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S. P. Bayles
S. P. Bayles
I have a foot fetish. I write erotica. The two often combine but not always. I hope my stories excite you when reading as much as they excite me when writing and dreaming up new ideas.
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S. P. Bayles


Hi there. This post explains a bit more about me, the content I create and what you can expect if you do or don't subscribe.

I have a foot fetish and I write erotica, the majority of it centred around women's feet - worshipping them, getting footjobs from them and a whole lot more. More accurately, it's probably foot fetish smut, or as I like to think, extended scripts fleshing out crazy fantasies that might one day make it into porn flicks. 

I've received some great feedback on my work, which has been really helpful but my pieces are generally quite short, quite concise, and get to the action reasonably promptly even though I've written some long-form stuff too. There should be something for everybody as 
I've written and am working on other stories that have nothing to do with feet.

As I've posted a lot of my work elsewhere on the web already (Amazon, Literotica, Reddit etc.) it wouldn't be fair to charge for that, so I'm going to be reposting a lot of that as public posts but anything new (aside from a bit of a free 'teaser') will only be available to subscribers.

That way, you should be able to get a feel for my content without having to pay for it and if you want more, then you can subscribe.

Happy reading!


  • Exclusive stories you won't find anywhere else online
  • First part of each story released for free - like what you see, then subscribe for more!
S. P. Bayles
Public post

Bringing A Junior Colleague To Heel

Sabrina twirled her pen in one hand and gazed absent-mindedly out of the window. These meetings got so dull, so quickly, she thought, particularly those held on a Friday afternoon. Nobody wants to be here. She suppressed a yawn, and took a long sip of her coffee, hoping it would give her a jolt of energy.
Wearing a pair of bright orange high-heeled slingbacks, she pushed her toes right to the bottom of her shoes, lifting her heels as she did so. There was a barely audible 'click' as her heels moved away from the cushioned soles of her expensive shoes.
With the toe of her left shoe, she rubbed the exposed heel of her right foot, before repeating with the other foot. It tickled slightly. As she then moved her feet together so she could rub her bare heels against one another, she started to swing slowly from side to side on her chair.
That's when she noticed that the eyes of the man next to her weren't fixed on the screen on which an executive was explaining a new policy. He was looking down, furtively - or at least trying to be furtive - watching this little foot tease.
I'll give him a foot tease, Sabrina mused. Angling her legs and feet a little closer towards him, she lifted her left foot and started playfully stroking her right calf with her stiletto heel, before continuing down until she was softly stroking her heel and sole with its point.
She heard a shuffling from the seat beside her. She knew he'd carried on looking at her feet. Was he shuffling because he was getting aroused? Or just to try to avert his gaze and look at something else lest it became too obvious?
As the meeting ended, she fished out a business card and quickly scribbled on it "Finance Dept. Manager's Office. 4.30" before handing it to her new admirer and moving quickly out of the room.
Sabrina had told him to come by at that time because she knew nobody else would be about. She allowed her finance team an early finish on Friday, aware that nothing of importance gets done in the back end of the week. She usually hung on for an hour or so to handle any incoming queries and tidy up any paperwork.
Knock, knock.
"Come in."
The door opened. It was him. The same guy who'd been ogling her feet earlier. His shaggy black hair bounced around his head as he leaned around.
"Come in," she said, leaning back on one side of her chair and throwing her long legs over the end of the armrest on the other side.
Leaning back, she held one leg up straight, waggling her foot in a circular motion. "Caught you looking at these earlier," she told him.
He smiled uncomfortably. "Suppose so," he mumbled. "Not much else to look at, was there?"
She smiled back. "I notice these things," she added. "So, you like feet, huh?"
Sabrina wasn't getting much out of him but pressed on regardless. She was, after all, part of the senior management team so was used to people being cautious and reserved with her.
"So, would you say you have a foot fetish?"
Perfect, she thought. "Good," she purred, smiling wickedly.
Sabrina did not fit the stereotype of a boring, stuffy accountant with nothing but a head for figures. Far from it, in fact. She was sexually adventurous and up for trying pretty much anything. Just two nights ago she'd tried anal sex with her husband, Nigel, for the first time - and absolutely loved it.
Earlier in the month, she'd hooked up with an ex-colleague to enjoy her first lesbian experience while on a business away-day. That had been great fun, too - exhausting, as the orgasms kept coming - but fun.
Although married, both Sabrina and Nigel had high sex drives and had agreed that they could each indulge themselves with others, particularly as both often worked away from home. The deal was that they were open about who they were seeing, and penetrative sex was reserved for their own sexy time.
She had always been amused by how she could gain the attention of men by suggestively wiggling her feet or showing off a bit of heel, maybe even some sole, while wearing a sexy pair of shoes.
She enjoyed it when her husband Nigel sucked her toes while she lay on her back being pounded by his big dick, usually while he squeezed her tits at the same time. Not that her colleague was getting anywhere near her toes today, though.
"Okay, young man. I've got a challenge for you." She smiled at the twentysomething who stood before her, nervously clasping and unclasping his hands. Let's see how much of a foot fetish he really has, she thought.
"I'm going to sit here," she said, pointing at her luxury office chair. "Do whatever you want to get yourself off...but I'm not taking off my shoes!"
"Okay," he said. Challenge accepted.
She hadn't even asked her colleague's name but that suited Sabrina. She didn't need to get too emotionally involved. As he positioned himself at her feet, she closed her eyes, murmuring her approval as he ran his fingers down her calves, jamming one under each of her soles.
"Are you sure nobody will come in?"
"Pretty sure. Everyone in the department's gone home. If they do, just scrabble around by my computer, and pretend you're fixing something if anyone sees you. Please just relax." Sabrina smiled at him, doing her best to reassure him that nothing bad was going to come of this liaison.
He looked up at her as she flicked her long strawberry blonde hair back with one hand. "Okay," he murmured, taking hold of her feet again.
Sabrina could sense he wasn't quite sure of his next move. "Do you want me to sit in a different way?" she asked.
"No, this is fine," he replied, having worked out an angle at which he could park himself and reach up with his head to get close enough to her heels to lick them. As he did so, Sabrina shuddered.
"I like that," she told him, in her most reassuring voice. She was half-lying. It was alright, but on its own it wasn't doing that much for her. While she loved the feeling of having someone at her feet, worshipping the only part of her body she was allowing him access to, it wasn't yet turning her on.
"Yes," she continued. "Keep licking my silky-smooth heels." She loved to talk dirty and could think of nothing worse than quiet or silent sex. Her colleague had his mouth wrapped around the back of her foot, so it was down to her to keep talking.
"Suck on that heel!" She'd noticed the young man was fiddling with his zip and liberating his cock from his trousers. "Yes! Get your cock out! Do my feet make you hard?"
He nodded, eyes closed as he stroked his dick with one hand and sucked her heel, just as she'd ordered.
Sabrina giggled. She'd just copped a glance at what he was holding: barely three inches of pasty white erect cock. "Oh dear," she cooed. "You weren't blessed in that department, were you?"
There was no reply. He just kept on licking and massaging her heels. I wonder what it's like being fucked by a dick that small, she thought. She wasn't interested in finding out though, but it made her feel thankful for the enjoyment her husband's big prick gave her on a regular basis.
She reached for her phone, opening a gallery of raunchy photos that she had taken of Nigel's dick. There it was, that most magnificent fucksword - long, thick, and smooth. How she longed for it to be inside her right now!
Just the sight of it had her tingling and she reached down with one hand to finger herself, allowing herself a few minutes to fantasise about what Nigel would do to her when they next got down to business.
"Hey! Come here!" Flustered, he stood up and ambled over to her, trousers by his knees with his little cock poking out at her. She turned the phone so he could see the picture. "That's the sort of dick I get on a regular basis."
As she spoke, she started rubbing his cock rhythmically. "But as this is all I have now, it'll have to do," she sighed. "Do you like how that feels, my hand working your dick?" She smiled again as he nodded his approval.
She continued her near-constant stream of commentary, speaking slowly, carefully enunciating each word, as he returned his tongue to her heel and carried on licking while she wanked. "Only men with big dicks get to suck my toes. Bet you wish you could suck them, don't you? Bet you're fantasising about how good my feet would taste, huh?"
She remembered she'd taken a picture of her feet following a recent pedicure. They showed off her shapely toes, freshly painted with bright red nail polish. She held her phone close to his face so he could see. "But you can't have them. My heels and a hand job are all you get, young man!"
Sabrina was getting bored of rubbing his dick but was also pretty sure he would come before too long in any case. "I think you can fuck my heels now. Your little dick should fit beautifully between my heels and my shoes."
She stood up, leaned forward over her desk, and lifted one leg, extending it out to her right and balancing it on the corner of her desk, stretching her pussy and allowing her colleague plenty of room to kneel behind her. "Jam your cock in there," she purred. "That's it," she exclaimed as she felt his dick settling underneath her heel, placing a couple of fingers inside her pussy.
"Now, you are going to come for me, aren't you?" It seemed as if to him, that meant he had to come right at that moment as without warning, he started thrusting backwards and forwards. "Oh! Yeah, fuck my heels. Fuck 'em good!" she squealed.
She could feel the tip of his cock touching the sole of her foot. It was a pleasant sensation, one heightened as she continued to masturbate while looking flicking through the pictures and occasional video of her husband's dick on her phone.
This was something new - remote cuckolding perhaps, she thought. But how good would it to be to have somebody else worship her feet while her husband boned her senseless? I wonder if this chap would be up for that. The thought of it was turning her on more and more as her colleague's dick continued to rub against her foot.
Before long, the tell-tale sign that he was about to blow his load arrived; Sabrina felt his grip on her calves tighten and he could hear his breathing quicken. "Ooh," she groaned, "Spunk for me!" He'd taken his humiliation rather well, she thought. She was impressed that he'd carried on performing despite her comments about his limited assets and really was enjoying her feet.
"Yeah, is it coming? You ready?"
"Yes," he gasped, and with another few thrusts, he was done. Sabrina felt his grip loosen and his dick disappear from underneath her heel, replaced by warm, sticky cum. Flinching as it touched the bottom of her foot, she put her phone down and pulled her knickers up.
"Very good," she said. "Mission accomplished. I'm impressed. I knew you liked feet, but I wasn't sure you liked them that much."
"Well, thanks," he offered. "I guess I'd best be going."
Sabrina handed him a tissue with which to tidy himself up before sending him on his way. "See you," she added as he went to open the door. As he turned back to reciprocate, she drew her cum-glazed foot out of her shoe and extended it over her desk, pointing her foot at him and wiggling her toes suggestively.
One last little tease to say goodbye.
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S. P. Bayles
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A Gamble Pays Off

Henry had never lost a moment's sleep about leaving his previous job. Somebody had accessed data they should not have done, and somebody had passed that data onto competitors - but it was not him.
Company boss Annabel suspected he was the culprit but had no evidence to back it up. Henry knew - even though she never explicitly said anything - she thought it was him. After that he realised he no longer wanted to work for a boss who did not trust him. He could not be bothered; as a good accountant with three years' experience since completing his training, he knew he would be able to find work elsewhere.
So, a matter of days after the issue surfaced, he submitted his resignation. Annabel accepted it without questioning. She did not want the spectre of Henry suing for constructive dismissal while he knew that she was powerless. Without evidence of wrongdoing, she could neither stand in his way nor mention anything in a reference.
Henry worked through his notice and left. Within weeks he had secured a job at a bigger firm in the city. And he thought no more about Annabel or the data leak until an email dropped into his inbox almost four years later.
As soon as Annabel's IT manager told her that they knew who had leaked the data she felt terrible. Initially, she expected them to confirm her suspicions, but her mood quickly changed when she did not hear Henry's name. It was Adam, a man whom she had continued to employ for another three years and 10 months.
Once the formalities of working out what to do with her actual rogue employee were completed, she knew what she had to do next. Adam and Henry had been close; she guessed they still were. She could see they were connected on LinkedIn and therefore might still be in regular contact. Henry would surely find out the truth sooner or later.
She sighed, leaning back in her chair as she wrote, flicking back her medium-length blond hair with her right hand. She always kept her emails as brief and to the point as possible. This one was no exception.
Emailing to say that we now know who was responsible for the data leak.
They have now left the company and I felt it appropriate to let you know.
Wishing you well,
She clicked send and packed up her things, ready to leave the office.
Henry only checked his personal email account once he got home so it was not until the evening that he picked up Annabel's message. He mulled over how to respond. He could just brush it off and let it pass but then he remembered how uncomfortable Annabel had made him feel. And why would she email unless she was in some way feeling guilty for what she had done?
Thank you for your email.
I'm pleased you have established the truth.
You must be aware that during that period I had a very strong sense that you felt I was responsible for the data leak.
I enjoyed working with you and was very disappointed to leave as the situation left me very upset and uncomfortable.
I hope we can both put this behind us.
He did not really expect a response. He remembered how Annabel was not one to engage in small talk or pointless email exchanges. She was results-oriented and driven.
But he had actually fancied her. A lot. She had great legs and sexy feet. She was in her 40s, Henry in his late 20s but he had often fantasised about getting her shoes off and sucking her toes.
Annabel pondered Henry's reply. She felt awful. She also feared that he might not see this as sufficient closure.
Sorry to hear this. I apologise if you felt that way.
If there is anything I can do to make things right, please do let me know.
A non-apology apology and a tentative olive branch. "He'll probably refuse any help and then we're done," she thought to herself. When her phone pinged again 10 minutes later, she was shocked by what she saw.
"Actually, there is something you can do. Put your toes in my mouth and let me spunk all over your feet."
Henry had sent it fully anticipating either no response at all or a quick rejection. He was not too bothered. After all, he had nothing to lose - if Annabel leaked their conversation, she had all but admitted her own guilt, hadn't she?
She tapped out her reply. "Right. Sounds like fun. I like a man with a foot fetish. Let's get this organised. Text me."
Annabel was lying. She had never been with a man who had openly talked about a foot fetish before. She might have had her toes sucked once or twice but she had certainly never felt cum on her feet.
"Best book a pedicure," she thought to herself and set a reminder in her phone to do so in the morning.
Annabel left the door to her hotel room unlocked and headed over to the bed. She slipped off her shoes, and sitting on the edge of the bed, leaned back, lying flat with her legs crossed, the big toe of her left foot just touching the floor.
Henry closed the door behind him and immediately went into the ensuite bathroom where he removed his clothes. Annabel waited, not breathing a word - just as he had demanded. Henry took a deep breath and crawled on all fours towards Annabel's feet. He could see the pink nail polish on her toes, and he reached out to touch the top of her right foot.
He gently stroked from top to bottom, pressing one hand against her sole. "How does she keep them so soft?" he thought to himself. He hauled himself forwards, so he was facing her head-on and resting on his elbows, he started to kiss her feet.
Starting slowly, to not surprise or shock Annabel - after all, he had no idea whether she was used to this or not - he gradually increased the speed and intensity of his mouth movements, pressing his mouth against her toes, then her ankles, her heels and soles, all the while breathing in with his nose and rubbing her feet with his hands.
Annabel had not really known what to expect. She had been initially sceptical about Henry's request to do away with any small talk and just let him walk in and get down to business.
After setting up their meeting she had done her research. She always did. It is what made her a good businesswoman. She knew the kinds of things that foot fetishists enjoyed and had an idea of what to expect. She had done everything she could to make her legs and feet as attractive as possible and judging by the sounds Henry was making as he kissed her feet, she realised she had done as much as she can.
But as Henry switched from kissing to licking, using his tongue, first lightly, as if to tease Annabel a little and then more firmly, she felt something different. Things went from being pleasant to downright pleasurable and the more Henry licked, the more excited she felt.
Reaching down with one hand, she began to lightly rub her crotch, letting out small sighs as she did so. Henry could not hear her. He was too busy licking her feet for all he was worth, stroking his cock as he did so.
Annabel wondered what would come next and smiled as Henry took one foot in front of him, placing the other on his cock. She smiled and gently prodded at his hard member with her toes. Henry was by now covering her sole with French kisses, as if he were trying to bury his tongue inside her foot.
Drawing her toes up so they were level with his eyes, he jammed his tongue in between two of them and gently licked. Annabel let out a huge, very audible, sigh of delight. He might not want her to talk to him, but he had not said anything about sighing or groaning, had he?
This was turning Annabel on way more than she thought it would and as Henry sucked on her toes - one by one - she could not hold back. As he sucked, with one hand she massaged her clitoris, with the other she worked a finger in and out of her pussy, letting out small groans as she did so.
Henry could see exactly what was going on and it excited him. Annabel seemed to love having her toes sucked and he was happy to spend ample time, making sure each toe got plenty of attention. He rubbed his dick with her other foot, from time to time switching foot.
Annabel was really getting into this now. She had forgotten all about what her other foot was doing and was letting Henry grasp it alongside his cock. Then he stopped.
He decided to break his own rule. "Are you going to come, Annabel?" he whispered.
"I will...just keep sucking my toes," she gasped.
Henry felt like he could happily keep sucking them all night. Annabel threw back her head and returned to fingering herself as he clasped her feet in his hands and danced from toe to toe with his mouth, sucking - sometimes hard, sometimes gently. He had stopped working his dick now and was focused solely on Annabel's pleasure.
Sensing that she was closing in on climax, he took both her feet and stabbed both of her big toes in his mouth, sucking hard and then manically working the gaps between each toe with his tongue.
"Oh yes," exclaimed Annabel as this pushed her nearer and nearer to orgasm. "Don't stop. Don't stop," she urged as she flicked her clitoris as fast as she could. With one final thrust of her fingers inside herself, she was done. "Oh!" she screamed as she climaxed, her body shaking so hard that her feet dropped out of Henry's mouth.
She whimpered a little as she lay still, her hands placed over her private parts.
"Shit. That was unexpected," she said, her voice breaking following her exertions.
"Just a bit," replied Henry, who had taken hold of her feet again and was rubbing them against his cock.
"Still want to spunk all over my feet?" she asked.
"Of course." Henry did not think it would take him very long. He had thoroughly enjoyed helping Annabel to bring herself off and with her pretty feet next to his cock, he stroked firmly and quickly until he was close to the point of no return.
She knew exactly what was going on; she could feel his breathing increase and his movement step up. Part of her wanted to help him finish, either by telling him what to do or by bringing him off with her toes, but she resisted the temptation. He was supposed to be in charge, after all.
"Okay. I'm coming," Henry announced, and almost as soon as he had done so, Annabel felt the unmistakable drizzle of warm cum all over the top of her feet. It was his turn to let out a loud sigh.
"Thanks," he said. "That was more fun than I thought it would be," turning to grab some tissues to let Annabel wipe herself clean.
"You're welcome," she replied.
A lengthy silence followed as both caught their breath, unsure exactly what would come next. It was Annabel who piped up first.
"Are we even now?"
Henry was not sure they were completely even, but he was not going to get into a debate. He would happily accept this over any formal apology.
He smiled at Annabel. "I guess we are."
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S. P. Bayles
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Your car or mine?

Tick-tock, tick-tock. I could hear the familiar sound of a car's hazard warning lights flashing behind me as I returned to my car having paid for my petrol. That's strange, I thought.
"Eh, excuse me," a female voice cried out from inside the car. I turned and as I approached the passenger door, I could hear the electric window whirring as the occupant opened it.
I peered in and smiling up at me was a young woman, perhaps in her 20s, certainly no more than 30 with mid-length brown hair. I couldn't discern much else in the late-evening darkness. She spoke with a heavy northern accent.
"How do you turn these off?" she asked, referring to the flashing lights. She'd not connected the fact that the big red button on her dashboard - also flashing - was the culprit. She must have caught it by accident.
I opened the door, shuffled inside and pressed the button. At once, the lights and the ticking that goes with them turned off.
"Oh, that's what it was," she said, clearly trying to hide her embarrassment. "Thank you," she added, looking straight ahead. Then she turned towards me and snapped, "Eh, what are you looking at?"
She'd caught me. I'd been ogling her feet; not for long, but long enough for her to notice. She'd been wiggling her toes inside her leopard print flats, unwittingly - or perhaps not? - exposing a little of her soles.
"Nothing," I lied, and started to make a move towards getting out of the car.
"You were looking at my feet, weren't you?" As she spoke, she flicked off one shoe, wiggled her toes again and splayed them out.
My heart raced at the sight of her bare foot, now resting on the brake pedal. She pressed her toes into the pedal, showing off her neatly trimmed and perfectly polished toenails. The pink colour almost matched that of her car.
"Yeah, you got me," I admitted. "They are super hot, though."
She giggled. I smiled uneasily.
"Want to touch them? Lick them? Suck them? Wank your cock all over them?"
That escalated quickly. Before I could mumble a reply, she continued. "I've been with foot fetish guys before. I can spot you from a mile off!"
"Was it that obvious?" I asked.
"There's a layby half a mile down the road. Empty at this time of night. Follow me there."
I'd been driving for most of the day and was heading back to an out-of-town hotel. I had nowhere pressing to be and provided this wasn't some elaborate honey trap, this would be a much more interesting way to complete my day.
I nodded and made my way back to my car. As I unlocked the door, sat down and turned the ignition key, I wondered whether I would be better off simply following her for a bit and then just driving on.
What was motivating her? Was she working with an accomplice waiting in the layby ready to steal my wallet, my phone, or worse, harm me in some way? Is it even possible to accidentally switch on your hazard warning lights and not notice the big red flashing button?
With the image of her pretty feet in my mind, I was able to overlook the pitfalls. Perhaps she's doing this for a bet? Maybe she genuinely gets off on feet sex with strangers in the dark? Is she secretly filming the whole thing as part of a new internet craze?
She drove off, failing to indicate as she headed out of the petrol station. Perhaps she is just a terrible driver, I thought to myself, and she could therefore have turned her warning lights on by mistake.
I followed her as she manoeuvred her vehicle down a few side roads until she slowed and pulled into a layby barely big enough to accommodate our cars. Okay, I thought, there can't be anyone else here.
I got out and walked over to her. "Your place or mine?" I joked.
"Your car is bigger. I'll come to you," she replied.
"What is this about?" I asked as we headed back to my estate car.
"What do you mean?"
"Just wondering why you're seemingly keen for random foot fun at this time of night?"
"I'm away from home with work. I'm bored. Don't think too much about it."
"Same," I replied.
She glided elegantly into the back seat before swivelling so her back was against the door. Drawing her knees up towards her chest, she carefully removed her shoes and placed them in the footwell.
"I guess I just like having my feet pampered," she said.
I took hold of her feet, running my hands all over them, marvelling at how soft and smooth they were. It was cramped inside my car, so I was both close to her feet and her face. I could feel her sharp intakes of breath and hear tiny groans as I caressed her feet
"And I love worshipping pretty feet," I blurted out.
She frowned a little. "Are my feet pretty enough for you?"
I nodded. They certainly were. Even in the fading late summer light, I could see how beautiful this woman's feet were. Nothing was out of place. Not a hint of a chipped piece of nail polish or any stray hard skin.
I could see and feel with my hands that she had deliciously high arches and as I ran my fingers up and down the sole of one foot, she placed the other over my mouth and nose, urging me without having to say a word to lick.
If her feet felt amazing to touch with my hands, she smelled and tasted even better. As I ran my tongue up and down her sole, I couldn't think of a better way to end a gruelling day on the road. I feverishly licked and kissed the underside of her foot before moving on to her toes.
Sucking hard on a big toe, I felt her jump slightly and could see her move her hair out of her face. That's really got her going, I thought.
She lifted her other foot up towards my face. "Suck my toes," she commanded. "Suck them all!"
I wasn't sure if she meant all at the same time, but as her feet were small enough, I jammed both feet in my mouth and sucked as best I could.
It met with unexpected approval. "I fucking love having men at my feet," she told me. "There's nothing like my feet being sucked off. Are you hard? Tell me your dick is throbbing thanks to my feet."
It was. With my mouth full of her toes, I had no option but to nod. It was if me sucking her toes had flipped a switch and her mouth had all of a sudden become as filthy as her feet were sumptuous.
My cock felt like it was indeed throbbing, as if it was bursting to enjoy its turn with this woman's feet, jealous of my hands and mouth. I slipped my trousers off, revealing my upright dick, all the while still furiously sucking combinations of her toes for all I was worth.
She was off again. "Wow, my feet really are turning you on. Look at that rock-hard dick just waiting to spunk all over my sexy toes once you've finished worshipping them. Mmm, let me help you out."
Showing no little flexibility given the close confines we were in, she reached down with one hand and started slowly stroking my cock, the other gently fingering herself. Clearly, her feet were turning us both on.
"I am so turned on right now," she told me, lowering one foot away from my mouth and using it to press up against my balls while she continued to wank my dick, maintaining an unerringly constant pace.
Another car zoomed past. "Me too," I whispered, taking a short break from sucking her toes. "That feels so fucking good." If she can talk dirty, then so can I, I thought.
"I bet it feels good. Worshipping my gorgeous feet, sucking my toes, while I wank your hard cock. That beats masturbating alone in your hotel room, doesn't it?"
I laughed. "How did you know about that?"
She smiled before returning to her sex line act. "I want your fucking cum. Come hard for me. All over my feet."
"Oh yeah," I grunted. "I want that so much. Just don't stop wanking me off. And let me keep sucking your toes."
Without warning, she increased her stroking to a furious pace "Like that? Like that, yeah?" I nodded, closing my eyes as I jammed my tongue in between two of her toes, knowing that I was about to explode with pleasure.
She slid her other foot down my chest and rested it pointing downwards, the tips of her toes resting against the base of my cock. Then, still gripping my prick firmly with one hand, she placed the sole of that foot across the tip.
Pausing her stroking briefly, my whole body quivered in response to the feeling of the soft fleshy part of her foot stimulating the most sensitive part of my dick. I'd had to stop sucking her toes now as it was too much to handle.
"Come on my feet," she squealed excitedly as she went back to rapidly and forcefully wanking my cock. "Give me your spunk! Cover my feet with it..."
"I'm coming!" I yelled. "Oh, your feet are going to get some spunk, alright! Don't stop wanking my cock! Oh, God, Oh God..." I was practically screaming as her stroking my dick and rubbing it with her sole forced what felt like a never-ending stream of cum out of my throbbing member, splashing her foot and dripping down onto my chest.
I had been so wrapped up in my own orgasm that I hadn't noticed that while she'd been bringing me off, she'd started sucking her own toes.
"Eh, I'm not done with you yet," she continued. "It's my turn now. Keep sucking my toes until I come too."
I nodded again, exhausted after my own orgasm but more than happy to be able to taste her feet for a little longer. She moaned and groaned as she sucked her own toes and frigged her clit until she herself got close to coming.
As she did so, she removed her foot from her mouth and told me to take over. I gladly obliged, returning to placing both of her feet in my mouth while she plunged her fingers inside her pussy.
"Keep sucking my toes, you're going to make me come," she repeated, her body convulsing as she approached her own climax. "God, I love having men at my feet. Mmm, suck my toes, make me come...don't stop sucking, don't stop sucking..."
Then she let out a series of short, sharp screams as she brought herself off, slipping down from her position and banging into me, finally forcing her toes out of my mouth. They came to rest on my knees, and she playfully flicked my semi-erect dick with her foot.
"Fuuuck," she exhaled.
I laughed again. A moment or two of silence followed as we recovered, me slipping my trousers back on and her replacing her shoes. I could feel sticky cum all over my chest, but I didn't care.
"Right, you'd best fuck off to your hotel now," she quipped.
"This is my car," I reminded her.
"Oh yeah," she smiled and opened the door.
"Goodbye then," I called out after her as she shuffled off into the darkness.
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S. P. Bayles
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A fun bus ride home

+++ This is another one I wrote some years ago and have refined a little since. +++
It had been a long day at work. As usual, I was waiting for the last bus home, in the dark and virtually alone at the bus station. It wasn't unusual at this time of night to get the bus home and only see two or three other passengers, so there was nothing special about this particular evening.
Or at least not at first.
Eventually, the bus arrived and I got on, paid my fare, sat down near the back and started to read the book I'd started in the morning. I'd been so engrossed in the book, and certainly a little tired after the day that I hadn't noticed that someone was sitting in the seat across the aisle from me.
"Long day at work?" I heard a female voice beside me ask. I composed myself, a little shocked that I hadn't noticed her, looked up and replied.
"Yeah, same as always really." I glanced across to see who this was who had joined me. Her hair was dark, shoulder length, brown eyes, smartly dressed, blouse, skirt, jacket. Attractive looking woman, I thought.
"What about you?" I asked.
"Been on my feet all day," she replied, "no-one told me the rota had changed. If only I'd known..."
I looked down at her long legs towards her feet, and spying her black, heeled shoes intervened " wouldn't have worn those?", pointing towards her feet as I did so.
"Exactly," came the curt response.
That seemed to be the end of the conversation, or at least neither of us could think of a next line, so I went back to my book, and she pulled out a magazine. But I found it hard to concentrate. She'd captivated me, and I couldn't stop glancing at her legs and feet, and thinking how much she'd appreciate a massage. And how much I'd love to give one to her.
The more I looked, the more it kept eating away at me. I desperately wanted to come out and ask her, but couldn't force myself to do so. Every so often, she'd move her legs a little; I wondered if she was doing it on purpose, to tease me.
No, she couldn't know what I was thinking. And besides, I'd only been glancing at her, I hadn't raised my head from my book. No, she didn't know, she was just trying to get comfortable.
I could see her wiggling her toes in her shoes, trying to reinvigorate her feet after what had been a hard day. I could only imagine what she was feeling, but I guessed she couldn't wait to get out of her shoes and tights when she got home. I wished I could be at home to see that...or make her take them off before then.
But how? I couldn't say anything and I couldn't very well just grab hold of her feet -- that would never work. I'd noticed that there was no-one else on the bus, and I wondered if she had. I turned to look out of the window to see where we were.
Still miles from home, plenty of time to go yet. Clunk. Clunk. What was that? I turned, and saw her moving to get out of her chair, minus a shoe. Here was my opportunity, I had to act now or it would be too late.
"Stay there," I said, "I'll get it."
She didn't say anything, but leaned back in her seat. Now I had her where I wanted. I got out of my seat, put my book down and picked up her shoe. I looked at it, the heel must have been about three or four inches in length.
"No wonder your feet hurt, walking round in these," I said a little uneasily, "I don't know how you do it."
It wasn't much of a compliment, or a chat up line but at least it bought me some time for my next move, which was to sit down on the chair opposite her, put her shoe back on the floor and slowly pick up her left foot. I brought my thumbs round to the ball of her foot and began to gently massage.
"You don't want to do that," she said, "they must really smell."
"It won't do any harm," I countered, "Besides, you might like it." I knew she'd like it. I knew I'd like it too, but she wasn't to know that.
"But what about you?" she said, feigning concern.
I just smiled, motioning her to be quiet before placing both hands back on her foot. Her foot was warm, hot even and moist with sweat. I gently worked my way up and down her foot several times, pressing harder as I went.
After a while, I took hold of her foot, placed it on my lap and took up her other foot, removing her shoe and this time starting from the top of her foot, caressing each of her toes in turn before massaging her sole and heel.
Although her feet were warm and sweaty, they were beautifully soft and I could see how well looked after they were through her tights. Her toes were well defined and looked as good as they felt.
I then took up her other foot so I was holding one in each hand. Supporting her heels with my thighs, I slowly massaged both of her feet, from toe to heel, top to bottom, again, increasing the pressure as she went.
I glanced up at her and could sense she was enjoying having a complete stranger ease the pain of a long day at work. And I was getting increasingly turned on by worshipping her feet. I could feel my cock begin to stiffen as I continued to massage her soft, sweaty, hot feet.
I'd noticed she had abandoned her magazine, and was totally absorbed in what I was doing. I wondered if she wanted me to go on, or stop, or whether she wanted me to do what I wanted to do, and take things a stage further.
I desperately wanted to lick and suck her stockinged feet. I couldn't stop myself.
As she momentarily closed her eyes, I dropped to my knees, and gently kissed the tips of her toes. I wasn't sure how she'd react, but she reacted in the best way, she kept her eyes closed, and murmured her appreciation.
"Mmmmm," she moaned, quietly, but it was music to my ears. It was my signal to go on and worship her feet like I'd wanted to all journey. I wanted her to really feel good, so I was going to take it slowly. I kissed each toe in turn, before slowly licking and kissing my way up and down the tops of her feet up to her ankles.
The taste of her sweaty feet was driving me wild by now, and I could feel my dick harden more and more the more I continued. I took both of her feet and placed them over my face, her soles covering my eyes, giving me a real noseful of her feet. lifted them a little, and began to lick her heels, slowly at first, before increasing the pace and licking them all over.
I lifted her feet a little more so I could taste her soles. They were so soft to touch, and they tasted so good. I started slowly, kissing before licking and sucking her soles all over and as my tongue reached the gap between her soles and her toes, I was overwhelmed with the feeling I was getting from worshipping her feet and I realised I was now fully erect.
I wasn't sure if she'd noticed, but I wasn't about to care. I realised that I'd been at her feet for a short while now, and guessed that she might be nearing her stop.
With that in mind, I moved straight to the tips of her toes. I let one foot drop, resting on my leg, and took hold of her other foot, and closed my mouth over her toes. With the sensation this gave me, I could feel my prick stand to attention and as I gently sucked her third, fourth and fifth toes, she began to move her other foot up and down my leg.
She had noticed my erection, and as I moved to sucking all of her toes on that foot at once she manoeuvred her other foot so she was stimulating the tip of my dick.
I didn't know if she knew quite how good she was making me feel, but as I sucked harder and harder, she wiggled her toes more and more, making me feel incredible. But then, alas, she stopped.
"Look, I'd love to carry on, but my stop's coming up. I have to go."
I felt a pang of disappointment, as I knew I could have sucked her toes all night and she could have made me come for fun with her feet, but I knew that all good, or great, things must come to an end so I reluctantly removed her foot from my mouth, and helped her put her shoes back on.
As we neared her stop, she gathered her things, turned to me and briefly rubbed my dick again, as if she thought I might come for her, but it was too late. I didn't mind though, I'd come later on whenever I remembered the episode. Many times.
As she left, she said, "Bye then, and thanks. I hope we travel again sometime soon."
She winked, and disappeared into the night. 

I never saw her again, and I'd never even known her name. But she'd given me a night I'd never forget.
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