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Smiling Dog
Smiling Dog
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1.Access to Subscriber only content

2.Early access for Nano-control

3.Subscribers only poll for you to determine the direction of the games!

19 subscribers SubscribeStar $1.00 tier
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Level 1 Control

On this tier, you will be helping me get access to more resources for the game! You will also get:

1.Sneak previews of scenes and pictures of what will be in future releases!

2.Everything else from the previous tier!

1 subscriber SubscribeStar $3.00 tier
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Level 2 Control

Thank you for the interest in what I do! By subscribing to this tier, you will get:

1.All art that will be in the game

2.Early access for Jikage Rising!

3.Everything in the previous tier

29 subscribers SubscribeStar $5.00 tier
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Level 3 Control

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1.Early downloads of all releases 2.Your name in the credits of the game if you want! 3.Plus all previous rewards

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0 subscribers SubscribeStar $50.00 tier


  • Heya guys! Some of you guys probably know me on Patreon! Generally, by subscribing, you'll be able to get access to beta testing for the games that I'm making!
  • You'll also be able to influence the direction and content of what would be in the games!
  • I received feedback that some of you guys would prefer to not be on Patreon, and with their increasing problematic control, I decided to get another platform up so that I'll still be able to work on the game without much problems! The goals will be cumulative from both platforms, so no worries about that!
Displaying posts with tag DungeonsAndTavern.Reset Filter
Smiling Dog

Dungeons and Tavern update

Posted for $1, $3, $5, $20, $50 tiers
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Smiling Dog

Sneak peek!

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Smiling Dog
Public post

(POLL)Joanna's default look!

Hey all, as mentioned before in the weekly update, what will Joanna's default hairstyle be like? Cause honestly both could work.
Will we go for: 

"Hair tied up by default, but let down when she's relaxing and/or corrupted."

"Hair let down by default"

The reason this is a thing is cause we need to design her scenes and sprites around the default version haha. We'll let the poll run about 2 weeks!
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Smiling Dog
Public post

Dungeons and Tavern update and skill suggestions

Hey all, just a progress update on the game, it's technically playable but I highly suspect playing it now would result in more harm than good. Anyway, here's a quick update on what's going on, what's done and what will soon be added and what's changed:
So instead of having y'all go into dungeons and killing things for seemingly no reason, there will now be multiple towns, which is kinda problematic when it comes to design, but I'll go into it more later. Anyway, there will now be multiple towns which you will find different characters in, each of the towns will be facing their own issues which in turn affect the ingredients and materials that your Tavern needs to improve, so you'll be heading in to help solve their issues so you can get your tavern back on track. It should also provide a clear storyline and give everyone opportunities to see how each of your party members will interact/respond, which hopefully makes them feel more alive. Garnet will still play a similar role though haha.
I am also thinking of adding a "permit system" where you will be able to increase the number of party members allowed on your team by progressing the story. Cause with these changes, it feels like bringing 2 members might be too little, and having like 8 members seem excessive. I'm thinking that we'll probably cap it at 5 members in total, but again, do let me know what you guys think, cause on my end it seems like an interesting way to reward progression, but I don't know if y'all would think it's "unnecessary gatekeeping", so yeap yeap, do let me know!
Maps: 3/5 complete (for first release)
So, jumping right into the map situation, I'm having actual pros make the maps this time, it's a bit weird probably, and might seem like a waste of money, but I think having the right aesthetics will help improve the mood and experience when y'all play the game! So I do think it will be worth it. Main question is if I should make it 2.5D (kinda like Octopath Traveller styled maps), which requires a bit more tweaking, but I dunno. Let me know what you guys think tho! Currently we're sticking with 2D maps.
Character and skill changes
So since we're in a more "experienced" engine, the options for skills are greatly increased, which mostly means I can put in more complexed skills in less time. So I'll quickly go through the skill list of each class:
Main character:
-Physical attacker
-Minor healing
The main character will be a bit of the jack of all trades, he'll mostly have access to some minor physical skills, some first aid, and most importantly buffs in the form of songs. He'll be able to buff the party which generally lets him fit in any party composition, since y'all will always have him in the party.
Archer (Iva):
-Physical attacker
-Minor magic
Iva will be a character that specialises in physical attacks, her skills will allow her to attack multiple times in a row by firing arrows. And due to her Elvish constitution, she will have access to very weak forms of magic, but her main gimmick will still be physical attacks. As her level goes higher, she will be able to fire more arrows in a go, though it comes at a cost of more stamina and lower accuracy. Having her in your team gives you the passive ability to locate useful plants!
Thief (Garnet):
-Physical attacker
-Status inflictor(?)
As a thief, garnet will have access to skills that focuses on debuffs, she will be able to inflict statuses on enemies, making the fight easier for you. She will also have access to skill that debuff enemies, making them less of a threat. The main reason that most of y'all would want her on the party would probably be her passive, which increases the number of drops and items you obtain while she's in the party.
Tank (???):
-Minor buffs
-Physical attacker
I'm guessing y'all can probably guess who this character is, but well, just in case you don't I'm gonna keep it a secret for now haha. The tank will have the unique ability to provoke enemies, which makes them significantly more likely to be targeted, bringing the pain away from the frailer party members. At higher levels, they will even learn skills that allows them to counter attack. Having her in the party gives you a passive defense buff!
Healer (???):
-Light Magic
You guys probably also know who this character is haha. The healer, well, heals. She will have skills that allow you to heal injured party members and at higher levels, even allow you to revive them after they're knocked out in battle. They will also have access to light magic, which is effective against the undead! With them in your party, your party will be teleported to safety via the Goddess's Blessing, so no more instant game overs if you lose! (Unless it's certain boss fights...)
-Elemental magic
Now this is an actual character that y'all don't know, hahaha. Anyway, as a mage, she will be able to provide a range of elemental magic for your party to use! So you will be able to exploit the enemy's elemental weakness. With her in your team, you will get a passive magic attack buff.
Barbarian/Berserker (???):
-Physical damage
-Very high physical damage
Going back to our roots, the Barbarian will be a physical attacker. What makes her a bit unique is that she will have access to berserk, a skill that increases her attack, but you will no longer be able to control her until the end of the battle. She will also have skills that allow her to deal damage to multiple enemies. Having her in the party increases your attack!
Secret character 1 (???):
-Magic skills
-Physical attack
This character has both physical and magical attacks. They are more or less a hybrid attacker, though they might not look like what you would expect. When they're in your party, you will get access to to extra minerals in the map!

Sprite art
As it was with Nano-control, we will be getting custom sprites made as well, though our schedule is a bit off due to the amount of sprites we're getting. We'll mostly be getting one set for each of the main cast, as well as some of the NPCs, some important NPCs will also get custom sprites, we're a bit behind schedule cause I kinda underestimated the time taken for the sprites to be made, but they will be in a "semi-realistic/chibi" fashion. Not sure quite how to describe it. Though I would like to mention that it's best to expect palceholder sprites for some of the NPCs when the first release is out.

So yeap yeap, I would definitely appreciate some feedback, especially in terms of skills for the characters and/or the renewed system we have. Do let me know if there are skills or features you would like to see added/removed in the game! 
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Smiling Dog

Dungeons and Tavern Update

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Posted for $1, $3, $5, $20, $50 tiers
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Smiling Dog

Sneak Peek for Garnet Scene

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Creator Stats

15 days
 Trust Period
25 subscribers
706 posts


$77 of $100
per month
I'll probably be able to commission more art for the game at a more frequent rate! With this and support from other sources, getting art will be much easier!
$77 of $2,800
per month
If we reach this goal I'll be able to do this full time! It would mean bigger updates and a higher quality product! Also, I'll buy my dog a steak.
$77 of $700
per month
I'll be able to consistently get things animated, and at a higher quality! Will also get portraits done for everyone in the game! Including non-essential NPCs and secret characters!
$77 of $400
per month
I'll be able to get more resources to make the game better! Will now consistently commission custom sprites, so that the characters reflect more accurately what they look like in terms of hair, attire and such.
$77 of $4,500
per month
If we get to this goal I will be getting more scenes for the games for better immersion! ​I'll also look into getting someone to help me so the games can flow more smoothly!
$77 of $10,000
per month
I dunno, probably voice acting or something? ​I can probably get a website up and have some online games going on at this point.

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