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S. P. Bayles
S. P. Bayles
I have a foot fetish. I write erotica. The two often combine but not always. I hope my stories excite you when reading as much as they excite me when writing and dreaming up new ideas.
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S. P. Bayles
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A fun bus ride home

+++ This is another one I wrote some years ago and have refined a little since. +++
It had been a long day at work. As usual, I was waiting for the last bus home, in the dark and virtually alone at the bus station. It wasn't unusual at this time of night to get the bus home and only see two or three other passengers, so there was nothing special about this particular evening.
Or at least not at first.
Eventually, the bus arrived and I got on, paid my fare, sat down near the back and started to read the book I'd started in the morning. I'd been so engrossed in the book, and certainly a little tired after the day that I hadn't noticed that someone was sitting in the seat across the aisle from me.
"Long day at work?" I heard a female voice beside me ask. I composed myself, a little shocked that I hadn't noticed her, looked up and replied.
"Yeah, same as always really." I glanced across to see who this was who had joined me. Her hair was dark, shoulder length, brown eyes, smartly dressed, blouse, skirt, jacket. Attractive looking woman, I thought.
"What about you?" I asked.
"Been on my feet all day," she replied, "no-one told me the rota had changed. If only I'd known..."
I looked down at her long legs towards her feet, and spying her black, heeled shoes intervened " wouldn't have worn those?", pointing towards her feet as I did so.
"Exactly," came the curt response.
That seemed to be the end of the conversation, or at least neither of us could think of a next line, so I went back to my book, and she pulled out a magazine. But I found it hard to concentrate. She'd captivated me, and I couldn't stop glancing at her legs and feet, and thinking how much she'd appreciate a massage. And how much I'd love to give one to her.
The more I looked, the more it kept eating away at me. I desperately wanted to come out and ask her, but couldn't force myself to do so. Every so often, she'd move her legs a little; I wondered if she was doing it on purpose, to tease me.
No, she couldn't know what I was thinking. And besides, I'd only been glancing at her, I hadn't raised my head from my book. No, she didn't know, she was just trying to get comfortable.
I could see her wiggling her toes in her shoes, trying to reinvigorate her feet after what had been a hard day. I could only imagine what she was feeling, but I guessed she couldn't wait to get out of her shoes and tights when she got home. I wished I could be at home to see that...or make her take them off before then.
But how? I couldn't say anything and I couldn't very well just grab hold of her feet -- that would never work. I'd noticed that there was no-one else on the bus, and I wondered if she had. I turned to look out of the window to see where we were.
Still miles from home, plenty of time to go yet. Clunk. Clunk. What was that? I turned, and saw her moving to get out of her chair, minus a shoe. Here was my opportunity, I had to act now or it would be too late.
"Stay there," I said, "I'll get it."
She didn't say anything, but leaned back in her seat. Now I had her where I wanted. I got out of my seat, put my book down and picked up her shoe. I looked at it, the heel must have been about three or four inches in length.
"No wonder your feet hurt, walking round in these," I said a little uneasily, "I don't know how you do it."
It wasn't much of a compliment, or a chat up line but at least it bought me some time for my next move, which was to sit down on the chair opposite her, put her shoe back on the floor and slowly pick up her left foot. I brought my thumbs round to the ball of her foot and began to gently massage.
"You don't want to do that," she said, "they must really smell."
"It won't do any harm," I countered, "Besides, you might like it." I knew she'd like it. I knew I'd like it too, but she wasn't to know that.
"But what about you?" she said, feigning concern.
I just smiled, motioning her to be quiet before placing both hands back on her foot. Her foot was warm, hot even and moist with sweat. I gently worked my way up and down her foot several times, pressing harder as I went.
After a while, I took hold of her foot, placed it on my lap and took up her other foot, removing her shoe and this time starting from the top of her foot, caressing each of her toes in turn before massaging her sole and heel.
Although her feet were warm and sweaty, they were beautifully soft and I could see how well looked after they were through her tights. Her toes were well defined and looked as good as they felt.
I then took up her other foot so I was holding one in each hand. Supporting her heels with my thighs, I slowly massaged both of her feet, from toe to heel, top to bottom, again, increasing the pressure as she went.
I glanced up at her and could sense she was enjoying having a complete stranger ease the pain of a long day at work. And I was getting increasingly turned on by worshipping her feet. I could feel my cock begin to stiffen as I continued to massage her soft, sweaty, hot feet.
I'd noticed she had abandoned her magazine, and was totally absorbed in what I was doing. I wondered if she wanted me to go on, or stop, or whether she wanted me to do what I wanted to do, and take things a stage further.
I desperately wanted to lick and suck her stockinged feet. I couldn't stop myself.
As she momentarily closed her eyes, I dropped to my knees, and gently kissed the tips of her toes. I wasn't sure how she'd react, but she reacted in the best way, she kept her eyes closed, and murmured her appreciation.
"Mmmmm," she moaned, quietly, but it was music to my ears. It was my signal to go on and worship her feet like I'd wanted to all journey. I wanted her to really feel good, so I was going to take it slowly. I kissed each toe in turn, before slowly licking and kissing my way up and down the tops of her feet up to her ankles.
The taste of her sweaty feet was driving me wild by now, and I could feel my dick harden more and more the more I continued. I took both of her feet and placed them over my face, her soles covering my eyes, giving me a real noseful of her feet. lifted them a little, and began to lick her heels, slowly at first, before increasing the pace and licking them all over.
I lifted her feet a little more so I could taste her soles. They were so soft to touch, and they tasted so good. I started slowly, kissing before licking and sucking her soles all over and as my tongue reached the gap between her soles and her toes, I was overwhelmed with the feeling I was getting from worshipping her feet and I realised I was now fully erect.
I wasn't sure if she'd noticed, but I wasn't about to care. I realised that I'd been at her feet for a short while now, and guessed that she might be nearing her stop.
With that in mind, I moved straight to the tips of her toes. I let one foot drop, resting on my leg, and took hold of her other foot, and closed my mouth over her toes. With the sensation this gave me, I could feel my prick stand to attention and as I gently sucked her third, fourth and fifth toes, she began to move her other foot up and down my leg.
She had noticed my erection, and as I moved to sucking all of her toes on that foot at once she manoeuvred her other foot so she was stimulating the tip of my dick.
I didn't know if she knew quite how good she was making me feel, but as I sucked harder and harder, she wiggled her toes more and more, making me feel incredible. But then, alas, she stopped.
"Look, I'd love to carry on, but my stop's coming up. I have to go."
I felt a pang of disappointment, as I knew I could have sucked her toes all night and she could have made me come for fun with her feet, but I knew that all good, or great, things must come to an end so I reluctantly removed her foot from my mouth, and helped her put her shoes back on.
As we neared her stop, she gathered her things, turned to me and briefly rubbed my dick again, as if she thought I might come for her, but it was too late. I didn't mind though, I'd come later on whenever I remembered the episode. Many times.
As she left, she said, "Bye then, and thanks. I hope we travel again sometime soon."
She winked, and disappeared into the night. 

I never saw her again, and I'd never even known her name. But she'd given me a night I'd never forget.
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S. P. Bayles

Lily Phillips: Businesswoman cum dominatrix - part 2

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S. P. Bayles
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Lily Phillips: Businesswoman cum dominatrix - part 1

“Okay, Rachel, send him in,” I told my secretary. “And make yourself scarce for the next 30 minutes. I’ll take any calls.”
She nodded and motioned for this junior employee, this young man who’d almost cost my company thousands by being careless, into my office. Now it was time for him to pay for his mistake.
There was no time for pleasantries. "You know you messed up big-time, right?"
He nodded, meekly. I wonder what he was expecting. I suspected he had no idea that the way I keep this ship so tight is by controlling and dominating my employees – particularly those with a penis.
"You must be punished. Do you understand?" I snapped.
Just a nod, again.
I flicked a switch to close the blinds. A whirring noise was followed by a click as they reached their final position. I looked him up and down. Mid-20s, I reckoned, short blond hair, average build, average height. Blue eyes, big nose.
"I run a tight ship here. I don't like mess-ups. I haven't time for nonsense."
"Understood," he mumbled. "Look, I apologise for..."
"Shut up. I know, I've heard it all before. This is simple: do as I say, follow my rules, and then fuck off."
That shocked him. His eyes widened as I beckoned him to come towards me and I smiled – ever so slightly – before telling him what to do next. "On your knees, boy. You can be my footrest for a bit."
Down he went, obediently getting onto all fours and shuffling into position under my desk. I scraped the heel of my black leather boots across his back before settling with my calves resting on the small of his back.
I made a few non-urgent phone calls and typed out some emails, occasionally shuffling my feet, crossing, and uncrossing my legs.
“Right,” I announced. “You see this heel?” I waved it in his face and motioned with a hand to for him to swivel round.
More nodding. I love these boots. Super comfortable, with a four-inch heel that make me tower over most men and feel powerful. I gently moved it towards his face and whispered, “Suck it. Slowly. Make it nice and clean.”
Understandably, he was hesitant as he sucked. It felt good to have this young man doing my bidding and performing whatever task I liked. It always felt good to have a man at my feet...

...subscribe for part two.
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S. P. Bayles
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Please Miss, can I suck your toes?

This is the first foot fetish piece I ever wrote. I've refined it several times since and subsequently added more chapters. Perhaps more will follow...
Chapter 1
Well, they weren't actually the words I used. For one thing, it had been five years since I'd been at the school where Tanya taught so there was less of the 'Miss' being bandied about.
I'd always liked her feet though, and used to fantasise about her often. She was blond, trim but it was always her feet that stood out for me. I think the fact that I didn't get to see them that often made me want to see them more (and do other things besides.) When she did show them off, she used to wear these blue and cream mules, and she'd have her toenails painted a kind of brown/red colour.
But they'd always be beautifully perfect. I think if anything it was her toes that used to get me excited more than her feet overall, but that was no bad thing. Now, some years after I had left the school I was back in the area and had to drop in to the sports centre adjacent to the school. On my way out of the sports complex I had to walk across the front of the school and there walking towards me was Tanya.
She didn't seem to have changed much at all, and I wondered if she'd know who I was. I thought I had nothing to lose.
"Tanya," I said, "remember me?"
"Why of course," she said, "It's been a while though. What are you doing these days?"
"Well, a bit of this, a bit of that" was my guarded reply.
"I'm deputy principal now -- I have my own office. Come in and have a chat if you're not too busy."
An invitation I wasn't going to refuse. She led me into the main building and into her office, tucked away in a corner; small, but obviously quiet and out of the way of the hustle and bustle.
She motioned me to sit down, and as I did so I looked at her feet for the first time. She was wearing a pair of black, closed-toe shoes. I hoped by the end of the day to have at least seen her feet for one last time.
"So, how long was it since you were here," she began.
"Five years now. Time flies."
We talked for some time about various things - work, politics amongst others. She told me how she'd been through a messy divorce and moved house recently but managed to hold down her job amongst all the chaos that was going on elsewhere. I told her how I'd never married, how I didn't think I was the sort of person for it.
She seemed surprised, as if I'd said something completely unexpected. All the time we were talking, I was keeping half an eye below the table opposite which we sat, as I began to think more and more about her feet.
As we continued to talk, I caught sight of her sliding her foot up and down inside her shoe and just for a split second, I caught a flash of that red/brown colour. It was enough to convince me that she still had feet I'd love to get close to.I decided to take the direct route this time.
I could have accidentally dropped something on purpose and ended up at her feet, or all manner of other things, but I decided the situation was right to actually approach her and ask if I could worship her feet. I took a deep breath. She could easily freak and throw me out, but it was a risk I was willing to take.
"This isn't easy for me to say," I started, "in fact I feel a bit stupid, but..."
She looked puzzled, concerned even.
"Well, when I was at school here, I used to think you had," I paused, trying to guess how she'd react before blurting out, "really beautiful feet."
She smiled, a little uneasily and said, "So why is that so difficult to say?"
"I guess I thought you'd think I was a weirdo. You see, I can't help it, I used to look at your feet, and want to touch them, kiss them." I hadn't meant to say all that at that point, I'd got a little carried away.
She leaned forward, clearly not about to throw me out. "You know, I used to, well I say used to, I still do, really look after my feet and make them look attractive. Yet my husband would never touch them like you wanted to."
She let out a sigh.
"I still want to." I said. "May I?"
"Go on then, since you asked nicely."
She shook off her shoes, swivelled round and beckoned me over to the other side of the room. She leant back, pointing her toes towards me as she did so. I clasped hold of her feet, looked down and smiled.
"You still have beautiful feet, you know" I said.
She just smiled. I gazed at her feet as I held them and wondered how they could be just so beautiful. But that wasn't important now. I raised both of her feet to my face and started to kiss gently the tops of her toes whilst gently running my fingers up and down her soles.
Her soles were soft, inviting and her toes were simply irresistible. I'd only just started to touch her feet and I felt I could go on forever. I started to lick the tips of her toes, teasing her with quick movements of my tongue, all the time, pressing my fingers into her soles as I went.
I could see the relief and pleasure I was giving her, but all of a sudden she stopped, sat bolt upright and pulled her feet away from me.
"Look, it's late, do you want to carry this on at home?" she asked me.
"Definitely," I said. "I'd love to."

* * *

I gave her a few minutes to get her things together and waited in the car park for her. She duly arrived, unlocked the car and drove us to her home. She lived just out of town, in an average sized house but neither of us were interested in things like that now. We both knew what was in the forefront of each others minds and she took a minute to dump her belongings, lock the door before she beckoned me upstairs into her bedroom.
She slipped out of her shoes, lay back on the bed and before she could say 'worship my feet', I'd got to my knees and began to lick her toes again, as before.
I caressed her soles, and presently lifted her feet above my head so I could enjoy them some more. I licked and sucked her soles until I could sense I had covered her with my saliva.
Yet the taste of her feet was continuing to drive me wild. Only when I moved her feet back below my eye level did I notice that she'd manoeuvred herself out of her skirt and was gently masturbating herself. Seeing her do this was an immense turn on and I could feel the urge myself to grab my dick but that would wait.
I had to suck those lovely toes first. Just the thought of it made my dick climb some more, and I loosened my trousers, allowing them to fall a little. I took hold of her left foot, leaving her right on the bed.
I was living out a fantasy I'd had for years, and I will never forget the moment when I began to suck her toes. I started with her big toe, slowly licking and sucking gently. She let out a moan of pleasure as I moved from each toe to the next , loving the feeling of having her toes in my mouth.
Then I took hold of her other foot, placed it on top of her left foot, and sucked harder on each toe as I went, alternating feet.
I could see her touching herself more and more as I went on.
As I began to lick in between her toes she let out a louder moan. I carried on licking between her toes, then sucking her toes once again as she carried on touching herself.
I was in paradise, worshipping her feet in this way and by now I was fully erect. I could only imagine how wet she'd made herself during all this, but she carried on touching herself, and I carried on sucking and licking both feet, until I guided one foot towards my dick whilst sucking harder on the other.
Her toes danced up my erect cock and I found myself moaning my approval. She moved her foot up and down my shaft, making me feel like I was about to explode.
She stopped touching herself now, sat up, and beckoned me closer to her. I moved over, and she placed both hands on my dick, then took my full length in her mouth, licking all round my prick whilst rubbing up and down with her hands.
When she came back up I took her feet in my hands, and began to massage her soles gently, one in each hand. At the same time, I leant down and began to return the oral favour.
I licked and sucked her pussy for around the same time as she had sucked my cock before she pulled me back, took hold of my dick again and motioned me to fuck her. She was clearly very turned on, so I entered her gently and began to thrust forcefully but rhythmically and as she got more and more excited, I took hold of her foot again and began to suck her toes.
This was too much for her, and as I thrust faster and faster, so I sucked and licked harder and harder until she groaned with satisfaction.
I carried on sucking her toes until I felt myself on the cusp of an almighty orgasm.
I pulled out of her, knelt back down on the bed, and guided her other foot back towards my dick. I carried on sucking and licking her toes whilst rubbing my cock with her other foot.
I switched feet, and with one of them in my mouth and the other on my dick I knew I was going to explode like I'd never done before.
As the moment arrived, I moved both of her feet to either side of my dick, and worked them up and down. She was watching all the while.
"Oh yes," she sighed, "come on my feet."
I smiled, knowing that's exactly what was going to happen, and finally I could hold back no longer.
Holding both of her feet just below my dick with my left hand, I brought myself to orgasm with my right, and as both of us let out a moan of delight, I exploded and showered her toes and feet with my cum.
She loved it and I realised how I'd never come like that in my life.
I may never do again...
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