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missjoan profile
Here you can find the comics of the beautiful Miss Joan and read her erotic adventures in the far Far West! I hope you like big boobs because Joan will please you with her extra-large measures!

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Access to exclusive art.

See my digital illustrations or 3 digital pages for week of my comics.

Exclusive 72 dpi resolution .jpg files of each page, from sketches to colors (3+ per week)

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USD в месяц
Milk Lover

Access to exclusive art

Read 3 pages for week of my comics or receive my drawings, starring the best big boobed girls created by Sam, and a selected group of artists!!

Receive the Pdf version of the comics when the stories are completed.

Exclusive High 300 dpi resolution .jpg files of the pages or illustration of each drawing (3+ per week), from sketch to color!

Discord Exclusive Group to see all the work in progress evolutions.

Periodical videos of the Work in progress for you to study/view/appreciate full access to the content

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  • Hi dear friends!! My name is SAM, and I love to draw comics involving a beautiful woman with big boobs called Miss Joan. I'm a freelance comic book artist, illustrator, character designer, and concept artist. I've worked for several publishers, and I want continue to continue to draw adult themed stories with your help. I want your help to produce more and more pages! I want listen your ideas too on new adventures and new ideas about this kind of comics! In exchange offer you my files in High resolution mode, show you every single step, from sketch to final color, and realize your original characters!.. Give me the opportunity to grow as an artist, and with your help, we can create future stories with your characters too!! With your support, I can devote more time, effort, and energy into projects and art that I care about as well.

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Miss Joan Undressed Day 11 - Afternoon. Page 5 ink

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Miss Joan Undressed Day 11 - Afternoon. Page 4 ink

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Miss Joan Undressed Day 11 - Afternoon. Page 3 ink

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Miss Joan Undressed Day 11 - Afternoon. Page 2 ink

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Miss Joan Undressed Day 11 - Afternoon. Page 1 inkA new story for Miss Joan Undressed starts toda...

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Today a cover preview! What will do Miss Joan after this moment?

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Help me make some little animations starring Miss Joan !! If we reach this milestone I will be able to form a small team that can make this dream come true!

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