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Chapter 3
story by an anonymous commissioner
written by Ubersalamander

 It had been a few weeks since that fateful footjob. Since then, the couple had included David whenever they had sex. He'd been on or in every part of Emily, and many parts of Nick. The tiny man joined in how he could, snatched some pleasure whenever possible, and allowed himself to be used how the giants saw fit. The couple still showered him with praise and treated him gently whenever he sat panting, covered in their saliva and sexual fluids. Emily even gave him special rewards he'd only dreamed of before: stripteases, rides in her panties, even some “alone” time with her feet. However, something about the relationship had changed. The more the giants saw him as a sexual being, the less they asked for his permission. To David, it seemed that he'd gone from beloved pet, to valued friend, to living sex toy, all in less than three months.
 It was little surprise that he felt a sense of nostalgia as he basked in the warmth and breeze atop a fallen leaf from one of Emily's most cherished houseplants. The midday sun pouring through the opened window reminded him of when Emily was still in college. It was enough to block out his anger and envy for now, and would be worth the scolding his owner was likely to give him when she found out. But, he refused to think of that now, and his thoughts returned to the past. It was just the two of them then. He'd lay on her chest while she studied before this very window, letting the motions of her breathing carry him away into a lazy catnap. He could almost feel it now. Up, down... up, down... why was she breathing so hard?
 Tearing his eyes open brought him back to reality. The wind was picking up, and the leaf beneath him was beginning to rise and fall as if it were a ship at sea. A strong gust ripped by, and he had to grip the stem of the leaf to stay aboard as the object skidded across the windowsill. Experiencing all the inertia of a hydroplaning car, David felt terror clawing its way into his chest. He remembered Emily telling him to never go to the window while it was open, and in his jealousy-induced spite, he'd done just that. There was no saving him as another gust finally tossed his leaf off the sill entirely.
 He clung to the leaf with white knuckles and fingertips, his arms wrapped around a stem that was as large to him as a tree trunk. Farther and farther it spiraled, back and forth, David's world a blur until the leaf struck something solid. He fell from the stem onto a surface of glass, and watched as, not even a second later, the wind picked up once again and tossed the leaf out to the wide, wide world.
 His heart pounded in his ears. What had he done? He'd never been outside alone! Spinning around, instincts demanding he take in his surroundings, he saw he was in some kind of outdoor lounge. An awning and privacy fencing boxed in the area, hiding the other houses and apartments from his view. He appeared to be standing on a phone, and it was placed on some kind of bar, judging from the wine glasses towering over him. 
 “At least I'm not between yards,” he sighed, and shivered at the thought of that wilderness. 
 In fact, he recognized the place as belonging to Emily's neighbors. He just wished he could remember what they looked like, and he had no idea what kind of people they were...
 As if to answer, someone rose into view. She'd been crouching beside the bar, but now her enormous form was ascending to the heavens. First the field of raven-black that was her hair sailed passed him, her gorgeous face followed it up, and then finally, her gigantic breasts came to hang tantalizingly close to the edge of the bar. Had she been standing just an inch closer to the bar, he wouldn't have been able to see her face over those mountains. As it were, he could see every minuscule mole and every tiny hair; she seemed to be completely nude. His throat went dry as he took in her beauty.
 The earth quaked as a massive beer bottle slammed down at the edge of the phone. David felt the cold air dissipating from it, and saw condensation tripping down its length and coating the label. His parched throat yearned for that moisture, the magnitude of the woman's beauty such that a dry knot had blockaded his airway. When he looked back to her, his heart joined his list of non-functioning body parts; her piercing green eyes were focused directly on him. For a moment, her brow furrowed. Then, her shapely lips curled into a smile.
 “Well, well! What have we here?” her eyebrow cocked in interest. Her massive body dropped a bit, looming over the tiny man, her breasts growing ever closer.
 “I'm David!” he blurted out, trying to keep his mind away from those jiggling mounds floating overhead.
 “David...” she savored his name as if it were a fine wine on her tongue. “And what brings you here, David?”
 Every word brought her closer to the top of the bar. Her enormous breasts took up nearly all his sight. He could've sworn her nipples were growing by the second. “I was in the window... on a leaf... the wind blew me here...” he was having trouble concentrating. She seemed to have absolute control of her body; the bottom of her tits hung less than his height from the bar. She shifted ever so slightly, allowing her left teat to swing over his head. It was growing. He could see every wrinkle in the nipple's surface tensing as it tripled in length. Its shadow, wrought by a hanging light, cast him in darkness. Where his mouth was dry before, now it watered with lust. He'd never felt this way before; not even Emily had such a concentrated effect on him. He wanted nothing more than to run forward and bury himself in her flesh. His body shook as he just barely resisted the temptation.
 “The wind blew you? That's unfortunate...” At the emphasized words, she pursed her lips and extended the syllables so that her breath exited in imitation of the wind. The warm breeze whirled around David, filling his lungs with the sweet scent of her. It didn't really smell like anything; she hadn't brushed her teeth recently, nor had she eaten anything foul. Even so, the moist gust formed an intoxicating miasma of pheromones that the tiny man couldn't help but gulp down. “Whatever shall we do?” she finished, and bit her bottom lip before it slid into a playful pout.
 “I... we... you...” David tried to speak, but his voice shook as much as his body. The giant woman giggled coquettishly at his attempts at speech, making her breasts quiver. The tiny man couldn't help but stare as the supple mounds squeezed together when she moved her arms ever-so-slightly. Eventually, with mental fortitude that would put a monk to shame, David finally said, “I need to get back to my owner!”
 “Your owner?” She giggled again. She looked at him strangely for a moment, as if making a decision. Then, her face contorted into a dramatic expression of pain. “Agh! I'm sorry, little one. It's just... these things get so heavy...” Her fingers glided over the smooth skin of her breasts. “My back really aches after a long week of carrying them. I hope you won't mind if I rest them.”
 She didn't wait for him to answer. A pale valley formed around David in a mere second, and then the ground shook with ten times the force of the bottle being set down. The walls of flesh bulged under the unthinkable tons of their mass, distorting out until the tiny man could almost touch both of them with his arms. He was in her cleavage now, trapped on all sides by mammary cliffs and the bar below. The only opening was above, where the woman's radiant face peered down at him like he was the last cookie in the jar, all for her.
 “That's better,” she sighed, allowing more of her exhilarating breath to overtake him. “My name's Lauren. It's nice to meet you, David. I would love to get you back home, but...” she flashed him an exaggerated pout. “Today was my day to relax... hmm... I know! If you help me relax, I can get you to you owner faster. What do you say?” she smiled at him sweetly once more.
 In the deep, deep recesses of David's brain, a sober voice called out to him. Something was off about this woman. Something in her eyes had the same predatory gleam he'd seen overcome Emily... except this was much worse. But, what else could he do? He was trapped in her cleavage at that very moment, and beyond that she was his best chance of getting out. His sober mind reluctant, but his horny mind ecstatic, he somberly looked up at her and agreed.
 No sooner had the words left his mouth than the walls on either side of him slammed together. A loud slap echoed through the lounge, and David was consumed by her tits. He could think of nothing else besides the softness of the oceans of mammary around him, and the pheromones radiating from her pores, and the flirty expressions she'd flashed while they spoke. Had he died and gone to heaven? In that moment, he desired to live in her cleavage for an eternity, squeezed by every shake of the wobbling breasts, and basking in the smooth vibrations of her lusty voice. But again, the functioning part of his brain raised its killjoy concerns. He quieted it by reminding himself that this was the only real way they could safely reach Emily. He was only doing what he needed to in order to survive and get home.
 As quickly as they'd clapped together, the mammaries released him, their owner giggling as her body stood back to its full, terrible height. She turned around and strutted over to a plastic lounge chair.
 “I don't have to be the only one naked, y'know...” Lauren called, her voice laden with suggestion. Now that she was away from the bar, David could see the rest of her: an ass every bit as glorious as her tits, each cheek a pale moon quaking with every step of her luxurious legs and dainty feet. Surely, the woman was a goddess carved from marble, the model from which all other women were but amateur attempts to imitate. David stood entranced, his mind stricken of all thought as his eyes watched her bend. Her body rocked gently while she fussed with some pillows, every one of her curves jiggling and swaying hypnotically in response. The shapely muscles in her legs flexed, spreading her cheeks slightly as she worked. Through the gap in her thighs, the tiny man caught a glimpse of thick, beautiful lips, and a puckered ring peeking above them.
 David was enchanted. A month ago, even Emily hadn't seen him nude. Ten minutes ago, only she could've made him undress. Now, the little pet was tearing off his clothes for a complete stranger. By the time Lauren had readied her seat and come to collect him, he was naked, erect, and salivating.
 The woman said not a word. She merely wore a self-satisfied grin as her hand smothered David in its grasp. With her bare flesh touching his, and the friction from her quaking steps, the little man's dick was already approaching release. Fortunately, his ride was over before he could embarrass himself. The flesh of her grip parted, and warm, smooth plastic caught him after a short fall. The great goddess Lauren loomed over him, peering down over her breasts. David was no stranger to looking up at people, but in that moment she seemed an absolute titan, more so than Emily, or Nick, or any other stranger ever had. She was in control of the situation and she knew it, relished it even. And the little man placed at knee-height below her knew it too.
 One of her colossal legs flew over the foot rest of the lounge seat, swinging her body over so that she straddled it. With a naughty half-moan-half-giggle, she bent and placed her hands on the seat to either side of David, the plastic groaning as it took on her weight. Arching like a cat, she refused to look at the tiny man while she crawled forward, every movement done with a nonchalant grace that both of them knew was merely for show. Her raven hair hung like enormous curtains around him, and then her body blocked out the sun. Her swinging tits were so dangerously close that David's instincts forced him to duck. A perfect belly flew overhead, then her hips, and finally the mesmerizing sight of her womanhood. She prepared the cushions to accept her body, and then used the arch of her back as a spring to push herself into them. Without warning, she fell fully onto the chair.
 The force knocked David over. His shrunken instincts reacted instantly, forcing him back up and alert for danger. Wheeling his head around, he found himself in a canyon formed by the bulging, jiggling flesh of Lauren's thighs. At its culmination laid a cave encapsulated by lush lips thicker than his standing height. Butterflies swam in his stomach, but even so, he took a step forward. As if in answer, the thighs on either side of him spread apart. It was only an inch or so, but the effect was multiplied upon the gigantic pussy; the lips parted wider, inviting David to explore the cavernous depths of the hungry maw. As he approached the glistening cave, his own organ responded in kind, recovering from its fear-induced flaccidity. His hand reached out for the bulging labia with a reverence that was once reserved for Emily. But, experience had now cheapened his owner, and Lauren... well, she was something exotic to the little pet.
 “David...” It was the voice of a goddess, cooing down to him from some far off heaven. “My back hurts so much... won't you climb up and massage it for me?”
 He obeyed. With microscopic ridges and shaved hairs for hand and footholds, he pulled himself up the side of her womanhood and toward the overhanging slope of her ass. With every motion his cock slid over her skin, sending shudders through his body. The curves of her perfect form swayed in his memory: how her breasts had melted over everything they touched... how her ass, the one so gargantuan above him, had quivered with every shift of her weight... how the pussy he was now climbing had peeked out at him from beneath those luscious cheeks...
 He imagined Lauren feeling herself with tantalizing tenderness, her fingers gliding over to accentuate every alluring detail of her flesh. Plump areas bulged around them, while her other hand traced the strategic leanness and musculature of other regions. She was looking at him, biting her lip... and they were the same size! He pounced on her without a thought, thrusting, pushing... but his dick felt only her skin.
 “Are you still climbing?” Her voice was farther away than he expected. The surprise reminded him of where he was. Opening his eyes, he saw a rectangular object hovering in the sky. Its beady eye trained on him, and then- click! It flew away at breakneck speed, disappearing over the ass above his head. Then, the cheeks shook as Lauren laughed. “That's so cute! You're down there trying so hard and I didn't even feel a thing.”
 David's cheeks flashed red. Didn't feel a thing? So what? He wasn't trying that hard. He'll show her... Clutching her skin as hard as he had the tumbling leaf, the little man thrust his cock against her labia with all the force he could muster. He humped and humped, the pressure building within him with every motion. He pushed his rod inside a wrinkle in her skin and fucked the microscopic imperfection with the same passion as he would her entire pussy. Release finally overcame him, and he whipped his cock from the wrinkle while it exploded toward the opening of her vagina. The force of his release knocked him off balance. While he rolled down the labia and crashed onto the seat, his ejaculate flew within the maw of her pussy. Even so, she was so large, and his spray so small, that not a single drop touched her. They all landed on the seat below, no where near close enough to have entered her.
 He lay there panting when she again called out to him. “Are you still there, David? I told you I can't feel you, dear. Don't even waste your time. You're far too small for me.” Something began to change in her voice. Rather than the playfully naughty tone she'd been using, a sinister tinge wormed its way in with every fresh syllable. “I'm used to something much, much bigger. Something that fills me up and stretches me to my limits. Something that dives deeper than you'd even think possible. You can't even imagine how good it feels to have something so big inside you! A cock so big it feels like it will come out your mouth if you bounce on it too hard. A cock that will stuff you with so much cum that it could spray from your nose! The cock of a real man!”
 The world changed around David as she spoke. The enormous womanhood in front of him expanded wider, its cavern drooling more and more with every word. The heat of it reached out for him, and its lips puffed out even more than they had been before. As he climbed to his feet, the tiny man couldn't help but feel like he was staring into the terrifying, drooling mouth of a starving dragon. Could he really hope to ever satisfy such a beast? He'd satisfied Emily many times at this point.
 “With Nick's help,” he mumbled to himself. And, this wasn't Emily. For all the sex she'd had since entering her relationship, his owner was still largely vestal to the world at large. Lauren was a woman who'd been around, who'd seen it all, and had her pick of the best of everything. What had just occurred was evidence of that; she couldn't even feel David, and he'd pounded her with all his might until he'd came. Meanwhile, merely thinking about a large cock had gotten her so aroused that puddles were forming on the seat beneath her. There was no way that he could compete with what she wanted.
 “I'm... sorry about that, dear. I can get carried away sometimes,” Lauren said after a few moments, her voice now tinged with awkwardness. “Let me help you up.”
 David watched her fingers snake from below her body and weasel their way around her labia. They were immediately slick with her fluids, but still Lauren searched for him, feeling her way around her lips. “I'm even wetter than I thought,” she said, and she let her fingertips slip inside herself. “Did you fall in?”
 Even with the humiliation a minute earlier, David's libido rose back as if nothing had happened. He couldn't help but watch her manicured, graceful fingers slip in and out of her enormous pussy, even finding their way around her clitoris. The masses of flesh on either side of him tensed; Lauren was enjoying this even more than he was. The little guy swore he felt a moan rattle the lounge chair. But, it had to come to an end. Her sticky, dripping fingertips left the cave and gingerly felt around the seat for him. They scooped him up when they found him and, enclosed in their grasp, he was rocketed up her body. Gravity turned for him, and when the fingers opened he was plopped upon an expanse of skin. “Why don't you enjoy yourself here for a bit?” Her characteristic flirty voice was back.
 David was on a mound that rose up over the landscape that was Lauren. He instantly recognized her long, toned legs in one direction, while the opposite bore her gentle back with her silky, noire locks falling over it like a waterfall of ink. Even as small as he was, his feet dipped into the soft skin he was standing on. The little man knew exactly where he was.
 He was awkward at first. Her harsh words still rang in his ears. But, as he fell to his knees and laid upon the giant mound, they quickly began to fade. Her warmth helped drive away those thoughts as if they'd never even been there, and the little man spread himself out as much as he could to take full advantage of her heat's rejuvenation. He buried his face in her soft skin and kissed until he needed to breathe, and then he went back for more. His lust returned, and his pelvis squirmed to rub his growing member against her. He heard another click, but he didn't care- at this point she could take as many pictures as she wanted. He'd accepted his place, and even her giggling couldn't deflate him now.
 But, that sinister voice of hers came back with her laughter. “You have no idea what you're in for, little man.”
 David didn't think much of her words until he heard a door slide open behind the bar where Lauren had found him. Then, a deep, rolling voice like distant thunder called out, “Be out in a sec, honey. Do you remember where you left our toys?”
 “They're out here with me, Adam,” Lauren replied without even a thought. The door closed, and David heard heavy footsteps thump over to him. He looked up, and fear welled within him as a giant, masculine silhouette peered down like God himself.
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