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Smiling Dog profile
Smiling Dog
Smiling Dog
Hey guys! I'm Smiling Dog and welcome to my Subscribe Star page!
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Subscription Tiers

per month
Level 0 Control

Thank you! I'll be able to get more resources for the game with you help! Subscribing to this tier will give you:

1.Access to Subscriber only content

2.Early access for Nano-control

3.Subscribers only poll for you to determine the direction of the games!

19 subscribers SubscribeStar $1.00 tier
per month
Level 1 Control

On this tier, you will be helping me get access to more resources for the game! You will also get:

1.Sneak previews of scenes and pictures of what will be in future releases!

2.Everything else from the previous tier!

1 subscriber SubscribeStar $3.00 tier
per month
Level 2 Control

Thank you for the interest in what I do! By subscribing to this tier, you will get:

1.All art that will be in the game

2.Early access for Jikage Rising!

3.Everything in the previous tier

29 subscribers SubscribeStar $5.00 tier
per month
Level 3 Control

For this tier you get:

1.Early downloads of all releases 2.Your name in the credits of the game if you want! 3.Plus all previous rewards

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $20.00 tier
per month
Level 4 Control

The highest tier! In this tier you will get all the previous rewards!

It's mostly for people that wish to support the game more!

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $50.00 tier


  • Heya guys! Some of you guys probably know me on Patreon! Generally, by subscribing, you'll be able to get access to beta testing for the games that I'm making!
  • You'll also be able to influence the direction and content of what would be in the games!
  • I received feedback that some of you guys would prefer to not be on Patreon, and with their increasing problematic control, I decided to get another platform up so that I'll still be able to work on the game without much problems! The goals will be cumulative from both platforms, so no worries about that!
Displaying posts with tag StarCoveIncident.Reset Filter
Smiling Dog
Public post

The Star Cove Incident v1.01 release

So this has been a long time coming, it was supposed to be a short little thing while I sort out stuff for other projects, but then we had rewrites, and then the thing with the art, and then I had to focus on the main projects to keep the schedule on track which meant I could only work on it in my free time, but God damn, we made it hahaha.
Anyway, here's the link along with the walkthrough!
Download link:
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Smiling Dog

The Star Cove Incident v1. 01 release

Comments (1)
Posted for $1, $3, $5, $20, $50 tiers
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Smiling Dog

The Star Cove Incident 0. 13b (hopefully pre-1. 00) release

Comments (1)
Posted for $1, $3, $5, $20, $50 tiers
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Smiling Dog

The Star Cove incident 0. 12 "The pre-1. 00 beta"

Posted for $1, $3, $5, $20, $50 tiers
Unlock Tier
Smiling Dog

The Star Cove Incident update!

Posted for $1, $3, $5, $20, $50 tiers
Unlock Tier
Smiling Dog

The Star Cove Incident

Posted for $1, $3, $5, $20, $50 tiers
Unlock Tier

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.

Creator Stats

15 days
 Trust Period
25 subscribers
706 posts


$73 of $100
per month
I'll probably be able to commission more art for the game at a more frequent rate! With this and support from other sources, getting art will be much easier!
$73 of $2,800
per month
If we reach this goal I'll be able to do this full time! It would mean bigger updates and a higher quality product! Also, I'll buy my dog a steak.
$73 of $700
per month
I'll be able to consistently get things animated, and at a higher quality! Will also get portraits done for everyone in the game! Including non-essential NPCs and secret characters!
$73 of $400
per month
I'll be able to get more resources to make the game better! Will now consistently commission custom sprites, so that the characters reflect more accurately what they look like in terms of hair, attire and such.
$73 of $4,500
per month
If we get to this goal I will be getting more scenes for the games for better immersion! ​I'll also look into getting someone to help me so the games can flow more smoothly!
$73 of $10,000
per month
I dunno, probably voice acting or something? ​I can probably get a website up and have some online games going on at this point.

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