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Xinjinmeng profile
Yes, hello! I am Xin Jin Meng, the Novelty of the Golden Fantastic. I am a furry, a dragon, an enby, a primadonna, a virago, a vorarephile, a sybarite, an aesthete, and if there's any time left over after all that, an artist.
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✍️ Your Own Vignette

✍️ You may suggest one word (or one compound word, or place, or single-subject line of a Wikipedia entry) and I'll work it into a vignette, a short story in prose with an illustration or two. Experience the joy of discovery as you steer the exquisite corpse of a narrative into undiscovered country!

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🖼️ Your Own Picture

🔞 Once a month, your own mature-themed picture. (Full color, 1-2 characters, adult themes)

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  • Acesso ao conteúdo do perfil da Creator.
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  • Significa entrar em contato com a Estrela diretamente por meio do Instant Messenger.
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