questions.
She answered.
Here be the results!

Me: Do you read recreationally? If so, what sorts of books do you enjoy?
SS: These days I read only about old game and game machines ha ha! That is part of my research, but I enjoy the studying of things. My personality is like that as I am sure many people noticed. I havenโ€™t read a book properly in a long time, and that is sad because I used to enjoy reading often.

Me: What made you decide to start creating content (videos, photos, etc.) centered around video games?
SS: Learning English is my main motivation actually. I donโ€™t have money for a teacher and I did my best in school and to learn in my own time. I already have a group of gaming friends in the arcade and we spent many years playing games, but nobody speaks English. So I decide why not open a Twitter and Instagram and see if I can talk to some foreign people about games. My English is still not great but definitely improved over the last 3 years.

Me: I know retro games are your favorite type of game, but do you have one favorite game that holds a special place in your gaming journey?
SS: Itโ€™s always Mario Bros on the Famicom/NES because that is the first game I played at my cousinโ€™s house. Even though when I played it, it was already a very old game, I loved it! Thatโ€™s probably why my feeling for retro games is so strong. I must have played it a million times already. I have a quite good 8 minute speed run time on this game now.

Me: How do you stay updated on gaming trends? Do you have a favorite website, influencer, or something else you regularly get your gaming news from?
SS: I am not updated on gaming trends, I am updated on old gaming trends! Ha ha! I have a PS4 that I got for very cheap that I almost never play. And a Nintendo Switch. I play newer games mostly on the Switch. Zelda and Mario and some of the interesting independent retro style games too. I donโ€™t know much about internet influencers and I didnโ€™t even realise I was one until someone said it to me. Even now Iโ€™m still not sure!

Me: What upcoming games are you most excited about?
SS: It was Mario Wonder and it was great! For now I am interested about Visions of Mana actually. I just want to see what the Switch 2 will be like, and an open world Mana game will be interesting.

Me: Is there anyone in the gaming industry you would love to collaborate with in the future?
SS: Oh not really. I do not know any one ha ha.

Me: As an author, I know how hard it can be to balance my writing with my personal life. How do you manage your recreational gaming, content creation, and personal life?
SS: Well it is getting more difficult actually! My Patreon is now open and Iโ€™m trying to give people a great exclusive experience there. I donโ€™t want to let them down so I really am doubling my efforts. I still have to produce so much content and go to work, some days I donโ€™t sleep much. If I canโ€™t sleep I usually stream games. Never stop!

Me: What advice would you give individuals aspiring to become video game influencers? Are there any key lessons you've learned along the way?
SS: Be nice to people and have fun! I was nobody for two years until I decided to connect with some other big influencers online. They are surprised I can play games and we had fun chatting. They helped me to grow because they are the ones with the platform, not me. But when you become part of a community, you begin to build a community of your own through interaction.
But a key lesson is, if you really want to grow, work, work, work. Never stop interacting. Donโ€™t just ask โ€œwhatโ€™s your favorite console?โ€ and then walk away. You need to be part of the conversation. Donโ€™t ask it if you donโ€™t care to listen to the answer. And as the account grows this becomes harder. You can not answer all people. But your effort must stay the same. Have an Asian work ethic ha ha!

Me: As a video game influencer, what are your plans for the future?
SS: Over the last year many people contacted me with many ideas that I never really thought about before. I thought one day, I may be able to leave my little job if I can make social media work for me somehow. But I donโ€™t like to ask for support and give nothing back, so I have started with a low cost Patreon. For now I will focus on that before moving onto some new ideas. 10k followers is not 100k. I am still small and have a long way to go.

Me: What is the one thing most people probably don't know about you?
SS: I quite like to watch Hentai sometimes, although Iโ€™m not an expert so donโ€™t ask my favorites!

Want to get closer to SuperSisi? Go check her out!


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Alexa Nichols
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Jordan Tyler!

I've known Jordan Tyler for a handful of years now. He's an awesome dude and someone I've learned so much from about the adult film industry. In fact, I like him so much that I have a book inspired by him coming soon titled Balls Deep: A Love Story. It's gonna be a tearjerker, promise. ๐Ÿ˜„
And speaking of books. He has a short series I've read every book of called The Lexi Chronicles, which you should totally check out, as the Lexi is one of my favorite erotic heroines ever. She's such a boss.

Anyway, on to the interview...

First of all, your videos are on A LOT of adult sites! The largest of which, PornHub (which you are a verified member of), has come into the media lately for hacking away the majority of their content. Which segues beautifully into my first question...
What are your thoughts on PornHub deleting all unverified videos?
Jordan Tyler (JT): I don't really have a problem with it. It's not difficult to get verified, and I think it helps to ensure that there aren't videos uploaded with underage participants and that all the participants are consenting to have the video uploaded. However, I don't think they should decide on what content is valid or not, as we all have different kinks.

Who were your top three favorite stars to work with?
JT: Ooooh tough question!! But I'd have to say Sarah DiAvola, Helena Price and Whitney Morgan. Everyone I've worked with has been amazing, but I've had incredible times working with these three, and have learned a lot from them. There are so many others I would love to work with and add to this list!!

If you could work with any star in the industry, living or dead, who would it be?
JT: Ashley Fires. There are quite a few obviously, but I've admired her for the longest time and it would be absolutely incredible to work with her. I met her a couple of years ago at FetCon, and she's the nicest person. She's definitely at the top of my bucket list!!

You're an author, and the character you created, Lexi, is one of my all-time favorite heroines. What are your plans for her going forward?
JT: Wow thank you!! That means a lot to me. So far I've just written a few short stories introducing my naughty girl. I wrote them from the male perspective, but going forward, all the stories will be told through her eyes. The adventures will start with her first year of college, being part of the cheerleading squad, joining a sorority that isn't quite what it seems to be, and even getting a boyfriend. She'll grow a lot and find herself. And she'll face some adversity as well, both to herself and to others she cares about. How she overcomes these adversities will shape her maybe even more than anything else. But don't worry, she'll still have plenty of sex drenched adventures, because she's a confident, sexually aggressive woman who doesn't much care how society says a woman should act. She always gets her man....

What can we expect to see from you career-wise in the future?
JT: A lot!! Now that I've finally found my niche, and know what sells for me, I'm going to expand on that much more. Of course your typical boy girl sex scenes always sell, and I'll be filming many more of them, but my fan base really seems to enjoy my hand job scenes where my orgasms get ruined, and pegging scenes. So expect to see a lot more Femdom, as who doesn't love pretty girls putting men in their place!! I really enjoy doing role play and themes, so I need to work on my acting skills a bit!! I'll be adding solo scenes as well, and hopefully get into live cams. I want to dip my toes into as many areas as possible.

Do you have a cut-off time for being an adult film star? An age where you plan to put the penis on the shelf and pursue other venues?
JT: Honestly, not at the moment. I figure, as long as the penis works, I'm going to use it as long as I can. I'm at an age where I can really start to film a lot of older guy/younger girl themed scenes, and I have a lot of ideas for those I'd like to film. So my plan is to just work and keep working until I just decide that's enough. At that point, I'll transition to producing, as this way I can stay in the industry, just in a different role.

Do you have any hobbies?
JT: I'm a pretty big sports nut, so I'll watch just about anything. I tend to enjoy the same things many of us all enjoy, like live music and movies. I really love being outdoors, and especially the beach. That's my happy place. Which is one reason I moved to Florida. Well, that and the pretty girls and the porn!!

So I kind of have this rule about sex with my exes that some find weird. Assuming we didn't have a horrific breakup or anything, if either of us is horny, they can get it, no strings attached and no questions asked. Because, you know, they've already been there, done that, and sex is just sex at the end of the day. Do you porn stars have something similar? Like, if you've worked together in the past and you get that itch, is it normal to recreationally have sex, or is it more of an 'only if there's a paycheck involved' kind of thing? ๐Ÿค”
JT: Something like sex "off camera" seems to be more of a personal preference. Some have no problem with it, and I've known some who do. Others have a hard rule about never doing it, as they feel it could mess up the professional side of things. Personally, I'm open to it, but I would never assume the girl wants to do anything with me off camera. I'd never mention it either. Now if it comes up, I'm open to seeing what happens, but I'm somewhat hesitant because of wanting to keep professional and personal separate. I've only done it once, and it didn't effect our working relationship, but you never know.

I always research my celebrities before I interview them, and part of that led me to watch the videos you have on XBizTV. I loved them. I also have a question you didn't seem to answer: what got you into porn to begin with?
JT: Thank you!! I suppose I need to do one of those videos next!! I suppose it's always what I wanted to do, as far back as college. Friends would pull out the porn tapes and laugh at it. I'd watch it and want to be the one in the video. I'm an exhibitionist, but I also love being able to act out and share my fantasies with the world. In a way, it's my art. I get to create and act out fantasies of my own, and others, and bring them to life for everyone to enjoy. And I think that's an awesome thing.

Is there anything the world would be shocked to learn about you?
JT: That I'm not as cool in real life as in my videos!! I just tend to be more shy and reserved in real life, which might come as a surprise to those who've seen what I've done on camera. I like to joke that I can have sex in front of a thousand people no problem, but ask me to speak in public and I'll freak out. This is actually true though!! Even though we perform in front of a camera for millions to watch, we're all just regular people with regular insecurities. I'm still kinda cool, just not as cool as the person I play on video!!

Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to answer these questions; it really means a lot to me! ๐Ÿฅฐ

Want to learn more about Jordan Tyler, or check out some of his many videos? Here are some good links for doing just that:
๐Ÿ”— AllMyLinksย 
๐Ÿฅ Twitterย 
๐Ÿ“บ PornHub
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