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Monster Girl Invasion

Elf Side Story. Sarah gets her comeuppance.
Commissioned by wtungsten.

"I told you so."

The members of the firm, gathered together today in an informal meeting about the recent incident (read: shit show), all turned and looked down the big table to where Sarah Wilson, one of their two newest accountants, sat. The brunette woman looked up from where she was texting on her phone and met the eyes of everyone at the table.

One of the owners of the firm glared. "Shut up, Sarah."

"No." She stood up, tucking her phone away into her pocket. "You didn't listen before, so you're going to listen now. I. Fucking. Told. You. That little cunt was going to be trouble. I told you she wasn't a good fit for the company. But you were all too interested in getting your dicks wet with the monster whore, and now we're all fucked. So, you can fire me if you want, I don't care. But because of your own actions, you're going to be right behind me in the unemployment line. Except the difference is, I'll be able to get a new job working for a different firm. You idiots? Anyone who had any kind of authority here—board members, HR, you name it—you're all getting blackballed, because you let the monster whore rape a man on company property, drug him, and then took her side and fired him for sexual harassment. He's going to sue you for everything you're worth, and he's going to win."

Grinning, she continued, "The elf bitch he's fucking? Yeah, apparently she's got friends in the highest places in their government. Which means they have friends in the highest places in our government. And they aren't going to stop at making an example of that whore. They want blood, to show that both sides are willing to cooperate. Ask yourself, does it seem like these things are 'refugees' and 'asylum seekers' when one of them can snap her fingers and make our government jump? It's a fucking invasion and everyone is too blind to see it."

At the head of the table, the owner of the company stood. "If you're done ranting like a lunatic, pack your things and get out."


Sarah turned and stomped from the room, her heels clacking with every step. My God, that felt good!

Vindication was amazing. …Even if it was bitter. This wasn't a victory, after all. At the end of the day, she was still out of a job. Still closer to thirty than twenty. Still forced to live in a world that had gone crazy and now had monster sluts running around. Still had to compete against those monster sluts. And as Sami had proved, the monster sluts could wrap men around their fingers at will, so the only way to compete was to try to beat them at their own game, which was impossible.

Clamping down on her frustration, Sarah made her way to her office and packed her few things remaining. She had begun moving her personal things out of the office the moment the thing with Sami came to light, even before Adam had somehow came in with a ridiculous level of political and legal backup.

Before Adam's elf had literally sent the succuslut running screaming about monsters and how 'you're supposed to be asleep.'

Before the seemingly weak and normal looking elf cornered the succuslut, dragged her outside, punched her into the stratosphere, and proceeded to beat the little bitch up one side of the sky and down the other like something out of one of those superhero movies.

Before the succuslut-in-chief rescued the minor one, only to turn her over to the police and order her to tell the truth. And Sami agreed. Anything to keep the elf from bashing her brains in.

Lesson learned. Elves were not to be fucked with.

It was just one more reminder that the monsters weren't human. Not even close. They may look something like humans, but they weren't and would never be human. The best they could do was pretend. Just like they had been doing from day one. Approaching with a pretty face, cozying up their men, turning them against their own species for the chance to get their dicks wet, and suborning for themselves the power structure that human women had worked so hard to convince men to build for them since suffragettes were a thing.

Getting into her car, Sarah turned on her phone and synced it with the car stereo before she sped off from the office. Picking out a podcast, she listened absently as she drove, her mind turning over what she needed to do next to find another job.

"—and as I've been telling you, dear listeners, they're not us. They aren't real women. Now, I don't mean that they're not human. That much is obvious. What I mean is that they haven't suffered at the hands of men since time immemorial, as we have. They haven't endured our shared hardships! They haven't worked to better this world for women everywhere—thanklessly, I might add! And yet, they can just come along and benefit from the work we put in without suffering for it like we have.

"Worse, they think they're better than us. They think we're the crazy ones, because we've chosen bodily autonomy over popping out a dozen kids for the first guy who comes along. Because we deserve better than the garbage men of today's society. They're picking through our trash and our leftovers, the men who aren't worth our time, and looking down on us like we're somehow less than because those men weren't good enough for us. They don't understand that those chuds and incels, the broke, fat, ugly, short, micro-dicked creeps of the world weren't left behind or excluded, they were selected out of gene pool! As is our right! Women, human women control human reproduction. Not men and certainly not monsters—"

Sarah sighed, shaking her head. "Keep telling yourself that. Those days are coming to an end. Modern feminism is dying and monster sluts are killing it. The rule of the land is 'adapt or die' now. Fifth-wave feminism is going to be a return to traditional values and gender norms.”

As much as she hated to admit it, the days of women having fun through their late teens and into their thirties were rapidly coming to a close. There was a new game in town. Why would a man want a human woman when monster girls existed? Monster girls were, almost to a one, beautiful. More beautiful than ninety percent of human women.

If it were just a matter of beauty, they might be able to compete in other ways… but it wasn't.

Monster girls were just as intelligent as human women, some even more so. Just look at Sami as an example. Sarah hated the little succuslut, but she would give credit where credit was due. The little whore had been in this world less than five years. She hadn't had any sort of formal education before coming to Earth. In those few years, Sami had (between sucking dicks) studied, put in the work, gotten a GED, enrolled in an online college of law, blown through content that would have taken a human years (probably using magic somehow), and graduated. Then had gotten a job as a paralegal to work her way up through the legal system.

And that was a whole other worry Sarah didn't want to get into. That if it weren't for her nature getting the better of her, that succuslut would have gone on to become a (probably decent) lawyer. Then, in a few years, used those levers of power to become a judge (even if, no, especially because she was a monster girl diversity hire and could check multiple boxes in the progressive stack). And a few years later, maybe get into politics… Or just crawl her way deeper into the legal system. How many others are there like her, making their way into positions of power?

But back on track…

Monster girls were sexy, they were intelligent, they were powerful and had magic, but worst of all… They enjoyed sex and their idea of standards for men differed completely from human women. The power women had accrued by becoming the gatekeepers of sex had been utterly destroyed by the competition coming in and throwing the gates (and their legs) wide.

The sad part was, the podcast host she was listening to was right on almost all counts. They, women collectively, even if there was never any official movement to do so (except in crazy circles) had done exactly what the host described, in 'selecting out' the 'bad' men. The problem was that people like the host hadn't realized the extent of the damage monster girls had done to the old sexual power dynamic. Things were quickly heading towards a power inversion. Sarah could see the writing on the wall.

Monster girls valued human men like they were worth several times their weight in gold, whereas human women undervalued their own men. But because the MGs were so willing to fuck, and considered men so valuable, men became more valuable. It was basic market theory… But she supposed that was her major in business and finance giving her insight most people didn't have.

From a market perspective, if human women wanted to stand a chance of competing with monster girls, they had to become as valuable to men as monster girls were.

What made monster girls valuable?

Their beauty, intelligence, power, the fact that they were walking/talking fetish fuel, the ease of getting sex with one (just walk up to one on the street and ask and odds were good she would say yes!), the fact that they wanted children, and two little facts that didn't exactly get talked about on The View.

Monster girls were down for literally anything, sexually. Depending on the type of MG, anyway. But most had no problem doing things human women would cringe away from in disgust. Many human women hated the idea of blowjobs or anal. For an MG, if they didn't get a blowjob and anal with their normal sex they felt like they were getting gypped. MGs were up for group activities pretty much any time, but you had to find a special kind of human woman who would tolerate it. And then there was all the other hardcore or weird shit that most human women drew the line at but for an MG was pretty much a Tuesday. Or the really freaky shit that the MGs that the media didn’t show in the open got up to—the ones that only came out at night. When people thought ‘undead,’ most thought ‘hot vampire girl.’ No. Vampires, ghosts, zombies, ghouls, liches, stitched together Frankenstein abominations… and that was just for people with a necrophilia fetish.

And then there was the big one. The thing that was guaranteed to crash the sexual market—or rather, the marriage market. Loyalty and emotional availability. In a way, monster girls were as desperate for men as the 'loser' men were for women. They just weren't repulsive to think about, unlike those discarded men. According to the forums Sarah had been perusing and channels with monster girls explaining MG psychology to humans, when an MG was exclusive with a man, that was it. She was 200% loyal. She didn't cheat, she didn't get bored, she didn't shit test. They were supportive, loving, and caring (in their own ways. A dragon's idea of that was different from, say, a hellhound's). There were a few exceptions, yes, but for the most part the vast majority of MGs were guaranteed to be loyal.

In order to compete, human women would have to do all of those things, and take it a step further every time.

Men want sexy girls? No more of this 'body positivity' shit. Time to hit the gym. Oral? On demand, and she needed to swallow and learn to like it. Anal? They had better start keeping themselves ready, or keeping items on hand. Other freaky sex? They would need to constantly be in that 'hot new boy toy, experimenting in college' phase and never leave it if they did get married. And they couldn't stop trying once they did marry. MGs are okay with sharing? Well, time for human women to start offering to become harem managers for their husbands, just to keep from getting replaced.

Monster girls are loyal? Time to go back to the days of human women cherishing their virginity and fidelity. No more 'having fun' into their thirties. No more 'accidents' or 'indiscretions.' A human woman's beauty peaks in her teens and starts to decline from there, so it's time to start trying to marry early again, because a younger woman would have a much easier time finding a man than one in her thirties or forties. Monster girls truly love their men? Time to stop telling girls to constantly be on the lookout for something better and they need to truly commit when they do manage to marry. MGs were supportive? Well, it was time for women to leave the workforce and go back to being housewives, dedicated to their families above all else. More than that, their attitudes needed to change. The entitlement, narcissism, anger, outbursts, and other problems that made people on forums complain that dealing with human women was like dealing with adult children had to go.

Because if more monster girls kept coming, if there were enough of them, then the lower fifty percent of women, if not more, would swiftly find themselves trading places in society with the men they had so eagerly written off. But that was going to happen anyway in time, due to basic biology. Human women couldn't pop out healthy children forever. Men could produce healthy offspring into their seventies or eighties, if they took care of themselves… And it was already established that MGs didn't care about looks, so why would they care about age? On the other hand, why would a man in his thirties, the prime of his life, want a human woman in her thirties—starting to wrinkle and sag in places—when he could have some MG that would stay beautiful for years and years to come, if not indefinitely? Such as in the case of Adam’s elf—the woman was older than America and she still looked in her twenties.

In short, things were about to start sucking for most human women. And the only thing to do was adapt or die.

Pulling into her driveway, Sarah sighed as she shut off the car and carried her little cardboard box inside. Checking the time and finding it just before lunch, she grumbled to herself and got to work cleaning the apartment. She made herself a chicken salad for lunch and forced that down, then made her way to the gym early.

Sarah hated and resented the monster girls for what they were doing. For the reversal of position they were forcing human women, including herself, into. She didn't think of most of them as real people, so much as alien sex dolls. But she wasn't a hypocrite, and she didn't want to spend the rest of her life alone and miserable because she couldn't bite the bullet she follow through on the things she realized needed to be done. No matter how distasteful she found it.

She couldn't even complain and demand to know where all the good men had gone. She knew where they had gone. She had rejected them in her teens and twenties. College was the time for 'slut years,' and she hadn't wanted the ride to end and be forced to settle down. Good men, she had turned down outright or dated once or twice and sent packing, because they scared her. She wasn't one of those nuts who believed she wasn't worth being treated well, she had just been afraid of commitment. Online dating, and later hookup apps like tinder, made it so easy and convenient to have her choice out of literally hundreds of hot guys trying to get into her pants, pick the one she wanted that night, have some fun, and do it all again the next night with a different guy.

Now, her prospects were drying up a lot faster than they should thanks to sites like Monster Date, apps like Rawr!, and even physical places men could go to to have sex with MGs and find one to date, like the Monster Ranch. God, whoever that guy is, he’s making a fucking fortune. Kind of wish I’d thought of it.

It was a big part of why she didn't get along with Adam. She hadn't hated him, but… He reminded her too much of all the good men she had turned down, and what might have become of them because of women exactly like her. Before MGs came along, she would've just dismissed him, said his problems were his own fault and he was a loser with no self control or self respect and didn't deserve a woman. Lately though, she had realized that no, his problems almost certainly stemmed from someone like her doing him dirty at some point in the past. Part of her wanted to snidely blame ‘fragile male egos,’ but the more realistic part of her admitted that if a breakup was bad enough, she would probably lose all confidence in herself too—and if the hits just kept coming and didn’t stop, as he claimed, then it would never get better.

Seeing the man he could've been after that elf slut fixed him up—handsome, sexy, confident… It was galling to think that elf had dug into the trash and pulled out a diamond just in need of polishing. Worse? Adam hadn't changed at all, not really. But what had been annoying at best and infuriating at worst when he was a fat sack of crap was actually charming and gave him that 'I don't give a fuck' bad boy attitude that drove women like her wild. The difference was, he was hot and getting laid now. Sexual market value at its finest. If two equally hot guys were standing side by side, a woman would choose the one getting laid over the one not getting laid every time.

Sarah was pulled from her thoughts as the timer for the oven went off. Opening it up, she pulled out the chicken parm and checked it. Finding it done, she covered it and started setting the table. Her boyfriend would be home soon and she wanted to break the news of her firing with as few complications as possible.

Raymond, or Ray as he preferred, was not who or what she had envisioned herself winding up spending the rest of her life with.

In her early twenties, it was always her plan to find a nice, hot, rich guy to settle down with in her thirties and be a child free stay at home wife (and have the occasional guy over when he was at work). He would have family money or own his own business. He would drive a Lambo or a Ferrari. He'd live in a huge house. He would eventually cheat with the maid (because no way would she clean up after herself, let alone some guy, because she wasn't his mother) and she could take him for half of everything, get the house, and live comfortably having guys over whenever she liked.

Ray was not exactly hot. In fact, Adam looked better now that he wasn't a ball of lard. Ray didn't have family money or own his own business, he was a used car salesman. Ray didn't drive an expensive imported supercar, he drove whatever piece of crap on the lot was free. He didn't have a house, in fact he lived with Sarah in her apartment. He was, in short, a loser.

So why was Sarah still with him?

Because she didn't want to be alone. It was really as simple as that.

Speak of the devil, the front door opened and Ray walked in. "Hey," Sarah greeted, trying to put some pep in her voice.

"Hey hon." He brushed right by her, heading for the bedroom.

She followed after. "Supper is ready when you are."

"Great, thanks," he said, shrugging out of his cheap suit.

"I've got something to tell you—"

"Really? So do I. We can talk over dinner. Let me grab a quick shower."

He took off for her bathroom and Sarah frowned. Picking up his shirt, she gave it a look over and a sniff. It smelled like perfume, sex, and something else. Something that made her blood boil. Sami claimed humans all had smells, but the same applied to monster girls. There was always a distinct not human scent that accompanied a monster girl. It wasn’t unpleasant, quite the opposite, but it did stand out.

Keeping her face carefully neutral, she tossed the dirty clothes in the laundry basket and went back to the kitchen. Ray joined her about twenty minutes later—long enough that she'd had to put the food back in the oven to keep it warm. He sat across from her with a huge grin. He didn't even comment on the food as he started eating.

No time like the present, Sarah mused.

"So…" She trailed off, wondering how to word what she wanted to say.

"So I've been thinking," Ray took that as his cue to speak. Sarah resisted the urge to frown at the interruption. "I think we should open up the relationship."

Sarah felt her heart climb into her throat, and now she knew how it had felt just a few years ago when she herself had uttered those words to her first steady boyfriend, when she got bored. "What?"

"Yeah! It'll be great. Keep things fresh you know. We don't want to get bored, right?" He grinned and explained further. "We'll both be able to have fun with other people, but at the end of the day we come home and have each other. We'll be able to fulfill our needs in ways we can't for each other."

Except you know damn well that I'm going to have a harder time than you finding someone, with monster girls now a thing! …Oh God. That's the other part of it, aside from asking for a fucking permanent hall pass to cheat whenever you feel like it. Before monster girls, men would've had a harder time finding a woman who wanted something with a guy in an 'open relationship,' because it's basically advertising that you're looking for a side piece and he's already losing his woman. Fuck. And this shit is going to reverse, so it's going to be, 'oh, she's in an open relationship? Must mean she can't satisfy her man, so I'm not wasting time with her.'

"No thanks," Sarah shook her head. "I'm not at a stage in my life where I want an open relationship. I really just want to focus on us—"

"What? No, come on! Women love open relationships. Besides, I've already got someone in mind."

"Who?" Sarah asked, out of morbid curiosity.

"Kelly. She's a succubus."

"A succubus? Fucking really?"

Frowning, Ray asked, "What? It shouldn't be a problem for you. Hell, it should be better. You keep saying they're not real women. So really, I'm being really generous saying we should open up the relationship. Really I could have just brought her in and you should have been okay with it, happy even, because it would make me happy. It would help me be true to my truest self."

Crossing her arms over her small breasts, Sarah glowered across the table. A suspicion arose in her mind as those arguments sounded awfully familiar. As in, she had used them herself… "Have you been reading women's blogs to find ways to persuade your partner to open up the relationship?"

"What? No! And how dare you accuse me of something that underhanded. Listen, this is your fault. If you weren't so boring and vanilla in bed, I wouldn't need to find someone else to satisfy my needs."

"Oh my God, are you seriously trying to act insulted and blame me for this? Gaslighting is like, step three of what to do when your husband refuses to let you open things up. You’re skipping steps.”

Ray shrugged. “It’s either this, or I walk.”

Sarah frowned, falling silent at the threat. Withholding sex was step four, threatening to leave was step five, step six was actually leaving for a while to let them get lonely and feel threatened then come back a week or two later and ask if they had ‘seen reason.’ He really was following the fucking playbook. Except this time, he had all the power here. And they both knew it.

Gritting her teeth, Sarah considered her options.

She could agree. Go along to get along. In which case he would either go out and fuck the succuslut again—or worse, bring her here. And every time she looked at him, she would think about what it was he was doing with the bitch. It would be a constant pain. Humiliation. Crush her self-worth.

I should email John and apologize. I didn’t get it then. God, I was awful to him just because I could be. What was I thinking? But she knew what she was thinking. She was thinking she could get away with it and there would never be any consequences for her. That this was just the way the world was now and things would never change outside of her favor, at least not in her lifetime.

Alternately, she could tell Ray to fuck off. Cling tightly to what pride she had left. Refuse to be sidelined in her own relationship by some interloper. Yes, it would be difficult to find another man, but… Ray was a leech and had never truly valued her. She knew that. He really was a horrible boyfriend before he started growing emotionally distant—probably about the time he started putting his dick in the succuslut.

It’s not worth it. I would rather be alone than be treated like crap.

“Get out.”

Ray blinked. “Do what?”

“I said get out. Get your shit and leave.”

“But I live here—

“Not any more,” Sarah shook her head. “Give me your key.”

Ray sucked his teeth. “Tch. Fine, bitch. You aren’t worth it anyway.”

And that was that. Sarah watched as Ray gathered up his clothes, laptop, and his few possessions, tossed them into his car, and tore off into the night.

She finished her meal, not tasting it as she ate. Took a bath out of habit, but there was nothing really relaxing about it any more. Watched TV until it was time to go to sleep, but couldn’t focus on the shows. Fell into a dreamless, restless sleep, and woke up feeling dead tired the next morning out of habit. Put in job applications and sat around the house listlessly all day since she didn’t have to be at work. She didn’t feel like talking to anyone, so she didn’t. She didn’t want to leave the house, so she stayed indoors. She didn’t have the energy to take care of things, so she left the dishes where they were when she finished using them. Then she repeated the motions that night.

When she fired up her dating apps, she swiped right or clicked like on everyone presented to her, regardless of how they looked or what their profile said. Just five years ago, she could have had two or three guys over in a day—if not more. Now? She got one reply, from a guy who asked if she was a monster girl, and when she told him ‘no’ he promptly blocked her.

Sarah went out, bought a tub of ice cream, and sat around the house watching crappy daytime TV in her pajamas wondering when someone would come along and save her from the shitty situation she had found herself in.
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