Welcome to my SubscribeStar!

And thank you for your interest in my artwork, and by extension, me as an artist.

You will find this gallery to be animal-centric. I identify with ‘Therian’ and thus do not find humans nor anthropomorphic characters appropriate for expressing and exploring the topics of sexuality, queerness, kink, trauma, and so on that I seek to address. Animals in this context serve as a vessel for expression, a medium to explore sexuality, emotion, and identity in a way that feels primal. To depict with intent that which is oft-thought of as taboo, to create beauty where others see ugliness.

I reject human exceptionalism, and aim to reflect this within my art through exploring the lives, behaviours, and sexuality of non-human animals with care and curiousity. To depict them with as much life and personhood as any human. To speculate about those extinct, to learn about and to admire those extant, and to apply this knowledge to speculative projects. And, perhaps most importantly, to appreciate the diverse wonder of the real world.

Thank you so much for considering a subscription. Every amount helps and is greatly appreciated.