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XP_Author profile
Generally wholesome stories, except for all the rape and murder.

Subscription Tiers

USD monthly
Early Access

This is for those that just want to throw a little money as a thank you. Also grants early access to stories, as well as access to polls. You also get access to the D-Gen Discord server.

7 subscribers Tier 1 - Early Access
USD monthly

Those those that want to give just a little extra. Grants everything in Tier 1, plus access to my Sunday Brew updates for previews, Lore dumps, and other behind the scenes posts.

4 subscribers Tier 2 - Preview
USD monthly
Coffee Break

For those that really love my work, and want to support me. Grants access everything from Tiers 1 and 2. In addition, you may submit characters to make cameos in future stories as a background character. You can change what character will show up at any time.

5 subscribers Tier 3 - Coffee Break
USD monthly
True Reader

For the truly dedicated to supporting my insanity. Grants access to all rewards from previous tiers. In addition, you can submit a character to be a moderator for the D-Gen Forums in stories. . As a bonus thank you, a name or profile link of your choice will be listed as a super supporter on all posts (this can be opted out of upon request).

4 subscribers Tier 4 - True Reader


  • Early Access to stories, polls, and a sneak at future writing project ideas.
  • A chance to win a free CBC or full Commission each month!
  • A big thank you for the support!
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