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Kathleen Lake
Kathleen Lake
I'm creating erotic stories for the smut-minded. You may know me from my posts here:
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Kathleen Lake

15 April 2020

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Kathleen Lake

He smiled in triumph. "I played the long game, Alison. I put up with your stubbornness. I allowed...

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Kathleen Lake
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Running into Shane while out Christmas shopping two weeks ago was not what Alice had planned. In fact, she had spotted him first and nearly turned into a store to avoid him.

Instead, she met his hesitant smile, then hugged him, cursing that his touch felt familiar. Easy.

Their breakup five years ago hadn’t been contentious but it still stung. Professional lives took them in different directions, literally as he moved out of the country after his promotion to head up an international office. Neither could give up all they’d work towards and heartbroken, but realistic, they ended their yearlong romance and they both moved on.

She glanced around, looking for his girlfriend…no, fiancee, but when she didn’t materialize, Shane shook his head.

“We broke up. I asked for a transfer.”

Alice nodded and squeezed his hand, asking him to have coffee with her.

Which turned into dinner and then an awkward parting with him asking her to call him if she wanted.

She tried to pretend he wasn’t back. It wasn’t too difficult; he moved miles away from her to the other side of the city, and they’d likely not run into each other again. She worked her long hours, socialized with friends, saw her family, carved out time for herself.


A week later, she glanced at the calendar, remarking it was two weeks from the start of a new year. Recalling  that Shane had denied her for the full month of December and then made her come at the stroke of midnight made her smile. She’d come so hard that her wetness erupted around the toy he had her wear to the party, and they had to rush away from it before anyone noticed.

He spent the rest of the night forcing orgasms from her before they both collapsed near dawn, spent. Happy.

“I can do that again, on my own.” She decided and proceeded to bring herself to a few breathless edges before drifting off to sleep.

Her dreams were soaked with vignettes of their past. 

A grocery trip turned into a naked car ride home, ending with flashes of him jerking off on her face before he had her crawl inside. A flash of a threesome they had with his visiting best friend where she was left aching and satiated. 

She awoke, drenched in sweat, pulling herself out of another when he had succeeded in teaching her how to come from pussy spankings, or she wouldn’t at all.

Alice used the memory to edge repeatedly by spanking her thighs and cunt, the final a near ruin before she thrust her swollen, beaten pussy into the air and cursed Shane for returning and disrupting her peace.

She swore it - he - was out of her system again when she went to bed that night, only to experience a repeat performance of their lives together in her dreams.

Alice awoke the next morning, grinding the pillow tight between her thighs. It was soaked and she wasn’t sure she hadn’t come at some point during the night. The idea that she may have failed was the tipping point to a decision she didn’t know she was trying to make.

She picked up her phone.

He was to her house unbelievably fast, considering how city traffic usually made every trip ridiculously long. To his credit, Shane was deliberate in his actions, hesitating in holding her too close, or too long when they hugged. 

But he wasn’t quite able to withhold his astonishment at her request.


He paused and cleared his throat, setting his coffee cup back on the table.

Alice felt mortified for a moment and the heat in her face made her start to sweat.

“I- Sorry, I don’t know why I asked, I mean it’s been years, and you…surely, this is insane. Forget I mentioned it.”

Shane reached out and covered her hand, squeezing it.

“You caught me off guard. Just…say it again?”

She inhaled slowly. “Help me edge. Just two weeks, until the new year. I-I need it and I’m failing on my own. I may have come in my sleep last night and I…you were the only one who could…please.”

Alice couldn’t even look at him. She blinked back the surprising tears and opened her mouth to withdraw the request, again.

Shane squeezed her hand again.

“I’ll do it. We’ll start right now.”


“That’s it, closer, hold back. Almost there, sweetheart, just a little more.”

Alice released a noise that made her flush with humiliation, Shane’s fingers still knowing exactly how to drive her mad. He concentrated on her entire exposed clit, swollen and needy. Her thighs strained to close but the ropes held her in place, the marks they would leave would no doubt be impressive.

She tried to distract herself from his slippery finger tormenting her clit, but her mind didn’t let her drift far. She flashed back to how he made her stand and undress right at the kitchen table earlier and masturbate for him while he sat watching her. She was only allowed to stop when she mentioned  her fingers were cramping and even then, he had her stand with her vulva in her pinched fingers, keeping her clit on display while he readied the ropes on her bed. 

“Shane!” She warned, her hips slamming upwards when he pulled his hands away, and she sobbed in desperation, writhing as much as she could in the binds.

“Enough, please! I can’t take anymore, you’re cruel.” Her words fell on deaf ears when he began again, spreading open her glistening lips and forcing her clit to pop out for another round.

“Yes, darling. It’s good to be home.”

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Kathleen Lake
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14 Mar 2020

"That's it, squeeze my hand, harder if you need to.  I'm not going to stop rubbing your clit and you're not going to stop edging. Fuck, I love that noise you make, that whimper moaning growl.  Made my cock swell inside you, did you feel that?  Yes, keep edging, you're fucking soaking me! As soon as I cum, I'll let you lick me clean and we can do this again. I'll fuck you longer and you'll edge harder, won't you baby?  Because if you can't obey me, I won't touch this clit ever again.  And neither will you."

It's really mean to torment your submissive and challenging them not to tumble over that edge, while doing all you can to make them.  Simply terrible.

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Kathleen Lake
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24 Feb 2020

His hand came down on her ass again and again, beating her soft flesh into the deep bruising red he admired. It had been so long since he's taken her over his knee and they both had missed it. Mind you, he'd punished her round ass in countless other ways  but this position, on their bed, his hand tight in her thick hair, forcing that arch her back while he spanked her...Ah, it really put her in her place quite quickly. A few more landed on her reddened, lightly bruised cheeks, a couple deliberately over the plug lewdly displayed in her tight asshole. He paused for a moment to smear his fingers between her wet thighs and taste the lust built up in her cunt, licking them loudly. A whole week away, constant edging and no orgasms for her that entire time had her frantic for him the second he opened the door.

Without a word he pulled her by her hair off him and stood her up onto her heeled feet. Even with the added night he still towered above her. His mouth crashed down to hers and she moaned tasting her pussy on his tongue. His teeth tugged at her lip and before she could make another sound, his hand flew between them and slapped across her tits. She gasped in shock then again as he backhanded her full breasts, pausing to take a hold of her nipples with both sets of fingers. He squeezed and pulled and twisted until her hips thrust forward and she cried out to him in pain. He responded by letting go and spanking her tits back and forth until they gleamed red in the low light.

"Get back on the bed, whore," he growled softly and she moved quickly, knowing this was not the time to challenge him or put up a fight. Her hands went right back into the leather wrist cuffs waiting for her and he tightened them on. She watched as he pushed her thighs wider, making them stretch wide until she shook. He tied her open like that, thick thigh cuffs attached to smooth rope anchored to the bed frame. He swept up the clamps from the dresser and attached simultaneously to her swollen nipples, grunting and smirking as the tight pain rolled through her. 

"Count!" He commanded, his hand rising high and pausing for effect. She swallowed hard and watched as it dropped, landing directly onto her spread pussy. 

"One!" She screamed, barely catching her breath before the next. Each one was a harsh stinging slap, his entire hand from fingertips to palm landing along the length of her cunt. It took 10 before the first tear dropped down her cheek and another 10 directly to her clit before she was full on sobbing. He took a moment to drink in the sight of her: mascara smearing her cheeks, her tits and pussy red and swollen, her body in a constant tremble. 

He knelt back between her thighs and began to stroke his dripping cock with one hand, and tugged at his aching balls with his other, easing in closer to her so she could watch.  He contemplated plunging into those parted full lips and driving right down her throat, letting her taste him finally after his week away.  But he wanted to increase her torment and decided to instead to only allow her to watch him take his own pleasure.  She growled softly at him, her wet tongue skimming slowly along her lips as she remembered how he emptied himself into her mouth right before he left the week before.  

He rose up on his knees in front of her and grunted loudly, his hand increasing in speed and tightening around his swelling dripping head, allowing a few drops to land on her outstretched tongue.  She writhed in front of him, her cunt dripping and forgetting the pain from just a few minutes before.  Instead it swelled and tightened, grasping at the air, wishing he'd fuck her hard and fill her with his cum.  But all that happened is that he fucked his own hand, slick with his precum, and forced her to watch it all.  His hand tugged on his balls as he let out a long groan and thick forceful streams of cum erupted out from the tip.  He somehow managed to aim it at her face, her tongue catching a full jet of it.  He pulled back slightly and let more of it hit her tits before guiding his cock down to let the last few spurts drench her needy cunt.  He sat there for a moment after the last amount dribbled out and just watched her, looking so incredibly beautiful covered in his cum.  He reached over and took a few shots with his phone, smirking again at her as she bit her tongue back from cursing him out.

He reached forward and took a firm grasp of her swollen clit and tugged hard, before twisting and yanking on the tender nub coated in his cum.  "Thanks, baby, I really needed that after this week." He eased down between her thighs, his fingers still working her clit harshly and immediately bit down on her inner thigh, teeth breaking the skin to mark her tender flesh.  The loudness of her scream made his cock twitch so he released her flesh and  twisted his head to the other one, his mouth latching on again to create another mark.  The blood rose to the cuts his sharp teeth created and he licked over each bite again and again. He glanced up at her, hearing her sobs and just smiled at her, that evil look on his face letting her know they were nowhere near done.

He moved in front of her, his mouth descending to her cum-smeared tits.  His lips pushed against her tits and all around them he left bruising bites, kissing her between each one to allow her to clean the cum from his lips.  By the time he finished, her breasts were adorned with his teeth marks, but not completely.  "Eyes on me," he whispered softly, his hands moving to the clamps and releasing them at the same time.  No warning, no easing into it, just a quick release and her eyes on his so he could see the pain hit her brain just as the lust slammed through her body.  She screamed for him again, louder as he quickly took one into his mouth and sank his teeth down into her clamped nipple, not letting it recover.  The other was in a tight grasp of his fingers, being twisted and yanked.  The sensations hit her hard and her hips fucked at the air, hitting up against his body.  

"Don't you cum, slut!" he commanded, knowing full well that if aroused enough, she was able to orgasm without a touch to her cunt; though it would be nowhere near the intensity if she had been touched, it would pull her from that edge she'd been riding for over 7 days.  She shook beneath him as she struggled to control her self, nearly losing it as his mouth found her other nipple and slammed his teeth down into it.  His fingers worked over the bite marks all over her body as he ground his teeth together, before finally pulling away and off the bed, his hands on his hips, catching his own breath while he watched her body shake, overwhelmed.

Taking in the sight of her, he knew she was riding an edge she'd not hit before, her eyes glazed and wide, goosebumps raised on her skin despite the sweat glistening on her body.  He cocked his head a bit and gazed at her, biting back a groan as he started to tug at his cock back to a full erection.

"Tell me, baby," he gently spoke to her, the kindness in his voice betraying the look in his eyes. "If I don't let you cum tonight, if I want you to continue to be tormented, to suffer, to edge again and again until you break down sobbing, will you be good for me?  Will you beg only to be edged again and not for a single orgasm? Will you give that to me?"

His cock twitched, watching her struggle, not only in the physical binds, but also in the mental ones. He gave her the time she needed, his eyes staying focused on her, watching tears drip down her face, watching her swollen pussy juices drip between her spread thighs, watching her punished exposed clit swell and throb. His eyes widened a bit, catching her head nod swiftly, her throat swallowing rapidly.

"Say it, my delicious denial slut.  Say it."

She groaned at his words, her tongue dragging across her lips before replying, "The last week was so difficult for me. But as much as I wanted to cum, needed to cum, what I ached for even more was to know that I was pleasing you, obeying you. So..." she gasped for a moment before continuing, "if never begging for another orgasm again, to never know when or if you'll let me again pleases you, then yes. I give it all to you."

He quickly went to her and untied her from the bed, pulling her up to her knees so he could kiss her, his hand gripping into her hair tightly and kissing her hard.  His free hand slid down to the plug firmly wedged into her ass and slowly started to pump it. "I hope you didn't say that just because you thought I'd relent. Sit on my cock, slut, I'm going to fuck you while rubbing your clit. If you can last until I cum, maybe you'll get to tonight.  No begging, not for anything.  You ride that edge, I don't care how difficult it is. If you can last, then maybe. Maybe."

This looks like the start of my longer posts on bdsmlr. I've been writing short stories for years; some I posted on Literotica but most were never published anywhere.  This one could use some clean up but for now, I've posted it as-is.
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Kathleen Lake
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05 Jan 2020

"You fucking bastard," she yelled at him when he finally arrived home. "What was in that fucking pill you gave this morning?! I've been insanely horny all day but I can't orgasm!"

He smirked at her while undoing his tie and replied, "I'll forgive the rudeness since I tricked you into taking the test pill from my lab. Thought it was time to market the prototype we'd talked about last year, remember?" 

Her eyes widened as she recalled the brief conversation where she had only casually mentioned how his company should work on a pill that prevented orgasms but kept someone horny until the antidote was given or until it wore off. 

"You fucker!" she screamed at him as she rode the edge again, tears dripping down her cheeks in frustration. "Please, the antidote, I can't take it anymore!"

He pulled her from the chair and guided her hands away from her swollen hot pussy, binding them behind her back with his tie. He hugged her close, soothing her and whispered, "There isn't one, yet You're the first test subject to see how long it lasts. The lab scientists think it'll take at least two weeks to wear off but I'm betting on a good month. Don't worry, after today, I'll take care of edging you. No more touching by you, baby. Shh it's ok. I'll work from home some days and others, I'll keep you bound open to the bed and send people to document how you are on days with no edging at all. Stop glaring. It'll be fun!"

Fun fact about this one. Someone on reddit stole this post and the follow-up and posted it as their own here. If you feel like pointing out their plagiarism, do not feel obligated but I won't stop you. Stay safe, please. 
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