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Smiling Dog
Smiling Dog
Hey guys! I'm Smiling Dog and welcome to my Subscribe Star page!
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1.Access to Subscriber only content

2.Early access for Nano-control

3.Subscribers only poll for you to determine the direction of the games!

19 subscribers SubscribeStar $1.00 tier
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Level 1 Control

On this tier, you will be helping me get access to more resources for the game! You will also get:

1.Sneak previews of scenes and pictures of what will be in future releases!

2.Everything else from the previous tier!

1 subscriber SubscribeStar $3.00 tier
per month
Level 2 Control

Thank you for the interest in what I do! By subscribing to this tier, you will get:

1.All art that will be in the game

2.Early access for Jikage Rising!

3.Everything in the previous tier

29 subscribers SubscribeStar $5.00 tier
per month
Level 3 Control

For this tier you get:

1.Early downloads of all releases 2.Your name in the credits of the game if you want! 3.Plus all previous rewards

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $20.00 tier
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Level 4 Control

The highest tier! In this tier you will get all the previous rewards!

It's mostly for people that wish to support the game more!

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $50.00 tier


  • Heya guys! Some of you guys probably know me on Patreon! Generally, by subscribing, you'll be able to get access to beta testing for the games that I'm making!
  • You'll also be able to influence the direction and content of what would be in the games!
  • I received feedback that some of you guys would prefer to not be on Patreon, and with their increasing problematic control, I decided to get another platform up so that I'll still be able to work on the game without much problems! The goals will be cumulative from both platforms, so no worries about that!
Displaying posts with tag WeeklyUpdate.Reset Filter
Smiling Dog
Public post

Weekly update!

Today was especially busy haha, I'm sure y'all probably could have imagined haha. Anyway, for this week, I'll be prepping stuff mostly, lots of scenes to get sorted out on as well as a bunch of art to get commissioned. I'm also working out a plot for the Halloween event, so that's gonna be fun, for me at least hahaha.
Nothing too much to go into, though I might get another poll up for a popularity poll, the kind with multiple choices this time to check something. I'm pretty sure we'll get some fun results haha.
On that note, if y'all aren't aware yet, we currently have an ongoing poll for your favorite girl, as in the best of the best in your books, the top uno. You can vote for it here if you hadn't yet! 
It's not a super serious vote, so have fun with it if y'all are into it! On that note, I suppose I'll end the post for now, since it's all pretty nitty gritty boring stuff I'm working on this week that's not really interesting to write about. So yeap yeap.
Jikage Rising planned stuff for v2.15 (ETA: v2.15 for Patrons 21st September, v2.14 for Public on 7th September)

-Inn system (?)

-Fuu's awakening (?)

-Yukata, Sari, Matsuri joining the village!

-Preparation for Halloween event

-Preparing Halloween outfits
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Smiling Dog

Weekly Update!

Posted for $1 tier
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Smiling Dog

Weekly Update!

Posted for $5 tier
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Smiling Dog
Public post

Weekly Update!

Hey guys, apologies for the late post! Been busy as heck for the whole day, prepping details, fixing bugs, writing dialogue and putting the animations in. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna miss the raid for the gacha game I'm playing, dammit, I don't wanna get gold, I want plat, I NEED IT.
But that aside, progress is going pretty well, a bunch of animation is now out of the oven and what better time to get them in than now haha. Also should mention that Kushina's scene for her post-awakening scenes are updated on my end, so do expect to see them in the next update! Wanted to push it out in 2.13 but then things were kinda tight, and then there'll probably some confusion like what happened last time when I pushed something out like that, so figured it would be best to have it all bundled with the rest in the next update. Yeap yeap, doggo is learning and adapting, and soon the Age of Dog will be upon us.
That aside, we have had some pretty fun stuff planned, including Kushina's woo-hoo scene, some of you spotted it before in the discord server, but I'll get it post up here as a sneak peek soon haha. With all the stuff we have, things are running pretty tight, but we should be on time with everything, or at least I hope so haha.
Jikage Rising planned stuff for v2.13 (ETA: v2.14 for Patrons August 17th, v2.13 for Public on 3rd August)
-Adding in another returning member
-Kushina missionary
-Animation for a couple of older scenes for Kurenai and the older girls
-"Wrong" option dialogue
-Maybe get the Inn up and running
-Fixing old stuff!
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Smiling Dog
Public post

Weekly Update!

Hey all, time for another weekly update and I have a fun one for y'all. So after talking to some of y'all and discussing the options, pretty much came down to this option, I'll do it in a way where there are roughly 6~ or so candidates for each character's "awakening", using that, we'll have 3 correct options and the rest will have proper dialogue as well. Cause I've considered it a bit, and having like 23-ish full dialogue for all awakened girls seem a bit too excessive me for to do, on the other hand, having just 1-2 lines of "You brought Person A to Person B, it didn't seem to do anything." seemed a bit underwhelming as well. So after discussing it with some players that reached out to me, as well as some thought about it, I do think that this "midway" option would be for the best. We will have the 3 correct options as well as some "obvious" options for each of the individual. Like for example, there's not really a point to bring Fuu to Kurenai, cause I'm pretty sure Kurenai isn't even super aware of Fuu's existence before this, instead we can have some more "obvious" options like bringing Kushina to Tsunade, while technically a generation older than Kushina, she never really had any real interaction with Tsunade I believe, their relationship was "wife of the student of her friend", and after Dan died, Tsunade pretty much started to wander, I mean I could go on, but it's more fun if y'all bring them over themselves haha. I mean it kinda sucks in a way where the UI is pretty much pointless now cause there's not really a point to do it for like, 6 people, but eh, that's what happens, sometimes you work on something for 1 week+, find some new ideas and the work before is useless now.
But other than that, how are y'all doing, hope y'all had a good weekend. I'm feeling like I'm in a good place now to be honest. Can't wait for y'all to see what's planned and what's coming next! Honestly significantly more interesting than the stuff we were doing before haha, bringing the old girls back I mean, but hey, we gotta do what we gotta do!
Jikage Rising planned stuff for v2.13 (ETA: v2.14 for Patrons August 17th, v2.13 for Public on 3rd August)
-Adding in another returning member
-Kushina missionary
-Maybe get the Inn up and running
-Fixing old stuff!
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Smiling Dog
Public post

Weekly Update!

Hey all, time for your weekly dose of the weekly update! Doggo has been smelling cardboard for some reason, not sure if it's a cause for concern haha. Anyway, I'm mostly still working on the stuff that was reported to me about the build for Jikage Rising, some minor fixes here and there, some tweaks to make things a bit more well rounded. 
Speaking of which , I am curious to know what do the players that have played v2.13 thought about the awakening thing we did for Kushina. There was a lot of writing, but I'm slightly concerned that players don't care about that and are mostly interested in skipping dialogue and non-sexy scenes to get to the sexy parts, basically let me know if non-sexual scenes are important to y'all yeah!
Besides that, I'm also kinda curious about your opinions on the "wrong" choices for the awakening scenes, what suggestions do y'all have about them? I'm definitely curious to know!
That aside, Doggo has a fun little thingy for us to do as a community while helping out one of our artist, I'll be opening it in stages, from mods to Patrons and then to the public, I'll be posting it here in a couple, so do keep an eye out for that, should be pretty fun!
Jikage Rising planned stuff for v2.13 (ETA: v2.14 for Patrons August 17th, v2.13 for Public on 3rd August)
-Adding in another returning member
-Kushina missionary
-Maybe get the Inn up and running
-Fixing old stuff!
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Creator Stats

15 days
 Trust Period
25 subscribers
706 posts


$77 of $100
per month
I'll probably be able to commission more art for the game at a more frequent rate! With this and support from other sources, getting art will be much easier!
$77 of $2,800
per month
If we reach this goal I'll be able to do this full time! It would mean bigger updates and a higher quality product! Also, I'll buy my dog a steak.
$77 of $700
per month
I'll be able to consistently get things animated, and at a higher quality! Will also get portraits done for everyone in the game! Including non-essential NPCs and secret characters!
$77 of $400
per month
I'll be able to get more resources to make the game better! Will now consistently commission custom sprites, so that the characters reflect more accurately what they look like in terms of hair, attire and such.
$77 of $4,500
per month
If we get to this goal I will be getting more scenes for the games for better immersion! ​I'll also look into getting someone to help me so the games can flow more smoothly!
$77 of $10,000
per month
I dunno, probably voice acting or something? ​I can probably get a website up and have some online games going on at this point.

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