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Spacehorse Studios profile
Spacehorse Studios
Spacehorse Studios
Previously known as Flash Equestria. Monthly SFW comic Pluto Planitia, but also other colorful and toony, not to mention BIG and Bosomy art and works.

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A Simple Tip

Every little bit counts. Even a single dollar a month means a lot to me. There's not much I can offer at this tier, but know that you have my undying gratitude if you decide to pledge at this tier.

6 подписчиков
USD в месяц
Pluto Supporter

Thank you so, so much for those of you supporting this amount. At this level, you'll be able to vote in polls like end-of-month pinup choices, and be invited to my personal discord.

2 подписчика
USD в месяц

At this level, you will get unfettered access to all content on this SubscribeStar, which includes early releases of art and comic pages. Thank you so, so much, for supporting me and my art!

9 подписчиков

Добро пожаловать!

  • People get my eternal gratitude for choosing to support me, but they also get Month-early updates on comics, plus voting power on things they'd like to see next!

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Spacehorse Studios
Публичный пост

Life in the Milky Way: The Milkmare of Trottingham.

Milky Way started as a thought experiment not long after MLP:FIM started. And then not long after I showed her around on various websites, her popularity outright exploded, as did the concept of enlarged crotchboobs on otherwise normal ponies.

Not long after that, I started a Tumblr for her, that saw periods of activity throughout the 2010s. At the time, I was afraid of people linking her back to my other SFW hand-drawn stuff, so I decided to do her tumblr in Flash, using the then-new Double Rainboom rigs as a base. This quickly turned into its own thing, and I now offer show-style rig pictures of OC ponies to those interested.

Milky continued living her life though. She made friends, lots of good folk, who I wrapped up into the telling of her story. I finally gave her background, and began an ocean cruise storyline that would have culminated in more hijinks.

And then 2020 happened, and I suffered a tremendous loss...

I have no more drive for this plot now. I feel it will be some time yet before I am ready to return to Trottingham, and continue her story. Her tumblr still stands, at, in case anyone is curious enough to see.

She remains a darling however, and I admit to being picky whenever I see or encounter people who want to draw her in situations that I find uncomfortable. That said, even though I've burned out on her, I can still do art of her, every now and again. So don't count her out just yet.
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16 подписчиков
77 постов


$79 of $120
per month
If I can begin making at about this amount every month, I will begin offering a Pinup Idea Poll at the start of every month. At the end of the month, I'll draw the pinup that's gotten the most votes!

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