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Thread Necromancer
Thread Necromancer
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Thread Necromancer
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 slab’s Femdom AU: Kid Win / Win Bunny

I’m not really going to number these as there isn’t really a coherent story but more showing off where everyone is in this AU in a short snapshot of the setting, though that’s subject to change.


Chris bit his lip, trying to stay on task, trying to keep from getting distracted. Nothing ever kept him on track these days, and it was frustrating, the only thing helping him keep on track at the moment was the thing he was trying to bypass. For a moment, Chris’ hands stopped, practically shaking, his breathing getting harder as he swallowed, before willing his hands to keep going on the project. Everything could be dealt with afterwards, but for now, he needed… he needed to focus on this, and not on his, on his ever growing arousal. 

Of course, the project didn’t help either, his special little hard light device. Maybe it was his specialty, but considering the hover board and his other stuff, it didn’t make sense, so Chris didn’t have any kind of idea really. Even so, the feature of the device he was really looking forward to what the part that threatened to tip him over the edge, and send him scurrying to his room to fish out his dildo and give up on waiting. Just the thought of the device made his ass twitch and his legs trying in vain to rub together.

Damn you thigh gap! Chris raged for a moment, lamenting the diet that the PRT had put him on that eventually caused him to develop such a thing. The gap prevented him from getting even the barest of stimulation from his legs rubbing together. It kept him from pushing on that part between his ass and caged dicklet. Now he could only derive any semblance of pleasure from directly touching himself, by on fondling his balls and playing pathetically with his cage. Of course, for all of his pawing all it would earn him would be a berating from Armsmistress about wasting his precious tinker time that he so obviously needed. At least the thigh gap would be great for when his invention was done. 

The invention, he didn’t quite have a name for it yet, was something to go along with his hero outfit. A weapon of sorts. It didn’t look like much. In truth it looked like some kind of make-up case or a weird camera made for oversized toddlers who wanted to take pictures and didn’t care about quality, but that was just the outside of it. The outer shell was shaped like a heart, with a handle on top of it going between the two humps. From the side a cylinder poked out of it like a camera lense. The device was also designed to fit into a frame that he’d made which was crucial for its “secondary” purpose. Sure it’s main stated purpose was that it was a tool for heroism, but he couldn’t use it in the field until it was approved of by the board, so until then, it’s reported secondary purpose is actually it’s main purpose.

It was all thanks to Emma and her boyfriend that he’d even started to make this thing. He’d complained that his supposed mentor wasn’t taking the time out of the day to satisfy his needs, instead sticking him in a chastity cage and telling him to be a good girl and he’d get to orgasm. Which honestly was hot as hell and he loved every session with Armsmistress as she made him feel so good, but she never let a session go long enough to properly pacify him, just enough to let off some tension and that was it. Of course then there were times when Armsmistress’ time would be taken up by Mistress Dragon and it just left him out in the cold. He could probably intrude, and ask to join Mistress Dragon’s harem, she’d likely even take him in, but… well it would be a big step. Granted, he’d already agreed to become Win Bunny, taken to the guided therapy to help push his power induced sissification, got his costume all made up to look like a sexy bunny girl with a far too short skirt and a… thick, visible butt plug shield generator. He had even… even did a bit of extra stuff for the troops on the side.

Chris shuddered as his nipples hardened and his butt clenched as he remembered that one time he’d gotten so horny. The culmination of being unable to cum due to his cage, the arousal he got from his outfit, and then how the trooper had made him feel so appreciated, especially as they… they touched Chris’ butt. The party, and how they got him to dance as he drank their drinks, the world becoming dizzy and…

His hands found their way down, one touching a nipple and the other gripping at his cage as he whined, but he shook his head, pushing the memory away, how… how he. 

No, despite… despite how good it felt at times… he wasn’t sure he wanted to do that again, he… He liked being a hero, and he wanted to be one, but he didn’t… he didn’t want to end up like that again, so horny that just a trooper grabbing his ass made him melt into their touch and let them use him… like…. Like Captain Munroe had. Chris’ stomach churned a bit at that, before he shook it off and pulled his hands away to start working again, frantically putting the last of the wires in place as the soldering iron flew around madly as Chris rushed his work. The soldering was shoddy, using far too much in places but he didn’t care. He focused everything on it and not wanting to think about… about that party… or the aftermath.

A few minutes later, the soldering was done, and Chris put the iron back where it was supposed to be before turning it off. He slid the rest of the case together for the machine and then grinned. The project actually gotten done, and not another piece of junk pulled apart and left to rot on his work bench. Even better, he could finally deal with his arousal in a more satisfying way. Reaching over to the side, Chris grabbed one of the modules and checked the label to make sure it was the correct one. Nodding to himself, Chris slotted it into the back of his machine, and started to walk over to the frame for the hard light energy projector he’d made. Slotting the device into the frame, Chris got out of the way of the hard light projector before clicking the on switch. Like a heart shaped lightsaber, the projector’s beam shot out of the thing, though unlike in Star Wars, it didn’t make a sound. 

Another difference between the two was that Chris was pretty sure lightsabers were supposed to be long and thin shafts of hot cutting plasma, not a long and thick shaft of hard light cock. At the mere sight of it, Chris began to lick his lips unconsciously, his hypnotherapy kicking in as he looked at the thing, feeling a small twinge in his caged clitty and his mouth began to water. That same twinge though, he’d had since even before the PRT started helping him with their therapy sessions, the hours spent with them, with Armsmistress as she helped him come to terms with what was happening to his body, how he was changing. Chris almost wanted to reach out and grab it, but safety first. Taking his pen, Chris dropped it above the potentially lethal laser dildo, and was relieved when it bounced off, yet no damage seemed to have been dealt to it. Grabbing the pen again, it didn’t seem hot, but just in case, Chris pressed it against the laser dick once more, and waited a few moments. Nothing except the thing was pushed a bit, acting like a big long and hard cock, exactly what he needed. Giving a bit of an excited squeal, Chris threw his pen away somewhere behind him and grabbed his remote from the workbench as he pulled his panties down over his nice round and spank able ass, his fingers passing by his already lubed bussy. He’d almost started his daily anal training session, but had held off since he wanted to get extra tinkering done. Of course him doing so might “reduce the effectiveness of his treatment” in turning him into a thick thighed fuck bunny boi like he eventually decided he wanted to be, missing on one training session wouldn’t affect things too badly, especially considering since he was about to combine both is usual hypnotherapy session with his anal training anyways.

Grabbing the special bench that Armsmistress liked to tie him down on from one of the walls, he moved it over to the front of the frame, his breath getting heady in anticipation, his mind filling with lust as he could already imagine how much fun he’d have, and he wouldn’t have to go to anyone else, he… he didn’t have to run the chance of running into Munroe, he could just, just pleasure himself. The thought was already making him giddy. He’d have to make a second one of these, just so that when he sent it off to be inspected, he could keep the original to continue having fun with.

Putting it into place, Chris went back and grabbed one last thing, the training helmet, an essential part of the PRT’s hypnotherapy for sissy bois. Each day brought a different module, though most of them kept to a theme. Sometimes it was just sissification, sometimes it was regarding the unusual relationships with real female capes and how they can come to like it, things like that. It was all designed to help boys like him gracefully settle into their new selves rather than crashing into them like some do. 

As he slapped the helmet into place Chris fiddled with the buttons on the side of the helmet until he found the one he wanted. At the same time, he pressed another switch on his heart shaped light projector, and waited for a beep to show they’d synced. Thank you fuck machine integration! Unable to help himself, Chris practically jumped onto the bench, sliding his arms and legs into the proper places, his caged cock sliding into a nook on the bench to be teased as well. Locks clicked into place as he assumed the proper position. He shook his head and the visor of the helmet fell into place and the eye tracking, Chris navigated his way through the various menus, before he eventually found the “begin hypnotherapy” option, and squinted at it to turn it on.

At the same time as Chris turned on the module, he could already feel the cage on him vibrating a bit, small things, but still vibrations which were there to help encourage him. Not enough to make him cum by itself, but enough to make him enjoy the therapy, to make him hornier, and make him more pliable what was going on. It’d been extremely useful initially, as he was getting used to his changing body, how his ass became more and more of a focal point for him while Armsmistress showed him true pleasure. 

As he lay there on his belly, Chris started to feel the light dildo press into him. The thing slid into him with ease, the anal smoothing combined with the daily training was enough to make his ass stretchy and pliable. Chris moaned a bit, the big thick cock filling him up, stretching his ass, the ribbing on the light dildo sliding and pressing into his walls. It pressed against his P-spot and Chris moaned aloud fully, his clit wanting to jump in its cage but with it held by the bench it couldn’t do anything except strain against the buzzing machines. 

At the same time, a penetrating bit of music started to fill his head, at the exact perfect frequency to make him more susceptible, or so he’d been told. Though from how his mind changed, it didn’t matter whether it was true or not. In the view screen of the helmet, he saw the video start, already showing off a few rapid fire clips, each burst accompanied by the burst of vibration from both the bench and his dildo. Each moment of lewd videos he saw of sissies like him, pleasuring and servicing others, many of them PRT troopers, a burst of vibration added onto the slowly methodical thrusting. More Pavlovian training for him as the images flashed by. Chris frowned a bit, remembering his time… remembering Munroe, but he pushed past it. It was just a coincidence… plus, it was hot looking, seeing those sissies serving, doing what they could for the troopers. It almost made Chris start to maybe rethink…

“You want to be a free use slut don’t you,” the words said, and were whispered in that strange ethereal voice. 

“Yes Mistress,” Chris’ reply was automatic, months of this training making him start to accept what the words said, imagining himself in the position of those sissies instead of them. Imagining himself in his bunny win costume, his corset all ruffled, his caged clit just barely visible under the tiny skirt as he bobbed his head for the troopers, sucking on their cocks at a-

What was he thinking? He, that was just a mistake, a hot, sexy mistake… that maybe… no… but… then any thought he had was ripped from him as the cock in him filled him once more while his cage was vibed again.

“You want to submit to your betters, and your inferiors. You want to be free for them all you sissy slut.” The voice continued, the images continuing to flash by, though slower now, the vibrations lasting longer as the speed of the dildo slowly started to increase, thought he vibration of his cage slowed, turning from a set of medium bursts to a low hum. 

“Yes Mistress,” he said as he twisted his legs the little amount he could, spreading his ass a bit more for the dildo sliding into him, trying in vain to give it better access as it continued it pounding and thrusting, the ridges on the dildo sliding across and stimulating his prostate, the pleasure riding up his spine and into his mind. 

“You don’t want to feel shame, you don’t want to disappoint, do you? You want to consent to everything. You liked it when he stared at you, when he touched you. You liked it when he pulled you away and made you suck him off you slutty little sissy.”

“Y-yes Mistress,” he said, his mind drifting a bit, remembering… remembering after the party. Remembering how as he got back to his room, right before he closed the door, Munroe had been there, and right before he closed the door, he grabbed it, and pushed himself in.

“There’s no point lying about it sissy slut, you enjoyed it, it was exhilarating when he used you like he did.”

“There’s my little bunny,” Munroe said, his hand having pushed open the door, the man entering the room as he looked down at Bunny Win, still in his new costume that the PRT had him wearing now, the newer even sluttier costume that he’d been embarrassed to wear… well until he’d had a few drink. Stumbling a bit, Chris stepped back as Captain Munroe entered fully, his pants coming down a bit to drag out his large cock. While Chris was supposed to salivate, to desire it, that’s what the hypnotherapy said, and while it did look good, he… he didn’t really want to. He’d, he’d had a fun time at the party, touching everyone, trying… trying out a cock for the first time, just sucking, just being touched.

This was different though, as he needed to get away, to think, to… to have a moment to collect himself. He, he didn’t want Munroe here, he, he wanted him gone, and yet, he’d forced his way in, and he didn’t want… he didn’t say no. Munroe smiled at him as he stepped out of his pants finally, his hand grabbing Chris’ hair, and pushing him down to the floor.

“Didn’t you love it sissy? When you were hunted? When he came for you specifically, he wanted you, and deep down, you wanted him, you wanted to suck his big cock, and you just needed some encouragement,” as he remembered, it, it hit differently. Before when he thought of it, his stomach rolled, and he felt like he was going to be sick. Whenever he passed the captain in the halls, he felt a chill. Now though, as he thought of the incident, he felt a bit of… heat. Had, had he wanted that? Had he…? Munroe had sought him out, after the party, and… and he’d been “hunted” before in the late hours when he went walking about in costume. Sometimes, he was touched as he passed some troopers, a grope here, a slap on the ass there, it was just in good fun, the female Wards did it as well, and… and that was fun.

Chris tried his best, his mouth though was not yet ready, it’d never taken a cock so deep as what Munroe wanted, his throat rebelling against the cock of the trooper, his stomach churning and turning, little bits of bile coming up as he sucked on the man’s cock, and he had to stop to keep it down. Yet the man was getting impatient. Chris reached up to use his hands but the captain slapped them away, and instead grabbed his head, and pushed Chris’ head onto his cock, his stomach and throat doing a flip as the man’s cock slid deep. 

He’d, he’d wanted to do a good job, a good job in pleasuring the captain. That… that meant he wanted it right? To be a good slut like he was supposed to be, to be used? Free use meant no boundaries, and to be able to be “hunted” for lack of a better word anywhere. Did, did he want to be hunted? To have troopers and others hunt him down for their pleasure, to be used? It… it was fun, exhilarating even, to have such a larger man surrounding him, touching him, or even a woman.

As he wondered, the dildo in his ass sped up, the binaural whispering becoming more intense as the pictures slowed down, showing a sissy being stalked, before the stalker came up behind, grabbing them. The moment they did, they froze, unable to move, or unwilling. Slowly the sissy’s face shifted from alarmed to leaning into the bigger man, being touched, being fondled, the sissy reaching back and fondling the man as well until the man bent the sissy over.

He’d, he’d just wanted to do a good job, and he’d fucked it up, that’s all that terrible, terrible feeling was in him wasn’t it? His shuddering, how he’d curled in on himself in bed after… after it all. He’d just failed, or the hypno had a bad reaction to his failure, and he was unused to failure since he was a “model sissy boi”. It… it wasn’t that he hadn’t… because… no he had wanted it, otherwise he wouldn’t have gone to the party, right? He’d wanted it, he’d dressed like a slut, he’d had fun being groped, sucking that one trooper off, giving them handies. When Munroe hunted him, it was no different. 

The speed of the dildo fucking his ass and vibrations on his cage increased. The light cock fucking his ass felt divine as it speared him through, sliding into him with ease as it kept hammering at his p-spot, sending waves of sensual delight through him at the sensations it brought. Meanwhile his caged dick felt like it was about to explode despite the numbness, and yet the vibrations would stop before he got to the point of cumming. 

Chris imagined Munroe was behind him, imagining that he’d been hunted by the big trooper again, but this time, instead of sucking him off, Chris had bent over, asking for it in his ass, and the trooper obliging, fucking him. The hypno continued in front of Chris, while Chris imagined the captain sliding into him, taking what he wanted in recompense for the shitty blow job. He deserved it, he was a trooper for a long time, and he deserved better than what he’d gotten after the party. It… it was the fact that he’d given a shitty blow job that had made him lay there, unmoving for a long time in bed, because his body reacted to his failure, that… that was what it was. Sissy bois like him ought to be public sluts after all, and he’d been walking around in such a slutty outfit, being touched, touching others, having fun. He’d deserved the pain in his throat for being such a terrible sissy. He should have just offered his ass, his thick, plump, juicy ass for the captain, it would have pleased him better. 

Chris kept getting fucked, his ass being hollowed out by the toy continuing to fuck him, though the vibrations on his clit turned off completely. He didn’t mind, most of the pleasure was coming from his ass and he wasn’t supposed to cum from stimulating his dicklet anyways during these sessions. Anal training, even during a hypnotherapy session was about overloading his pleasure centers with his ass so that his brain was reminded that his ass was his main sex organ now, not his caged clit.

He was to be a public slut for everyone, to be used freely and… and the idea of being hunted down aroused Chris, the thought of being grabbed like that one sissy, to be touched, and so fully in another’s control. Chris moaned loudly as the video slowly started to fade, as the whispers and the voice of the hypno-mistress faded as well before the light dildo finally did the same. 

With a sudden wave of exhaustion, Chris let his head fall forward and he let it hang off the edge of the bench. His neck was so sore from holding it up, but he hadn’t noticed it, focusing more on his pleasure, on assuming the proper position, but now it kind of hurt, and was a relief to let it rest a bit.

Though then a hand caressed his ass, a cold, armoured hand.

“Decided to start your hypnotherapy early huh?” Armsmistress asked as she pulled the helmet off put it off to the side. Unable to really do anything else, Chris just moaned in an affirmative, nodding his hanging head while Armsmistress squirted something and then he felt her soft hand pressing something into his hole. It made him tingle and Chris gasped at the cold thing being pressed there.

“Don’t worry, just a bit of stuff to help your hole until it’s far more used to being fucked this hard. Do you know how long you went Christie?” She asked, using his sissy name since they weren’t supposed to use his real name in order to help with the therapy. Thinking on her question Chris just shook his head. Must have been like twenty minutes, right?

“You fucked yourself for an hour, far longer than what morning anal training required, which you missed so I think you more than made up for it. Unfortunately I think we’ll have to at least wait the rest of the afternoon before you should use your hole again. It’s rather loose and I can see a bit of blood,” she said as Chris blushed. An hour? He’d been getting fucked for an hour?

“Come on lets get you off this thing,” Mistress said as she reached over and started to help Chris off the bench, though as he tried to stand, his legs almost gave out on him, and he had to grab onto Armsmistress’ armour to stay up right. 

“Easy there girl, you need time to rest after your first hour long fuck. I’ll post-pone your patrol until you can get some rest,” she said as she walked away, the armour on her was obviously her more casual armour, the one that was less for the public and more for intimate encounters. The public after all didn’t get to see Armsmistress’ muff and bare breasts. They did see her thick bimbo lips though that Chris had no idea how she spoke normally through. 

“Oh and Christie? Good job on the new invention, I hope to test it out thoroughly with you later.”

Then with that, she strutted out, her thick ass wobbling with every high heeled step she took before leaving the room. Turning back, Chris was about to leave for his room to get some rest before remembering Munroe, and how he’d disappointed him. He ought to make it up for that terrible blow job of his. Reaching over Chris opened a drawer and pulled a dildo from the drawer. While Armsmistress had said no using his hole, that didn’t mean he couldn’t train his mouth and throat so that next time he saw Munroe he could show the captain how he’d improved.


Ugh, why “bussy” is even a word I don’t know. I feel dirty for even using it but Chris is like that, so unfortunately you my dear reader have to read his cringy way of thinking since this is all about Chris this time.

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I kind of want to hit 5 subscribers since it would be great to have that amount of people supporting me~!

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