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Bastion Shadowpaw profile
Bastion Shadowpaw
Bastion Shadowpaw
Adult Furry Artist since 2011 and counting!
Se Inscrever
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Títulos de Assinatura

USD mensal
Topaz Patron
  • Discord: Patron's Lounge
  • Telegram: Art Channel

Join the Discord Server

Come hangout in the Patron's Lounge of our Discord Server

Join us on Telegram

See the latest content and chat with us on Telegram

7 days
7 assinantes Topaz Patron
USD mensal
Sapphire Patron
  • Free Art Raffles (1 Entry / Drawing)
  • Discord: Patron's Lounge
  • Telegram: Art Channel

Artwork Raffles (1 Entry / Drawing)

Have your name entered into a monthly drawing for free artwork, cameos, and other interesting content.

You will be entered into each drawing a number of times based on your current tier. Winners must have reference materials available upon request. You may transfer your rewards to another willing person (they do not need to be a patron). If you cannot be contacted within a reasonable time period a new raffle will be done to select another winner.

13 assinantes Sapphire Patron
USD mensal
Emerald Patron
  • Free Art Raffles (3 Entries / Drawing)
  • Discord: Stream Participation
  • Discord: Patron's Lounge
  • Telegram: Art Channel

Discord: Stream Participation

Join the Discord Server and you can hangout and talk with us during the stream, rather than just listening along. We'd love to meet you!

Artwork Raffles (3 Entries / Drawing)

Have your name entered into a monthly drawing for free artwork, cameos, and other interesting content.

You will be entered into each drawing a number of times based on your current tier. Winners must have reference materials available upon request. You may transfer your rewards to another willing person (they do not need to be a patron). If you cannot be contacted within a reasonable time period a new raffle will be done to select another winner.

22 assinantes Emerald Patron
USD mensal
Ruby Patron
  • Free Art Raffles (5 Entries / Drawing)
  • Artwork: Sticker / Avatar (One Time)
  • Discord: Stream Participation
  • Discord: Patron's Lounge
  • Telegram: Art Channel

Express Yourself!

Patrons of this tier or higher will also receive a Telegram Sticker or Avatar with their character and an expression of their choice! (This is a one-time reward)

Artwork Raffles (5 Entries / Drawing)

Have your name entered into a monthly drawing for free artwork, cameos, and other interesting content.

You will be entered into each drawing a number of times based on your current tier. Winners must have reference materials available upon request. You may transfer your rewards to another willing person (they do not need to be a patron). If you cannot be contacted within a reasonable time period a new raffle will be done to select another winner.

2 assinantes Ruby Patron
USD mensal
Diamond Patron
  • Free Art Raffles (10 Entries / Drawing)
  • Artwork: VIP Badge (One Time)
  • Artwork: Sticker / Avatar (One Time)
  • Discord: Stream Participation
  • Discord: Patron's Lounge
  • Telegram: Art Channel

Become a VIP!

Patrons of this tier will receive a VIP Badge for their character, depicting them from the shoulders up. Perfect for cons and other social outings! (This is a one-time reward)

Artwork Raffles (10 Entries / Drawing)

Have your name entered into a monthly drawing for free artwork, cameos, and other interesting content.

You will be entered into each drawing a number of times based on your current tier. Winners must have reference materials available upon request. You may transfer your rewards to another willing person (they do not need to be a patron). If you cannot be contacted within a reasonable time period a new raffle will be done to select another winner.

6 assinantes Diamond Patron

Bem vinda

  • Telegram and Discord Servers
  • Live Streaming Content
  • Monthly Art Raffles

A subscrição dá-lhe:
  • Acesso ao conteúdo do perfil da Creator.
  • Capacidade de apoiar sua Estrela contribuindo - uma vez ou de forma recorrente.
  • Significa entrar em contato com a Estrela diretamente por meio do Instant Messenger.


3 dias
 Período de Confiança
966 publicação

Outras Creators


A subscrição dá-lhe:
  • Acesso ao conteúdo do perfil da Creator.
  • Capacidade de apoiar sua Estrela contribuindo - uma vez ou de forma recorrente.
  • Significa entrar em contato com a Estrela diretamente por meio do Instant Messenger.
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