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Tensho Kai profile
Tensho Kai
Tensho Kai
From casual use to kinky wear and tear; you'll find Furries in Diapers and other fetish wear here.

Планы подписки

USD в месяц
Underoo Rockers

Thank you for support! In this tier, you can vote in monthly polls to decided what I'll draw. You will also have access to W.I.Ps and Art Streams shared here.

1 подписчик
USD в месяц
Un-Potty Trainers Tier

Thank you for your added support! At this tier, you'll get a simple sketch each month of your character!

You still have access to Voting, W.I.Ps, and Streams

5 подписчиков
USD в месяц
Pull-Up Power Tier

Thank you for your added support! At this tier, you'll get inked sketches and more voting power!! You'll help me each month make my polls by suggestions characters and themes!

You'll still be able to vote in the polls, and have continued access to W.I.Ps and Streams

1 подписчик
USD в месяц
Diaper Dependents Tier

Thank you for your added support! At this tier, you'll get a colored sketch commissions and more voting power!! You'll help me each month make my polls by suggesting characters or themes; and at this tier, you get two suggestions.

You'll still be able to vote in those polls, and have continued access to W.I.Ps and Streams

**Please note, art rewards at this tier are earned after your first payment. Though all your other perks are available. So, make sure to sign up right before the first of the month.

Лимитировано (4 из 20) подписчиков
USD в месяц
Crinkle Royalty Tier

Thank you for the major support! And as a royal, you have quite the grip on the monthly polls, with two suggestions each month, voting in the polls, your ultimate perk as a royal, is Cameoing in the monthly illustration!! However, if you do not want your character featured, you can choose a different character in your stead, OR you can get a single character, colored and shaded commission from me! :3

**Please note, art rewards at this tier are earned after your first payment. Though all your other perks are available. So, make sure to sign up right before the first of the month.

Лимитировано (7 из 8) подписчиков


  • Voting for monthly themes and characters
  • Supporting the artist directly and funding kinky art
  • Personal Art or Appearance in Monthly Illustrations
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