So, new year is started, time to wrote a brief plans for near future.
First half of January I gonna spend sketching - I have an idea for a medium length Jasmine comics, around 10 pages, and if I didn't draw it I may explode. After that I also need to sketch next pages of AT and if I didn't get tired of sketching after this I will also draw a few regular solo sketches. Jasimine sketch comics is alredy in the work, expect it to appear here in a week or sooner.
Next thing - we have both Action Toys to continue and 2 poll winners to draw. I will try to finish part 3 of Action Toys as fast as I can, so we can finally move to final part, finish this monstrous project this year and find another long-term commitment.
On another topic: I gonna split my X account into two: so
behold PerSane. PerSane will be the one who posts all soft and consensual bondage and non-bondage art, while SanePerson will remain pretty much the same. It's done so I can have softer entity to point people and corporations to, and maybe Patreon will let me open a account for PerSane. If this twist will work - good, if not - then road to Patreon will be fully closed for me. So, if you are on X, please follow him to boost followers number, I not gonna spam much and worst case scenario I just close it in a few month =)
If Patreon still refuse me on creating a new account - then I will think of a way to recreate montly sketch system on SubscribeStar.
Btw, to boost PerSane I
maybe will draw Wednesday and Enid picture before drawing Spies, so I can have something new to post there.
That's all, lets see what 2025 have in store for us!