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The Naughty Captain profile
The Naughty Captain
The Naughty Captain
I'm The Naughty Captain and I'm creating erotic games for an adult audience. Summer Scent is my first project.

Subscription Tiers

USD monthly
  • My gratitude. Thank you !
  • Boatswain Discord role.
14 subscribers Boatswains
USD monthly
  • Access to the last version of the game (update only).
  • Gunner Discord Role
  • Access to Preview renders posts.
  • Access to Bonus renders posts.
83 subscribers Gunners
USD monthly
Sailing Masters
  • Access to the last version of the game with 7 days early access (update only).
  • Sailing Master Discord role.
  • Access to the streaming room, on discord, where I'll occasionnaly stream some daz stuff.
31 subscribers Sailing Masters
USD monthly
Tide Rider
  • Access to the latest full version of the game.
  • Tide Rider Discord role
  • More previews. Occasionally an exclusive preview render, but more often screenshots of what I'm posing at the moment. You can expect several previews per week when I'm posing a scene, less when I'm writing. Might be spoilery.
  • Once in a while, a blog post. That will be an in-depth review of what I'm doing. How I'm building sets and characters, preview renders of the material with detailed explanation and thoughts. Might also be spoilery.
5 subscribers Tide Riders
USD monthly
Sea Artist
  • Sea Artist Discord role
  • Access to a private room on discord with exclusive previews and discussions.
  • Each month, an exclusive 4k bonus render, in wallpaper format. There will be a poll, to decide the characters and the setting.
  • 4k version of the non-exclusive bonus renders.
15 subscribers Sea Artists


  • My gratitude ! Thank you for your support !
  • Preview renders & Latest version of the game.
  • Early access.
The Naughty Captain

Summer Scent v0.6.5a is now available.

Summer Scent v0.6.5a is now available for Gunners and up.
Boatswains have now access to Summer Scent v0.6.4a.

Changelog v0.6.5a:
  • Some more typos have been corrected. There is no end to these.
  • Some more serious edits have been made to Day 1.
  • A bug prevented the Evil Asshole path to complete. It has been corrected.
  • Some tweaks have been made on the Lifeline, to make some details of the dual love path more obvious. It is still a work in progress.

Changelog v0.6.5:
  • A bunch of typos have been corrected.
  • The game has been made Steam-compliant.
  • New content: Day 6 Scene 28 and 29 - 16.5k words, 500 images.
  • Reworked content: Day 2 Scene 2 - 2.7k words, 80 images.

The download links are available in this post.

Displaying posts with tag Release.Reset Filter
The Naughty Captain
Public post

Summer Scent v0.6.5a is now available.

Summer Scent v0.6.5a is now available for Gunners and up.
Boatswains have now access to Summer Scent v0.6.4a.

Changelog v0.6.5a:
  • Some more typos have been corrected. There is no end to these.
  • Some more serious edits have been made to Day 1.
  • A bug prevented the Evil Asshole path to complete. It has been corrected.
  • Some tweaks have been made on the Lifeline, to make some details of the dual love path more obvious. It is still a work in progress.

Changelog v0.6.5:
  • A bunch of typos have been corrected.
  • The game has been made Steam-compliant.
  • New content: Day 6 Scene 28 and 29 - 16.5k words, 500 images.
  • Reworked content: Day 2 Scene 2 - 2.7k words, 80 images.

The download links are available in this post.
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The Naughty Captain
Public post

Summer Scent v0.6.4a

Summer Scent v0.6.4a is now available for download.
  • Starting today, April 3rd, for Sailing Masters, Tide Riders and Sea Artists.
  • April 10th, for Gunners

The download links are available in this post.

Changelog v0.6.4a:
  • Some images have been reworked and rerendered, on both Day 5 and Day 6.
  • Several typos have been corrected. There will be more, of course.
  • A few bugs have been dealt with.
  • A Discord link has been added to the main menu.
  • A few elements of the script have been changed. It's for the better.

Changelog v0.6.4:
  • Day 2 Scenes 1 and 10 have been reworked.
  • New content: Day 6 Scenes 26 and 27. These scenes are the endings of the Evil Asshole and Psychotic Knight paths. These paths are now complete.
  • In total, the update is about 22k words long, with 700 renders and 7k lines of code.
  • Music. For the whole of Day 1, Day 2 Scenes 1 and 10 and Day 6 Scenes 26 and 27. The default volume has been set to 50%.
  • Some achievements have disappeared, and some others have appeared.
  • The Preferences screen has been reworked to include a volume slider and a taboo switch.
  • Minor edits to the ending screens.
  • Dozens of typos have been corrected.
  • The Renpy engine has been updated. Summer Scent now runs on Renpy 8.2.1

Summer Scent v0.6.3a is now availble for download to the Boatswain tiers ($1).
The link are
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The Naughty Captain
Public post

Summer Scent v0.6.3 a

Summer Scent v0.6.3 is now available for download.

  • Starting today, July 1st, for the Sailing Masters, Tide Riders and Sea Artists.
  • July 8th, for Gunners

The download links are available in this post.

V0.6.2R is now available for boatswain.
The download links are available in this post.

Changelog v0.6.3 a
  • The credit screen has been updated.
  • Some Achievements have been corrected.
  • Several misassigned variables have been corrected. This doesn't impact any choice as of Day 6 Part 3 but may induce some issues in the future.
  • Several typo and punctuation errors have been corrected.

Changelog v0.6.3
  • New content. 7 scenes (Scenes 19 to 25), 29 417 words, 10 000 lines of code, 959 images for 1015 total renders.
  • Added a text message interface to display text interactions. Only for Day 6 part 3 content for now.
  • The inkling module has been removed. It is replaced by the lifeline, which will allow for a more precise display of the whole trigger chain.
  • Stealing the panties during day 2 will now lock you into either the Moronic Hero, Psychotic Knight or Evil Asshole paths.
  • Jack cannot be friendly with Luke anymore during the coffee shop event on day 3.
  • Being a cad during the night pool event on day 3, is now only available on the Moronic Hero, Psychotic Knight and Evil Asshole paths.
  • The option to lie to Cassie again, about Jack's experience, has been removed.
  • As a consequence, Dom Cassie is very pleased and won't crush Jack's balls anymore during her night event on day 3.
  • The final option to reject Eve on her love path on day 3 has been removed.
  • The option to fail your love story with Cassie on day 5 night has been removed.
  • The option allowing you to exit the Dual Dom path on Day 6 has been removed.
  • A few continuity errors have been rectified.
  • Several typo and punctuation errors have been corrected.
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The Naughty Captain
Public post

Summer Scent V0.6.2R is available.

Summer scent v0.6.2R is now available for Gunners, Sailing Masters, Tide Riders and Sea Artists. There is no new Day 6 content. This update focuses on quality-of-life features and improvements and the complete rework of Day One.

Here is the changelog :

Changelog v0.6.2R
  • The Renpy engine has been updated.
  • Corrections to Day 4 script. Some conditions have been corrected.
  • Corrections to Day 6 part 1 script. Some conditions have been corrected. A few lines of content have been added.
  • Corrections to Day 2 script. Typos and punctuation.
  • Corrections to Day 3 script. Some typos have been corrected. A continuity error has been rectified.
  • The Lighthouse Mode has been added to the game. Activating it will show you the triggers for a selected path.
  • The Achievements system has been modified to be more Steam compliant.
  • The warnings at the start of the game have been reworked into a proper introduction sequence.
  • A lot of changes in the background code, for better maintenance and clearer organisation. It's still a work in progress. The game is now more modular, which should allow for easier distribution in the future.
  • The whole Day 1 has been reworked.  2445 lines of script, 8250 words, 213 new renders. Trust me, it's way better than the previous version.

I haven't been able to produce an android build. If I don't find a solution to the problem I'm encountering on that point, that might be the end of the official android releases.

You will find the links in this pinned post.

Thank you for your support!
The Naughty Captain

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