FW Update20: In the Wake of Patreon.



First off, let me open up by saying: Thank you to everyone who has so immediately made their way here from Patreon. People have been so supportive in their emails and Twitter replies. The recent stonewalling by Patreon's Trust & safety team had me convinced that my words would always land on deaf ears. But you've all done a great job at alleviating my concerns.  Secondly, I'm just going to recap the news from the email announcement I put out, for those unaware of all the details.

After the prolonged suspension of my Patreon page, I have discontinued it. For other support options, read below:
  1. Here on SubscribeStar, all the same tiers and benefits from Patreon apply, and their Terms of Use and Community Guidelines are much, MUCH more accepting of the work I make. This will be my new PRIMARY SUPPORT platform going forward.
  2. I am working on launching a PixivFANBOX account. I understand that SubStar does not work with PayPal, so I want to use this as an accessible alternative soon. If you prefer to back me over there in the future, I've secured a Pixiv account that you can freely follow in the meantime.
  3. I *might* be launching a Gumroad account in the future for those who want to buy specific pieces in my catalogue (PSD files, S&J chapters, etc.). They have tighter restrictions on payouts for NSFW (no PayPal, for example), so I'll need to do more research.
  4. Even if this is where you wish to conclude your monetary aid for me, you can still help me out by continuing to follow my Twitter account and spreading my work. Likes & RTs will always be free, and even just sharing awareness of my posts (and this setback) can do wonders to help me bounce back from everything that's happened. Regardless of what you choose, thank you for supporting The FakeryFund to begin with. You're truly wonderful.

Sampson & Jewel, is on hiatus... again. I have to stop the sky from falling down, so I must prioritize buffering out the loss of the Patreon with commissions moving forward. I don't know how long this will last, but the faster we return above-water, the faster I can return to business as usual for the comic-based rewards. Until then, consider subscribing for the commission discount benefits and file releases.
Down the road, I intend to launch a Discord to avoid any further communication mishaps this whole fiasco brought upon us. SubscribeStar has tools for integrating your tier with roles to a server, so I might as well make use of it. I just need to get a server actually put together... and to find some people to make as moderators. Not sure when, though.
Thank you for everything,