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Kathleen Lake
Kathleen Lake
I'm creating erotic stories for the smut-minded. You may know me from my posts here:
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Kathleen Lake

Caught (Mmf)

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Kathleen Lake

Eat a Peach, part 8

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Kathleen Lake

Eat a peach part 4

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Kathleen Lake

Eat a Peach - part 2

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Kathleen Lake
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Working title: Eat a Peach

A little background: I posted this, my response to a prompt from (if you don't follow this creator, I suggest you at least visit the page; you won't be disappointed). Before I even got to this scene, I had written well over 20,000 words and the end result is just over 36,000. 

I stole the title from an Allman Brothers album, which I was revisiting. The two men in the story were inspired by high school friends I occasionally wonder about and Annie, well, she deserves the world.

Like most of us.

This is a first person, M/M/F story, which includes sex between the three. Understanding it might not be your "thing" I hope you enjoy it anyway.  As always, respectful comments and critiques are welcome. And if you feel the need to provide a bigoted point of view, this is likely not the place for you.


I slid into my seat in the familiar coffeehouse. Though, I hadn’t been here for years and my high school crowd no longer occupied the seats here so maybe “nostalgic” was a better term. I was back home after finally finishing grad school, several hundred miles away.
A hundred pages deep into reading a novel, I kept my head down and sipped on my mocha. I could barely keep myself from sighing happily after swallowing each robust splash. The owners roasted their own beans and still used the same rich, slightly bitter chocolate to flavor it perfectly. This beloved cafe was the first place I had such a decadent coffee and even though I didn’t love being back in my hometown, in this moment, I was in heaven.
I didn’t look up immediately. I didn’t quite recognize the voice and it sounded a little far away for him to be addressing me.
OK, that one I recognized.
I shouldn’t have been shocked. Shane lived nearby. At least, he did a few years ago when I had seen him last. Standing next to him was his best friend, Connor.
Connor, with his lop-sided grin, messy brown hair, and darker brown eyes, was walking quickly towards me. I practically leapt up out of my chair and hugged him. He was one of the few good memories I had of people in high school and seeing him brought back all the comfortable, happy feelings I had when I was around him. He looked nearly the same, though he’d bulked up and even grown a few inches. The “high school” look about him was gone and he’d morphed into a grown man since I’d seen him last.
Shane wasn’t so quick to join him. But he made his way over and a brief, awkward moment disappeared when he pulled me into his arms. He kissed my cheek, then rubbed his thumb over it.
His hazel eyes looked almost sad. I’m sure mine mimicked his, remembering our last evening together long ago before I headed off to college.
The night he refused to acknowledge the feelings I knew he had, right after I poured my heart and soul out to him.

I’d known them both for years by then, having met in ninth grade. Connor went to my school, and he knew Shane from elementary before he moved to the east side of the city, pushing him into a different school district. Shane used to come to all of Connor’s hockey games, one of the sports I attended regularly. 
Anything to distract me from my boring life in the ‘burbs.
There were always rumors about them. They were such close friends, some of the older student assholes used to try and bully Connor, calling him a fag, saying he bent over for Shane, or sucked his dick in Shane’s expensive new house in the rich part of town.
At least until Shane stepped in and punched one of them in the mouth.
They both dated girls, the pretty granola-girls, the goth chicks, the hockey bunnies. But they were very close friends, often choosing each other over dates, and easily breaking off relationships if their girlfriends complained about how much time they didn’t spend with them.
I became better friends with them sophomore year, on my 16th birthday. My boyfriend at the time, a field hockey player, dumped me the night of what I thought was going to be the best night of my life. He was pissed I hadn’t sucked his dick yet and, disgusted by how much of a jerk he was, especially considering the meager size of his package, I told him to stop ruining my birthday and to just let me have fun. 
He not only loudly declared me a prude in front of our crowd of friends at the beach, he grabbed the hand of my best friend, who shrugged and went off with him.
Ex-boyfriend and ex-best friend from that night on.
Obviously upset, I started to walk home, having lost my ride. It wasn’t a short walk but I was humiliated and just wanted to get away and hide.
I didn’t get very far. Connor ran after me and stopped me, hugging me tight. He convinced me to stay, to show those “motherfucking losers they didn’t win.”
Reluctantly I agreed. When we reached Shane, he hugged me and soon, the three of us were wrapped up together. 
Shane was the first to disengage. “Let’s get stoned.”
One of them turned on some music, and The Allman Brothers Band came on. We listened to them for hours, a band I hadn’t been overly familiar with but by the end of the night, I knew the lyrics to Midnight Rider - and still do to this day.
Things changed our senior year. I started to notice Shane’s eyes lingering after me, the look on his face if I showed interest in other guys, and how easy he was to talk to for hours on end. We ran into each other a lot, since I started hanging out more often in this coffeehouse in the summer after graduation, which was quite close to his house. 
We spent more and more time together and one evening, when he walked me to my car, he hugged me goodbye and didn’t let go.
He turned me, pressed me back against my car, and looked down at my lips. I nodded and before I could even think, his lips were on mine.
It was one of the best kisses I’d ever had, though admittedly, I hadn’t had many even by age 18.
Connor was elated. He was dating a girl I only casually knew but got along with well. For the first time, they spent less time alone with each other and I was thrilled that I was part of the reason that was happening.
I was a little scared to date Shane, truth be told. He was incredibly good looking. Dark hair, gorgeous eyes, somehow always tan, in good shape. He wasn’t as friendly as Connor but even that attracted me to him. Not exactly stoic, but more serious. 
Always sure. 
Always confident.
The first time we had sex, I didn’t know what to do. I’d had sex a couple of times, but it was unsatisfying. I hadn’t expected to be left aching and needy. With Shane, I was terrified he was going to laugh at how inexperienced I was.
Was I wrong.
He took control of everything. He asked me questions about my experience, he took his time undressing me, he seemed to kiss and caress every part of my skin when he removed an item of clothing. By the time I was naked, I was buzzing with anticipation. My nipples actually ached they were so hard, and my pussy was slick and throbbing with need.
He made me come three times with his fingers and mouth before he even got undressed. If I didn’t love him already, that alone did it for me.
He wasn’t small but wasn’t so intimidatingly huge that I was scared by his size. He took his time, sliding in inch by inch and asking along the way if I was OK, if it was too much, if I needed him to stop. By the time he was fully seated inside my wet, clutching cunt, my nails were digging into his arms, desperate for him to fuck me.
We made love three times that night, with ever-increasing intensity. The last time had me face down with my ass in the air. One of his hands was buried in my hair, holding my face down to the mattress. The other was around my hip, fingers relentless on my sensitive clit to bring me orgasm after orgasm while he fucked me so deeply, I knew I’d feel it for days.
And I did.
The last time we were together was two days before I left for college. Shane was staying in town, attending the local, private college. What I thought was going to end with a discussion about how we’d manage a long-distance relationship turned into the opposite.
He broke up with me the next morning, giving the reason that he wanted me to have my freedom in case I met anyone at my new college.
There was no convincing him. I angrily accused him of wanting his own freedom and he didn’t even try and convince me otherwise. He just said it was the right thing to do and that we had to go our separate ways. I begged him, begged, to reconsider, promising him he was the only man for me and that I’d never be with another.
I was heartbroken.

But it did happen. I did meet other men, I had several bed partners and even one serious relationship, which ended a few months before grad school graduation. It took a while for me not to compare any of them to Shane. I didn’t even see him on breaks, having avoided the coffeehouse and that side of town entirely when I returned home in the summers. Connor spent his summers overseas, backpacking through Europe so I hadn’t seen or spoken to either of them in years.
So now, seeing Shane, I felt the air leave my lungs. He was even more handsome than when I’d seen him last. Like Connor, his features had changed somewhat. He was taller, his shoulders were broader, and he was almost intimidating. Had I been a different person, didn’t know who he was, I probably wouldn’t have approached him with ease.
I wasn’t at ease, though. I felt a lick of anger rise inside me, but I resisted giving into it. I tried to remember we were young, just 18 and 19, when my world was rocked. I tried to remember that maybe we didn’t really know what love was. I tried to remind myself that having my heart broken allowed me grow and find myself over the 7 years I’d been away.
I still felt a surge of love for him, and I didn’t know what to do about it.
I pasted a smile on my face and gestured them to sit down. Connor looked at us both and said he was headed to get coffee and would be back.
It was so obvious, Shane and I both laughed.
My smile disappeared the moment he started speaking.
“I’ve missed you.”

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Kathleen Lake
Public post

11 Apr 2019 - no title

"3!" she screeched, her limbs pulling at the binds, unable to buck them off her. They smirked at her and just kept going.

MMF is one of my favorite themes. What I love about this image:
  • The hand soothing her thigh
  • Her hole, exposed and empty
  • The relentless circling of her clit and the ensuing forced orgasms
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