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Shipboard Ch 25 and 26 (NSFW) 25Ryan sat in the Embous b...

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Shipboard 19&20 (NSFW)

Ryan lay on a bed of snakes. The Embuos slept in a sort of big pile. The ladies buried themselves beneath their drones, enjoying the residual warmth of the snake-men from their time working in and around the ship’s mechanical works.
Or they had, before he and his stupid panic attacks had come along.
Instead, they took it in turns to lay with him, their tails curled up beneath themselves, and he slept laying on top of them. 
That day, he was cradled in the mocha arms of the executive officer, Caleste, whose complexion and the features of her face reminded him of shore leave in São Luís. Those girls knew how to show a man a good time, as long as he had the money for drinks.
He shifted, she had been awake before him, playing with his hair, and now he lounged in her lap, eyes closed, listening to the rumble of her humming through the soft flesh of her caramel breast.
He couldn’t stay in bed forever, though, as much as he thought his hosts would probably let him. He looked up at the woman, who smiled.
“Goodmornin’ sweetie-pie.”
“Good morning, Lieutenant."
“Honeh,” she laughed. “How many times do we have ta tell ya? Ya don’t have to stand on ceremony.”
“Thank you, Ma’am,” he said, clambering down off her and coming to his feet.
She shook her head, unfurling her tail and pulling herself upright. “Be that way, then.” She stretched, grimacing, her two left arms folding over her shoulder.
“Are you okay?”
“Ahen’t ya sweet?” she asked. “This’n’s fine, sugah; she just needs to warm up a bit.”
He frowned, looking down, scratching his ear. “Sorry.”
“You ain’t got nothin’ ta be sorry for, sugah,” she said, cupping his cheek. “This’n’s happy ta accommodate.”
He sighed, still feeling bad. Glancing around, it struck him that the room was empty. “Where is everybody?”
“Honeh,” she chuckled. “They’ve been gone an houah or more.”
“What?” he cried, turning to scramble to his little closet for a change of clothes.
She caught his hand and tugged him back to her side. “Hold on there, sweet thang. We’ve got the day off, well, you do. This’n’s here to make sure ya stop acting a fool.”
She glared at him. “Yer pushin’ yerself too hard,” she said. “Ya wake up in the mornin’ and hardly have a bite to eat before headin’ to engineering; ya finish your shift, an’ it’s straight to studyin’. You eat at ya desk and come ta bed late. I undahstand yall want to learn all ya can, but yer gonna work yerself sick. Not ta mention robbing us of yer-” she looked him up and down, a playful smile tugging her lips. “Unique congeniality.”
He felt himself blush, and she grinned. “Sorry,” he said, “I-”
“Got nothin’ ta apologize for,” she finished for him. “But ya need a rest, and This’n aims to make sure ya get it.”
He scratched the bridge of his nose. “Lay down on your stomach,” he said.
“I want to do something for you; lay down.”
She shrugged and did as he asked; laying down flat, she shot him a questioning look over her shoulder as he straddled her tail.
He leaned forward, working his hands into the small of her back, and she gasped, collapsing forward, her cheek resting on the floor, groaning. “Oh, honeh, yer hands ahe like little furnaces.”
“Wonderful,” she purred.
“Tell me where you’re stiff.”
“Higher, higher, right-” she moaned softly as he found a knot of tension just above her shoulder blades. “Right there.”
He smiled, kneading her flesh and working up her shoulders to the base of her neck.
Finally, she sighed, pushing herself up and leaving him sitting astride her tail, his arms wrapped around her neck. She smiled at him, pressing her back into his chest. “Why don’t we go ta the sauna?”
“Um,” he cleared his throat. “You’re my superior officer; I don’t know if that would be-”
The rest of his objection was lost in her lips. “You Xenos, always frettin'. Propriety this, discipline that. This ship ain’t gonna fall to pieces if we… take care of each othah.”
He swallowed, his eyes running over her generous curves. She was beautiful, they all were; he’d even grown fond of the tails.
She captured his hand, pulling his fingers to her lips. “Now, ya just tell This’n what yall want.”
“I-” he said, his mouth suddenly dry. “Let’s go.”
She smiled, helping him down from his perch and wrapping her right arms around him. “Come on then, sweetie.”
She guided him gently through the sleeping quarters into the adjoining sauna. 
The sauna was nice, relaxing, and it was more or less the only way the women cleaned themselves but existed primarily for them to warm up in the morning.
She paused at the door, shucking off her tight-fitting shirt and throwing it into the hamper. Then, smirking at him, pulled the knot on the side of her loincloth loose and tossed that aside too.
“Don’t keep This’n waiting, sugah,” she said, slithering through the door and leaving him on his own. 
He licked his lips, hesitating, before scrambling out of his clothes and chasing after the woman.
He stepped through the door, the floor pleasantly warm beneath his feet. Caleste lounged on her side, her tail winding up one of the broad heat pipes, her pastel green feathers fluffed up to capture the heat.
Ryan stepped toward her, eyes roaming her body. As he watched, she ran a hand up her hips, fingers sliding over her skin, inviting his eyes to follow. She paused, cupping one heavy breast before her hand slid down her stomach, drawing his gaze to the delicate lips of her vagina.
He swallowed, reaching out to caress her cheek; her hands covered his, pressing his fingers into the silky softness of her skin. At the same time, Caleste reached out, pulling him down to her as she rolled onto her back, pressing his head to her breasts. 
He pushed himself to his knees, straddling her tight, flat stomach tangling his fingers with hers, and pushing her gently to the ground, her upper hands pinned over her head.
She chuckled, deep and throaty, her remaining hands sliding over his skin, one finding its way to the small of his back, the other slipping down, her fingers caressing his rapidly hardening manhood.
Her face assumed a perfect look of delighted shock, genuine or feigned, he didn’t know, but regardless it set his teeth on edge and stoked the fires of his hunger.
She bit her lip, smiling, wrapping her fingers around his shaft. “You want This’n? Want to possess her?”
“Yes,” he gasped. “God, yes.” He didn’t dare reciprocate her question, afraid she might tell the truth.
She tugged on his manhood, guiding him to her lower lips. “Then take her; she’s more than ready.”
He bucked his hips, hilting himself inside her. Instead of being greeted by the familiar warmth of a human woman, she was cool, almost cold, but her welcoming tunnel squeezed and squirmed around him as though unwilling to let him go, and as he eased himself back, her inner muscles seemed to try and pull him back in.
He bucked forward again, and her head fell back, eyes fluttering shut. Her hips jerked up into him, and she offered him a happy moan that inspired him to pick up his pace.
She pulled him to her, fingers tangling in his hair, drawing him into a deep, ecstatic kiss.
He felt his climax building as their pace increased, her tail now thrashing in pleasure. “Caleste!” he moaned her name, burying himself inside her as he crashed over that edge, his hips jerking as he emptied himself inside her.
She threw her head back, eyes rolled back so far she only showed the whites and shouted loud enough that he was worried the rest of the crew might come running.
Slowly, she calmed, and he collapsed forward, his chin resting on her shoulder, her arms winding around him, twin pairs of hands slowly running up and down his back.
“So warm,” she said, voice filled with affection and awe. “This’n’s never felt-” she sighed, her head lolling to the side, eyes closed, a blissful smile on her lips. “Thank you.”
He had to admit, such a glowing review received from such a beautiful woman did wonders for his ego. He kissed her, laid his head on her still-heaving breast, and laid, half-dozing, basking in the afterglow of their coupling.
A sharp gasp reached his ears, and he looked up to see another woman in the doorway, but one to whom he’d never been introduced.
Her tail was purple, her hair fiery red, and her skin milky white. Their eyes met, and somehow, her face managed to pale further.
Caleste spotted her too and rolled onto her side, dumping Ryan onto the floor.  
He scrambled to his feet as the XO slithered around him, drawing herself up to her full height. “What ahe you doin’ here?”
The red-haired woman ducked her head, shrinking back out the door. “F- forgive me, Mistress; I came to clean; I didn’t realize I would be intruding.”
“You can see it well enough now!” Caleste snapped. “Now git! Out of our sight before this’n does something we both regret.”
The redhead turned and rushed out of the room, Ryan taking a step after her, hand outstretched, but Caleste caught him, turning him around to face her.
He looked up into her eyes, frowning. “What- what was- who was that?”
The woman looked past him, out the door. She shook her head slowly. “This’n’s sorry ya saw that; ya jus’ forget about it, about her, for both yer sakes.”

Chairman Johan Engel sat in his office at the coalition headquarters. The building had formerly been the UN headquarters, but the war had put a period on that organization’s history.
Now, it was the statehouse of the United Earth Coalition, a name of such irony that it could make the Holy Roman Empire blush.
The organization, in truth, was not a coalition but a federalist superstate, didn’t, and really had never, represent exclusively terrestrial interests, and Earth was far from united under it.
Russia was intransigent, as usual; they claimed the whole thing was an American imperial project, an effort to make clients of the rest of the world.
It was difficult to argue because, after all, they were correct. But if twenty-fourth-century imperialism was to look like a world congress with democratic representation, then he and the rest of Prussia could imagine worse imperial powers. Had, in point of fact, suffered and been worse imperial powers.
And then there was China, the nation that had created the need for this body. Not- by precipitating World War Three and, over the course of years, caused the disintegration of the UN and every institution which had held the West together for over a century, though they had done that. Rather, they had afterward had the poor manners to themselves disintegrate as a nation. War, or water shortage, or demographic decline, whatever the reason, they’d fallen to pieces and left the world wondering what they were still fighting over.
The war more petered out than concluded, and that still left the problem of China, or, as the Americans had so concisely pointed out, the lack of China. No one was maintaining the three gorges dam, a catastrophe waiting to happen, with tens of millions of lives in the balance. To say nothing of the nuclear stockpile.
No one wanted those weapons falling into the hands of a bunch of mad warlords, but even if the worst didn’t come to pass, they also couldn’t leave hundreds or thousands of nuclear warheads to rot. But, of course, no one trusted anyone else to take possession, either.
Which brought him back to the coalition, an American brainchild, and, conveniently, with them as the real power in the arrangement. Russia, being at the time more or less bankrupt, had reluctantly agreed to allow them both to seize former Hubei, take control of the dam, and decommission China’s nuclear arsenal, with Russian supervision, of course. The rest was history.
Nations joined or didn’t as they wished. Those who did received representation in congress and those who didn’t still had no choice but to sit down and listen when congress spoke, so there was hardly a difference.
He checked his watch, stood; he had a meeting.
He stepped out of his office and was immediately met by his assistant, a binder in hand. 
“Sir,” she said. “This proposal the Americans sent to us I-”
“Carla!” he snapped. “We’re not alone.”
Carla, a mousy little brunette who wore coke-bottle thick glasses, flinched, swallowing. “Sorry, sir,” she whispered.
He sighed, shaking his head. It wasn’t as though he expected spies, but it paid to keep such things close to one's chest, even among friends. 
She cleared her throat. “Sir,” she whispered. “This emergency spending bill, this military expenditure, it’s ludicrous; what are the Americans thinking?”
“I don’t know, and I don’t know that it’s ludicrous, and neither do you; that’s why they’re bringing it to our office first, so we know what to expect and can decide if it’s something we can support.” It was the sort of spending that even the Americans couldn’t just push through, they would need support, and his office was a good place to start.
“I see, sorry, sir.”
“Honestly,” he huffed. “You need to learn if you want to make it in this town.”
“Yes, sir,” she said. “Sir, what do you think they want with this money? Are they planning a ground invasion of Russia? Expansion in China?”
“If they wanted either of those things, there’s more than enough material and manpower in orbit.”
“They want to send the Liberty’s Voice away.”
He waved her away. “Which they wouldn’t be doing if they were planning a ground war.”
She frowned. “What about the Wexiks?”
“A war with our new allies? And I suppose they’re proposing to begin that campaign by allowing the aliens to station a fleet in orbit of Earth? No, they’re burning too much political capital trying to make this exchange happen and showing a great deal of trust for our Xeno friends. That’s not posturing for war.”
She chewed on her lip, seemingly wracking her brain. “Maybe they’re worried about internal problems when the Liberty’s voice is gone?”
“Are you suggesting we succeed?” he scoffed.
She seemed legitimately confused. “No? Why would I? Things are, well, they’re not perfect, but-”
He rolled his eyes. Had he ever been so young? It was hard to imagine. But then, he’d practically grown up with a rifle in hand, so maybe the comparison wasn’t fair. “Then perhaps they’re not worried about it either. Given there’s no reason they should be.”
“I don’t understand,” she said.
He stroked the grey hair of his beard, his protégé was terribly impatient, but he supposed that was one of the benefits of youth. “Then let them explain it.”
“Yes, sir,” she nodded.
He stopped in front of the meeting room, checking his watch. Right on time.
He gave a cursory knock, opened the door, and proceeded Carla into the room. President Sullivan and his staff were already there, and as he entered, the other man stood, stepping around the table and meeting him with an outstretched hand. “Good to see you, Mr. Chairman.”
“Mr. President,” Johan said, taking the outstretched hand and giving it a firm shake.
“It’s good to see you, Johan; how’s your family?”
“They’re well, thank you,” he rechecked his watch. “Forgive me, sir, but I have another appointment after this.”
The president nodded. “Of course, we’ll try and make this fast; please, sit down.”
President Sullivan walked back around the table, resuming his seat. “Your office received our proposal.”
“Yes,” Johan said. “Mr. President, I have to say, you’re asking for a lot. I don’t know if my office can support such a measure.”
“I thought you might say something like that,” the president said, pushing a binder across the table. “I’d like you to have a look at this.”
Johan took the book and flipped it open; he was greeted by what was clearly a star, only it had a number of strange shadows dotting its surface. “What am I looking at?”
“The lab boys tell me they think this is the beginnings of a Dyson swarm,” the president said.
Johan looked up, toward the sun, but the president shook his head. “Not ours.”
“The Wexiks?”
Sullivan shook his head again. “Keep going.”
Johan flipped idly through the pages, each one a new picture with varying densities of shadow occluding the star.
Finally, he set the book aside, shaking his head. “You think this is a new neighbor?”
“Yes, and there’s something else,” the man nodded to the binder. “Start from the back.”
Johan did and saw a new image; in this one, the shadows nearly blocked the star’s light entirely. He flipped back through the pages, slowly realizing the pictures progressively showed lower densities of shadow. “What am I looking at?”
“Each of these pictures is a different star; the lab boys arranged them from nearest to farthest.”
“So coming from the back…,” Johan said slowly. “They’re expanding in our direction.”
The president nodded.
“You think they’re hostile?”
“We don’t know, but we don’t want to be caught flat-footed.”
Johan nodded and gestured to the binder. “This isn’t happenstance; how did you find this?”
“We got a tip from the Wexiks ambassador.”
“A tip? Why not just tell us?”
The president shrugged. “I don’t know.”
“Internal restrictions?”
Sullivan shook his head. “I can only speculate. What matters is, he didn’t feel he could tell us outright, but he felt the need to warn us.”
Johan scratched his chin, gazing down at the photo album. “My office will support your proposal; we’ll see about drumming up support in congress. May I keep this?” he tapped the binder. “It will help.”
“I figured you’d ask; go ahead.”
Johan closed the binder and handed it off to Carla for safekeeping. “We’ll need to increase recruitment.”
“America has already done what we can in that regard, but I think the suggestion might come off better if it came from your office,” Sullivan said.
“That seems prudent, Mr. President. I’ll see what I can do.”
“Thank you, Johan.”
“Of course, and Mr. President?”
Johan leaned forward, clasping his hands together on the desk. “My term will be expiring in not too much longer. I believe the current front runners are America, Burgundy, the Polish Comonwealth, and Punjab. I think it might behoove you to go have a word. Perhaps America could provide a more muted campaign in exchange for a friendly ear in the chairman’s office?”
The president frowned. “Not a bad idea… the Poles will probably agree, but the Burgundians-”
“I’ll have a word with their offices, too,” Johan said. “Impress upon them the importance of national unity in the coming years. We’re not anglophone, so….”
“Thank you, Mr. Chairman; your efforts are appreciated.”
“For the peace and prosperity of all peoples,” Johan said, nodding. “Will that be all, Mr. President?”
“Yes,” Sullivan said. “Thank you for your time.”
“Of course,” Johan stood. “And thank you for your candor. Have a good day, Mr. President.”
“And you, Mr. Chairman.”
They shook, and Johan took his leave; his schedule suddenly full.

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Empire of Night Ch39 (NSFW)

Alex shifted on the bed, slowly waking. It was difficult, adjusting to Dyrantisa sleep patterns, and though he hadn’t intended to, he’d somehow fallen into it.
He grunted, yawning. There were two pairs of arms wrapped around him, and when he tried to stretch, he realized there was something heavy lying across his legs.
He opened his eyes, propping himself up on his elbows, and found the covers had been pulled back and replaced with a quartet of exotic women, each gorgeous in their own right and in their own way and still nude after last morning's activities.
The weight on his legs was Eli and Rosslln, who grinned up at him past the turgid length of his shaft.
“You looked in need,” Eli murmured, pressing a kiss to his crown, which sent a shiver up his spine.
“We hope you don’t mind,” Rosslln added, licking up his shaft and displacing Eli with her own lips.
He closed his eyes, head falling back as a pleasured sigh escaped his lips.
Lisril, on his right, tightened her grip on him, her breasts wrapping around his arms. She kissed him, lips working up his jaw before gently nibbling his ear. “This will be your mornings from now on,” she whispered.
He shivered, and as if on cue, Rosslln opened her mouth and took him down her throat
He gasped, and it drew a chuckle from Lisril. “Am I instructing your women adequately?”
He kissed her as Eli, blushing but with eyes dancing with mischief, lapped at his testicles.
He broke the kiss, reaching down and brushing Rosslln’s hair to the side and meeting her eyes. She swallowed, her throat massaging his rod, before slowly drawing back and allowing Eli to take her place.
More hesitant and with light-blue cheeks flushed purple, the young Empress took him shallowly, her tongue circling his crown. She looked deep into his eyes, vibrant pools of amethyst sparkling with lust.
Lisril chuckled and reached down his stomach and cradlling Eli’s head in her hand, encouraging her to take him deeper.
The young woman sank down on his rod, taking him until he hit the back of her gullet, where she gagged, pushing herself off of him, coughing, gasping.
 Rosslln swiftly took her friend’s place, and Lisril cupped Eli’s cheek. “Don’t worry,” Lisril murmured, gently tugging the young empress back between his legs, “you’ll improve with practice.” 
Serra tugged on his arm from the other side, and he turned, smiling at her as she stared, naked hunger in her eyes, and a needy whine rose in her throat.
He cupped her cheek and drew her into a deep, slow kiss. “Feeling impatient?”
She pressed herself against him, crushing her breasts to his chest. “A little,” she said, feigning a pout. 
She kissed him, and he gasped into her lips as Rosslln’s nose touched his pelvis, and she began humming, sending shocks of pleasure up his spine.
She pulled back, and she and Eli lapped at one side of his member. He watched them out of the corner of his eye as he kissed Serra, her hands running over his chest. 
His hips jerked as his climax crested over him and the women between his legs allowed him to paint them with his seed.
He stroked Serra’s stomach, gazing down at the women between his legs. As he watched, Rosslln offered him a smirk gathered his pearly essence on her finger, and made a show of licking it off.
Alex grunted, the display tickling an animal part of his brain.
Rosslln treated him to a throaty chuckle, clearly aware she’d stolen his focus back from Serra, took Eli’s face in her hands, pulled her close, and licked a streak of his seed from the younger woman’s cheek.
Eli’s blush spread from her cheeks down to her neck, but she reciprocated her friend’s attention, her eyes on him, gauging his reactions.
He smiled down at her, and she pulled away from Rosslln, crawling up his torso, lining herself up with his shaft, but before she could reach back and guide him into her, Lisril took her hands, dragging her away from him.
“What-” Lisril cut the younger woman’s objection off with a deep, slow kiss.
“I think you misunderstand your position,” Lisril whispered, “let me show you.”
She rolled over, pinning Eli beneath her, Rosslln taking the place they’d vacated, spreading herself for him.
He stood up on his knees, looking at the women laid out before him. Rosslln was grinning up at him, her hands entwined with Lisril’s, still kissing Eli, and Serra’s, who gazed up at him with hunger, biting her lip in anticipation of his attentions.
Liril rolled off of Eli, taking the young woman’s hand the four of them laid out and displayed before him.
He swallowed, the scene before him simply too beautiful to bear. 
He leaned forward, caressing Rosslln’s calf, drawing a happily little shiver from the young purple-skinned woman. Alex smiled at her and turned to Lisril. “You’ve been teaching my girls some interesting habits.”
She chuckled. “You don’t mind.”
It hadn’t been phrased as a question, so he answered with a smile and turned to Eli.
The blue-skinned beauty propped herself up, reaching out to him in invitation.
He grinned at her and leaned down to kiss Lisril. “What do you think?” he whispered.
She tangled her hand in his hair, pulling him against her. “She needs to learn.”
He chuckled, kissed his wife, pushed himself back, surveying his women, and shifted, straddling Sera and reaching down to caress her cheek. “Let’s see if you’re ready for me,” he purred.
She clasped the hand over her cheek, and he reached down with the other, probing her slit, gently sliding his fingers up and down her vaginal lips and collecting her honey on his fingertips.
She reached up with her free hand, cupping the back of his head and gently tugging him towards her. “Please,” she whimpered.
He chuckled, smoothing her hair and caressing her cheek, sinking his other hand into her down to the first knuckle. “Please, what?”
She gasped, wiggling her hips to encourage him deeper. “Please,” she begged, “fuck me! Give me a child!”
He pulled his hand free and replaced it with his cock, plunging into her, drawing a ragged moan from her lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling herself up and pressing her lips to his chest, trailing kisses up his neck to his jaw.
 They set a fast, hard pace, and as the two of them drove themselves toward a mutual release, Rosslln stood up on her knees, wrapping her arms around one of his, crushing herself against him.
She cupped his cheek, stealing his lips from Serra and kissing him, her tongue invading his mouth. She cast her gaze down at the woman writhing beneath him. “Doesn’t she look lovely?”
He looked down at the pink-skinned woman, her face flushed with pleasure, mouth hanging open, eyes hooded, and he couldn’t help but agree.
He reached down, brushing a tear from the corner of Serra’s eye, leaning down and wrapping his arms around her. She gripped his hips, tugging him against her as his pleasure crested.
Her legs wrapped our his, and she clenched around him, sending him over the edge. A ragged moan rose up from deep in her throat, and she went limp beneath him. 
After a moment, she sighed, and her eyes flickered open. She smiled dreamily up at him, kissed his jaw, and a moment later, Rosslln was tugging him away from her, laying him on the bed and straddling his hips.
The young woman grinned, her rows of pearly fangs contrasting with her dark skin. She took his hands and drew them to her breasts, each a generous handful, and ground herself against his shaft.
“You’re always so energetic,” she purred, reaching down and grasping his still-hard manhood.
She stroked him gently, lovingly guiding him into her, sinking down onto him, and grinding her pelvis against his. 
She heaved a pleasured sigh, eyes closed, a beatific smile spreading across her face, slowly grinding herself in circles and building to a shallow bounce.
She pressed her hands to his chest, slowly tracing the lines of his muscle, her eyes wandering over his torso, licking her lips.
She picked up her pace, leaning down to kiss him, and as he took hold of her hips, a voice to his side drew his attention. “You see?”
He turned his head and saw Lisril with Eli sitting between her legs, head pillowed in the valley of Lisril’s cleavage and the older woman’s hand buried between her thighs. “There’s a natural order to things,” she murmured. “Above and below. Out in the world, you may be the empress, but in his room? You’re subject to a more powerful, a more real hierarchy.”
The young empress whimpered wordlessly, squirming against Lisril. “Lisril,” she whined, “don’t tease me.”
“Oh, do you want some release?” Lisril chuckled, turning to Alex.
“What do you think, my love? Should we give her a little relief?”
Before he could answer, Rosslln cupped his cheek, dragging his gaze back to her and leaning down to seal his lips.
“Well, that’s too bad; it looks like you’ll have to wait,” Lisril said.
He kissed Rosslln deeply, running his fingers through her thick raven hair as she galloped atop him.
She threw her head back, moaning happily, and he felt his own pleasure building once more. A thought flashed through his mind, and on impulse, he leaned forward, enveloping the young woman in his arms, kissing down her neck, and as his climax crested, he bit down hard on her shoulder, breaking her skin and tasting blood.
Rosslln’s reaction was immediate, thrashing in his arms and howling like an animal. For a moment, he worried he’d really hurt her, but when he pulled back and caught sight of her face, he only saw bliss.
Head thrown back, mouth agape, a line of drool on her chin, tears streaming down her cheeks. Slowly, she relaxed, collapsing on top of him, nuzzling against his cheek. “That was amazing,” she whispered.
He kissed her, looking up to find Lisril on her feet, and Eli spilled over the side of the bed. Now it was clear all was well; he gently rolled Rosslln off of him and stood, wrapping Lisril up in his arms.
“What was that?” Lisril whispered.
“I don’t know; it’s something Eli did when I deflowered her. You’ve enjoyed this domination play ever since I met that woman at the power plant. I figured you’d like it if I hurt her a little, but she just went wild….”
“Well, maybe I’ll ask you for a little of the same next time,” she murmured, licking her lips.
A hand came to rest on his thigh, drawing his eyes down where he found Eli looking up at him with wide purple eyes. She pleaded with her gaze, and he reached down, caressing her cheek. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.”
She captured his hand with hers, pressing her face into his palm.
“But you’ll have to wait a little longer,” he said, circling his thumb over her cheek. “We have places to be today.”
She groaned, clearly disappointed at waiting, but she stood, pressing herself against him. “You promise?”
“Promise,” he said, sealing her lips, his fingers tangling in her hair. “For now, we need to clean up. I promised we’d check on Hess, and you need to learn to shoot.”
She nodded, pulling away from him and going to a basin by the fireplace, which she filled from a nearby pitcher. “Then we shouldn’t dawdle.”

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Empire of Night Ch26 (NSFW)

Alex walked hand in hand with Searra, following her back to their room. She was warm in the cold halls, and he stayed close as she led him past the guard and into the cozy warmth of the fire.
She sat him in a soft, plush chair and went to the hearth to stoak the flames higher. She reached for a chain hanging from the fireplace, which worked a bellows built into its structure to feed the flames and bring them higher. 
She heaved a sigh, and after a pause, turned, a brave smile stubbornly stretched over her lips. “Let’s talk about it then.”
He nodded, scooting over and patting the chair next to him.
She shook her head, giggling. “There’s not much room there.”
He looked at the spot next to him, shrugged, and patted the vacated spot once more.
“Ridiculous!” she laughed. But she joined him anyway, squeezing onto the chair, nearly having to sit in his lap.
Alex wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “Okay,” he said, “let’s hear it.”
Serra took a deep breath, sighing it out in a burst of air. “I told you about meeting Lisril, following her. Well, I followed her all the way to the military academy. Our education isn’t important; what matters is-” She shook her head. “Lisril left the academy as a cavalry commander, I, her lieutenant, and we’d picked up Iiandere.”
“The two of us were rivals, competing for glory and Lisril’s attention, but it was an amicable rivalry. We were as much friends as competitors.”
“What happened?”
Serra paused, sucking on her lower lip. “It was around the time Eli was born,” Serra said at last, “we were engaged in a flanking maneuver around the side of an enemy force. The plan was that infantry would engage their front, and our cavalry would sweep them from the field. Only, the enemy wasn’t in the field. Instead, we encountered them in the woods where we had meant to lay in wait.”
“It was a catastrophe.” She shook her head. “The terrain was against us; the close trees hobbled our ability to maneuver ahorse, and our enemies were at no such disadvantage.”
“Lisril being- well, being Lisril, recognized the situation was intractable and ordered a general withdrawal. If we could get to open ground, we could at minimum escape.”
She closed her eyes. “I had liberty; Iiandere did not. She, and her unit, were surrounded. I-” Serra swallowed, “I could have rendered aid, but-”
She shook her head, and he took her hand, squeezed. “I won’t force you to talk about it.”
“No,” she said, “I asked for this.”
She took another steadying breath and pressed on. “I could have rendered aid. But I didn’t want to risk my women. If I committed them, there was every possibility we would have become mired too.”
She paused, and the sadness and shame on her face made his heart ache. “I left her to die. I could have helped her, should have; we were sworn, comrades. But I didn’t; I abandoned her. She never forgave me.”
“So,” he said, “how come she’s still around, then?”
“Her unit was wiped out,” Serra said, “but she was taken prisoner; a couple of months later, Lisril received a ransom demand. She- Iiandere is of common birth; her family couldn’t pay the ransom, but Lisril could. She bought Iiandere’s freedom, reunited us. But it was never the same.”
“Shortly after that, Iiandere retired in disgust, and I in disgrace. Lisril took a commission with the palace honor guard and eventually helped me find employment in the archives.”
They lapsed into silence then. There it was, the whole shameful affair out in the open. They sat shoulder to shoulder, but the still air stretched between them; he tightened his grip on her, wishing he could somehow bring her closer.
Finally, his arm tightened around her, pulling her to his breast. “You did the right thing.”
She stared at him, shocked. “Alex?”
“It wasn’t your fault; just a bad situation, and you made the right call.”
She turned away from him, stared into the fire, lost in thought, or maybe memory. He could only guess what she was recalling. The chaos of battle, the smell of death, lost friends. The weapons changed, but violence didn’t.
“I shamed myself, my commander, and my subordinates.”
He shook his head. “It’s war, people die, sacrifices are made. Real shame would have been disobeying your orders, committing your people to a hopeless fight, maybe doubling your losses, and if you didn’t die then and there, earning yourself a firing squad, or noose, or however you do it on Nyx.”
“She was my friend!”
“She was a soldier; she knew what she signed up for.”
Serra squeezed her eyes shut, turning her face away from him. “I wish I could be so certain.”
He didn’t really know what to say to that. There probably wasn’t really an answer; he couldn’t make Iiandere forgive her, couldn’t make her forgive herself.
He kissed her cheek, squeezed her tightly to him. She turned, looking up at him through wet eyes. “You’re so kind,” she murmured, “thank you.”
She buried her face in his shoulder, and he brought his hand up to rest on her head, running his fingers through long, raven hair. “I wish there was more I could do.”
She shifted, shaking her head.
“Alex?” she asked after a moment.
“You’ve- you’ve been comforting Rosslln. Would you-”
She buried herself deeper into the crook of his neck, trying to hide from her own words, but he cupped her cheek, drew her from her burrow, and pressed his lips to hers.
“Let’s go to bed,” he murmured.
He stood, pulling her to his feet and into his arms. One hand wrapped around her back, exploring the defined muscles beneath her gown; the other went to hers, placing them on his hips, encouraging her.
She tentatively licked his cheek, and he responded with a deep, passionate kiss. “You should have told me sooner if you needed this.”
He led her to the bed and pulled her gown over her head. He admired her vibrant, smooth, pink skin, and reached up to caress her cheek, his hand wandering down her arm and coming to rest on her hips, pulling her against him. “Beautiful,” he whispered.
Her arms wrapped around his shoulders and crushed him to her breasts, pulling him down into the bed. She pushed his jacket off his shoulders and eagerly unbuttoned his shirt, pressed her fingers to his bare flesh, leaned forward to lap at his jaw.
She trailed her fingers down, tracing the lines of muscle to his slacks, struggled with his buttons a moment before finally freeing him and leaning back to take in his nudity, eyes sliding up and down his body, and licked her lips.
He grinned down at her and slipped a hand between her legs, his other sliding over the taut flesh of her stomach. She gasped as his fingers probed her lower lips.
He ran his fingers up and down her slit, his other hand cupped one heavy breast, thumb circling the stiff nub at its cap. Her hips jerked, and he pushed one finger and then another into her, wiggling his digits, and found no obstruction to his intrusion.
He smirked and nibbled on her lip, tugging playfully with his teeth. “Has my surgeon been naughty?”
She tangled her hands in his hair, bathing his face. “You’re my first man,” she murmured.
He grinned; it wasn’t impossible, and either way, it didn’t matter. He pressed a quick kiss to her nose and curled his fingers, causing her to jerk beneath him. 
She nodded, casting her eyes down past the heaving mounds of her breasts to the junction of her legs, where he aligned himself with her entrance.
She closed her eyes, heaving an involuntary sigh as he eased himself into her clenching channel. He hilted himself without resistance and gave her a moment to adjust to the intrusion before easing himself back and hilting himself again in shallow thrusts.
Her arms wrapped around him, one hand resting in the small of his back, the other clutching his bottom, pulling him into her, urging him on.
He increased his pace and deepened his strokes, taking a breast in each hand and closing his fingers around her nipples. She gasped and released the breath as a long ragged moan, her legs coming up to close around his. 
Her hands returned to his head, tangling in his hair, and she pulled him into a slow, passionate kiss as her hips began bucking up to meet his thrusts.
He felt the building tension in his core. He increased his pace, reaching down to roll the little button at the juncture of her legs between his thumb and forefinger, sending her tumbling over the edge, her climax triggering his own. He buried himself inside her, collapsing atop his lover, nuzzling his cheek against hers.
They laid together like that for a long moment before a low, husky chuckle broke them from their reverie.
They looked up and found Lisril standing by the door, smirking at them. “I was wondering where you’d gotten to when I found you weren’t in the archives,” she purred, “I’m glad to see you were safe with Serra.”
She sauntered toward the bed, shedding her clothes until she stood before them in her skintight silver armor. She looked down at him through lidded eyes. “Would you like to help me get a bit more comfortable?”
Alex looked up at her lush curves, almost more alluring for being covered, and licked his lips.
He stood, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her to his chest. “Is my wife in need?” he murmured, pulling the zipper on her back down and slipping the tightly fitting garment off her shoulders and down past her waist.
She kicked it away, took him by the shoulders, and pushed him down into the bed. She stood over him, hands on hips, displaying her tight, perfectly defined musculature; crossing her arms under the heaving shelf of her breasts, she crooked a finger at Serra. “Come here,” she said, “I’ll show you how to really get our man ready for some fun.” 
Serra slipped out of bed, and Lisril wrapped her arms around her, pulling her into a tight embrace, their breasts crushed together. Lisril leaned forward, whispering in her friend’s ear; they glanced at him in unison, Serra blushing furiously. 
“I don’t-”
“He’ll love it.” Lisril pulled her friend down to her knees in front of him; the display and anticipation of Lisril’s clear intent immediately reenergized his flagging shaft, and she grinned up at him. “See now,” Lisril said, “he likes what he sees.” 
She leaned forward and smoothly swallowed him to the base. She pressed her nose to his pelvis for a moment before pulling back, taking him into her hand, and gently stroked him, offering his rod to Serra.”
She swallowed. “I don’t know, it seems sort of-”
“You don’t want to?” Lisril feigned a pout. “But you’ll love it when he returns the favor.”
“When he…” Serra trailed off, looking up at him, “when he-”
“Go on,” Lisril whispered loudly, “he’ll love showing you the benefits.”
After a moment's hesitation, Serra stood and slipped onto the bed. As she did, Lisril wrapped her breasts around his shaft, licking the tip poking from the valley of her cleavage. He admired the view a moment before Serra straddled his chest.
He grinned up at her, took her by the hips, and guided her to his mouth. He kissed her outer lips, traced them with his tongue, and dove in.
He buried his tongue inside her, tasting the salty, tangy mix of their sex. Serra bucked against his face, her hands closing around his head; she threw her head back in a long moan, grinding her clit against his nose.
Beneath them, Liril massaged his shaft between her breasts, swirling her tongue around his glans on every downstroke.
Serra’s muscular thighs clenched around his head, and his hands came up, fingers sinking into her smooth, pliable flesh. He eased back, teasing her entrance before diving back in.
He slid his hands up her thighs, caressing her stomach and reaching up to massage her breasts.
Between his legs, Lisril had begun taking him more deeply, and he could feel his climax stirring in his core.
He gave Serra a long, deep lick, drawing his tongue out of her and circling it around her clit. She tensed, fingers clenching in his hair, legs squeezing tight around him, and let loose a long ragged moan.
She went slack and rolled off to the side, eyes glazed, chest heaving a moment later, his hips jerked, and Lisril pulled back, allowing him to release himself across her face and breasts.
He collapsed back onto the bed, spent, craning his neck; he looked down his body to see Lisril smirking up at him, the image of her flushed and painted with his seed almost enough to inspire one more show of vigor. 
She licked her lips and crawled her way up the bed, pinning a still panting Serra and leaning forward to whisper in her ear. 
Serra, blushing purple, captured his eyes with hers and silently leaned forward to lick her friend clean.
His cock twitched, and he groaned in frustration or need he didn’t know. “You two are gonna kill me.”
“Oh,” a newly clean Lisril cooed, “is my poor man tired?” She threw a leg over him, gently taking hold of his sensitive rod. “Let me take care of you.”
She guided him into her tight, wet, folds and set a slow, gentle pace.”
She leaned down, practically pressing her lips to his ear. “Imagine,” she murmured, tongue flicking over his earlobe, “all your women working together. Eli and I sharing your cock, giving Serra pleasure. And Rosslln.” She chuckled. “I’ve heard the filthy things that little slip of a woman whispers in your ear before bed, and I know you like it.”
He jerked inside her, eliciting a giggle and a moan, but she kept her pace slow, deliberate. 
“You play dirty,” he gasped.
She grinned at him. “My husband deserves the best, and I aim to provide.” 
He wrapped her up in a tight hug, kissing her. “I already have it.”
She smiled and increased her pace. She reared up, pressing her fingers into his chest, and began riding him in earnest, bouncing enthusiastically in his lap. He reached up, hands sliding up her hips, pausing to massage the sensitive flesh of her breasts and then up to her shoulders and down, taking her hands in his.
Their fingers entwined, and she pulled his hands up to her chest, over her heart.
She squeezed her eyes shut, her tight channel clenching around him, and ground her hips against his. He gasped, the sudden friction pushing him past his own peak, and collapsed back, eyes closed, panting and gasping for breath.
Lsiril’s weight settled on top of him, and he opened his eyes to find her smiling down at him. She gently bathed his face in small, light licks. “That was amazing,” she murmured.
Serra’s wound her arms around one of his, pulling herself against his side, breast pressing into his shoulder. “I’ve never heard of such a vigorous man.”
He laughed. “Well, you ladies certainly helped.” He gave Serra a side-eyed smile. “Your first man, huh?”
She and Lisril shared a long look, “women don’t count,” she said at last.
Alex laughed, and lisril licked his cheek. “You know, I’m happy to see the two of you making progress, but I am curious, what brought this on?”
He glanced at Serra, bit his lip. He had a feeling she wouldn’t want him airing her troubles.
Lisril reared up onto her knees. “What?” she demanded. She turned her gaze to Serra. “What?”
“It’s nothing,” Serra said, “Captain.”
Lisril’s eyes widened, narrowed, her fists clenched, and she leapt from the bed. “Lisril!” he cried, scrambling to his feet.
She snatched Serra’s gown from the floor and threw it over her head. “Stay here.” And with the force of a storm swept out of the room.

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Empire of Night Ch20 (NSFW)

Lisril walked hand in hand with Alex, leading him through the palace halls. She’d meant to get him alone earlier, but it had been predictably tricky and trickier still, with the unexpected addition of Rosslln.
“I’m glad you’re adjusting,” she said.
He kissed her cheek. “I’m trying.”
She sucked her lip, doubt assailing her; had she misread him? It was possible; he laughed when he meant to cry. She didn’t show it; she’d thrown him into a new environment, demanded a lot of him; he needed her to be strong and to see through his vale of strength.
“You love them,” she said.
“I know!” he snapped. “I know, you think I don’t know? You think I’m not in here?” He tapped his forehead. “Addicted to their attention?”
He sighed. “It’s nice,” he murmured, “it’s wonderful.”
She pulled him close. “Alex, I know I should have-”
“Shut up,” he said, “listen. I’m not angry with you. But listen.”
She fell silent, nodding. If Alex was willing to share, she certainly wasn’t going to stand in his way.
He took a deep breath and then let it go, shaking his head. She squeezed his hand, waiting. She’d wait for him forever if he asked. 
Finally, he nodded and said, “until relatively recently, most men, well under half, never got the chance to breed. There are various ways we’ve come to that conclusion, but the point is, forty percent, forty percent of men in humanity’s misty past have managed to leave heirs. And that probably sounds completely foreign to you.”
It did, and her face scrunched up in confusion. How could that be?” It seemed- so wasteful, how could they persist?
“Think about it,” he said. “On Nyx, you only have one man for every twenty women, and you get along fine. On Earth, we have just about as many men as we do women; you just don’t need that many.”
Her brow knit tightly together; she supposed it made sense, but still.
“But that’s not really the point; the point is, this leads to certain realities. Men do the fighting; men struggle and strive; we’re unnecessary, women valuable. So, our species has developed a certain- a certain indifference to the suffering of men. A calculated coldness.”
She didn’t like the sound of that, didn’t like it all. 
“It’s just easier,” he went on. “After all, if we’re going to be marching off to war to die in droves, well, I imagine you’ve probably experienced something similar.”
She thought back on her life, on her dissatisfaction, the feeling that men were interested in nothing more than her wealth and status. Her heart bled. The very idea of him going through that same isolation and lonesomeness was almost too much to bear. She said nothing, and he continued.
“But,” he said., “that’s only after we grow up. As children, the situation is different; we need protecting, we need nurturing. We spend our childhood showered in attention and care, only for it to evaporate when we become men. Then, we spend the rest of our lives looking for a surrogate for that affection, a surrogate that doesn’t exist.”
“And then we met,” she said, “and you found peace.” It wasn’t a difficult leap; after all, she’d found her peace with him, too.
He shook his head. “You’re impossible, Lisril, the Dyrantisa. If God came down and said to men, ‘name your heart’s desire, and I will make it for you.’ We’d want you. You’re the platonic ideal of love and companionship given flesh.”
He rested his head on her shoulder. “Lisril,” he said, “you’re all I need. You don’t have to share; I don’t need you to find me other women.”
She licked his cheek. “Thank you,” she said. “That’s very kind. But I don’t think it’s true. You would miss them terribly if you lost them now.”
“I’d live with it,” he insisted.
“Perhaps you would,” she said. “But you shouldn’t have to, and I won’t ask you to.”
They were silent for a long while, then, and when it became too much, she said, “what do you intend for Rosslln?”
“I don’t know,” he said, “I’d only intended to get her off the street, give her a chance to turn things around, but-”
“But then,” she said. “Rosslln was Dyrantisa, and thus heroic, and loving, in a manner to which you are unaccustomed.”
He was quiet, “I don’t know what I should be doing, Kitten.”
He wanted her encouragement, comfort, permission to find his happiness, and she was more than happy to provide it all. “You should let your women love you and give them that same easy happiness you find with us.”
He smiled. “Lisril, are you sure? You don’t have to share me.”
She closed her eyes; he wanted it to be her choice. She could have him all to herself; all she had to do was say the word.
Between that and seeing him surrounded by the women who loved him, the choice was easy. “Of course I’m sure, don’t make me repeat myself.”
They came to their room and entered to find Rosslln before the fireplace, a merry fire burning within.
She looked up as they entered and smiled, patting the fur rug next to her.
They joined her, Alex wrapping an arm around each of them. Rosslln immediately burrowed into his side, purple skin flushing even darker.
Lisirl leaned against him, her tongue flicking over his ear. “She needs you,” Lisril whispered.
He swallowed. “Lisril.”
“Alex,” she murmured. “You have to give her what she needs or release her. Leaving it like this is cruel.”
It was true but also an excellent way to help him past his doubts. Hadn’t he just said that Dyrantoro men did the caring for?  
He looked at her, then down at the needy woman enjoying his closeness.
He hooked his finger under Rosslln’s chin and pulled her into a long kiss. The young woman’s eyes closed, she pressed closer to him. He framed her face in his hands, easing her down onto the rug.
Her hands came up to his chest, pressing back against him.
He stopped, pulled away. “What’s wrong?”
Her hands curled in the fabric of his shirt. Her mouth worked silently a moment, and she shook her head. “No,” she said at last. “Nothing’s wrong, I want that, too, just-” 
She looked away, and Lisril laid down on her side, flanking the lovers. “You have to tell him what you want, or he’ll never know.”
Rosslln swallowed. “Can I have a little more time?”
His forehead came down to rest against hers. “Of course,” he said. “As much as you need.”
She nodded, looking up at him in wonder. “I never thought I’d have anything like this.”
He kissed her. “Let’s get to bed,” he said. “we’ve got a big day tomorrow.”

Rosslln couldn’t sleep.
He wanted her, wanted- well, could she be surprised? She hadn’t been the most reserved, and he hadn’t rebuffed her advances, not a one.
Her stomach twisted, but she’d panicked and rebuffed him. He hadn’t seemed disappointed. But was that a good thing? Surely she’d want him disappointed?
On the other hand, what if he was? What if she’d injured him with her rejection? He was a man; he couldn't be accustomed to it. But he hid things. After all, he hadn’t been a magnificent warrior, a hunter who put women to flight through sheer ferocity until he had been.
And then, when the danger had passed, he went straight back to wanting nothing more but a quiet moment in the arms of his women.
Which was the real Alex? Her man’s true face? The warrior, or her little man? It had troubled her for a time. Then, wrapped up in his arms and absolved of her failures, she found it didn’t matter.
He could be either, or both, when and as he pleased, and she’d still love him the more with every moment.
She needed to sleep; he was right; tomorrow, they would meet the Matriarch, the voice of the divine on Nyx. Goddess willing, she wouldn’t be called upon to speak. What a disaster that would be.
A street-rat like her mouthing off in front of the holiest woman alive. 
She closed her eyes and willed sleep to come. 
But sleep didn’t come, and something caught her ears. It sounded like something falling outside their door.
She slipped out of bed, careful not to wake Alex, who had an arm looped around each of them, and crept around its frame and toward the door to see. She had almost reached the door when slowly it began to crack open.
She should have cried out, warned Alex and Lisril, but instinct took her, the long training of survival on the streets. She scrambled for the shadows in the leeward side of the door and tucked herself away, breath held, watching.
A woman, covered head to foot, slipped through the door. She looked around, and Rosslln froze if the intruder turned her head just a little further….
The woman turned her attention back to the bed, creeping toward Rosslln’s sleeping family.
She tensed, legs bunching up beneath her in readiness to pounce. Rosslln shifted from one leg to the other, inching forward as the stranger came to stand over the bed.
There were perhaps twenty feet between them when she saw the glint of the fire reflected in a knife-blade. She launched herself through the air, easily crossing that distance in a single bound.
She screamed in rage, falling upon the intruder’s back, arms wrapped tight around her neck, kicking first one leg then the other, her long claws tearing flesh and biting bone.
Hot blood and the woman’s gastric juices spilled over her legs. The knife bit into her arms, she heard someone yell, but couldn’t be sure who it was. 
She was bleeding but clung tightly to the woman and kicked again, tearing the wounds wider. 
The woman fell, but Rosslln kept kicking, shredding the assassin’s legs and torso.
Someone put a hand on her shoulder, and she rolled onto her back, tucking her legs tight against her chest in readiness to kick out again.
“Sweetheart!” Alex lept away, eyeing her warily.
Her heart dropped into her stomach, and she collapsed, head back and legs unfurling. “I’m sorry,” she whimpered, “I wouldn’t have hurt you.”
“Hey,” he murmured, kneeling down next to her, taking her hand. “Hey, Sweetheart, it’s ok, I know. What happened?”
She swallowed and explained what she had seen and done. When she reached the part where she’d ducked behind the door, Lisril piped in.
“You hid?” she demanded. “Why didn’t you stop them then? Or raise the alarm, rouse us then and there?”
Then, Alex was there, hands on hips, staring his wife down. “She saved my life,” he said. “And did it without the benefit of years of military training.”
Lisril’s shoulders slumped. “You’re right,” she said. “I’m sorry, Rosslln. You behaved exceptionally gallantly, and I was not warry enough to protect him myself. Thank you.”
There was a commotion outside the door, and it burst open, two women rushing into the room, saber in hand. 
Rosslln sprung to her feet, unarmed but crouching in readiness to defend her man. Lisril joined her, a strange angular object clutched in both hands, her arms outstretched toward the intruders.
A tense moment crept by, and Lisril sighed and lowered the- whatever it was. “You should have announced yourselves,” she said to the women, who Rosslln now realized wore the uniform of the palace guard. “I nearly killed the both of you.”
“What’s going on?” one of the guards asked. “Your sentry is dead.”
“This meat,” Lisril said, kicking the body at her feet. “Tried to murder my husband in his sleep.”
Alex peered past the guards. “Was there any sign of a struggle?”
The women ignored him and gathered around the corpse, so he ignored them right back, kneeling next to Rosslln and taking her hand. “You ok, Sweetheart? You’re bleeding.”
She sat and looked down at the backs of her arms, covered in deep cuts and stab wounds. Luckily, her big arteries had been protected by the bone. It still hurt, though. “Do you still have that spray?
He nodded, “I think so.”
He went to his effects and returned with the small metal cylinder from the other day.
“We’re sort of running low,” he said. “But, there should be enough for you; show me your arms.”
He helped her out of her night-gown, and he gave a sympathetic hiss. He looked around and then just stripped off his own shirt, using that to mop up the blood and sprayed her wounds.
It stung, but only for a moment, and she was ready for the pain this time. Her wound from before was gone, she didn’t know how, but it hadn’t even left a scar.
Soon, his poultice was gone, and so was her pain; the bleeding stopped. “Thank you,” she said.
He kissed her. “I just wish I could do more.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck, getting a little blood on him. If he cared, he didn’t show it. She didn’t know how long they held each other like that. But eventually, they were roused by the sound of a clearing throat.
She looked up; the body was gone, dragged away by the guards, and Lisril was standing over them. “I’m going to go speak with Iiandere,” she said, “Stay here, and find some way to bar the door, don’t open it for anyone but myself.”
Alex nodded. “Yes, Kitten.”
Lisril nodded and turned to Rosslln. “Take care of him.”
“Of course,” Rosslln said solemnly.
Lisril nodded and turned on her heel, marching out the door.
Alex pushed an armoire in front of the door and then guided her to the bed and went about using the remains of his ruined shirt to clean her legs as best he could.
He threw the ruined garment away and joined her on the bed, wrapping his arm around her. “You’re sure you’re alright?”
“I said I was.” She nuzzled against his neck, her heart thundering in her ears. 
She licked his cheek, a hand coming up to his bare chest. Her blood rising. “Alex.” She pushed him down and threw her leg over his, straddling his waist.
“Rosslln!” he cried. “You’re-”
She sealed his lips with hers, smothering his objection. “I want you,” she growled.
He peered at her contemplatively for a long time, then his hand tangled itself in her hair, pulling her down into a deep, passionate kiss. “Let me,” he whispered. “I’ll take care of you.”
“Alex-” He pressed a finger to her lips.
“You’re hurt,” he said. “Let me take care of you.”
She leaned into him, licking his lips. “I love you, Alex.”
His face softened with gratitude, and gently he reversed their positions, holding himself above her. “Sweetheart-”
She shook her head, “hush.”
She reached up, fanning her fingers over the hard muscle of his chest, craned forward to press her lips to his creamy skin. 
Her hands slipped down, tugging at the waist of his slacks. He helped her strip him of pants and underwear, leaving him crouched over her in all his resplendence.
He kissed her, his hands slowly exploring her stomach and breasts, sending shivers running down her spine.
She reached up, tangling her fingers in his glittering hair, as he traced slow, ever-widening circles over the smooth skin on her stomach, slowly making his way to the juncture of her legs.
He caressed down one thigh, then up the other, before his fingers met her womanhood, slowly tracing her outer lips and sinking the first one, then two fingers into her clenching folds.
She gasped, bucking her hips as he gently stretched her inner channel.
She pulled him down to her, licking his lips. He opened his mouth, and their tongues met, kissing as Dyrantoro did.
He pulled away, smiling, withdrew his fingers, coated in her feminine essence, from her lower lips, and lined himself up at her entrance. “Are you ready? Sweetheart?”
She swallowed her nerves and nodded.
He eased in at first until she felt him against her maidenhead.
He paused, then, and with a forward jerk pushed past the last vestige of her girlhood and inaugurated her into womanhood.
She clung to him, riding through the pain without complaint.
He held still, and as the pain slowly receded, she looked up at him through happy tears. “I’m a woman,” she whispered, “your woman.”
He gently caressed her face, trailing soft kisses down the line of her neck and chin.
His fingers slid down her shoulders, gently stroking the rough fur on the backs of her arms.
She wiggled her hips, hesitantly at first, accustoming herself to the way she stretched and strained against the intrusion, then more boldly, encouraging him to continue.
Together they settled into a languid pace, he slowly working half of himself in and out as his hands found her breasts, dexterous fingers toying with their sensitive caps.
His pace picked up, and the hot breath that tickled her ear grew more ragged. Her hips rose to meet him, a bubbling tension building in her core. 
Her ankles coiled around his legs, clawed toes curling.
She moaned his name and took a handful of his bottom in each hand, pulling him in, urging him on faster.
Her core clenched, and the bubble that had built in her stomach rocked her body with a euphoric explosion.
Alex lost all rhythm, burying himself inside her, his rod twitching and jerking, flooding her with his warmth, and prolonging that ecstatic high.
Finally, he toppled into the bed next to her, a contented sigh bursting from his chest.
She rolled onto her side, gently tracing circles on his chest. He smiled at her, taking her hands in his. “Love you, Rosslln.”
She beamed at him, licking his cheek and bringing her cheek to rest on his chest.

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$15 of $600
per month
This is what I would need to hire a copyeditor for a 200k word novel each year at current editorial rates.
$15 of $3,100
per month
At this point, I can cover copyediting and replace my income to write for you full-time.
$15 of $3,900
per month
This level would cover my living expenses, copyediting, and developmental editing for a 200k word novel each year.
to reach
the Goal
As ludicrous as it may sound, a full time research assistant would cost on the hoof $9,000 a month at current freelance rates.

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