Heroes of Celtica - Factions
Hello All,
Happy holiday weekend, for those that are celebrating it. As I've mentioned before, as STELLAR INCOGNITA finishes up in the next 2 months, I am preparing to release my new fantasy project. At this moment, I'm currently working on the images for the final update prior to release of HEROES OF CELTICA. The plan is that I have the introduction and four updates ready before I do my first patron release of the game. This gives me a buffer to keep working on the new project, as well as STELLAR INCOGNITA EX, which is STELLAR INCOGNITA, but with extra content and unfiltered images (so think of it like a Director's Cut).
As I'm making the final batch of images for update four of CELTICA, the next step will be the coding and the writing. I'm not sure how long it will take me to finish everything and make the grand release, but I'm going to keep you all informed when there is progress. Have confidence that I am basically working on this every single day!
Now, I've been making some promotional images to explain a little bit about the world of Celtica. The land the hero finds himself in is home to different kingdoms and factions, which propels a lot of the conflict and adventure in the story. The great thing is that these are based on the Irish mythology that has been handed down to us from the past, so the framework I'm working from is really rich and interesting. Larger images for download are attached below. I have promotional images of all the main female characters as well, which I will share with you all soon.