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Commission: Sonya and Vicky - Consequences ( Fullsize )

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Commission: Sonya and Vicky - Consequences

Sonya gave a deep sigh as she set the arcane tome she had been reading down on her swollen belly, nestling it between her round stomach and her hefty engorged breasts. It had been nearly six months and she still couldn't figure out how her contraceptive wards had failed and she had indeed gotten pregnant, yet it was no mere coincidence that the girl she knew as Vicky was along a similar path of progress in gestating a tiny person inside her body.

There had been many-a-passion filled nights between then and the first but she suspected it was the first night that she and Vicky had spent in this dimensional plane that had done the deed. It lined up with what she could remember for time passing and it was no coincidence that Vicky insisted on getting "matching" tattoos once their bumps started to show, nor the theme of said tattoos mere providence either.

Heaving herself up from her laying position and casting a glance down at her massive belly, she sighed again,

"What ever am I going to do with you, I wonder..." The Sorceress said aloud and to her surprise there was a flutter of a kick against the inside of her stomach. A faint, fond smile crossed her lips as she pondered the life she was growing inside of her and began to wonder with its size and frequency of movement if it was more than one.

"Hey there! Done reading?" Came that mischievous voice from the door frame of her room and Sonya looked up in slight annoyance as Vicky broke her reverie as if merely thinking about the rotten little slut had summoned her,

"For the moment, what is it?" She asked a bit testily, her hormones rushing to the fore and feeding her irrational anger towards the other girl for the part Sonya suspected she played in... well, having this happen to her. Aside from having a living being using her bladder as a punching bag, her aching back and constantly sore feet; this was the thing she hated most about being in this state. So irrational and illogical at the drop of a dime. Which was to say nothing of what it was doing to the delicate and perfect sculpture of her body, that swollen pressurized feeling of her breasts as if they were ready to burst at any moment and how she accidentally leaked any time any modicum of pressure were put on them or her thick, darkened nipples that would sustain the life ( or lives ) she carried.

"Well, I told you earlier about how I invited some friends over later tonight and... it's later tonight." Vicky spoke as she leaned against the door frame for support, she wasn't having as much trouble supporting the weight of her massive stomach as much as Sonya was and her breasts hadn't almost doubled in size as her own had but... lacking core muscles capable of holding up her torso took their toll on the others forced to compensate.

"And?" The Sorceress replied as she pinched the bridge of her nose,

"... and you promised to come out and help me entertain them!" Vicky answered without missing a beat as if she had known the Sorceress's grumpy question was coming, "and you promised to wear the outfit, you know the one."

Sonya rubbed her eyes with one hand while she held the book she had been reading with the other,

"This really isn't a good time, Victoria... I'm still in the middle of my research and I'm still sore from last night..." Sonya protested,

"But you promised!" Vicky pressed and clasped her hands together, giving her biggest smile and saddest eyes. They went unseen until Sonya stopped rubbing at her eyes with her thumb and finger to look at her and was immediately defeated. Giving a resigned sigh, Sonya swung her legs off of the bed she had been lounging on,

"Fine, fine... let me pee, first..." She grumbled as she began to rock back and forth as to create enough momentum to heave herself off of the furniture she had been reading on, discarding the book to the nightstand.

"Great! Oh and try to smile, will ya? Nobody wants you bring a puss like that to the room and harshing the vibe, you know?"

"I promised to help you entertain your friends, Vicky, not to be happy about it..."

Full sizes available tomorrow for 1$ or more! :D

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Commission: Sonya and Vicky Gangbang Fullsize

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Commission: Sonya and Vicky Gangbang

You know I'm torn, which of these two girls instigated this whole situation? What do you guys think? I mean, the obvious choice from the jump is Vicky because she's a hardcore BBC slut where Sonya only kinda "dips her toe" in the whole interracial fetish. Then again, Sonya's been around longer and has the kind of skill and willingness to participate in just about anything that she'd probably know a guy who she could call and say "Hey, bring some friends, I got a friend I want you to fuck stupid".

What do you folks think? Lemme know in the comments. :O

Fullsizes exclusive to 1$ subscribers, coming tomorrow n_n
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Commission: Vicky The Blacked Witch fullsize

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Vicky The Blacked Witch

A sequel commission to this post:

The person who commissioned this liked it so much they wanted to see my girl Vicky in similar attire/situation. Also they've been kinda bugging me to add a Queen of Spades tattoo to her in some fashion, I figure... eh, why not? My girls can like different things and be passionate about different kinks. Vicky is the gal in my stable that has an interracial fetish above all else.

Now that she's all dressed for Blacked Friday, what do you think is gonna happen next? Comment below n_n
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