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Taion Books profile
Taion Books
Taion Books
Science fiction Erotica, fantasy erotica and Erotica. Will also have main stream science fiction and fantasy as well as romance.

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в месяц

This is the basic enter level Tier and the only one here. This allows me to keep up with writing the stories.

This tier includes downloads of stories that I may sell elsewhere. Every month there will be 1 or 2 of them added.

7 days
0 подписчиков Beginner
в месяц
Reader of Erotica

This tier is the next level and highest one you can have.

Like the first one you will have access to 1 or 2 stories that I have already out there, a month. As I will add new ones everyone month at least one.

The next reward is that there are exclusive only titles only for here that are not found anywhere else. There will be at least 1 a month for subscribers although I plan to have more.

0 подписчиков Reader of Erotica


  • As an author and self-publisher of Erotica, by helping me keep up with bills etc.
  • Every Month will have at least one or two stories that I post and be able to download.
  • Every Month 1 or 2 more exclusive e-books that are only found here.
Displaying posts with tag FantasyErotica.Reset Filter
Taion Books

The Gates of Erotica and Creation:Ada, a servant girl to the royal family, as her own family for ...

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Taion Books

Ada, the Sex and Creation Mage. NSFW images of her.

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $5, $10 .s
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