You will get access to the uncompressed... Ironically in a Compressed Folder but lul. Versions of what I personally consider my best pieces off here. Not much but it's what I can offer.
You will get access to the uncompressed... Ironically in a Compressed Folder but lul. Versions of what I personally consider my best pieces off here. Not much but it's what I can offer.
Like the Supporter but you get access to previews of crap that's not been uploaded yet. Mostly Artwork but likely even previews of stuff in the works. As well as Polls to suggest what I do next model, render, so on.
You get access to all my Model sources upon request as well as assistance with them should it be needed. (Though I offer that anyway.)
May add more with time who knows.
At this tier you can choose what characters I use in say the next poster or SFM Animation if possible. (Requires you to have your character model already made or have the one you want me to use. I'm not good enough to make Characters mostly right now.)
You get basically everything before, this is just the top tier for anyone Generous at the moment until I get good enough at making models to consider taking modding or commission work for it.
... And yes I will call you Lich King Daddy....