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TheFakeryFund profile
making my comic and paying off Student Debt ($75K left)
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🎟️The Giver

$1: "A dollar for the dream!"

Comic currently on financial hiatus, read more here

  • Basic tip-jar support for the comic to help me keep going. No rewards associated.
0 subscribers
per month
🪙The Donor

$3: "Count me in!"

Comic currently on financial hiatus, read more here

  • spoiler-free chapter synopsis of current WIP chapter
  • name included in credits pages (do not need to stay in tier to keep credits placement)
  • read chapter before public release
  • view commissions before public
86 subscribers
per month
💵The Sponsor

$5: "Show me more!"

Comic currently on financial hiatus, read more here

  • spoiler-free dev art (characters, bios, plot/lore) and misc. doodles
  • 5% discount on comms
  • rewards from lower tiers
69 subscribers
per month
💰The Benefactor

$15: "Give it to me fresh!"

Comic currently on financial hiatus, read more here

  • view WIP chapter pages as they complete
  • receive dev art (and commissions) files as completed
  • 10% discount on comms (discount does not stack)
  • rewards from lower tiers
50 subscribers
per month
💳The Financier

$35: "Show me EVERYTHING!"

Comic currently on financial hiatus, read more here

  • spoiler-filled chapter synopsis of current WIP chapter
  • spoiler-filled dev art (near-future characters, bios details, story-critical lore)
  • receive spoiler dev art files as completed
  • rewards from lower tiers
5 subscribers


  • Comic Dev Art & WIP pages
  • Early Chapter Releases for Backers
  • Monthly Art Commissions
Displaying posts with tag FakeryWay.Reset Filter
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There's Always Something 

As of last night, the circumstances around my stay have been upended. My stay at my current home has been cut from what was a promise of "however long I need" to an immediate-reversal of "be out in 3 weeks". I have only been here for a month (to the day), and now I am being cast out after I was explicitly invited to come during my time in need back in February.

I was told that I had "done nothing wrong to be kicked out, just that things are different now". But considering everything I went through to reach what's just a dead-end, I was also told that I "chose poorly in taking this help in the first place."

The conversation soon devolved into "in the real world, no one cares about you" talk and philosophies about what it means to be an adult and the obligation to suck it up and deal with an unfair hand, even if it comes from a member of my own family.

I just can't catch a break, it's been years of getting screwed whenever I rely on someone else to follow through. I just want to make art. I just want to live a quiet life. I just want to make Sampson & Jewel. But no matter what I do, I keep getting fucked over like this. Even now, I've been betrayed by those I thought I should trust most.

I do not wish to speak on any specifics of my situation.


I'm sorry to all of my clients waiting on commissions, but I must prioritize this situation right now. Please allow me the time to sort things out before any further progress updates.

To everyone waiting for Sampson & Jewel. The July re-launch will have to be rescheduled to a later date, but please know that I will never stop fighting to return to making chapters. Your continued patience is not taken for granted, and I have been cherishing the names of everyone who has been cheering me forward.

I will move forward. I must move forward.
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With the power of 194 subscribers and the time of 6 months... we have officially hit our $1,200 goal! The Patreon suspension has been DEFEATED! And it's all thanks to you all!

If I may be candid, after the initial scare from my suspension and the very unhelpful "cooperation" from the Patreon Support Team, I seriously thought it would be curtains for Sampson & Jewel. But you guys made the jump to SubscribeStar in DROVES! Not only former patrons making the switch, but plenty of new folks caught wind of my situation and came to the rescue as well. I have been continuously humbled by the amount of support ever since February, and now that we're back to full health... I have to bear my utmost gratitude.

So let's get back in business then! Starting July, SAMPSON & JEWEL IS BACK! Our original reward and commissions schedule will return, and the story will continue! To everyone who held out hope on the promise of the comic's return, I am honored to see you every step of the way all again! 
Thanks for saving my dream again~
- FaleryWay
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Hey guys! Sorry for the slowdown on artwork this month so far. Been working on 2 major collabs (with my usual cohorts, @BigBeanPole1 and @XENO501st) for a while now and I wanna try wrapping out as much progress on them as I can before reopening comms this month and returning to business as usual. Hoping to have Bean's collab ready in time for Mother's Day with Xeno's following not too long after.

Also, my move is finally resolving this month too, so I'm juggling my priorities around that as well. Once I'm all settled, I'll open comms for those waiting and see what I can do to return to Sampson & Jewel in the coming months. Don't wanna get too comfortable doing comms year-round all over again.

Just wanted to keep you guys in the loop. I'll be back soon!
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About April Comms. . .

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Posted for $1, $3, $5, $15, $35 tiers
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Hey there everyone, I had some spare time, so I just went through all my commission posts and tagged them by character (not OCs yet) and the backer that ordered them. So if you're hoping to keep up with a certain subscriber's current series of orders (or general tastes), this should make it much easier to keep up with their pieces.
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FW Update20: In the Wake of Patreon.



First off, let me open up by saying: Thank you to everyone who has so immediately made their way here from Patreon. People have been so supportive in their emails and Twitter replies. The recent stonewalling by Patreon's Trust & safety team had me convinced that my words would always land on deaf ears. But you've all done a great job at alleviating my concerns.  Secondly, I'm just going to recap the news from the email announcement I put out, for those unaware of all the details.

After the prolonged suspension of my Patreon page, I have discontinued it. For other support options, read below:
  1. Here on SubscribeStar, all the same tiers and benefits from Patreon apply, and their Terms of Use and Community Guidelines are much, MUCH more accepting of the work I make. This will be my new PRIMARY SUPPORT platform going forward.
  2. I am working on launching a PixivFANBOX account. I understand that SubStar does not work with PayPal, so I want to use this as an accessible alternative soon. If you prefer to back me over there in the future, I've secured a Pixiv account that you can freely follow in the meantime.
  3. I *might* be launching a Gumroad account in the future for those who want to buy specific pieces in my catalogue (PSD files, S&J chapters, etc.). They have tighter restrictions on payouts for NSFW (no PayPal, for example), so I'll need to do more research.
  4. Even if this is where you wish to conclude your monetary aid for me, you can still help me out by continuing to follow my Twitter account and spreading my work. Likes & RTs will always be free, and even just sharing awareness of my posts (and this setback) can do wonders to help me bounce back from everything that's happened. Regardless of what you choose, thank you for supporting The FakeryFund to begin with. You're truly wonderful.

Sampson & Jewel, is on hiatus... again. I have to stop the sky from falling down, so I must prioritize buffering out the loss of the Patreon with commissions moving forward. I don't know how long this will last, but the faster we return above-water, the faster I can return to business as usual for the comic-based rewards. Until then, consider subscribing for the commission discount benefits and file releases.
Down the road, I intend to launch a Discord to avoid any further communication mishaps this whole fiasco brought upon us. SubscribeStar has tools for integrating your tier with roles to a server, so I might as well make use of it. I just need to get a server actually put together... and to find some people to make as moderators. Not sure when, though.
Thank you for everything,
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