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Skaz profile
We create 18+ games. Hi, Skaz and BadKate here. We are currently developing a game called "Bad Manners". It’s an erotic parody of Disney animated feature films such as “Frozen”, “Tangled”, and several others.
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Actual Links

Hi everyone!

We create this post that we will also update in the future as the main post for our page. A sort of index where you can find list of "Bad Manners" builds and walkthroughs available to you.

CLICK to get details about the game!)


Bad Manners Part I + Part II

Future release (alphas, betas)

  • [2.40ALPHA + Latest Game Walkthrough Guide] - next version, will be available to Duke and higher (Get Duke tier>>>)
  • [2.40BETA + Latest Game Walkthrough Guide] - next version, will be available to Count and higher (Get Count tier >>>)


Current release


Outdated releases

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Subscription Tiers


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SubscribeStar $0.00 tier
per month
  • Bad Manners PREVIOUS version
  • Your can send private messages to devs
  • Access to some closed posts on the SubscribeStar page
  • Access to our Discord channel
  • Our thank you! :)
SubscribeStar $3.00 tier
per month
  • ALL of the above
  • Bad Manners CURRENT version (access two week after Count teir)
  • Walkthrough of Bad Manners Part I
  • Participation in some polls to shape the future of the game (vote power x0,5)
  • Sketches, drawings, pictures (mainly game character sprites)
  • Role in our Discord channel
  • Our BIG thanks to you + an air kiss from BadKate :)
SubscribeStar $7.00 tier
per month
  • ALL of the above
  • Walkthrough of the whole game (BM PartI + BM Part II)
  • Access to Bad Manners FUTURE versions (BETAs)
  • Your name in the credits as a supporter!
  • Participation in ALL polls to shape the future of the game (vote power x1)
  • Our HUGE thanks for you + passionate air kiss from BadKate :)
SubscribeStar $10.00 tier
per month
  • ALL of the above
  • Access to Bad Manners FUTURE versions (ALPHAs)
  • Pictures (action scenes) from our artists for the future game versions
  • Special collection of pictures (game scenes) each month
  • Hi-Res scene each month
  • Participation in ALL polls to shape the future of the game (vote power x3)
SubscribeStar $20.00 tier
per month
  • ALL of the above
  • A unique art that is drown for the game, but for some reason will not be included in it
  • You can become a patron of any girl living in the Bad Manners world. Think of it as if you've become an actress's sponsor. :) Thanks to your help, the "directors" (Skaz and BadKate) will sometimes let the girl appear in a new outfit or create a special scene for her. As long as you remain girl's patron, the girl will somehow participate in the plot of "Bad Manners". Let us know which girl you have decided to patronize.
  • A monthly SubscribeStar public post of gratitude for your support (and if you want, we can specify which college girl you are taking care of :) )
  • Participation in ALL polls to shape the future of the game (vote power x10)
Limited (0 out of 5) subscriptions
SubscribeStar $50.00 tier
per month
  • ALL of the above
  • Cheats and full access to any chapter or event that you want.
  • Your name and your profile picture will be included in the credits as our partner.
  • Participation in ALL polls to shape the future of the game (vote power x30)

  • You can become a patron of any girl living in the Bad Manners world. As long as you remain her patron, the girl will participate in EACH "Bad Manners" release and she will receive new art regularly. Let us know which girl you have decided to patronize.
  • OR
  • After you have been a King for at least 3 months we'll can create a new character or a scene just for you. Please send us the information about the character or the idea you have in mind, after you subscribe (only if it’s within the context of the game; the alien robot-transformer with tentacles won’t work)
Limited (0 out of 1) subscription
SubscribeStar $150.00 tier

She Loves Awkward Positions

Posted for $7, $10, $20, $50, $150 tiers
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Rapunzel (Wallpaper #04)

Posted for $20, $50, $150 tiers
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Poll: Justice or Injustice?

Posted for $7, $10, $20, $50, $150 tiers
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We've released BM part II ver. 2. 32!

This post also includes Mega.NZ content links
Posted for $10, $20, $50, $150 tiers
Unlock Tier
Public post

Hello everyone!

We have released 2.32BETA! 

[That is what awaits you in BM ver. 2.32 >>>]

[Bad Manners ver.2.32BETA download links and walkthrough of the game are available here >>>]

Calendar (releases of BM ver. 2.32):

  • (Count and higher) - April 18

  • (Knight) - May 3

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Public post

We Thank Our Patrons

Hello, BadKate's here!

Some mothers of our girls envision college as a garden where their daughters will flourish and grow, much like flowers in a nurturing environment under the guidance of mentors. But BadKate will tell you this straight away; these ideas are utter nonsense.

There's no surer way to kill plants than by confining them to greenhouse conditions. Sure, they may thrive and blossom within the protective confines of a greenhouse some time, but can those plants withstand the challenges beyond its fragile walls?

We're not grooming our girls for a life in the greenhouse; we're preparing them for the real world. That's why we provide really comprehensive training (if you catch my drift) so they can adapt to any, even the most challenging conditions and people.

We are grateful to our Patrons, whose generous donations have enabled us to create and maintain a place where flower girls learn to bloom, even in the most scorching heat and the fiercest storms.

  • Princess Merida extends her heartfelt gratitude to her patron, King Ender#3647, for his unwavering support 

  • Our students express their appreciation to King Frank Baum, for his support in fostering some new, highly erm... enjoyable activities. You will witness the results of this support in Bad Mannares ver. 2.32.

  • Lastly, the administration extend its sincere thanks to Prince Christian J Silvia for his invaluable contributions to the education of our young maidens.

All our other pupils, mastering the art of blossoming and various other captivating endeavors, are also grateful to our Patrons.

Have a nice weekend!

Your sincerely,   
the press-secretary of college's administration, BadKate

P.S. By the way!

Bad Manners 2.32BETA has jast been RELEASED here >>> 

................................................................................. ..................................................................................

Привет, с вами BadKate!

Матери некоторых наших девочек представляют колледж садом, где их дочери будут цвести и расти, как цветы в тепле и неге под руководством наставников. Но BadKate скажет напрямик: эти мысли - полная чушь.

Нет более верного способа погубить растения, чем поместить их в тепличные условия. Конечно в оранжерее они могут расти и цвести, но смогут ли эти растения выжить за ее хрупкими стенами?

Мы не готовим наших девочек к жизни в теплице, мы готовим их к реальному миру. Вот почему мы обучаем их всесторонне (если вы понимаете, о чем я ;) ), чтобы они могли адаптироваться к любым, даже самым сложным условиям и непростым людям.

Мы благодарны нашим Патронам, чьи щедрые пожертвования позволили нам создать и поддерживать место, где девушки-цветы учатся цвести и в самый иссушающий зной и в самую лютую вьюгу.

  • Принцесса Мерида лично благодарит своего покровителя Короля Ender#3647 за его поддержку

  • Наши воспитанницы благодарят Короля Frank Baum за спонсирование девушек, увлекающихся некоторой новой, весьма э-э занимательной активностью. :) Результаты поддержки вы увидите в Дурном воспитании ver.2.32. 

  • Администрация благодарит Принца Christian J Silvia за его неоценимый вклад в воспитание юных дев

Все остальные наши воспитанницы, постигающие в колледже искусство цветения и разные другие занимательные (и весьма приятные) штуки ;), благодарны нашим Патронам тоже.

Искренне ваша,
пресс-секретарь администрации колледжа, BadKate

P.S. И кстати!

Релиз Дурного воспитания ver. 2.32BETA выпущен, здесь >>>

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50 subscribers
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Upgrade my hardware for faster game development
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We will hire an animation specialist and the animation in our game will become more exciting. :)

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