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Commission: Sonya's Scrying ( Fullsize )

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Commission: Sonya's Scrying

My gal Sonya checking up on her friends, occasionally she sees some exciting stuff! :3

Sequel to:

Wanna contribute to my sketches and poll pool drawings? Leave a prompt over at:

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I'd like to put this on Hentai Foundry but the site is being the stupid, so... waiting for that to fix itself >.<
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Commission: Sonya's Vacation pt 2 ( Fullsize )

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Commission: Sonya's Vacation pt 2

A commission of my sexy sorceress having some fun for your voyeuristic pleasure. <3

I'm always incredibly flattered when someone commissions my OCs :D
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Commission: Regrets ( Fullsize )

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Commission: Regrets

"Come on luv, it can't be all that bad." The red-headed dark elf said as she walked alongside Sonya. Sonya for her part was doing her best to walk instead of waddle but failing miserably,

"Easy for you to say darling, you aren't bloated like a whale carcass in the summer." She replied in a tone that was far more snippy than she meant to. Whether it was through thick skin or perhaps understanding the hormones of their shared state, Gypsy seemed to take it in her stride.

"Oh hush now, you look gorgeous. Glowing even, so what if you have to pee every ten minutes? The breasts alone are worth it, yeah?" The redhead said as she walked alongside the other to their destination down the hall.

"I'll have you know I'm quite happy with the size of my bosom before this mess." Came the Sorceress's retort.

"Oh luv, you're impossible." Gypsy laughed as she followed along, conceding that Sonya was determined to be miserable and there was nothing to be done about it. Still, she was acquiescing to Vicky's request of a photo to remember the good times by so that was progress at the very least. Sonya hadn't spoken to the brunette in almost eight months now and Gypsy wasn't entirely sure what was going on but didn't mind playing the part of the mediator between them.

It was when they reached the doorway to where the picture would be taken that she sensed trouble however as she saw Sonya stop in the door frame and begin to turn around,

"Whoa, where you going luv?" She asked while resting her hands on Sonya's shoulders and gently ushering her forward rather than allowing her to reverse course, "You already said you would, let's not make a liar out of you, yeah?"

"Are you joking? I agreed to a photo, not... this!" Sonya protested, waving her hand in front of herself as if to demonstrate her point. What she gestured at of course was the selection of wardrobe for the photo shoot. An assortment of jewelry and clothing, all of which was geared towards the very fetish that Vicky had insisted on inflicting upon her and which had lead to her current state to begin with. Vicky - having already arrived - was already presenting in full regalia and looking quite pleased with herself. Though as Sonya entered and showed resistance, her demeanor became less so and more that of a kicked puppy - as much as one could look as such just as heavily pregnant as the other two.

"It's just a picture, luv."

"It is not just a photograph! This rotten slag is why I'm like this in the first place and she only wants this as a memento for her own gratification, completely apathetic to how much work I have to do in the wake of this," she gestured at her own stomach, then Gypsy's in turn, "disaster!"

"I'm not apathetic..." Vicky pouted

"Oh hush luv, come on then. Let's get you dressed, hm?" Gypsy encouraged and as she had at the door, gently urged Sonya along towards the fetish filled wardrobe racks. Sonya for her part being heavily pregnant and not nearly as athletic as the red-head put up some futile resistance but groaned out a sigh.


The air is hot and heavy, she can practically taste the sweat particles born aloft by the rigorous grunts and flexion of powerful muscle against soft, fatty flesh. She is one of three, she is taking two of the four available to them. One beneath her, one between her legs, both filling up her innards with turgid, hot meat that makes her issue noise upon every exhale. The noise appears to please them because the more she makes it, the more they work to fill her with greater gusto. The heaving of her sumptuous chest in time with the rhythm of their labours to worshipping the inside of her body, reminding her further and further with each motion of the thousands of nerve endings overloading her logical mind with the stupid feel-good chemicals that makes her crave them even more; no matter how much she gets she knows it will never be enough. A never ending void to fill that she can only ever hope to temporarily satiate and will never be free of.

In a moment of need and desire, she cranes her head back until she is gazing upon the other two of their collective three. One is on her back, bent in half and being burrowed in to with the hard fleshy appendage of the beast atop her. The other...

Is looking right at her. On her hands and knees with no mind for the mass of dark flesh and muscle behind her plumbing her innards. Her eyes half lidded, her mouth agape and an expression that suggests she is stupid with pleasure just as she is right now. But there's something in those eyes that tells her otherwise. A flash, a moment of keen awareness and focus. In a moment of lax concentration, the veil slips and they meet eyes. She feels her insides fill with a hot, slippery wetness as the two inside of her clench and groan their fevered pitch being brought to a halt.

It was in that moment that Sonya knew... Vicky was the cause.


Ta-daaa! The commissioner decided to drop me extra money for a little story on top of this picture. It took me a bit to actually post this finished drawing because I wanted to make sure I had something written before I got to posting it! Took me awhile to compose in my head a proper narrative that made sense in context of the picture. Hope you like it! :D
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