Thanks for the tip! Every little bit helps towards making our game a possibility!
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Thanks for the tip! Every little bit helps towards making our game a possibility!
You must be interested in making this game a reality! Thank you for your generous support.
Thank you for your outstanding support, and giving us the chance to make this title as excellent as we can.
Your continued support will allow the studio to stay afloat, and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
For the true philanthropist we know you all can be!
Here what Alta has made to practice his art skill since the last artwork newsletter.
It includes rerigging Ruth2 and a study of size differences.
Did a little pose to get experience working with the hands, then notice some problems with the figure he was using so importing a rigged Ruth 2 into blender textured her, He then did the pose with Ruth 2 that was giving the old figure a problem, still not perfect but was able to hide the problem areas from the camera. Finally he create a hand pose to take the place of holding the phone in a selfie.